944 resultados para Celestial mechanics


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We have done a new analysis of the available observations of the GJ581 exoplanetary system. Today this system is controversial due to choices that can be done in the orbital determination. The main ones are the occurrence of aliases and the additional bodies-the planets f and g-announced in Vogt et al. (Astrophys J 723:954-965, 2010). Any dynamical study of exoplanets requires the good knowledge of the orbital elements and the investigations involving the planet g are particularly interesting, since this body would lie in the habitable zone (HZ) of the star GJ581. This region, for this system, is very attractive of the dynamical point of view due to several resonances of two and three bodies present there. In this work, we investigate the conditions under which the planet g may exist. We stress the fact that the planet g is intimately related with the orbital elements of the planet d; more precisely, we conclude that it is not possible to disconnect its existence from the determination of the eccentricity of the planet d. Concerning the planet f, we have found one solution with period a parts per thousand 450 days, but we are judicious about any affirmation concerning this body because its signal is in the threshold of detection and the high period is in a spectral region where the occurrence of aliases is very common. Besides, we outline some dynamical features of the HZ with the dynamical map and point out the role played by some resonances laying there.


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The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is now in orbit for more than four years. This is longer than the originally planned lifetime of the satellite and after three years on the same altitude the satellite has been lowered to 235 km in several steps. In the frame of the GOCE High-level Processing Facility the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) is responsible for the determination of the official Precise Science Orbit (PSO) product. Kinematic GOCE orbits are part of this product and are used by several institutions in- and outside the HPF for determining the low degrees of the Earth’s gravity field. AIUB GOCE GPS-only gravity field solutions using the Celestial Mechanics Approach and covering the Release 4 period as well as a more recent time interval at the lower orbit altitude are shown and discussed. Special attention is paid to the impact of systematic deficiencies in the kinematic orbits on the resulting gravity fields, e.g., related to the geomagnetic equator, and on possibilities to get rid of them.


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Time series of geocenter coordinates were determined with data of two global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs), namely the U.S. GPS (Global Positioning System) and the Russian GLONASS (Global’naya Nawigatsionnaya Sputnikowaya Sistema). The data was recorded in the years 2008–2011 by a global network of 92 permanently observing GPS/GLONASS receivers. Two types of daily solutions were generated independently for each GNSS, one including the estimation of geocenter coordinates and one without these parameters. A fair agreement for GPS and GLONASS was found in the geocenter x- and y-coordinate series. Our tests, however, clearly reveal artifacts in the z-component determined with the GLONASS data. Large periodic excursions in the GLONASS geocenter z-coordinates of about 40 cm peak-to-peak are related to the maximum elevation angles of the Sun above/below the orbital planes of the satellite system and thus have a period of about 4 months (third of a year). A detailed analysis revealed that the artifacts are almost uniquely governed by the differences of the estimates of direct solar radiation pressure (SRP) in the two solution series (with and without geocenter estimation). A simple formula is derived, describing the relation between the geocenter z-coordinate and the corresponding parameter of the SRP. The effect can be explained by first-order perturbation theory of celestial mechanics. The theory also predicts a heavy impact on the GNSS-derived geocenter if once-per-revolution SRP parameters are estimated in the direction of the satellite’s solar panel axis. Specific experiments using GPS observations revealed that this is indeed the case. Although the main focus of this article is on GNSS, the theory developed is applicable to all satellite observing techniques. We applied the theory to satellite laser ranging (SLR) solutions using LAGEOS. It turns out that the correlation between geocenter and SRP parameters is not a critical issue for the SLR solutions. The reasons are threefold: The direct SRP is about a factor of 30–40 smaller for typical geodetic SLR satellites than for GNSS satellites, allowing it in most cases to not solve for SRP parameters (ruling out the correlation between these parameters and the geocenter coordinates); the orbital arc length of 7 days (which is typically used in SLR analysis) contains more than 50 revolutions of the LAGEOS satellites as compared to about two revolutions of GNSS satellites for the daily arcs used in GNSS analysis; the orbit geometry is not as critical for LAGEOS as for GNSS satellites, because the elevation angle of the Sun w.r.t. the orbital plane is usually significantly changing over 7 days.


