977 resultados para Cats Felis-catus


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Research points to a relationship between lateralization and emotional functioning in humans and many species of animal. The present study explored the association between paw preferences and emotional functioning, specifically temperament, in a species thus far overlooked in this area, the domestic cat. Thirty left-pawed, 30 right-pawed, and 30 ambilateral pet cats were recruited following an assessment of their paw preferences using a food-reaching challenge. The animals’ temperament was subsequently assessed using the Feline Temperament Profile (FTP). Cats’ owners also completed a purpose-designed cat temperament (CAT) scale. Analysis revealed a significant relationship between lateral bias and FTP and CAT scale scores. Ambilateral cats had lower positive (FTP+) scores, and were perceived as less affectionate, obedient, friendly, and more aggressive, than left or right-pawed animals. Left and right pawed cats differed significantly on 1 trait on the CAT scale, namely playfulness. The strength of the cats’ paw preferences was related to the animals’ FTP and CAT scores. Cats with a greater strength of paw preference had higher FTP + scores than those with a weaker strength of paw preference. Animals with stronger paw preferences were perceived as more confident, affectionate, active, and friendly than those with weaker paw preferences. Results suggest that motor laterality in the cat is strongly related to temperament and that the presence or absence of lateralization has greater implications for the expression of emotion in this species than the direction of the lateralized bias.


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Small mammals and stray cats were trapped in two areas of North Zealand, Denmark, and their blood cultured for hemotrophic bacteria. Bacterial isolates were recovered in pure culture and subjected to 16S rDNA gene sequencing. Bartonella species were isolated from five mammalian species: B. grahamii from Microtus agrestis (field vole) and Apodemus flavicollis (yellow-necked field mouse); B. taylorii from M. agrestis, A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus (long-tailed field mouse); B. tribocorum from A. flavicollis; R vinsonii subsp. vinsonii from M. agrestis and A. sylvaticus; and B. birtlesii from Sorex vulgaris (common shrew). In addition, two variant types of B. henselae were identified: variant I was recovered from three specimens of A. sylvaticus, and B. henselae variant 11 from I I cats; in each case this was the only B. henselae variant found. No Bartonella species was isolated from Clethrionomys glareolus (bank vole) or Micromys minutus (harvest mouse). These results suggest that B. henselae occurs in two animal reservoirs in this region, one of variant I in A. sylvaticus, which may be transmitted between mice by the tick Ixodes ricinus, and another of variant 11 in cats, which may be transmitted by the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis). To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of B. henselae and B. tribocorum in Apodemus mice.


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Human infection with Rickettsia felis has been reported in most parts of the world, and R. felis has recently been confirmed in cat fleas in Western Australia. The clinical presentations of R. typhi and R. felis are similar, and in the past, the incidence of R. felis infection may have been underestimated. We describe the first reported cases of probable human R. felis infection in Australia. Two adults and three children in Victoria contracted a rickettsial disease after exposure to fleas from kittens. Molecular testing of fleas demonstrated the presence of R. felis but not R. typhi.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introgression of domestic cat genes into European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) populations and reduction of wildcats’ range in Europe, leaded by habitat loss and fragmentation, are considered two of the main conservation problems for this endangered feline. This thesis addressed the questions related with the artificial hybridization and populations’ fragmentation, using a conservation genetics perspective. We combined the use of highly polymorphic loci, Bayesian statistical inferences and landscape analyses tools to investigate the origin of the geographic-genetic substructure of European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in Italy and Europe. The genetic variability of microsatellites evidenced that European wildcat populations currently distributed in Italy differentiated in, and expanded from two distinct glacial refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum. The genetic and geographic substructure detected between the eastern and western sides of the Apennine ridge, resulted by adaptation to specific ecological conditions of the Mediterranean habitats. European wildcat populations in Europe are strongly structured into 5 geographic-genetic macro clusters corresponding to: the Italian peninsular & Sicily; Balkans & north-eastern Italy; Germany eastern; central Europe; and Iberian Peninsula. Central European population might have differentiated in the extra-Mediterranean Würm ice age refuge areas (Northern Alps, Carpathians, and the Bulgarian mountain systems), while the divergence among and within the southern European populations might have resulted by the Pleistocene bio geographical framework of Europe, with three southern refugia localized in the Balkans, Italian Peninsula and Iberia Peninsula. We further combined the use of most informative autosomal SNPs with uniparental markers (mtDNA and Y-linked) for accurately detecting parental genotypes and levels of introgressive hybridization between European wild and domestic cats. A total of 11 hybrids were identified. The presence of domestic mitochondrial haplotypes shared with some wild individuals led us to hypnotize the possibility that ancient introgressive events might have occurred and that further investigation should be recommended.


