957 resultados para Children exposure
La maladie de Crohn (MC) pédiatrique a des conséquences majeures sur la qualité de vie des patients atteints (troubles de croissance, absentéisme scolaire, etc). L’étiologie de la MC est inconnue. La théorie de l’hygiène (TH) stipule que les conditions de vie sanitaires des pays industrialisés préviennent l’exposition antigénique et empêchent le développement de la tolérance immunitaire chez les enfants. Ceci mènerait à une réaction excessive du système immunitaire lors d’expositions subséquentes et engendrerait le développement de maladies inflammatoires chroniques telles la MC. Objectif: Analyser l’association entre la fréquence, la temporalité et le type d’infections infantiles (indicateurs d’environnements pourvus d’antigènes) et le risque de MC pédiatrique. Une étude cas-témoin fût réalisée, les cas de MC provenant d’un centre hospitalier tertiaire montréalais. Les témoins, provenant des registres de la Régie d’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ), furent appariés aux cas selon leur âge, sexe et lieu de résidence. L’exposition aux infections fût déterminée grâce aux codes de diagnostic ICD-9 inscrits dans la base de données de la RAMQ. Un modèle de régression logistique conditionnelle fût construit afin d’analyser l’association entre infections et MC. Des ratios de cotes (RC) et intervalles de confiance à 95% (IC 95%) furent calculés. Résultats: 409 cas et 1621 témoins furent recrutés. Les résultats de l’analyse suggèrent un effet protecteur des infections infantiles sur le risque de MC (RC: 0,67 [IC: 0,48-0,93], p=0,018), plus particulièrement au cours des 5 premières années de vie (RC: 0.74 [IC: 0,57-0,96], p=0,025). Les infections rénales et urinaires, ainsi que les infections des voies orales et du système nerveux central (virale), semblent particulièrement associées à l’effet protecteur. Les résultats de l’étude appuient la théorie de l’hygiène: l’exposition aux infections infantiles pourrait réduire le risque de MC pédiatrique.
Contexte: L'obésité chez les jeunes représente aujourd’hui un problème de santé publique à l’échelle mondiale. Afin d’identifier des cibles potentielles pour des stratégies populationnelles de prévention, les liens entre les caractéristiques du voisinage, l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes de vie font de plus en plus l’objet d’études. Cependant, la recherche à ce jour comporte plusieurs incohérences. But: L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’étudier la contribution de différentes caractéristiques du voisinage relativement à l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes de vie qui y sont associées. Les objectifs spécifiques consistent à: 1) Examiner les associations entre la présence de différents commerces d’alimentation dans les voisinages résidentiels et scolaires des enfants et leurs habitudes alimentaires; 2) Examiner comment l’exposition à certaines caractéristiques du voisinage résidentiel détermine l’obésité au niveau familial (chez le jeune, la mère et le père), ainsi que l’obésité individuelle pour chaque membre de la famille; 3) Identifier des combinaisons de facteurs de risque individuels, familiaux et du voisinage résidentiel qui prédisent le mieux l’obésité chez les jeunes, et déterminer si ces profils de facteurs de risque prédisent aussi un changement dans l’obésité après un suivi de deux ans. Méthodes: Les données proviennent de l’étude QUALITY, une cohorte québécoise de 630 jeunes, âgés de 8-10 ans au temps 1, avec une histoire d’obésité parentale. Les voisinages de 512 participants habitant la Région métropolitaine de Montréal ont été caractérisés à l’aide de : 1) données spatiales provenant du recensement et de bases de données administratives, calculées pour des zones tampons à partir du réseau routier et centrées sur le lieu de la résidence et de l’école; et 2) des observations menées par des évaluateurs dans le voisinage résidentiel. Les mesures du voisinage étudiées se rapportent aux caractéristiques de l’environnement bâti, social et alimentaire. L’obésité a été estimée aux temps 1 et 2 à l’aide de l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) calculé à partir du poids et de la taille mesurés. Les habitudes alimentaires ont été mesurées au temps 1 à l'aide de trois rappels alimentaires. Les analyses effectuées comprennent, entres autres, des équations d'estimation généralisées, des régressions multiniveaux et des analyses prédictives basées sur des arbres de décision. Résultats: Les résultats démontrent la présence d’associations avec l’obésité chez les jeunes et les habitudes alimentaires pour certaines caractéristiques du voisinage. En particulier, la présence de dépanneurs et de restaurants-minutes dans le voisinage résidentiel et scolaire est associée avec de moins bonnes habitudes alimentaires. La présence accrue de trafic routier, ainsi qu’un faible niveau de prestige et d’urbanisation dans le voisinage résidentiel sont associés à l’obésité familiale. Enfin, les résultats montrent qu’habiter un voisinage obésogène, caractérisé par une défavorisation socioéconomique, la présence de moins de parcs et de plus de dépanneurs, prédit l'obésité chez les jeunes lorsque combiné à la présence de facteurs de risque individuels et familiaux. Conclusion: Cette thèse contribue aux écrits sur les voisinages et l’obésité chez les jeunes en considérant à la fois l'influence potentielle du voisinage résidentiel et scolaire ainsi que l’influence de l’environnement familial, en utilisant des méthodes objectives pour caractériser le voisinage et en utilisant des méthodes statistiques novatrices. Les résultats appuient en outre la notion que les efforts de prévention de l'obésité doivent cibler les multiples facteurs de risque de l'obésité chez les jeunes dans les environnements bâtis, sociaux et familiaux de ces jeunes.
