990 resultados para Cell Extracts


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We identified an autoantibody that reacts with calpastatin [an inhibitor protein of the calcium-dependent neutral protease calpain (EC]. In early immunoblot studies, sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) recognized unidentified 60-, 45-, and 75-kDa proteins in HeLa cell extracts. To identify these autoantigens, we used patient sera to clone cDNAs from a lambda gt11 expression library. We isolated clones of four genes that expressed fusion proteins recognized by RA sera. The 1.2-kb cDNA insert (termed RA-6) appeared to encode a polypeptide corresponding to the 60-kDa antigen from HeLa cells, since antibodies bound to the RA-6 fusion protein also reacted with a 60-kDa HeLa protein. The deduced amino acid sequence of the RA-6 cDNA was completely identical with the C-terminal 178 amino acids of human calpastatin except for one amino acid substitution. Patient sera that reacted with the RA-6 also bound pig muscle calpastatin, and a monoclonal antibody to human calpastatin recognized the RA-6 fusion protein, confirming the identity of RA-6 with calpastatin. Moreover, the purified RA-6 fusion protein inhibited the proteolytic activity of calpain, and IgG from a serum containing anti-calpastatin antibodies blocked the calpastatin activity of the RA-6 fusion protein. Immunoblots of the RA-6 product detected autoantibodies to calpastatin in 57% of RA patients; this incidence was significantly higher than that observed in other systemic rheumatic diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus (27%), polymyositis/dermatomyositis (24%), systemic sclerosis (38%), and overlap syndrome (29%). Thus, anti-calpastatin antibodies are present most frequently in patients with RA and may participate in pathogenic mechanisms of rheumatic diseases.


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We have detected an endoribonucleolytic activity in human cell extracts that processes the Escherichia coli 9S RNA and outer membrane protein A (ompA) mRNA with the same specificity as RNase E from E. coli. The human enzyme was partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography, and the active fractions contained a protein that was detected with antibodies shown to recognize E. coli RNase E. RNA containing four repeats of the destabilizing motif AUUUA and RNA from the 3' untranslated region of human c-myc mRNA were also found to be cleaved by E. coli RNase E and its human counterpart in a fashion that may suggest a role of this activity in mammalian mRNA decay. It was also found that RNA containing more than one AUUUA motif was cleaved more efficiently than RNA with only one or a mutated motif. This finding of a eukaryotic endoribonucleolytic activity corresponding to RNase E indicates an evolutionary conservation of the components of mRNA degradation systems.


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The influenza virus M1 mRNA has two alternative 5' splice sites: a distal 5' splice site producing mRNA3 that has the coding potential for 9 amino acids and a proximal 5' splice site producing M2 mRNA encoding the essential M2 ion-channel protein. Only mRNA3 was made in uninfected cells transfected with DNA expressing M1 mRNA. Similarly, using nuclear extracts from uninfected cells, in vitro splicing of M1 mRNA yielded only mRNA3. Only when the mRNA3 5' splice site was inactivated by mutation was M2 mRNA made in uninfected cells and in uninfected cell extracts. In influenza virus-infected cells, M2 mRNA was made, but only after a delay, suggesting that newly synthesized viral gene product(s) were needed to activate the M2 5' splice site. We present strong evidence that these gene products are the complex of the three polymerase proteins, the same complex that functions in the transcription and replication of the viral genome. Gel shift experiments showed that the viral polymerase complex bound to the 5' end of the viral M1 mRNA in a sequence-specific and cap-dependent manner. During in vitro splicing catalyzed by uninfected cell extracts, the binding of the viral polymerase complex blocked the mRNA3 5' splice site, resulting in the switch to the M2 mRNA 5' splice site and the production of M2 mRNA.


