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Incluye Bibliografía


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Aims To describe, in the context of DSM-V, how a focus on addiction and compulsion is emerging in the consideration of pathological gambling (PG). Methods A systematic literature review of evidence for the proposed re-classification of PG as an addiction. Results Findings include: (i) phenomenological models of addiction highlighting a motivational shift from impulsivity to compulsivity associated with a protracted withdrawal syndrome and blurring of the ego-syntonic/ego-dystonic dichotomy; (ii) common neurotransmitter (dopamine, serotonin) contributions to PG and substance use disorders (SUDs); (iii) neuroimaging support for shared neurocircuitries between behavioural and substance addictions and differences between obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD), impulse control disorders (ICDs) and SUDs; (iv) genetic findings more closely related to endophenotypic constructs such as compulsivity and impulsivity than to psychiatric disorders; (v) psychological measures such as harm avoidance identifying a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD; (vi) community and pharmacotherapeutic trials data supporting a closer association between SUDs and PG than with OCD. Adapted behavioural therapies, such as exposure therapy, appear applicable to OCD, PG or SUDs, suggesting some commonalities across disorders. Conclusions PG shares more similarities with SUDs than with OCD. Similar to the investigation of impulsivity, studies of compulsivity hold promising insights concerning the course, differential diagnosis and treatment of PG, SUDs, and OCD.


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L’attenzione dei pochi automobilisti che oggi passano velocemente per via Cavalli, nella frazione di Santa Maria Nuova, sotto il comune di Bertinoro (FC), non viene attirata dal palazzo settecentesco seminascosto dalla vegetazione che cresce incolta. L’edificio potrebbe passare per un casolare di campagna abbandonato, senza alcuna pretesa di bellezza, mutilato dei suoi terreni. Solo salendo lo scalone dissestato si può scoprire la ricchezza delle decorazione interne, stucchi baroccheggianti con maschere di volti provenienti da terre lontane e abbondanti cornucopie che circondano lo stemma della famiglia Cavalli. La piccola cappella della villa, in perfetto stato di conservazione, mostra, con un trionfo di stucchi, l’assunzione della Vergine al cielo, osservata dai santi Pietro e Paolo. Le quattro stanze centrali del piano nobile sono finemente dipinte con paesaggi marini e lacustri, stanze sepolcrali egizie e atrii di templi antichi. La ravennate famiglia dei marchesi Cavalli, una delle più ricche della zona nel XVIII e XIX secolo, utilizzava la villa come luogo di villeggiatura e come casino per la caccia. Testimonianze della loro presenza sono conservate nelle mappe storiche all’Archivio del Comune di Bertinoro e nell’Archivio parrocchiale di Santa Maria Nuova, dove si trovano descrizioni della ricchezza sia dell’edificio che delle terre possedute dai marchesi. Il complesso di villa Cavalli ha subito numerosi passaggi di proprietà dal 1900 ad oggi, è stato utilizzato come magazzino, pollaio, essiccatoio per il tabacco e le sue proprietà sono state frazionate fino a ridursi al piccolo parco presente oggi. Poiché gli attuali proprietari non possono garantire né la manutenzione ordinaria né quella straordinaria e il complesso è tutelato dal D. Lgs. 42/2004 Codice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio è stato messo all’asta per tre volte, l’ultima nel dicembre 2011, senza risultato. La tesi sviluppa un’analisi dello stato di fatto della villa e del parco, partendo dal suo inserimento nel territorio fino allo studio dei dettagli costruttivi, per giungere ad un’ipotesi di progetto che vede il complesso strettamente legato a Santa Maria Nuova e alla sua gente. L’edificio fungerà da centro culturale, con mostre permanenti e temporanee, laboratori didattici, ludoteca per bambini e ospiterà la sede distaccata della biblioteca del comune di Bertinoro, ora inserita in un edificio di Santa Maria Nuova ma con dimensioni estremamente limitate. Si intendono effettuare interventi di consolidamento strutturale su tutti i solai della villa, su volte e copertura, con un atteggiamento di delicatezza verso il piano nobile, agendo dal piano inferiore e da quello superiore. Capitoli specifici trattano il restauro delle finiture e delle superfici dipinte e stuccate, per finire con l’intervento di adeguamento impiantistico e di valorizzazione del parco.


