960 resultados para Chinese Communist Party


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La intención de nuestro trabajo es recuperar la experiencia impulsada por el Partido Comunista (PC) a partir de su creación y hasta la irrupción del peronismo en la organización del movimiento obrero en los sitios de producción. Durante años la creencia extendida en la historiografía asociaba la militancia en los espacios de base con el modelo sindical peronista y la instalación de las comisiones internas. Recientes investigaciones demostraron el extenso entramado organizacional de base generado por el proletariado fabril en las décadas anteriores a 1943. En dicho proceso coadyuvaron las corrientes de izquierda y en particular el PC que enarboló una política específica para su inserción en las fábricas y empresas. Los ejes que guían nuestra pesquisa son variados: las formas que adquirió esta militancia de base, el impacto de las líneas estratégicas partidarias, entre otros.


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El presente proyecto de investigación analiza la relación entre sociedad y política en la Argentina entre 1955 y 1976. Se trata de un período signado por una aguda crisis socio-política, una profunda pérdida de legitimidad de las instituciones y el Estado y en que la acelerada modernización socio-cultural posterior a 1955 se combinó rápidamente con una tendencia a la radicalización política. Uno de los primeros efectos de este proceso fue la recomposición de la izquierda. Del seno de sus partidos "tradicionales" (el Partido Comunista y Socialista) surgieron diversas formaciones de la "nueva izquierda", mientras que rupturas y transformaciones similares se verificaban en sectores nacionalistas, peronistas y cristianos. Estos nuevos actores sociales y políticos solieron orientarse hacia objetivos que proclamaron la "liberación nacional" y el "socialismo" y hacia estrategias revolucionarias. Nuestro trabajo se interesa centralmente en reconstruir los orígenes de las nuevas prácticas y organizaciones surgidas por entonces así como las formas de articulación entre demandas sociales y propuestas políticas, y entre elencos dirigentes y sectores populares. A su vez, examina una multiplicidad de "casos" que formaron parte de este social y políticamente variado campo, sin subsumirlo exclusivamente al accionar de las organizaciones armadas.


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Aquí se analiza una de las estrategias de integración política del Partido Comunista Argentino hacia las obreras de la industria textil: la de la organización de las mujeres. Para analizar las relaciones de género dentro de la clase obrera se desarrolló una metodología específica que consiste en examinar las relaciones intra e intersexo-género/clase. Como resultado de esta investigación se advirtió que esta política implementada por el comunismo influyó en el aumento de la militancia femenina en la Unión Obrera Textil durante la década del treinta y la primera mitad de los cuarenta


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La intención de nuestro trabajo es recuperar la experiencia impulsada por el Partido Comunista (PC) a partir de su creación y hasta la irrupción del peronismo en la organización del movimiento obrero en los sitios de producción. Durante años la creencia extendida en la historiografía asociaba la militancia en los espacios de base con el modelo sindical peronista y la instalación de las comisiones internas. Recientes investigaciones demostraron el extenso entramado organizacional de base generado por el proletariado fabril en las décadas anteriores a 1943. En dicho proceso coadyuvaron las corrientes de izquierda y en particular el PC que enarboló una política específica para su inserción en las fábricas y empresas. Los ejes que guían nuestra pesquisa son variados: las formas que adquirió esta militancia de base, el impacto de las líneas estratégicas partidarias, entre otros.


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El presente proyecto de investigación analiza la relación entre sociedad y política en la Argentina entre 1955 y 1976. Se trata de un período signado por una aguda crisis socio-política, una profunda pérdida de legitimidad de las instituciones y el Estado y en que la acelerada modernización socio-cultural posterior a 1955 se combinó rápidamente con una tendencia a la radicalización política. Uno de los primeros efectos de este proceso fue la recomposición de la izquierda. Del seno de sus partidos "tradicionales" (el Partido Comunista y Socialista) surgieron diversas formaciones de la "nueva izquierda", mientras que rupturas y transformaciones similares se verificaban en sectores nacionalistas, peronistas y cristianos. Estos nuevos actores sociales y políticos solieron orientarse hacia objetivos que proclamaron la "liberación nacional" y el "socialismo" y hacia estrategias revolucionarias. Nuestro trabajo se interesa centralmente en reconstruir los orígenes de las nuevas prácticas y organizaciones surgidas por entonces así como las formas de articulación entre demandas sociales y propuestas políticas, y entre elencos dirigentes y sectores populares. A su vez, examina una multiplicidad de "casos" que formaron parte de este social y políticamente variado campo, sin subsumirlo exclusivamente al accionar de las organizaciones armadas.


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One of the most important spaces into which Althusserianism diffused in Argentina was Zaratismo, a political tendency that spread from the Communist Party to an armed organization called the Argentinian Liberation Forces. In this work we propose an analysis of this experience that emphasizes the relations between the characteristic elements of Althusserianism - the epistemological break in Marx's work, theoretical practice, and the concept of economic and social formation - and those of the development of an armed strategy for Argentina, including critiques of theoreticism and opportunism, an adaptation of the theory of war to the national situation, and a correct conjunction of theoretical concepts with concrete realitie


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Dans les années 1930, les femmes membres du Parti communiste espagnol (PCE) collaborent avec des représentantes du féminisme et réclament une égalité pour les femmes sans pour autant se déclarer féministes. Pendant la guerre civile, elles ne remettent pas en question l’attribution de tâches maternelles aux femmes, mais elles revendiquent une participation politique dans les mêmes conditions que les hommes. Au cours des années 1970 cependant, la culture politique communiste traditionnelle, qui repose sur une relation de genre inégale, est remplacée par une nouvelle culture, dans laquelle socialisme et égalité vont de pair. Pendant la transition démocratique, les militantes se considèrent comme féministes et demandent que les fondements théoriques du féminisme soient assumés par le Parti.


