309 resultados para Ceratitis-capitata


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This research studied the effect of low density polyethylene packaging and storage temperature on the preservation of fresh-cut (minimally processed) cabbage. The cabbages, previously cooled to a temperature of 10 ºC, were selected, washed, cut in four parts (with the central stalk removed), sanitized, cut in strips, rinsed, put in the centrifuge, weighed and stored in plastic packaging of low density polyethylene (70 µm), and then stored in cold chambers at temperatures of 1 and 10 ºC for 20 days. The following aspects were evaluated: carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene in the internal atmosphere of the package as well as, pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and the total soluble solids/acidity in the fresh-cut cabbage ratio. The experimental design was entirely casual, with three repetitions. The analysis parameters, except for the vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and ethylene, presented significant variation between the temperatures and days of storage. The cabbage stored at a temperature of 1 ºC presented a shelf life of around 15 days, significantly higher than that stored at 10 ºC. At this temperature, on the 8th day of storage, the product was completely decayed, unfit for commercialization or consumption.


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The objective of this work was to characterize exotic fruits (cambuci, araca-boi, camu-camu, jaracatia, araca) and commercial frozen pulps (araca, cambuci, umbu, coquinho, pana, native passion fruit, cagaita) from Brazil in relation to their bioactive compounds contents and antioxidant capacity. Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia) presented the highest vitamin C and total phenolics contents (397 and 1797 mg/100 g f.w., respectively) and the highest DPPH(center dot) scavenging capacity. Coquinho (Butia capitata) also showed a significant vitamin C content (43 mg/100 g f.w.). Among the commercial frozen pulps, cagaita presented the higher DPPH scavenging activity and inhibition of beta-carotene bleaching. A good correlation between total phenols and DPPH scavenging activity was found for fruits (r = 0.997) and commercial frozen pulps (r = 0.738). However, no correlation was found for total phenols and inhibition of beta-carotene bleaching. Quercetin and kaempferol derivatives were the main flavonoids present in all samples and cyanidin derivatives were detected only in camu-camu. Camu-camu and araca (Psidium guineensis) showed the highest total ellagic acid contents (48 and 63.5 mg/100 g f.w.). All commercial frozen pulps presented lower contents of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity than their respective fruits. According to our results, camu-camu and araca might be sources of bioactive compounds.


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A commercially available smoke-water solution (Seed Starter (R)) stimulated the germination of caryopses and intact florets of Avena fatua L. The solution was most effective when diluted (5-50%) and presented to intact or dehulled grain that had received a short period of dry after-ripening. It was less effective when applied at full strength or to grains that had been freshly harvested. The same stimulatory effect was observed in par-fly after-ripened caryopses of nine different wild oat biotypes obtained from three different cropping regions of the world. When freshly harvested caryopses were re-tested with the commercial solution (100%) for just 7 days prior to placement on to distilled water, a much higher germination percentage was possible than seen with continuous smoke-water incubation. The stimulatory ability of smoke water was more closely matched to that of gibberellic acid than to potassium nitrate, which had little or no effect on freshly harvested caryopses. The smoke-water solution (5-100%) was tested on the germination of 18 other cool temperate arable weed species. All monocotyledonous species tested (viz. Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana L., Alopecurus myosuroides, Sorghum halepense, Phalaris paradoxa) responded positively, while those of the dicotyledonous species were either strongly stimulated (greater than or equal to 40% stimulation Malva neglecta), moderately stimulated (greater than or equal to 20% stimulation Galium aparine, Veronica persica), slightly stimulated (Polygonum persicaria, P pennsylvanicum, Fallopia convolvulus), unaffected (P. aviculare, Sinapis arvensis, Heracleum sphondylium, Angelica sylvestris, Mercurialis annua, Veronica hederifolia) or inhibited (Lamium purpureum). The optimal concentrations required to stimulate germination of the monocotyledonous species were similar to those observed for A. fatua (5-10%). However, for the dicotyledonous species slightly stronger solutions were required (10-20%). When the unaffected species were retested using a 10-day pre-chilling treatment, smoke water showed a small promotive response in three (S. arvensis, P. aviculare and V hederifolia) of the six species. When four different smoke-water solutions (Seed Starter (R), Regen 2000 (R), charred-wood solution and wheat-straw solution) were tested on two representative species (A. fatua and M. neglecta), three formulations were effective in promoting the germination of both species, while the fourth (charred-wood solution) was only active on A. fatua. The active concentrations were different for the four solutions. Three solutions were active in the 2-20% dilution range, while the fourth (Regen 2000 (R)) was only active in the 1-2% dilution range and was inhibitory at higher concentrations. These observations are discussed in the context that smoke may play an important ecological role in the management and control of introduced weeds in native and arable communities.


