965 resultados para Catalytic Subunit


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The family of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) can be subdivided into two major functional groups based on their roles in cell cycle and/or transcriptional control. CDK9 is the catalytic subunit of positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb). CDK9 is the kinase of the TAK complex (Tat-associated kinase complex), and binds to Tat protein of HIV, suggesting a possible role for CDK9 in AIDS progression. CDK9 complexed with its regulatory partner cyclin T1, serves as a cellular mediator of the transactivation function of the HIV Tat protein. P-TEFb is responsible for the phosphorylation of the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA Pol II, resulting in stimulation of transcription. Furthermore, the complexes containing CDK9 induce the differentiation in distinct tissue. The CDK9/cyclin T1 complex is expressed at higher level in more differentiated primary neuroectodermal and neuroblastoma tumors, showing a correlation between the kinase expression and tumor differentiation grade. This may have clinical and therapeutical implications for these tumor types. Among the CDK inhibitors two have shown to be effective against CDK9: Roscovitine and Flavopiridol. These two inhibitors prevented the replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 by blocking Tat transactivation of the HIV type 1 promoter. These compounds inhibit CDKs by binding to the catalytic domain in place of ATP, preventing transfer of a phosphate group to the substrate. More sensitive therapeutic agents of CDK9 can be designed, and structural studies can add information in the understanding of this kinase. The major features related to CDK9 inhibition will be reviewed in this article.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Ca2+-calcineurin pathway affects virulence and morphogenesis in filamentous fungi. Here, we identified 37 CalA-interacting proteins that interact with the catalytic subunit of calcineurin (CalA) in Aspergillus fumigatus, including the nucleoside diphosphate kinase (SwoH). The in vivo interaction between CalA and SwoH was validated by bimolecular fluorescence complementation. A. fumigatus swoH is an essential gene. Therefore, a temperature-sensitive conditional mutant strain with a point mutation in the active site, SwoH(V83F), was constructed, which demonstrated reduced growth and increased sensitivity to elevated temperatures. The SwoH(V83F) mutation did not cause a loss in virulence in the Galleria mellonella infection model. Taken together these results imply that CalA interacts with SwoH. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The tumorigenesis of pituitary adenomas is poorly understood. Mutations of the PIK3CA proto-oncogene, which encodes the p110-α catalytic subunit of PI3K, have been reported in various types of human cancers regarding the role of the gene in cell proliferation and survival through activation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Only one Chinese study described somatic mutations and amplification of the PIK3CA gene in a large series of pituitary adenomas. The aim of the present study was to determine genetic alterations of PIK3CA in a second series that consisted of 33 pituitary adenomas of different subtypes diagnosed by immunohistochemistry: 6 adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting microadenomas, 5 growth hormone-secreting macroadenomas, 7 prolactin-secreting macroadenomas, and 15 nonfunctioning macroadenomas. Direct sequencing of exons 9 and 20 assessed by qPCR was employed to investigate the presence of mutations and genomic amplification defined as a copy number ≥4. Previously identified PIK3CA mutations (exon 20) were detected in four cases (12.1%). Interestingly, the Chinese study reported mutations only in invasive tumors, while we found a PIK3CA mutation in one noninvasive corticotroph microadenoma. PIK3CA amplification was observed in 21.2% (7/33) of the cases. This study demonstrates the presence of somatic mutations and amplifications of the PIK3CA gene in a second series of pituitary adenomas, corroborating the previously described involvement of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in the tumorigenic process of this gland.


