877 resultados para Cervical Spine
Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio descriptivo, fue evaluar la posición del hueso hioides en los diferentes patrones esqueletales de Clase I, II y III mediante el trazado cefalométrico del triángulo hioideo propuesto por Bibby y Preston, estableciendo diferencias entre cada clase esqueletal. Materiales y métodos: La muestra consistió en 161 radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales, correspondientes a individuos de ambos sexos (75 hombres y 86 mujeres), entre edades de 9 y 18 años, las mismas que fueron divididas en tres subgrupos (Clase I, clase II y clase III) de acuerdo a los ángulos ANB y APDI. Se determinó la posición anteroposterior, vertical y angular del hueso hioides mediante el trazado cefalométrico del triángulo hioideo siendo el mentón, la tercera vértebra cervical y el hueso hioides las estructuras anatómicas utilizadas para el trazado del mismo. Se obtuvieron medidas estándar para cada clase esqueletal. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la medida de H-Rgn entre clase I y II y entre clase II y III (p<0,005). El valor del ángulo del plano hioidal presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre clase I y III y entre clase II y III (p<0,005). Se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres con clase I esqueletal en la medida H-Rgn (p<0,005). Conclusiones: La posición del hueso hioides varía en los diferentes patrones esqueletales. Sin embargo, su posición en relación a la columna cervical presenta menos variabilidad que su relación con la mandíbula
Background: Cervicocephalic kinesthetic deficiencies have been demonstrated in patients with chronic neck pain (NP). On the other hand, authors emphasized the use of different motion speeds for assessing functional impairment of the cervical spine. Purpose: The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the head repositioning accuracy in NP patients and control subjects and (2) to assess the influence of target distance, motion speed, motion direction and pain. Materials and methods: Seventy-one subjects (36 healthy subjects and 35 NP patients; age 30–55 years) performed the head repositioning test (HRT) at two different speeds for horizontal and vertical movements and at two different distances. For each condition, six consecutive trials were sampled. Results: The study showed the validity and reproducibility of the HRT, confirming a dysfunctional threshold of 4.5°. Normative values of head repositioning error up to 3.6° and 7.1° were identified for healthy and NP subjects, respectively. A distance of 180 cm from the target and a natural motion speed increased HRT accuracy. Repositioning after extension movement showed a significantly larger error in both groups. Intensity, duration of pain as well as pain level did not significantly alter head repositioning error. Conclusions: The assessment of proprioceptive performance in healthy and NP subjects allowed the validation of the HRT. The HRT is a simple, not expensive and fast test, easily implementable in daily practice to assess and monitor treatment and evolution of proprioceptive cervical deficits.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia
Introducción y objetivos: Las enfermedades autoinmunes en cuidado intensivo están relacionadas con tasas de mortalidad elevadas. El propósito del presente estudio fue buscar factores asociados a mortalidad en estos pacientes. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional de casos incidentes, retrospectivo, en base a revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron a la unidad de cuidado intensivo del Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana; se recolecto un total de 68 eventos con los que se evaluó la relación de las variables estudiadas con mortalidad. Resultados: Las enfermedades autoinmunes se presentan más frecuentemente en mujeres (66%), el lupus eritematoso sistémico fue la afección reumatológica más común (36%), el promedio de edad fue de 46 años, la media de días en ventilación mecánica fue de 10 (desviación estándar 13 días), el valor del APACHE promedio fue de 19 puntos, el sistema orgánico más afectado fue el renal (58,5%) y la mortalidad global fue de 40%. Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa con cinco variables: presencia de shock al ingreso a UCI OR: 7,368 (IC95% 1,886-28,794); nivel de procalcitonina mayor a 10 OR: 5,231 (IC95% 1,724-15,869); complemento C3 consumido OR: 4,014 (IC95% 1,223-13,173); serositis en la radiografía de tórax OR: 3,771 (IC95% 1,238-11,492); recuento de plaquetas menor a 100.000 OR: 3,33 (IC95%: 1,037-10,714). Conclusión: Existen factores que pueden estar asociados con mortalidad en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes en cuidado intensivo, su detección temprana y manejo oportuno podría mejorar el pronóstico de estos pacientes.
Background: Forward head posture (FHP) is a commonly reported deviation from a neutral neck posture, usually implying a protracted head position in the sagittal plane. Habitual FHP has been associated with a higher incidence of painful neck disorders, changes in joint mobility and muscle behaviour within the cervicothoracic regions. One factor that has received attention in the literature with regards to FHP is flexibility of the neck. A number of previous studies have previously investigated the relationship between neck flexibility and neck posture under different conditions, but at present this relationship is unclear.
Background context Studies involving factor analysis (FA) of the items in the North American Spine Society (NASS) outcome assessment instrument have revealed inconsistent factor structures for the individual items. Purpose This study examined whether the factor structure of the NASS varied in relation to the severity of the back/neck problem and differed from that originally recommended by the developers of the questionnaire, by analyzing data before and after surgery in a large series of patients undergoing lumbar or cervical disc arthroplasty. Study design/setting Prospective multicenter observational case series. Patient sample Three hundred ninety-one patients with low back pain and 553 patients with neck pain completed questionnaires preoperatively and again at 3 to 6 and 12 months follow-ups (FUs), in connection with the SWISSspine disc arthroplasty registry. Outcome measures North American Spine Society outcome assessment instrument. Methods First, an exploratory FA without a priori assumptions and subsequently a confirmatory FA were performed on the 17 items of the NASS-lumbar and 19 items of the NASS-cervical collected at each assessment time point. The item-loading invariance was tested in the German version of the questionnaire for baseline and FU. Results Both NASS-lumbar and NASS-cervical factor structures differed between baseline and postoperative data sets. The confirmatory analysis and item-loading invariance showed better fit for a three-factor (3F) structure for NASS-lumbar, containing items on “disability,” “back pain,” and “radiating pain, numbness, and weakness (leg/foot)” and for a 5F structure for NASS-cervical including disability, “neck pain,” “radiating pain and numbness (arm/hand),” “weakness (arm/hand),” and “motor deficit (legs).” Conclusions The best-fitting factor structure at both baseline and FU was selected for both the lumbar- and cervical-NASS questionnaires. It differed from that proposed by the originators of the NASS instruments. Although the NASS questionnaire represents a valid outcome measure for degenerative spine diseases, it is able to distinguish among all major symptom domains (factors) in patients undergoing lumbar and cervical disc arthroplasty; overall, the item structure could be improved. Any potential revision of the NASS should consider its factorial structure; factorial invariance over time should be aimed for, to allow for more precise interpretations of treatment success.