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As células-tronco podem ser isoladas tanto de tecidos embrionários quanto de tecidos provenientes de um organismo adulto. Este projeto teve por objetivo caracterizar, descrever as células derivadas da região uterina e da cinta placentária junção materno/fetal da placenta de carnívoros domésticos (cães e gatos), e verificar a sua capacidade de pluripotência. Os úteros gestantes e não gestantes foram obtidos em campanhas de castrações e de controle populacional de cães e gatos, na cidade de Pirassununga/SP. Foram coletados 24 úteros gravídicos de animais hígidos, em diferentes idades gestacionais. O material foi dividido em três fases distintas da gestação, ou seja inicio que compreende de 8 a 20 dias de gestação; meio de 21 a 30 dias de gestação e final de 31 a 60 dias de gestação. O material foi coletado de fêmeas caninas e felinas, quatro úteros de cada fase, totalizando 12 úteros de cães e 12 de felinos. Coletamos também 8 úteros de fêmeas nulíparas (4 de cadelas e 4 de gatas) e 8 úteros com um mês pós parto (4 de cadelas e 4 de gatas). As amostras foram fixadas em paraformoldeido tamponado a 4% para a análise histológica e de imunohistoquimica. Para a padronização da imunohistoquimica inúmeros testes de marcação e diluição dos anticorpos utilizados nesta pesquisa foram realizados, todo protocolo aqui descrito foi padronizado pela primeira vez. Nas análises de imunohistoquimica avaliamos a expressão de marcadores associados a células-tronco pluripotentes Nanog, Oct4 e Sox2. Nas cadelas, as marcações foram positivas em todas as fases, gestacionais e não gestacionais. A detecção dessas proteínas nesta espécie ficaram padronizadas, destacando algumas diferenças quantitativas durante alguns períodos da gestação. Foi observado que o Oct4 na cadela, mostra uma diferença significativa (p=0,0064), entre as fases de início e meio da gestação e entra o início e a fase de termo. Quando comparados os resultados das análises imunohistoquimicas utilizando os três anticorpos entre si, nos três períodos gestacionais ficou evidente uma diferença (p=0,0005) somente relativa a proteína Nanog com Oct4. Nas gatas apenas foi possível padronizar o protocolo do Nanog e do Sox2, sendo a marcação feita com Oct4 negativa. Nesta espécie foi possível observar uma diferença da proteína Nanog (p=0,0006) quando comparada na fase inicial para a fase do meio e início da gestação para a fase termo. No que se refere as fêmeas nulíparas e fêmeas pós-parto destaca-se a ausência de diferenças quando comparados os anticorpos na fase pós parto tanto em cadelas quanto em gatas. Na fase nulípara foram observadas diferenças somente na cadela (p=0,0018) para os três anticorpos. Desta forma, a caracterização de células de origem placentária com característica de células tronco pode abrir um leque de possibilidades para obtenção destas células de forma mais ética, uma vez que este material é descartado na castrações. Foi possível a identificação das células que expressão proteínas pluripotentes em diferentes idades gestacionais, tanto na região de cinta placentária como no útero. Apesar de semelhantes, as espécies aqui estudadas apresentaram diferenças na realização do protocolo da imunihistoquímica. Pesquisas relacionadas com as células-tronco do endométrio vêm crescendo, principalmente porque estas células podem ser facilmente obtidas, a partir de fontes descartadas, sem entraves éticos. Desta forma tem o potencial de serem uma nova fonte para o desenvolvimento na terapêutica como terapia celular


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Cat’s claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry (Bignoniaceae) is a major environmental weed of riparian areas, rainforest communities and remnant natural vegetation in coastal Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. In densely infested areas, it smothers standing vegetation, including large trees, and causes canopy collapse. Quantitative data on the ecology of this invasive vine are generally lacking. The present study examines the underground tuber traits of M. unguis-cati and explores their links with aboveground parameters at five infested sites spanning both riparian and inland vegetation. Tubers were abundant in terms of density (~1000 per m2), although small in size and low in level of interconnectivity. M. unguis-cati also exhibits multiple stems per plant. Of all traits screened, the link between stand (stem density) and tuber density was the most significant and yielded a promising bivariate relationship for the purposes of estimation, prediction and management of what lies beneath the soil surface of a given M. unguis-cati infestation site. The study also suggests that new recruitment is primarily from seeds, not from vegetative propagation as previously thought. The results highlight the need for future biological-control efforts to focus on introducing specialist seed- and pod-feeding insects to reduce seed-output.


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Cat's claw creeper, a native of South America and an escaped ornamental, is a serious environmental weed in Australia, South Africa and also several other countries. This paper reviews the efforts made over the last decade to bring about its biological control. The paper describes the weed status of cat's claw creeper in both Australia and South Africa. These two countries have cooperated in developing biocontrol projects and insect agents have now been released in both countries. These insects and other potential agents are described and suggestions made for the future direction of the projects.


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Ants are the dominant soil faunal group in many if not most terrestrial ecosystems, and play a key role in soil structure and function. This study documents the impacts of invasion by the exotic cat’s claw creeper vine, Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry (Bignoniaceae) on surface-situated (epigaeic) and subterranean (hypogaeic) ant communities in subtropical SE Queensland Australia where it is a major environmental weed of riparian areas, rainforest communities and remnant natural vegetation, smothering standing vegetation and causing canopy collapse. Soil ants were sampled in infested and uninfested areas at eight sites spanning both riparian and non-riparian habitats in subtropical SE Queensland. Patterns of ant species composition and functional grouping in response to patch invasion status, landscape type and habitat stratum were investigated using ANOVA and non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination. The epigaeic and subterranean strata supported markedly different ant assemblages, and ant communities also differed between riparian and non-riparian habitats. However, M. unguis-cati invasion had a surprisingly limited impact. There was a tendency for ant abundance and species richness to be lower in infested patches, and overall species composition was different between infested and uninfested patches, but these differences were relatively small, and did not occur consistently across sites. There were changes in functional group composition that conformed to known functional group responses to environmental change, but these were similarly limited and inconsistent across sites. Our study has shown that ant communities are surprisingly resilient to invasion by M. unguis-cati, and serves as a warning against making assumptions about invasion impacts based on visual appearances.