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Expression of antibodies in plant against essential viral proteins could provide an alternative approach to engineered viral resistance. Engineered single chain Fv antibodies scFV are particularly suitable for expression in plant because of their small size and the lack of assembly requirements. RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) function as the catalytic subunit of viral replicases required for the replication of all positive strand RNA viruses. By using Phage technology we selected scFvs from a phage library using purified E.coli expressed TBSV(Tomato bushy stunt virus) replicase as antigen. The scFvs mediated-inhibition of RdRp activity was studied in vitro and in planta. In vitro experiments showed the inhibition of CNV(Cucumber necrosis virus) and TCV(Turnip crinkle virus) RdRp. Transient in planta assays based on agroinfiltration and an infectious clone of TBSV demonstrated the inhibition of the replication of TBSV(Tomato bushy stunt virus). Epitope mapping showed that the selected scFvs target the motif E of RdRp which is involved in template binding.Moreover T1 plants of transgenic lines of N. benthamiana expressing different scFvs either in the cytoplasm or the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) showed a high level of resistance against infection with TBSV and RCNMV(Red clover necrotic mosaic virus) upon inoculation with virus particles. This is the first report that scFvs against a RdRp of a plant viruses can inhibit viral replication in vivo. The resistance is even efficient against viruses belonging to different virus families.


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Staphylococcus aureus alpha-hemolysin was the first bacterial toxin recognized to form pores in the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. It is secreted as a water-soluble monomer that upon contact with target membranes forms an amphiphatic heptameric beta-barrel which perforates the bilayer. As a consequence, red cells undergo colloidosmotic lyses, while some nucleated cells may succumb to necrosis or programmed cell death. However, most cells are capable of repairing a limited number of membrane lesions, and then respond with productive transcriptional activation of NF-kB. In the present study, by using microarray and semiquantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), data from a previously performed serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) were extended and verified, revealing that immediate early genes (IEGs) such as c-fos, c-jun and egr-1 are strongly induced at 2-8 h after transient toxin treatment. Activating protein 1 (AP-1: c-Fos, c-Jun) binding activity was increased accordingly. As IEGs are activated by growth factors, these findings led to the discovery that -toxin promotes cell cycle progression of perforated cells in an EGFR-dependent fashion. Although the amount of c-fos mRNA rose rapidly after toxin treatment, c-Fos protein expression was observed only after a lag of about 3 h. Since translation consumes much ATP, which transiently drops after transient membrane perforation, the suspicion arised that membrane-perforation caused global, but temporary downregulation of translation. In fact, eIF2α became heavily phosphorylated minutes after cells had been confronted with the toxin, resulting in shutdown of protein synthesis before cellular ATP levels reached the nadir. GCN2 emerged as a candidate eIF2α kinase, since its expression rapidly increased in toxin-treated cells. Two hours after toxin treatment, GADD34 transcripts, encoding a protein that targets the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to the endoplasmic reticulum, were overexpressed. This was followed by dephosphorylation of eIF2α and resumption of protein synthesis. Addition of tautomycetin, a specific inhibitor of PP1, led to marked hyperphosphorylation of eIF2α and significantly reduced the drop of ATP-levels in toxin-treated cells. A novel link between two major stress-induced signalling pathways emerged when it was found that both translational arrest and restart were under the control of stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) p38. The data provide an explanation for the indispensible role of p38 for defence against the archetypal threat of membrane perforation by agents that produce small transmembrane-pores.