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The relative oviposition rate of the parasitoid Fopius arisanus (Sonan) was investigated across three frugivorous tephritid species, Bactrocera tryoni Froggart, Bactrocera jarvisi (Tryon) and Bactrocera cucumis French. Choice and no-choice tests were both used. The suitability of these three species for sustaining larval development and survival to the adult stage was also assessed. Fopius arisanus parasitized all three tephritid species. regardless of the method of exposure, but showed stronger preference for B. tryoni and B. jarvisi over B. cucumis. Superparasitism was extremely rare. Successful development of F. arisanus varied across host species. Bactrocera tryoni yielded significantly more parasitoids than B. jarvisi, but no wasps emerged from B. cucumis puparia. Tests were set up in replicated trials. but results were not homogeneous across trials. We discuss the host relationships of F. arisanus with reference to this variation and in relation to host suitability for larval development.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da luz, das concentrações de sais MS e de sacarose sobre a germinação, in vitro, de embriões, e o desenvolvimento de plântulas de coquinho-azedo (Butia capitata (Mart.) Becc.). Para o preparo do meio de cultivo, foram utilizados sais MS suplementados com vitaminas, mio-inositol, caseína hidrolizada, carvão ativado, sacarose e ágar. Para avaliação do efeito da luminosidade, embriões zigóticos foram cultivados na presença e na ausência de luz. Diferentes concentrações de minerais MS (0; 25; 50; 75 e 100% em relação à formulação original do meio MS) foram testadas em associação com duas concentrações de sacarose ( de0 a 2%). Em ambos os experimentos, avaliaram-se, após 30 dias da inoculação, percentuais de oxidação, germinação e emissão de raízes e bainhas foliares. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que condição de luminosidade não afetou a germinação, porém, a ausência de luz favoreceu a emissão de raízes. Ocorreu o alongamento na ausência de sacarose, indicando a existência de reservas energéticas no embrião. A adição de sacarose proporcionou menores níveis de oxidação, favoreceu o alongamento e mostrou-se imprescindível para o desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas. Concentrações de sais entre 50 e 75% da concentração original do meio MS proporcionaram menores níveis de oxidação. A concentração de 75 % da concentração original de sais do meio MS proporcionou maior enraizamento.


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A demanda por alimentos minimamente processados deve-se necessidade de economia de tempo e de maior facilidade de preparo dos alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento do repolho roxo 'Red Dynasty', minimamente processado, submetido a quatro tipos de embalagens e a armazenamento refrigerado. Após minimamente processados, 200g de repolho foram acondicionados em quatro tipos de embalagens: tereftalato de polietileno, com tampa; bandejas de poliestireno expandido, revestidas com filme flexível de policloreto de vinila de 12 µm; filme de polietileno de baixa densidade de 70 µm e polipropileno perfurado. A temperatura durante o período de armazenagem em câmara fria foi de 5 ± 2 °C. As avaliações foram feitas a cada quatro dias, totalizando doze dias de armazenamento. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: perda de matéria fresca, teor de sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez titulável, vitamina C e antocianina. A embalagem PP não é recomendada por causa da grande perda de matéria fresca do repolho. As embalagens PET e PEBD foram as melhores para o armazenamento de repolho minimamente processado; proporcionaram menor perda de massa por doze dias, porém, aos quatro dias já apresentavam aparência escurecida, por causa da oxidação.


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Roots effect is not generally considered in studies assessing the performance of crops in response to green manuring. However, such effect can contribute to a better understanding of crop rotation. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of root and shoot of two legumes on the production of cabbage. The experiment was conducted in pots of 10 liters containing substrate of 2:1 soil/sand. The experiment was arranged in a factorial scheme (2x3 + 2) in a randomized block design with five replicates using two legume species (Crotalaria juncea L. and Canavalia ensiformis L), three plant parts (root, shoot, or whole plant), and two additional treatments (mineral fertilization with 100% and 50% of the recommended dose of N for growing cabbage). Pots with legume treatments received mineral fertilizer with 50% of the recommended dose of N for growing cabbage. The experimental plot consisted of a pot containing one plant of cabbage. Legumes were grown in pots and harvested at 78 days. The root biomass was determined in extra pots. Production was assessed using head fresh and dry weight. The application of the whole plant of both legume species reduced cabbage production. However, root or shoot of both legume species was equivalent to 50% of mineral N fertilization required for the cultivation of cabbage.