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Several techniques have been proposed to exploit GNSS-derived kinematic orbit information for the determination of long-wavelength gravity field features. These methods include the (i) celestial mechanics approach, (ii) short-arc approach, (iii) point-wise acceleration approach, (iv) averaged acceleration approach, and (v) energy balance approach. Although there is a general consensus that—except for energy balance—these methods theoretically provide equivalent results, real data gravity field solutions from kinematic orbit analysis have never been evaluated against each other within a consistent data processing environment. This contribution strives to close this gap. Target consistency criteria for our study are the input data sets, period of investigation, spherical harmonic resolution, a priori gravity field information, etc. We compare GOCE gravity field estimates based on the aforementioned approaches as computed at the Graz University of Technology, the University of Bern, the University of Stuttgart/Austrian Academy of Sciences, and by RHEA Systems for the European Space Agency. The involved research groups complied with most of the consistency criterions. Deviations only occur where technical unfeasibility exists. Performance measures include formal errors, differences with respect to a state-of-the-art GRACE gravity field, (cumulative) geoid height differences, and SLR residuals from precise orbit determination of geodetic satellites. We found that for the approaches (i) to (iv), the cumulative geoid height differences at spherical harmonic degree 100 differ by only ≈10 % ; in the absence of the polar data gap, SLR residuals agree by ≈96 % . From our investigations, we conclude that real data analysis results are in agreement with the theoretical considerations concerning the (relative) performance of the different approaches.


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The GOCE satellite was orbiting the Earth in a Sun-synchronous orbit at a very low altitude for more than 4 years. This low orbit and the availability of high-quality data make it worthwhile to assess the contribution of GOCE GPS data to the recovery of both the static and time-variable gravity fields. We use the kinematic positions of the official GOCE precise science orbit (PSO) product to perform gravity field determination using the Celestial Mechanics Approach. The generated gravity field solutions reveal severe systematic errors centered along the geomagnetic equator. Their size is significantly coupled with the ionospheric density and thus generally increasing over the mission period. The systematic errors may be traced back to the kinematic positions of the PSO product and eventually to the ionosphere-free GPS carrier phase observations used for orbit determination. As they cannot be explained by the current higher order ionospheric correction model recommended by the IERS Conventions 2010, an empirical approach is presented by discarding GPS data affected by large ionospheric changes. Such a measure yields a strong reduction of the systematic errors along the geomagnetic equator in the gravity field recovery, and only marginally reduces the set of useable kinematic positions by at maximum 6 % for severe ionosphere conditions. Eventually it is shown that GOCE gravity field solutions based on kinematic positions have a limited sensitivity to the largest annual signal related to land hydrology.


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Meindl et al. (Adv Space Res 51(7):1047–1064, 2013) showed that the geocenter z -component estimated from observations of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is strongly correlated to a particular parameter of the solar radiation pressure (SRP) model developed by Beutler et al. (Manuscr Geod 19:367–386, 1994). They analyzed the forces caused by SRP and the impact on the satellites’ orbits. The authors achieved their results using perturbation theory and celestial mechanics. Rebischung et al. (J Geod doi:10.1016/j.asr.2012.10.026, 2013) also deal with the geocenter determination with GNSS. The authors carried out a collinearity diagnosis of the associated parameter estimation problem. They conclude “without much exaggerating that current GNSS are insensitive to any component of geocenter motion”. They explain this inability by the high degree of collinearity of the geocenter coordinates mainly with satellite clock corrections. Based on these results and additional experiments, they state that the conclusions drawn by Meindl et al. (Adv Space Res 51(7):1047–1064, 2013) are questionable. We do not agree with these conclusions and present our arguments in this article. In the first part, we review and highlight the main characteristics of the studies performed by Meindl et al. (Adv Space Res 51(7):1047–1064, 2013) to show that the experiments are quite different from those performed by Rebischung et al. (J Geod doi:10.1016/j.asr.2012.10.026,2013) . In the second part, we show that normal equation (NEQ) systems are regular when estimating geocenter coordinates, implying that the covariance matrices associated with the NEQ systems may be used to assess the sensitivity to geocenter coordinates in a standard way. The sensitivity of GNSS to the components of the geocenter is discussed. Finally, we comment on the arguments raised by Rebischung et al. (J Geod doi:10.1016/j.asr.2012.10.026, 2013) against the results of Meindl et al. (Adv Space Res 51(7):1047–1064, 2013).