A causa de los conflictos armados, como el de Colombia, se han desplazado por la fuerza a millones de personas, entre ellas una importante parte de la población infantil. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la salud mental de los niños desplazados internos en edad preescolar en Bogotá Colombia, e identificar los determinantes de la salud mental en estos niños. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado entre 279 niños que asisten a cuatro jardines infantiles en un barrio marginal de Bogotá. La salud mental infantil se evaluó con el instrumento validado de Comportamiento Infantil (CBCL) 1,5-5 años, aplicados a padres y cuidadores. Se realizo un análisis univariado y multivariado de regresión logística para evaluar la asociación entre el desplazamiento y la salud mental de los niños y para identificar las relaciones con la salud mental en los niños desplazados. Resultados: los Niños desplazados (n = 90) se identificaron con más frecuencia sobre los puntos de corte límite para las escalas CBCL que los no desplazados (n = 189) (por ejemplo, problemas totales 46,7 vs 22,8%;p \ 0,001). La asociación entre el desplazamiento y la presencia de problemas CBCL totales se mantuvo después del ajuste por factores socio-demográficos (OR Ajustado 3.3 del 95%: 1,5; 6,9). Donde la salud mental del cuidador explica en parte la asociación. En los niños desplazados, la salud mental del cuidador (p \ 0,01) y el funcionamiento familiar (p \ 0,01) se asociaron independientemente con la salud mental de los niños. La exposición a eventos traumáticos y el apoyo social también se asociaron con la salud mental del niño, sin embargo, las asociaciones no fueron independientes. Conclusión: En este barrio marginal de Bogotá, los niños en edad preescolar registrados como desplazados internos presentan peor salud mental que los no desplazados. El funcionamiento familiar y la salud mental del cuidador fueron fuerte e independientemente asociados con la salud mental de los niños y niñas desplazados.
This study assessed visual working memory through Memonum computerized test in schoolchildren. The effects of three exposure times (1, 4 and 8 seconds) have been evaluated, and the presentation of a distractor on the mnemonic performance in the test Memonum in 72 children from a college in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, aged between 8 and 11 in grades third, fourth and fifth grade. It has been found significant difference regarding the exposure time in the variables number of hits and successes accumulated, showing a better mnemonic performance in participants who took the test during 8 seconds compared to children who took the test during 1 second; in addition, the presence of a distractor showed a significant difference regarding the strengths and successes accumulated. Such distractor is considered a stimulus generator interference that disrupts the storage capacity of working memory in children. Additionally, a significant difference was found with respect to the use of mental rehearsal strategy, indicating that participants who took the test in 4 and 8 seconds, respectively, assigned higher scores than children who took the test in 1 second. A long exposure time to stimuli during Memonum test increases the holding capacity. Also, the use of a distractor affects the storage capacity and this, at the same time, increases the school progression due to the use of mnemonic strategies that children use to ensure the memory of the numerical series
In this study we compared neurobehavioral development in Ecuadoran children living in two communities with high potential for exposure to organophosphate (OP) and carbamate pesticides to that of children living in a community with low potential for exposure. Residence in communities with high potential for exposure to OP and carbamate pesticides was associated with poorer neurobehavioral development of the child even after controlling for major determinants of delayed development. Malnourished populations may be particularly vulnerable to neurobehavioral effects of pesticide exposure.