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This paper characterizes four ‘fractal vegetables’: (i) cauliflower (brassica oleracea var. Botrytis); (ii) broccoli (brassica oleracea var. italica); (iii) round cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) and (iv) Brussels sprout (brassica oleracea var. gemmifera), by means of electrical impedance spectroscopy and fractional calculus tools. Experimental data is approximated using fractional-order models and the corresponding parameters are determined with a genetic algorithm. The Havriliak-Negami five-parameter model fits well into the data, demonstrating that classical formulae can constitute simple and reliable models to characterize biological structures.


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Este estudo relata a taxonomia e distribuição temporal do gênero Pinnularia ocorrente no curso inferior do rio Negro (03º02'46,5"S e 60º15'13,1"W) ao longo de um ciclo anual. O trabalho foi conduzido a partir da análise de amostras coletadas na coluna d'água, em escala mensal, entre os meses de outubro de 2002 a setembro de 2003. As espécies foram descritas e comentadas com base na sua morfologia e morfometria. Onze espécies e quatro variedades foram identificadas, ilustradas e incluídas em chave taxonômica. Dois táxons registrados neste estudo, P. sterrenburgii var. sterrenburgii Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot e P. subgibba var. capitata Metzeltin & Krammer, constituem primeira citação de ocorrência para o rio Negro. Temporalmente, a maior riqueza de espécies ocorreu entre os meses de outubro a dezembro de 2002, período de águas baixas, quando houve provavelmente maior interação entre água e sedimento possibilitando aporte de indivíduos da região bentônica. Considerando a ocorrência dos táxons ao longo do estudo, somente P. confirma foi considerada frequente, estando presente em mais de 50% das amostras analisadas.


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The author carried out a study on the behavior of cabbage for a period of two years (1952 and 1953). From the results obtained it was concluded that, cabbage, Brassica oleraceae, var. capitata, developed better during the cooler season of the year, that is, from April to June and, the yield decresed from the beginning to the end of the sowing time, that is, from April to Ocotber.


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Neste trabalho buscou-se identificar as plântulas de cinco taxa do gênero Brassica: B.napus, var. olei fera (colza), B.oleracea var. botrytis (couve-flor), B.oleracea var. capitata (repolho), B.oleroeca var. italica (brócolo) e B. pekinensis (couve-chinesa). Foram elaboradas chaves para adistinção das plântulas nos estágios cotiledonar, da primeira folha e da terceira - quarta folha e feitas as descrições. Foi possível a distinção das taxa por características corno: forma dos cotilédones e pilosidade, forma, bordo, cerosidade e nervação foliar.


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The polychaete composition and distribution within mussel beds were studied in order to assess organic pollution due to domestic sewage in a rocky shore of Mar del Plata (Argentina) during 1997. Four stations and a control site were randomly sampled around the local effluent. Quantitative data on polychaetes, as well as sediment accumulated among mussels and its organic carbon content were measured. Polychaete distribution patterns are related to the organic matter gradient, being Capitella cf. capitata, Neanthes succinea (Frey & Leuckart, 1847) and Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell, 1885) the dominant indicator species close to the effluent. At medial distances, the cirratulids Caulleriella alata (Southern, 1914) and Cirratulus cirratus (Müller, 1776) are very important in abundance. The syllids Syllis prolixa Ehlers, 1901 and S. gracilis Grube, 1840 are distributed along the study area, but dominate at the medial stations and at the control site. The orbiniid Protoariciella uncinata Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 is subdominant at the control station.