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Efforts are ongoing to decrease the noise of the GRACE gravity field models and hence to arrive closer to the GRACE baseline. The most significant error sources belong the untreated errors in the observation data and the imperfections in the background models. The recent study (Bandikova&Flury,2014) revealed that the current release of the star camera attitude data (SCA1B RL02) contain noise systematically higher than expected by about a factor 3-4. This is due to an incorrect implementation of the algorithms for quaternion combination in the JPL processing routines. Generating improved SCA data requires that valid data from both star camera heads are available which is not always the case because the Sun and Moon at times blind one camera. In the gravity field modeling, the attitude data are needed for the KBR antenna offset correction and to orient the non-gravitational linear accelerations sensed by the accelerometer. Hence any improvement in the SCA data is expected to be reflected in the gravity field models. In order to quantify the effect on the gravity field, we processed one month of observation data using two different approaches: the celestial mechanics approach (AIUB) and the variational equations approach (ITSG). We show that the noise in the KBR observations and the linear accelerations has effectively decreased. However, the effect on the gravity field on a global scale is hardly evident. We conclude that, at the current level of accuracy, the errors seen in the temporal gravity fields are dominated by errors coming from sources other than the attitude data.


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Gravity field parameters are usually determined from observations of the GRACE satellite mission together with arc-specific parameters in a generalized orbit determination process. When separating the estimation of gravity field parameters from the determination of the satellites’ orbits, correlations between orbit parameters and gravity field coefficients are ignored and the latter parameters are biased towards the a priori force model. We are thus confronted with a kind of hidden regularization. To decipher the underlying mechanisms, the Celestial Mechanics Approach is complemented by tools to modify the impact of the pseudo-stochastic arc-specific parameters on the normal equations level and to efficiently generate ensembles of solutions. By introducing a time variable a priori model and solving for hourly pseudo-stochastic accelerations, a significant reduction of noisy striping in the monthly solutions can be achieved. Setting up more frequent pseudo-stochastic parameters results in a further reduction of the noise, but also in a notable damping of the observed geophysical signals. To quantify the effect of the a priori model on the monthly solutions, the process of fixing the orbit parameters is replaced by an equivalent introduction of special pseudo-observations, i.e., by explicit regularization. The contribution of the thereby introduced a priori information is determined by a contribution analysis. The presented mechanism is valid universally. It may be used to separate any subset of parameters by pseudo-observations of a special design and to quantify the damage imposed on the solution.


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An analytical solution of the two body problem perturbed by a constant tangential acceleration is derived with the aid of perturbation theory. The solution, which is valid for circular and elliptic orbits with generic eccentricity, describes the instantaneous time variation of all orbital elements. A comparison with high-accuracy numerical results shows that the analytical method can be effectively applied to multiple-revolution low-thrust orbit transfer around planets and in interplanetary space with negligible error.


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We present analytical formulas to estimate the variation of achieved deflection for an Earth-impacting asteroid following a continuous tangential low-thrust deflection strategy. Relatively simple analytical expressions are obtained with the aid of asymptotic theory and the use of Peláez orbital elements set, an approach that is particularly suitable to the asteroid deflection problem and is not limited to small eccentricities. The accuracy of the proposed formulas is evaluated numerically showing negligible error for both early and late deflection campaigns. The results will be of aid in planning future low-thrust asteroid deflection missions