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2002 elections: On 31 March 2002, parliamentary elections were held in Ukraine. As expected, they were a major success for the centrist-rightist coalition focused around former Prime Minister Viktor Yuschenko. The communists emerged significantly weaker from the vote, and the "party of power" achieved a poor result. Yet, due to the mixed electoral law (half of the deputies were elected in single-mandate districts), the latter block, firmly supported by President Leonid Kuchma, resulted as the main force in Parliament. The results of particular parties and blocks were as follows: Viktor Yuschenko's Block received 23.57% of votes and 112 seats, the Communist Party of Ukraine - 19.98% of votes and 66 seats, the "For One Ukraine" block - 11.77% of votes and 101 seats, Yulia Tymoshenko's Block - 7.26% of votes and 22 seats, the Socialist Party of Ukraine - 6.87% of votes and 22 seats, and the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united) - 6.27% of votes and 24 seats. This shows how the mixed electoral regulations favour "For One Ukraine" and act against Yuschenko's block. One should note, however, that the latter gained the support of less than one quarter of voters. After the election: The dominant force in Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada, elected in March 2002, are the deputies of "One Ukraine", a fraction of the pro-presidential centre. "One Ukraine" has refused to admit any of the opposition's representatives (either from the right or left wings) into the parliament's presidium, but has accepted opposition-appointed heads of many parliamentary commissions. Viktor Yuschenko's "Our Ukraine", which has been the largest parliamentary fraction since June, attempted to proclaim itself the centre of the parliamentary majority, but its policy was awkward and inconsistent, and the main success of this club was that it didn't break up. Viktor Yuschenko's moves have been particularly incoherent and they undermined the image of Yuschenko as Ukraine's future leader, created throughout the course of the electoral campaign. In autumn, the main oligarchic groups and their representative fractions ("One Ukraine", which proved to be a useless instrument, was dissolved in June), reached a compromise with the president. It was agreed that the new prime minister should be a Donetsk clan representative (Viktor Yanukovych), and that the Dnipropetrovsk clan should appoint the president of the National Bank of Ukraine (this position went to Serhij Tihipko). The Kyiv clan obtained the President's Administration (Viktor Medvedchuk was appointed in spring) and a considerable number of parliamentary commissions. The president's interests in the government are to be protected by Mykola Azarov, former Head of the State Tax Administration. This compromise "package" was designed to secure the shares of the main oligarchic clans in the power and the president's strong position as mediator.


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From the Introduction. There have been several significant changes on Moldova’s domestic political scene in the wake of the November 2014 parliamentary elections there. Negotiations lasted nearly two months and resulted in the formation of a minority coalition composed of two groupings: the Liberal-Democratic Party (PLDM) and the Democratic Party (PDM). New coalition received unofficial support from the Communist Party (PCRM), which had previously been considered an opposition party. Contrary to their initial announcements, PDLM and PDM did not admit the Liberal Party led by Mihai Ghimpu to power. Moreover, they blocked the nomination for prime minister of the incumbent, Iurie Leancă. Leancă has been perceived by many as an honest politician and a guarantor of reforms. This situation resulted in the political model present in Moldova since 2009 being preserved. In this model the state’s institutions are subordinated to two main oligarch politicians: Vlad Filat (the leader of PLDM) and Vlad Plahotniuc (a billionaire who de facto controls PDM).


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There have been several significant changes on Moldova’s domestic political scene in the wake of the November 2014 parliamentary elections there. Negotiations lasted nearly two months and resulted in the formation of a minority coalition composed of two groupings: the Liberal-Democratic Party (PLDM) and the Democratic Party (PDM). New coalition received unofficial support from the Communist Party (PCRM), which had previously been considered an opposition party. Contrary to their initial announcements, PDLM and PDM did not admit the Liberal Party led by Mihai Ghimpu to power. Moreover, they blocked the nomination for prime minister of the incumbent, Iurie Leancă. Leancă has been perceived by many as an honest politician and a guarantor of reforms. This situation resulted in the political model present in Moldova since 2009 being preserved. In this model the state’s institutions are subordinated to two main oligarch politicians: Vlad Filat (the leader of PLDM) and Vlad Plahotniuc (a billionaire who de facto controls PDM).


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Never before has any change of leadership in China drawn this much international attention. The composition of the new party and state leadership in China is the result of many years of probing and negotiating within the top levels of the Communist Party. New priorities and leadership styles may cause fundamental shifts in the mechanisms of governance during the decade that China’s new leadership will be in control. Thus, the installation of a new government in China has potentially stronger long-term effects than most government turnovers in Western Democracies.


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One of the most important spaces into which Althusserianism diffused in Argentina was Zaratismo, a political tendency that spread from the Communist Party to an armed organization called the Argentinian Liberation Forces. In this work we propose an analysis of this experience that emphasizes the relations between the characteristic elements of Althusserianism - the epistemological break in Marx's work, theoretical practice, and the concept of economic and social formation - and those of the development of an armed strategy for Argentina, including critiques of theoreticism and opportunism, an adaptation of the theory of war to the national situation, and a correct conjunction of theoretical concepts with concrete realitie


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Mode of access: Internet.


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One of the most important spaces into which Althusserianism diffused in Argentina was Zaratismo, a political tendency that spread from the Communist Party to an armed organization called the Argentinian Liberation Forces. In this work we propose an analysis of this experience that emphasizes the relations between the characteristic elements of Althusserianism - the epistemological break in Marx's work, theoretical practice, and the concept of economic and social formation - and those of the development of an armed strategy for Argentina, including critiques of theoreticism and opportunism, an adaptation of the theory of war to the national situation, and a correct conjunction of theoretical concepts with concrete realitie