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Tanchirasi (TNKS) è un membro della superfamiglia delle PARP (Poli ADP-Ribosio Polimerasi). TNKS è coinvolta nella stabilizzazione della subunità catalitca del complesso proteico DNA-PK (protein chinasi DNA-dipendente), la DNA-PKcs. Questa proteina è fondamentale per il corretto funzionamento del meccanismo di riparo del DNA chiamato "Saldatura Non Omologa delle Estremità" (NHEJ). La deplezione di TNKS induce una degradazione della DNA-PKcs e una maggiore sensibilità alle radiazioni ionizzanti (RI). TNKS è inoltre un regolatore negativo di axina e di conseguenza un attivatore del pathway di WNT; l'inibizione quindi di TNKS induce anche una inibizione del pathway di WNT. Alterazioni in questo signalling si riscontrano frequentemente nel Medulloblastoma (MB), il tumore cerebrale embrionale più comune dell'infanzia. La radioterapia post-operatoria risulta essere molto efficacia in questa neoplasia, ma causa gravi effetti collaterali e un terzo dei pazienti presenta radioresistenza intrinseca. Un'importante sfida per la ricerca è quindi l'aumento della radiosensibilità tumorale. In questo lavoro, abbiamo studiato gli effetti dell'inibizione farmacologica di TNKS in linee cellulari di MB umano, mediante la small molecule XAV939, potente e specifico inibitore di TNKS. Il trattamento con XAV939 induce una consistente inibizione della capacità proliferativa e clonogenica, non correlata ad un aumento della mortalità cellulare, indicando una bassa tossicità legata alla molecola. Il co-trattamento di XAV939 e RI (γ-ray, dose 2 Gy) causa una ulteriore inibizione della proliferazione cellulare e della capacità di formare colonie. Abbiamo inoltre constatato, mediante Neutral Comet Assay, una minore efficacia nel riparo del DNA in cellule irradiate trattate con XAV939, indicando un effettivo aumento della radiosensibilità in cellule di MB trattate con l'inibitore di TNKS. L'aumentata mortalità cellulare in cellule tumorali trattate con XAV939 e RI ha confermato la nostra ipotesi. Il nostro studio in vitro indica come TNKS possa essere un utile target terapeutico per rendere più efficace l'attuale terapia contro il MB.


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Monozyten wie auch dendritische Zellen (DCs) und Makrophagen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des angeborenenen unspezifischen Immunsystems. Ein Kennzeichen dieser Zellen ist die Produktion von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) zur Abtötung von Pathogenen. Im Fall von chronischen Entzündungen oder Infekten kann es zu einer explosionsartigen Freisetzung freier Radikale kommen ('Oxidative Burst'). Aus vorangegangenen Untersuchungen war bekannt, dass die Expression der beiden Basen Exziosions Reparatur (BER)-Proteine XRCC1 und Ligase III während der Ausreifung humaner Monozyten zu DCs induziert wird (Briegert and Kaina, 2007). Dies lies vermuten, dass Monozyten aufgrund einer defekten BER eine hohe Sensitivität gegenüber ROS aufweisen. Um diese Hypothese zu überprüfen, wurde die Wirkung von ROS auf humane Monozyten und daraus abgeleiteten DCs und Makrophagen untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Monozyten eine hohe Sensitivität gegenüber oxidativem Stress aufweisen, was auf eine höhere Einzelstrangbruch-Rate zurückzuführen war. Ursache hierfür ist das Fehlen der BER-Proteine XRCC1, Ligase III und PARP-1. Die fehlende Expression dieser Proteine resultierte letztendlich in Monozyten in einem Defekt der BER und DNA-Einzelstrangbruchreparatur. rnDie Proteine XRCC1, Ligase III und PARP-1 sind auch Bestandteil des Apparats des B-NHEJ ('backup-non homologous end joining'), was auf eine Beeinträchtigung der Monozyten hinsichtlich der Prozessierung von Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSBs) schließen lässt. Zur Untersuchung dieser Vermutung, wurde die Wirkung von Ionisierender Strahlung ('ionizing radiation'; IR) auf Monozyten, DCs und Makrophagen bestimmt. Monozyten zeigten eine signifikant höhere Sensitivität gegenüber IR als DCs und Makrophagen, was auf eine erhöhte DSB-Rate in den Monozyten nach IR zurückzuführen war. Expressionsanalysen und ein DNA-PK-Aktivitäts-Assay zeigten zusätzlich, dass Monozyten keine DNA-PKcs, ein bedeutender Faktor des C-NHEJ, exprimieren. Somit haben Monozyten sowohl einen Defekt im B-NHEJ als auch im C-NHEJ und sind demnach nicht in der Lage, DSBs zu reparieren.rnAuch gegenüber dem Alkylanz und Chemotherapeutikum Temozolomid bewirken die Reparaturdefekte eine hohe Sensitivität der Monozyten. Zur Therapie von Hirntumoren werden neben der Operation, die Bestrahlung und Chemotherapie mit Temozolomid angewendet. Die hohe Sensitivität von Monozyten gegenüber IR und Temozolomid könnte eine Erklärung für die starke Immunsuppression bei einer derartigen Therapie sein.rn