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En esta tesis se aborda el estudio del proceso de isomerización del sistema molecular LiNC/LiCN tanto aislado como en presencia de un pulso láser aplicando la teoría del estado de transición (TST). Esta teoría tiene como pilar fundamental el hecho de que el conocimiento de la dinámica en las proximidades de un punto de silla de la superficie de energía potencial permite determinar los parámetros cinéticos de la reacción objeto de estudio. Históricamente, existen dos formulaciones de la teoría del estado de transición, la versión termodinámica de Eyring (Eyr38) y la visión dinámica de Wigner (Wig38). Ésta última ha sufrido recientemente un amplio desarrollo, paralelo a los avances en sistemas dinámicos que ha dado lugar a una formulación geométrica en el espacio de fases que sirve como base al trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis. Nos hemos centrado en abordar el problema desde una visión fundamentalmente práctica, ya que la teoría del estado de transición presenta una desventaja: su elevado coste computacional y de tiempo de cálculo. Dos han sido los principales objetivos de este trabajo. El primero de ellos ha sido sentar las bases teóricas y computacionales de un algoritmo eficiente que permita obtener las magnitudes fundamentales de la TST. Así, hemos adaptado con éxito un algoritmo computacional desarrollado en el ámbito de la mecánica celeste (Jor99), obteniendo un método rápido y eficiente para la obtención de los objetos geométricos que rigen la dinámica en el espacio de fases y que ha permitido calcular magnitudes cinéticas tales como el flujo reactivo, la densidad de estados de reactivos y productos y en última instancia la constante de velocidad. Dichos cálculos han sido comparados con resultados estadísticos (presentados en (Mül07)) lo cual nos ha permitido demostrar la eficacia del método empleado. El segundo objetivo de esta tesis, ha sido la evaluación de la influencia de los parámetros de un pulso electromagnético sobre la dinámica de reacción. Para ello se ha generalizado la metodología de obtención de la forma normal del hamiltoniano cuando el sistema químico es alterado mediante una perturbación temporal periódica. En este caso el punto fijo inestable en cuya vecindad se calculan los objetos geométricos de interés para la aplicación de la TST, se transforma en una órbita periódica del mismo periodo que la perturbación. Esto ha permitido la simulación de la reactividad en presencia de un pulso láser. Conocer el efecto de esta perturbación posibilita el control de la reactividad química. Además de obtener los objetos geométricos que rigen la dinámica en una cierta vecindad de la órbita periódica y que son la clave de la TST, se ha estudiado el efecto de los parámetros del pulso sobre la reactividad en el espacio de fases global así como sobre el flujo reactivo que atraviesa la superficie divisoria que separa reactivos de productos. Así, se ha puesto de manifiesto, que la amplitud del pulso es el parámetro más influyente sobre la reactividad química, pudiendo producir la aparición de flujos reactivos a energías inferiores a las de aparición del sistema aislado y el aumento del flujo reactivo a valores constantes de energía inicial. ABSTRACT We have studied the isomerization reaction LiNC/LiCN isolated and perturbed by a laser pulse. Transition State theory (TST) is the main tool we have used. The basis of this theory is knowing the dynamics close to a fixed point of the potential energy surface. It is possible to calculate kinetic magnitudes by knowing the dynamics in a neighbourhood of the fixed point. TST was first formulated in the 30's and there were 2 points of view, one thermodynamical by Eyring (Eyr38) and another dynamical one by Wigner (Wig38). The latter one has grown lately due to the growth of the dynamical systems leading to a geometrical view of the TST. This is the basis of the work shown in this thesis. As the TST has one main handicap: the high computational cost, one of the main goals of this work is to find an efficient method. We have adapted a methodology developed in the field of celestial mechanics (Jor99). The result: an efficient, fast and accurate algorithm that allows us to obtain the geometric objects that lead the dynamics close to the fixed point. Flux across the dividing surface, density of states and reaction rate coefficient have been calculated and compared with previous statistical results, (Mül07), leading to the conclusion that the method is accurate and good enough. We have widen the methodology to include a time dependent perturbation. If the perturbation is periodic in time, the fixed point becomes a periodic orbit whose period is the same as the period of the perturbation. This way we have been able to simulate the isomerization reaction when the system has been perturbed by a laser pulse. By knowing the effect of that perturbation we will be able to control the chemical reactivity. We have also studied the effect of the parameters on the global phase space dynamics and on the flux across the dividing surface. It has been prove that amplitude is the most influent parameter on the reaction dynamics. Increasing amplitude leads to greater fluxes and to some flux at energies it would not if the systems would not have been perturbed.


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A formulation of the perturbed two-body problem that relies on a new set of orbital elements is presented. The proposed method represents a generalization of the special perturbation method published by Peláez et al. (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 97(2):131?150,2007) for the case of a perturbing force that is partially or totally derivable from a potential. We accomplish this result by employing a generalized Sundman time transformation in the framework of the projective decomposition, which is a known approach for transforming the two-body problem into a set of linear and regular differential equations of motion. Numerical tests, carried out with examples extensively used in the literature, show the remarkable improvement of the performance of the new method for different kinds of perturbations and eccentricities. In particular, one notable result is that the quadratic dependence of the position error on the time-like argument exhibited by Peláez?s method for near-circular motion under the J2 perturbation is transformed into linear.Moreover, themethod reveals to be competitive with two very popular elementmethods derived from theKustaanheimo-Stiefel and Sperling-Burdet regularizations.


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The two-body problem subject to a constant radial thrust is analyzed as a planar motion. The description of the problem is performed in terms of three perturbation methods: DROMO and two others due to Deprit. All of them rely on Hansen?s ideal frame concept. An explicit, analytic, closed-form solution is obtained for this problem when the initial orbit is circular (Tsien problem), based on the DROMO special perturbation method, and expressed in terms of elliptic integral functions. The analytical solution to the Tsien problem is later used as a reference to test the numerical performance of various orbit propagation methods, including DROMO and Deprit methods, as well as Cowell and Kustaanheimo?Stiefel methods.