Children with English as a second language (L2) with exposure of 18 months or less exhibit similar difficulties to children with Specific Language Impairment in tense marking, a marker of language impairment for English. This paper examines whether L2 children with longer exposure converge with their monolingual peers in the production of tense marking. 38 Turkish-English L2 children with a mean age of 7;8 and 33 monolingual age-matched controls completed the screening test of the Test of Early Grammatical Impairment (TEGI). The L2 children as a group were as accurate as the controls in the production of -ed, but performed significantly lower than the controls in the production of third person –s. Age and YoE affected the children’s performance. The highest age-expected performance on the TEGI was attested in eight and nine year-old children who had 4-6 YoE. L1 and L2 children performed better in regular compared to irregular verbs, but L2 children overregularized more than L1 children and were less sensitive to the phonological properties of verbs. The results show that tense marking and the screening test of the TEGI may be promising for differential diagnosis in eight and nine year-old L2 children with at least four YoE.
The impact that “Romanization” and the development of urban centers had on the health of the Romano-British population is little understood. A re-examination of the skeletal remains of 364 nonadults from the civitas capital at Roman Dorchester (Durnovaria) in Dorset was carried out to measure the health of the children living in this small urban area. The cemetery population was divided into two groups; the first buried their dead organized within an east–west alignment with possible Christian-style graves, and the second with more varied “pagan” graves, aligned north–south. A higher prevalence of malnutrition and trauma was evident in the children from Dorchester than in any other published Romano-British group, with levels similar to those seen in postmedieval industrial communities. Cribra orbitalia was present in 38.5% of the children, with rickets and/or scurvy at 11.2%. Twelve children displayed fractures of the ribs, with 50% of cases associated with rickets and/or scurvy, suggesting that rib fractures should be considered during the diagnosis of these conditions. The high prevalence of anemia, rickets, and scurvy in the Poundbury children, and especially the infants, indicates that this community may have adopted child-rearing practices that involved fasting the newborn, a poor quality weaning diet, and swaddling, leading to general malnutrition and inadequate exposure to sunlight. The Pagan group showed no evidence of scurvy or rib fractures, indicating difference in religious and child-rearing practices but that both burial groups were equally susceptible to rickets and anemia suggests a shared poor standard of living in this urban environment.
Background: Depression in fathers in the postnatal period is associated with an increased risk of behavioural problems in their offspring, particularly for boys. The aim of this study was to examine for differential effects of depression in fathers on children's subsequent psychological functioning via a natural experiment comparing prenatal and postnatal exposure. Methods:In a longitudinal population cohort study (the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)) we examined the associations between depression in fathers measured in the prenatal and postnatal period (measured using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale), and later behavioural/emotional and psychiatric problems in their children, assessed at ages 31/2 and 7 years. Results: Children whose fathers were depressed in both the prenatal and postnatal periods had the highest risks of subsequent psychopathology, measured by total problems at age 31/2 years (Odds Ratio 3.55; 95% confidence interval 2.07, 6.08) and psychiatric diagnosis at age 7 years (OR 2.54; 1.19, 5.41). Few differences emerged when prenatal and postnatal depression exposure were directly compared, but when compared to fathers who were not depressed, boys whose fathers had postnatal depression only had higher rates of conduct problems aged 31/2 years (OR 2.14; 1.22, 3.72) whereas sons of the prenatal group did not (OR 1.41; .75, 2.65). These associations changed little when controlling for maternal depression and other potential confounding factors. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the increased risk of later conduct problems, seen particularly in the sons of depressed fathers, maybe partly mediated through environmental means. In addition, children whose fathers are more chronically depressed appear to be at a higher risk of emotional and behavioural problems. Efforts to identify the precise mechanisms by which transmission of risk may occur should be encouraged to enable the development of focused interventions to mitigate risks for young children.