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The phosphorylation state and corresponding activity of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (Rb) are modulated by a balance of kinase and phosphatase activities. Here we characterize the association of Rb with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1c). A crystal structure identifies an enzyme docking site in the Rb C-terminal domain that is required for efficient PP1c activity toward Rb. The phosphatase docking site overlaps with the known docking site for cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk), and PP1 competition with Cdk-cyclins for Rb binding is sufficient to retain Rb activity and block cell-cycle advancement. These results provide the first detailed molecular insights into Rb activation and establish a novel mechanism for Rb regulation in which kinase and phosphatase compete for substrate docking.


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Gene expression of adipose factors, which may be part of the mechanisms that underlie insulin sensitivity, were studied in dairy cows around parturition. Subcutaneous fat biopsies and blood samples were taken from 27 dairy cows in week 8 antepartum (a.p.), on day 1 postpartum (p.p.) and in week 5 p.p. In the adipose tissue samples, mRNA was quantified by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), insulin-independent glucose transporter (GLUT1), insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GLUT4), insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1), insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2), regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (p85) and catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase. Blood plasma was assayed for concentrations of glucose, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and insulin. Plasma parameters followed a pattern typically observed in dairy cows. Gene expression changes were observed, but there were no changes in TNFalpha concentrations, which may indicate its local involvement in catabolic adaptation of adipose tissue. Changes in GLUT4 and GLUT1 mRNA abundance may reflect their involvement in reduced insulin sensitivity and in sparing glucose for milk synthesis in early lactation. Unchanged gene expression of IRS1, IRS2 and p85 over time may imply a lack of their involvement in terms of insulin sensitivity dynamics. Alternatively, it may indicate that post-transcriptional modifications of these factors came into play and may have concealed an involvement.


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Soybean lipoxygenase-1 is a model for lipoxygenase activity. While the mechanism of oxygenation is understood, the substrate binding mechanism has not yet been elucidated. Two putative binding mechanisms are the ¿head-first¿ and ¿tail-first¿ models, in which the carboxy-terminus or the methyl terminus of the fatty acid substrate is inserted into the active site while the remainder of the molecule protrudes from the surface, respectively. Previous work has demonstrated that derivatization of fatty acid substrates with D-tryptophan increases active site affinity. It has also been shown that while polyunsaturated fatty acids are the natural substrates of lipoxygenases, monounsaturated fatty acids can be oxygenated at a much slower rate. Starting with a monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, as a platform, the molecule N-oleoyl-D-tryptophan (ODT) was synthesized with the anticipation of it being a potent competitive substrate-analogue inhibitor that could be used to discern the substrate binding mechanism. Inhibition kinetics demonstrated that this molecule functions as a partially competitive inhibitor, through an unknown mechanism. The implication behind partially competitive inhibition is that substrate and inhibitor molecules can bind simultaneously to the enzyme, which alludes to the presence of an allosteric binding domain. To investigate the possibility of an inhibitor binding site on the non-catalytic subunit, limited proteolysis was used to cleave the subunits apart which should have eliminated inhibition. Interestingly, it was observed that at high substrate concentrations the inhibitor was completely ineffective, but at low substrate concentrations the inhibitor maintained its standard efficacy. A satisfactory explanation for these results has not yet been determined.