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Human monoclonal antibodies have considerable potential in the prophylaxis and treatment of viral disease. However, only a few such antibodies suitable for clinical use have been produced to date. We have previously shown that large panels of human recombinant monoclonal antibodies against a plethora of infectious agents, including herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, can be established from phage display libraries. Here we demonstrate that facile cloning of recombinant Fab fragments against specific viral proteins in their native conformation can be accomplished by panning phage display libraries against viral glycoproteins "captured" from infected cell extracts by specific monoclonal antibodies immobilized on ELISA plates. We have tested this strategy by isolating six neutralizing recombinant antibodies specific for herpes simplex glycoprotein gD or gB, some of which are against conformationally sensitive epitopes. By using defined monoclonal antibodies for the antigen-capture step, this method can be used for the isolation of antibodies to specific regions and epitopes within the target viral protein. For instance, monoclonal antibodies to a nonneutralizing epitope can be used in the capture step to clone antibodies to neutralizing epitopes, or antibodies to a neutralizing epitope can be used to clone antibodies to a different neutralizing epitope. Furthermore, by using capturing antibodies to more immunodominant epitopes, one can direct the cloning to less immunogenic ones. This method should be of value in generating antibodies to be used both in the prophylaxis and treatment of viral infections and in the characterization of the mechanisms of antibody protective actions at the molecular level.


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Benzene is a ubitiquous human environment mental carcinogen. One of the major metabolites is hydroquinone, which is oxidized in vivo to give p-benzoquinone (p-BQ). Both metabolites are toxic to human cells. p-BQ reacts with DNA to form benzetheno adducts with deoxycytidine, deoxyadenosine, and deoxyguanosine. In this study we have synthesized the exocyclic compounds 3-hydroxy-3-N4-benzetheno-2'-deoxycytidine (p-BQ-dCyd) and 9-hydroxy-1,N6-benzetheno-2'-deoxyadenosine (p-BQ-dAdo), respectively, by reacting deoxycytidine and deoxyadenosine with p-BQ. These were converted to the phosphoamidites, which were then used to prepare site-specific oligonucleotides with either the p-BQ-dCyd or p-BQ-dAdo adduct (pbqC or pbqA in sequences) at two different defined positions. These oligonucleotides were efficiently nicked 5' to the adduct by partially purified HeLa cell extracts--the pbqC-containing oligomer more rapidly than the pbqA-containing oligomer. In contrast to the enzyme binding to derivatives produced by the vinyl chloride metabolite chloroacetaldehyde, the oligonucleotides up to 60-mer containing p-BQ adducts did not bind measurably to the same enzyme preparation in a gel retardation assay. Furthermore, there was no competition for the binding observed between oligonucleotides containing 1,N6-etheno A deoxyadenosine (1,N6-etheno-dAdo; epsilon A in sequences) and these oligomers containing either of the p-BQ adducts, even at 120-fold excess. When highly purified fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) enzyme fractions were obtained, there appeared to be two closely eluting nicking activities. One of these enzymes bound and cleaved the epsilon A-containing deoxyoligonucleotide. The other enzyme cleaved the pbqA- and pbqC-containing deoxyoligonucleotides. One additional unexpected fact was that bulk p-BQ-treated salmon sperm DNA did compete effectively with the epsilon A-containing oligonucleotide for protein binding. This raises the possibility that such DNA contains other, as-yet-uncharacterized adducts that are recognized by the same enzyme that recognizes the etheno adducts. In summary, we describe a previously undescribed human DNA repair activity, possibly a glycosylase, that excises from DNA pbqC and pbqA, exocyclic adducts resulting from reaction of deoxycytidine and deoxyadenosine with the benzene metabolite, p-BQ. This glycosylase activity is not identical to the one previously reported from this laboratory as excising the four etheno bases from DNA.


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The cadherin-catenin complex is important for mediating homotypic, calcium-dependent cell-cell interactions in diverse tissue types. Although proteins of this complex have been identified, little is known about their interactions. Using a genetic assay in yeast and an in vitro protein-binding assay, we demonstrate that beta-catenin is the linker protein between E-cadherin and alpha-catenin and that E-cadherin does not bind directly to alpha-catenin. We show that a 25-amino acid sequence in the cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin and the amino-terminal domain of alpha-catenin are independent binding sites for beta-catenin. In addition to beta-catenin and plakoglobin, another member of the armadillo family, p120 binds to E-cadherin. However, unlike beta-catenin, p120 does not bind alpha-catenin in vitro, although a complex of p120 and endogenous alpha-catenin could be immunoprecipitated from cell extracts. In vitro protein-binding assays using recombinant E-cadherin cytoplasmic domain and alpha-catenin revealed two catenin pools in cell lysates: an approximately 1000- to approximately 2000-kDa complex bound to E-cadherin and an approximately 220-kDa pool that did not contain E-cadherin. Only beta-catenin in the approximately 220-kDa pool bound exogenous E-cadherin. Delineation of these molecular linkages and the demonstration of separate pools of catenins in different cell lines provide a foundation for examining regulatory mechanisms involved in the assembly and function of the cadherin-catenin complex.