This study explores the effects of exposure to pictures of fruits and vegetables on young children's willingness to taste the foods. The parents of 20 toddlers aged 21-24 months were asked to read a picture book about four foods with their child every day for two weeks. in a subsequent 'taste test' children displayed a neophobic pattern of behaviour towards foods to which they had not been exposed, but not towards exposed foods. Furthermore, while exposure served to decrease children's willingness to taste familiar vegetables, it increased their willingness to taste unfamiliar fruits. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although the relationship between "mere exposure" and attitude enhancement is well established in the adult domain, there has been little similar work with children. This article examines whether toddlers' visual attention toward pictures of foods can be enhanced by repeated visual exposure to pictures of foods in a parent-administered picture book. We describe three studies that explored the number and nature of exposures required to elicit positive visual preferences for stimuli and the extent to which induced preferences generalize to other similar items. Results show that positive preferences for stimuli are easily and reliably induced in children and, importantly, that this effect of exposure is not restricted to the exposed stimulus per se but also applies to new representations of the exposed item. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Little is known about the relative effects of exposure to postnatal depression and parental conflict on the social functioning of school-aged children. This is, in part, because of a lack of specificity in the measurement of child and parental behaviour and a reliance on children's reports of their hypothetical responses to conflict in play. Methods In the course of a prospective longitudinal study of children of postnatally depressed and well women, 5-year-old children were videotaped at home with a friend in a naturalistic dressing-up play setting. As well as examining possible associations between the occurrence of postnatal depression and the quality of the children's interactions, we investigated the influence of parental conflict and co-operation, and the continuity of maternal depression. The quality of the current mother-child relationship was considered as a possible mediating factor. Results Exposure to postnatal depression was associated with increased likelihood, among boys, of displaying physical aggression in play with their friend. However, parental conflict mediated the effects of postnatal depression on active aggression during play, and was also associated with displays of autonomy and intense conflict. While there were no gender effects in terms of the degree or intensity of aggressive behaviours, girls were more likely to express aggression verbally using denigration and gloating whereas boys were more likely to display physical aggression via interpersonal and object struggles. Conclusions The study provided evidence for the specificity of effects, with strong links between parental and child peer conflict. These effects appear to arise from direct exposure to parental conflict, rather than indirectly, through mother-child interactions.
Background. Animal research shows that early adverse experience results in altered glucocorticoid levels in adulthood, either raised basal levels or accentuated responses to stress. If a similar phenomenon operates in humans, this suggests a biological mechanism whereby early adversity might transmit risk for major depression, glucocorticoid elevations being associated with the development of this disorder. Methods. We measured salivary cortisol at 8:00 Am and 8:00 Pm over 10 days in 13-year-old adolescents who had (n = 48) or bad not (n = 39) been exposed to postnatal maternal depression. Results: Maternal postnatal depression was associated with higher, more variable morning cortisol in offspring, a pattern previously found to predict major depression. Conclusions. Early adverse experiences might alter later steroid levels in humans. Because maternal depression confers added risk for depression to children, these alterations might provide a link between early events and later psychopathology.
This paper investigates how sequential bilingual (L2) Turkish-English children comprehend English reflexives and pronouns and tests whether they pattern similarly to monolingual (L1) children, L2 adults, or children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Thirty nine 6- to 9-year-old L2 children with an age of onset of 30-48 months and exposure to English of 30-72 months and 33 L1 age-matched control children completed the Advanced Syntactic Test of Pronominal Reference-Revised (van der Lely, 1997). The L2 children’s performance was compared to L2 adults from Demirci (2001) and children with SLI from van der Lely & Stollwerck (1997). The L2 children’s performance in the comprehension of reflexives was almost identical to their age-matched controls, and differed from L2 adults and children with SLI. In the comprehension of pronouns, L2 children showed an asymmetry between referential and quantificational NPs, a pattern attested in younger L1 children and children with SLI. Our study provides evidence that the development of comprehension of reflexives and pronouns in these children resembles monolingual L1 acquisition and not adult L2 acquisition or acquisition of children with SLI.
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for young people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has become the treatment of first choice. However, the literature is largely based on studies emphasising exposure and response prevention. In this study, we report on a randomised controlled trial of CBT for young people carried out in typical outpatient clinic conditions which focused on cognitions. A randomised controlled trial compares 10 sessions of manualised cognitive behavioural treatment with a 12-week waiting list for adolescents and children with OCD. Assessors were blind to treatment allocation. 21 consecutive patients with OCD aged between 9 and 18 years were recruited. The group who received treatment improved more than a comparison group who waited for 3 months. The second group was treated subsequently using the same protocol and made similar gains. In conclusion, CBT can be delivered effectively to young people with OCD in typical outpatient settings.
Research has established the success of taste exposure paradigms as a means of increasing children’s acceptance, and liking, of previously unfamiliar or disliked foods. Yet, parents report that they tend to avoid the stress associated with repeatedly offering their children foods that are likely to be rejected. Given that successful taste exposure programmes often enhance children’s familiarity with a food’s appearance, as well as its taste, this article reviews the potential for exposure interventions that do not require repeated tastings to bring about positive attitude changes towards healthy foods. Recent evidence from studies that expose toddlers to picture books about fruit and vegetables suggest that familiarity with the origins and appearance of unfamiliar foods might increase children’s willingness to accept these into their diets.