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The synthesis of resolved P-metalated nucleoside phosphoramidites is described. These rare compounds were initially prepared with gold as the metal center; however, the gold can be removed using basic phosphines or solid-supported triphenylphosphine. Treatment of the free nucleoside phosphoramidite with a platinum source generated a unique platinated dinucleoside species with a diastereomeric ratio of >99:1.


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Boberach: Mitgliederverzeichnisse und Programme der Fraktionen Casino, Augsburger Hof, Württemberger Hof, Landsberg, Donnersberg, Café Milani, Westendhall, Nürnberger Hof, Deutscher Hof, Märzverein, Pariser Hof


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Boberach: Der ostpreußische Abgeordnete (Casino) berichtet über die Beratung der Grundrechte


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Discurso pronunciado en la velada celebrada en el Casino Republicano Radical, el 7 de mayo de 1905, con motivo del centenario del Quijote


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Air Mines The sky over the city's port was the color of a faulty screen, only partly lit up. As the silhouette of nearby buildings became darker, but more clearly visible against the fading blur-filter of a background, the realization came about how persistent a change had been taking place. Slowly, old wooden water reservoirs and rattling HVAC systems stopped being the only inhabitants of roofs. Slightly trembling, milkish jellyfish-translucent air volumes had joined the show in multiples. A few years ago artists and architects seized upon the death of buildings as their life-saving media. Equipped with constructive atlases and instruments they started disemboweling their subjects, poking about their systems, dumping out on the street the battered ugliness of their embarrassing bits and pieces, so rightly hidden by facades and height from everyday view. But, would you believe it? Even ?old ladies?, investment bankers or small children failed to get upset. Of course, old ladies are not what they used to be. It was old ladies themselves that made it happen after years of fights with the town hall, imaginative proposals and factual arguments. An industry with little financial gains but lots of welcome externalities was not, in fact, the ground for investment bankers. But they too had to admit that having otherwise stately buildings make fine particulate pencils with their facades was not the worse that could happen. Yes, making soot pencils had been found an interesting and visible end product of the endeavor, a sort of mining the air for vintage writing tools one can actually touch. The new view from the street did not seem as solid or dignified as that of old, and they hated that the market for Fine Particulates Extraction (FPE, read efpee) had to be applied on a matrix of blocks and streets that prevented undue concentration of the best or worse solutions. It had to be an evenly distributed city policy in order for the city to apply for cleaning casino money. Once the first prototypes had been deployed in buildings siding Garden Avenue or Bulwark Street even fast movers appreciated the sidekick of flower and plant smell dripping down the Urban Space Stations (USS, read use; USSs, read uses) as air and walls cooled off for a few hours after sunset. Enough. It was all nice to remember, but it was now time to go up and start the lightweight afternoon maintenance of their USS. Coop discussions had taken place all through the planning and continued through the construction phase as to how maintenance was going to be organized. Fasters had voted for a pro, pay a small amount and let them use it for rent and produce. In the end some neighbors decided they were slow enough to take care and it was now the turn. Regret came periodically, sometimes a week before, and lasted until work actually started. But lately it had been replaced by anxiety when it needed to be passed over to the next caretaker. It did not look their shift was good enough and couldn?t wait to fix it. Today small preparations needed to be made for a class visit next day from a nearby cook school. They were frequenters. It had not been easy, but it shouldn?t have been that hard. In the end, even the easiest things are hard if they involve a city, buildings and neighbors. On the face of the data, the technicalities and the way final designs had been worked out for adaptation to the different settings, the decision of where to go was self evident, but organization issues and the ever-growing politics of taste in a city of already-gentrified-rodents almost put the project in the frozen orbit of timeless beautiful future possibilities. This is how it was. A series of designs by XClinic and OSS had made it possible to adapt to different building structures, leave in most cases the roof untouched and adapted a new technology of flexing fiberglass tubes that dissipated wind pressure in smooth bending.......