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The SSN3 and SSN8 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified by mutations that suppress a defect in SNF1, a protein kinase required for release from glucose repression. Mutations in SSN3 and SSN8 also act synergistically with a mutation of the MIG1 repressor protein to relieve glucose repression. We have cloned the SSN3 and SSN8 genes. SSN3 encodes a cyclin-dependent protein kinase (cdk) homolog and is identical to UME5. SSN8 encodes a cyclin homolog 35% identical to human cyclin C. SSN3 and SSN8 fusion proteins interact in the two-hybrid system and coimmunoprecipitate from yeast cell extracts. Using an immune complex assay, we detected protein kinase activity that depends on both SSN3 and SSN8. Thus, the two SSN proteins are likely to function as a cdk-cyclin pair. Genetic analysis indicates that the SSN3-SSN8 complex contributes to transcriptional repression of diversely regulated genes and also affects induction of the GAL1 promoter.


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Cysteine proteases mediate liberation of Plasmodium berghei merozoites from infected hepatocytes. In an attempt to identify the responsible parasite proteases, we screened the genome of P. berghei for cysteine protease-encoding genes. RT-PCR analyses revealed that transcription of four out of five P. berghei serine repeat antigen (PbSERA) genes was strongly upregulated in late liver stages briefly before the parasitophorous vacuole membrane ruptured to release merozoites into the host cell cytoplasm, suggesting a role of PbSERA proteases in these processes. In order to characterize PbSERA3 processing, we raised an antiserum against a non-conserved region of the protein and generated a transgenic P. berghei strain expressing a TAP-tagged PbSERA3 under the control of the endogenous promoter. Immunofluorescence assays revealed that PbSERA3 leaks into the host cell cytoplasm during merozoite development, where it might contribute to host cell death or activate host cell proteases that execute cell death. Importantly, processed PbSERA3 has been detected by Western blot analysis in cell extracts of schizont-infected cells and merozoite-infected detached hepatic cells.


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The relationship between spot volume and variation for all protein spots observed on large format 2D gels when utilising silver stain technology and a model system based on mammalian NSO cell extracts is reported. By running multiple gels we have shown that the reproducibility of data generated in this way is dependent on individual protein spot volumes, which in turn are directly correlated with the coefficient of variation. The coefficients of variation across all observed protein spots were highest for low abundant proteins which are the primary contributors to process error, and lowest for more abundant proteins. Using the relationship between spot volume and coefficient of variation we show it is necessary to calculate variation for individual protein spot volumes. The inherent limitations of silver staining therefore mean that errors in individual protein spot volumes must be considered when assessing significant changes in protein spot volume and not global error. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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A simple protein-DNA interaction analysis has been developed using both a high-affinity/high-specificity zinc finger protein and a low-specificity zinc finger protein with nonspecific DNA binding capability. The latter protein is designed to mimic background binding by proteins generated in randomized or shuffled gene libraries. In essence, DNA is immobilized onto the surface of microplate wells via streptavidin capture, and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled protein is added in solution as part of a crude cell lysate or protein mixture. After incubation and washing, bound protein is detected in a standard microplate reader. The minimum sensitivity of the assay is approximately 0.4 nM protein. The assay format is ideally suited to investigate the interactions of DNA binding proteins from within crude cell extracts and/or mixtures of proteins that may be encountered in protein libraries generated by codon randomization or gene shuffling.