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Bactrocera invadens (Drew, Tsuruta & White) (Diptera:Tephritidae) é uma das espécies de moscas-das-frutas de maior importância económica para a fruticultura mundial. De origem asiática, surgiu em África em 2003, tendo sido detectada em Cabo Verde, Ilha de Santiago, em 2007. Desde então, espalhou-se para Santo Antão, Fogo e Brava. Tendo em vista a avaliação da eficiência de armadilhas para captura em massa da mosca, procedeu-se, durante curtos períodos de tempo em 2009, 2010 e 2011, à recolha de adultos com recurso a dois tipos de atractivos, ‘Creolax’® e proteína hidrolisada, e a três tipos de armadilhas, ABT®, armadilha do tipo funil e garrafa mosqueira da CeraTrap®. As armadilhas foram instaladas em quatro localidades de Santiago, na cultura de mangueira ou de bananeira. O ‘Creolax’ foi significativamente superior à proteína hidrolisada e a armadilha ABT apresentou elevada eficiência na captura de adultos da mosca. Num ensaio em 2009, na Cidade Velha, foram capturados 195, 59 e 30 adultos/armadilha para as combinações, respectivamente, de ABT x ‘Creolax’, armadilha do tipo funil x ‘Creolax’ e garrafa mosqueira x proteína hidrolisada. Em 2011, na bananeira, em Monte Negro, foram capturados 8500 adultos/armadilha ABT x ‘Creolax’ em cinco meses, tendo o máximo da população sido encontrado em Junho.


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Mortality of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) by parasitoids in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) larvae cause severe economic damage on cabbage, Brassica oleracea L. variety capitata (Brassicaceae), in the horticultural fields in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Overuse of broad spectrum insecticides affects the action of natural enemies of this insect on cabbage. The objectives of this work were to identify the parasitoids of P. xylostella and to determine their influence on larva and pupa mortality. Weekly collections of larvae and pupae were randomly conducted in cabbage crops during spring 2006 and 2007. The immature forms collected were classified according to their developmental stage: L1 and L2 (Ls = small larvae), L3 (Lm = medium larvae), L4 (Ll = large larvae), pre-pupae and pupae (P). Each individual was observed daily in the laboratory until the adult pest or parasitoid emergence. We identified parasitoids, the number of instar and the percentage of mortality of P. xylostella for each species of parasitoid. Parasitoids recorded were: Diadegma insulare (Cresson, 1875) (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov, 1912) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov, 1912) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) and an unidentified species of Chalcididae (Hymenoptera). Besides parasitoids, an unidentified entomopathogenic fungus was also recorded in 2006 and 2007. In 2006, the most successful parasitoids were D. insulare and O. sokolowskii, while in 2007 only D. insulare exerted a satisfactory control and it attacked the early instars of the pest.


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The genus Lycoderides Sakakibara, stat. nov. , its composition and descriptions of new species (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Stegaspidinae).The subgenus Lycoderes (Lycoderides) Sakakibara, 1972 is raised to the genus category - Lycoderides stat. nov.. - : and it now includes: Lycoderides amazonicus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides brevilobus (Sakakibara, 1972), comb. nov. , Lycoderides burmeisteri (Fairmaire, 1846), comb. nov. , Lycoderides cultratus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides fernandezi (Strümpel, 1988), comb. nov. , Lycoderides fuscus (Amyot & Serville, 1843), comb. nov. , Lycoderides gradatus (Sakakibara, 1972), comb. nov. , Lycoderides hippocampus (Fabricius, 1803), comb. nov. , Lycoderides luteus (Funkhouser, 1940), comb. nov. , Lycoderides marginalis (Walker, 1851), comb. nov. , Lycoderides nathanieli (Cryan, 1999), comb. nov. , Lycoderides obtusus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides pennyi (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides phasianus (Fowler, 1896), comb. nov. (= Enchenopa minamen Buckton, 1901,SYN. NOV: ), Lycoderides protensus (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. , Lycoderides serraticornis (Fowler, 1896), comb. nov. , and Lycoderides strumpeli (Sakakibara, 1991), comb. nov. The following new species are described: Lycoderides abditus, sp. nov. , Lycoderides brulei,SP. NOV. (: both from French Guiana), Lycoderides capixaba, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Espírito Santo), Lycoderides cavichiolii, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro), Lycoderides meloi, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Bahia), and Lycoderides oliviae, sp. nov. (from Brazil, Minas Gerais). Other nomenclatural change: Stegaspis bracteata (Fabricius, 1787) = Lycoderes capitata Buckton, 1903, syn. nov. New records of geographical distribution and a key to the species are provided.