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Oxidative stress, intense light exposure and oxygen imbalances such as hypoxic or hyperoxic conditions perturb mitochondria, nuclear function and further lead to cellular damage of retina and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Our major aim is to understand the various biochemical and proteomic events that occur during the progression of retina and RPE cell death. The comprehensive objectives of this dissertation are to understand the functional aspects of protein expression, posttranslational modifications, protein or lipid binding changes, phenotypic, morphological alterations and their regulation during the retina and RPE apoptosis under oxidative stress. The entire study is divided into four chapters Chapter 1 contains introduction and background on apoptotic signaling in retina and RPE cells. In chapter 2, we demonstrated that the oxidative stress biomarker prohibitin shuttles between mitochondria and nucleus as an anti-apoptotic molecule and acts as a transcriptional regulator by altering its lipid binding affinity and by posttranslational modifications during oxidative damage to the retina and RPE. In chapter 3, we demonstrated that oxidative and photo-oxidative stress induced nitric oxide regulates the RPE apoptosis by altering serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) catalytic subunit, vimentin phosphorylation and Bcl xL expression regulation in the RPE cells in vitro. In chapter 4, we further analyzed the differential expression of prohibitin in the retina and RPE during oxidative stress, diabetic retinopathy (DR) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) condition. Our analysis of postmortem retinas reveals that prohibitin is significantly increased in aged and AMD retina, and decreased in retinas of human diabetic retinopathy and RPE of AMD. Our study demonstrates that prohibitin levels determine the apoptotic signaling in the retina and RPE during retinal degenerative disease progression.


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Clostridium difficile is an antibiotic-associated emerging pathogen of humans and animals. Thus far three toxins of C. difficile have been described: an enterotoxin (ToxA), a cytotoxin (ToxB) and an ADP-ribosyltransferase (CDT). In the present work we describe the first isolation of CDT producing C. difficile from Equidae with gastro-intestinal disease. Out of 17 C. difficile strains isolated from Equidae, 11 were positive for the genes tcdA and tcdB encoding ToxA and ToxB. In addition four of these 11 isolates were positive for the cdtA gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the ADP-ribosyltransferase CDT. Interestingly none of the isolates derived from canines (41 isolates) and felines (4 isolates) harboured the cdtA gene. In C. difficile field isolates which contained the cdtA gene, ADP-ribosyltransferase activity could also be detected in culture supernatants indicating expression and secretion of CDT. All strains were associated with intestinal disorders, but no association was found for the occurrence of toxins with a specific clinical diagnosis.


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Mammalian genomes encode at least 15 distinct DNA polymerases, functioning as specialists in DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination, or bypass of DNA damage. Although the DNA polymerase zeta (polzeta) catalytic subunit REV3L is important in defense against genotoxins, little is known of its biological function. This is because REV3L is essential during embryogenesis, unlike other translesion DNA polymerases. Outstanding questions include whether any adult cells are viable in the absence of polzeta and whether polzeta status influences tumorigenesis. REV3L-deficient cells have properties that could influence the development of neoplasia in opposing ways: markedly reduced damage-induced point mutagenesis and extensive chromosome instability. To answer these questions, Rev3L was conditionally deleted from tissues of adult mice using MMTV-Cre. Loss of REV3L was tolerated in epithelial tissues but not in the hematopoietic lineage. Thymic lymphomas in Tp53(-/-) Rev3L conditional mice occurred with decreased latency and higher incidence. The lymphomas were populated predominantly by Rev3L-null T cells, showing that loss of Rev3L can promote tumorigenesis. Remarkably, the tumors were frequently oligoclonal, consistent with accelerated genetic changes in the absence of Rev3L. Mammary tumors could also arise from Rev3L-deleted cells in both Tp53(+/+) and Tp53(+/-) backgrounds. Mammary tumors in Tp53(+/-) mice deleting Rev3L formed months earlier than mammary tumors in Tp53(+/-) control mice. Prominent preneoplastic changes in glandular tissue adjacent to these tumors occurred only in mice deleting Rev3L and were associated with increased tumor multiplicity. Polzeta is the only specialized DNA polymerase yet identified that inhibits spontaneous tumor development.