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Electrophilic attack of hypochlorous acid on unsaturated bonds of fatty acyl chains is known to result mostly in chlorinated products that show cytotoxicity to some cell lines and were found in biological systems exposed to HOCl. This study aimed to investigate more deeply the products and the mechanism underlying cytotoxicity of phospholipid-HOCl oxidation products, synthesized by the reaction of HOCl with 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-, 1-stearoyl-2-linoleoyl-, and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonyl-phosphatidylcholine. Phospholipid chlorohydrins were found to be the most abundant among obtained products. HOCl-modified lipids were cytotoxic towards HUVEC-ST (endothelial cells), leading to a decrease of mitochondrial potential and an increase in the number of apoptotic cells. These effects were accompanied by an increase of the level of active caspase-3 and caspase-7, while the caspase-3/-7 inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO dramatically decreased the number of apoptotic cells. Phospholipid-HOCl oxidation products were shown to affect cell proliferation by a concentration-dependent cell cycle arrest in the G/G phase and activating redox sensitive p38 kinase. The redox imbalance observed in HUVEC-ST cells exposed to modified phosphatidylcholines was accompanied by an increase in ROS level, and a decrease in glutathione content and antioxidant capacity of cell extracts. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Arsenic has been classified as a group I carcinogen. It has been ranked number one in the CERCLA priority list of hazardous substances due to its frequency, toxicity and potential for human exposure. Paradoxically, arsenic has been employed as a successful chemotherapeutic agent for acute promyelocytic leukemia and has found some success in multiple myeloma. Since arsenic toxicity and efficacy is species dependent, a speciation method, based on the complementary use of reverse phase and cation exchange chromatography, was developed. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), as an element specific detector, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometer (ESI-MS), as a molecule specific detector, were employed. Low detection limits in the µg. L−1 range on the ICP-MS and mg. L−1 range on the ESI-MS were obtained. The developed methods were validated against each other through the use of a Deming plot. With the developed speciation method, the effects of both pH on the stability of As species and reduced glutathione (GSH) concentration on the formation and stability of arsenic glutathione complexes were studied. To identify arsenicals in multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines post arsenic trioxide (ATO) and darinaparsin (DAR) incubation, an extraction method based on the use of ultrasonic probe was developed. Extraction tools and solvents were evaluated and the effect of GSH concentration on the quantitation of arsenic glutathione (As-GSH) complexes in MM cell extracts was studied. The developed method was employed for the identification of metabolites in DAR incubated cell lines where the effect of extraction pH, DAR incubation concentration and incubation time on the relative distribution of the As metabolites was assessed. A new arsenic species, dimethyarsinothioyl glutathione (DMMTA V-GS), a pentavalent thiolated arsenical, was identified in the cell extracts through the use of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The formation of the new metabolite in the extracts was dependent on the decomposition of s-dimethylarsino glutathione (DMA(GS)). These results have major implications in both the medical and toxicological fields of As because they involve the metabolism of a chemotherapeutic agent and the role sulfur compounds play in this mechanism.


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Uracil excision repair is ubiquitous in all domains of life and initiated by uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) which excise the promutagenic base, uracil, from DNA to leave behind an abasic site (AP-site). Repair of the resulting AP-sites requires an AP-endonuclease, a DNA polymerase, and a DNA ligase whose combined activities result in either short-patch or long-patch repair. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, has an increased risk of accumulating uracils because of its G + C-rich genome, and its niche inside host macrophages where it is exposed to reactive nitrogen and oxygen species, two major causes of cytosine deamination (to uracil) in DNA. In vitro assays to study DNA repair in this important human pathogen are limited. To study uracil excision repair in mycobacteria, we have established assay conditions using cell-free extracts of M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis (a fast-growing mycobacterium) and oligomer or plasmid DNA substrates. We show that in mycobacteria, uracil excision repair is completed primarily via long-patch repair. In addition, we show that M. tuberculosis UdgB, a newly characterized family 5 UDG, substitutes for the highly conserved family 1 UDG, Ung, thereby suggesting that UdgB might function as backup enzyme for uracil excision repair in mycobacteria. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Acidic region streaking (ARS) is one of the lacunae in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) of bacterial proteome. This streaking is primarily caused by nucleic acid (NuA) contamination and poses major problem in the downstream processes like image analysis and protein identification. Although cleanup and nuclease digestion are practiced as remedial options, these strategies may incur loss in protein recovery and perform incomplete removal of NuA. As a result, ARS has remained a common observation across publications, including the recent ones. In this work, we demonstrate how ultrasound wave can be used to shear NuA in plain ice-cooled water, facilitating the elimination of ARS in the 2DE gels without the need for any additional sample cleanup tasks. In combination with a suitable buffer recipe, IEF program and frequent paper-wick changing approach, we are able to reproducibly demonstrate the production of clean 2DE gels with improved protein recovery and negligible or no ARS. We illustrate our procedure using whole cell protein extracts from two diverse organisms, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Our designed protocols are straightforward and expected to provide good 2DE gels without ARS, with comparable times and significantly lower cost.