Background The Spine Functional Index (SFI) is a patient reported outcome measure with sound clinimetric properties and clinical viability for the determination of whole-spine impairment. To date, no validated Turkish version is available. The purpose of this study is to cross-culturally adapted the SFI for Turkish-speaking patients (SFI-Tk) and determine the psychometric properties of reliability, validity and factor structure in a Turkish population with spine musculoskeletal disorders. Methods The SFI English version was culturally adapted and translated into Turkish using a double forward and backward method according to established guidelines. Patients (n = 285, cervical = l29, lumbar = 151, cervical and lumbar region = 5, 73% female, age 45 ± 1) with spine musculoskeletal disorders completed the SFI-Tk at baseline and after a seven day period for test-retest reliability. For criterion validity the Turkish version of the Functional Rating Index (FRI) was used plus the Neck Disability Index (NDI) for cervical patients and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) for back patients. Additional psychometric properties were determined for internal consistency (Chronbach’s α), criterion validity and factor structure. Results There was a high degree of internal consistency (α = 0.85, item range 0.80-0.88) and test-retest reliability (r = 0.93, item range = 0.75-0.95). The factor analysis demonstrated a one-factor solution explaining 24.2% of total variance. Criterion validity with the ODI was high (r = 0.71, p < 0.001) while the FRI and NDI were fair (r = 0.52 and r = 0.58, respectively). The SFI-Tk showed no missing responses with the ‘half-mark’ option used in 11.75% of total responses by 77.9% of participants. Measurement error from SEM and MDC90 were respectively 2.96% and 7.12%. Conclusions The SFI-Tk demonstrated a one-factor solution and is a reliable and valid instrument. The SFI-Tk consists of simple and easily understood wording and may be used to assess spine region musculoskeletal disorders in Turkish speaking patients.
Indivíduos que permanecem longo tempo em cadeira de rodas apresentam importante perda de massa óssea, principalmente nos membros inferiores, possivelmente agravada pela baixa ingestão de cálcio dietético e pelo inadequado estado nutricional de vitamina D. O exercício físico pode contribuir para a manutenção ou aumento da massa óssea em diferentes populações e nos indivíduos com lesão medular pode contribuir para atenuar a perda de massa óssea. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência da prática regular de exercício físico sobre a adequação da massa óssea, indicadores bioquímicos do metabolismo ósseo e estado nutricional de vitamina D em indivíduos com lesão medular cervical há pelo menos um ano. Em vinte e cinco homens de 19 a 56 anos sendo 15 fisicamente ativos e 10 sedentários, foi realizada análise sérica de cálcio, PTH, 25(OH)D, IGF-1, osteocalcina e NTx. As medidas do conteúdo mineral ósseo, densidade mineral óssea (DMO), massa magra e massa gorda foram realizadas por DXA. A pigmentação da pele (constitutiva e por bronzeamento) foi determinada por colorimetria com o objetivo de investigar sua influência sobre o estado de vitamina D. A ingestão habitual de cálcio foi registrada em um questionário de frequência alimentar direcionado para alimentos fonte. As comparações entre os dois grupos foram realizadas pela aplicação do Teste t de Student exceto para as variáveis ósseas que foram realizadas após ajustes pela massa corporal total, tempo de lesão e ingestão de cálcio utilizando-se análise de co-variância. Associações entre as variáveis estudadas foram avaliadas através de análise de correlação de Pearson. Valores de p<0.05 foram considerados significativos. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos para nenhuma variável óssea com exceção do z-score da DMO da coluna lombar, que foi significativamente maior no grupo de indivíduos sedentários (0,9 1,7 vs -0,7 0,8; p<0,05). No entanto, entre os indivíduos ativos, aqueles que iniciaram a prática de exercício físico com menos tempo decorrido após a lesão apresentaram maior DMO do fêmur (r=-0,60; p<0,05). Nos indivíduos ativos, a freqüência do exercício apresentou associação negativa com a concentração sérica de i-PTH (r = -0,50; p =0,05) e positiva com a concentração de 25(OH)D (r= 0,58; p <0,05). Após ajustes pela massa corporal total e tempo de lesão foram observadas associações positivas entre a ingestão diária de cálcio e z-score da DMO da coluna lombar (r = 0,73 e p <0,01) e DMO do rádio (r = 0,56 e p <0,05). Os resultados do presente estudo apontam para um efeito benéfico do exercício físico sobre a massa óssea e o perfil hormonal relacionado ao metabolismo ósseo. O início da prática regular de exercício físico o quanto antes após a lesão parece contribuir para atenuar a perda de massa óssea nos membros inferiores. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo sugerem uma possível potencialização do efeito osteogênico do exercício físico quando combinado a uma adequada ingestão de cálcio.