962 resultados para Carlos V,
O barramento de um rio pode causar graves consequências sobre a natureza do ambiente, abaixo da barragem, modificando a composição do sedimento, as quais impõem importantes ajustes da distribuição longitudinal das comunidades bentônicas. A construção da Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta no alto rio Paraná, tem causado impactos em várias comunidades aquáticas, que ainda não são totalmente conhecidos. Este trabalho objetivou fornecer mais informações sobre os efeitos desse represamento na assembleia de Chironomidae. A análise das variáveis físicas e químicas em relação aos dados biológicos de oito transectos longitudinais no alto rio Paraná revelou que a composição das larvas de Chironomidae das estações mais próximas à barragem da Usina Engenheiro Sérgio Motta diferiu das demais (estações mais distantes). A predominância de sedimentos mais grosseiros nas estações a montante e sedimentos mais finos mais a jusante afetou a escolha de habitat pelos diferentes morfotipos de Chironomidae, que levou a alteração na estrutura desta assembleia ao longo do trecho amostrado.
O conteúdo estomacal de 137 exemplares de Potamotrygon motoro provenientes de 3 localidades (Muaná, Afuá e Lago Arari) na ilha de Marajó foi analisado. Os valores do Índice Relativo de Importância (IRI) e respectiva porcentagem (%IRI) foram calculados. O nível de repleção 1 (¼ cheio) foi o mais representativo para ambos os sexos, assim como para exemplares imaturos e maduros. A maioria dos itens alimentares analisados encontrava-se bastante digerido. A identificação dos itens alimentares indicou a presença de 15 ordens, incluindo insetos, moluscos, crustáceos, anelídeos e peixes. Diferenças na dieta entre os locais amostrados foram observadas ao se comparar as %IRI, sendo crustáceos o item preferencial em Afuá, peixes no Lago Arari e moluscos em Muaná.
Foram estudados aspectos ultra-estruturais do espermatozóide do teleósteo hermafrodita Satanoperca jurupari (HECKEL, 1840) do rio Amazonas. Em diferentes oocistos testiculares encontram-se fases evolutivas de espermatócitos, espermátides e espermatozóides. Nos estádios mais jovens, nos espermatócitos, foram observados os respectivos complexos sinaptonêmicos. O espermatozóide maduro do tipo "introsperm" apresenta cabeça pequena de ~ 3 mm de comprimento e 1,3 mm de largura, sem acrosoma, com uma pequena peça intermediária de ~ 1,2 mm de comprimento e 1,8 mm de largura, contendo algumas mitocôndrias esféricas, circundando os dois centríolos e formando um colar mitocondrial. Esse espermatozóide apresenta 2 flagelos, cada um com ~ 15 mm de comprimento e com a formação microtubular comum de 9 + 2. Cada flagelo tem 2 extensões citoplasmáticas lateralmente opostas, sendo formadas cerca de 3 mm abaixo da peça intermediária, acompanhando o flagelo até a parte final.
OBJETIVOS: Assim como a imagética motora, o reconhecimento de partes do corpo aciona representações somatosensoriais específicas. Essas representações são ativadas implicitamente para comparar o corpo com o estímulo. No presente estudo, investigou-se a influência da informação proprioceptiva da postura no reconhecimento de partes do corpo (mãos) e propõe-se a utilização dessa tarefa na reabilitação de pacientes neurológicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Dez voluntários destros participaram do experimento. A tarefa era reconhecer a lateralidade de figuras da mão apresentada, em várias perspectivas e em vários ângulos de orientação. Para a figura da mão direita, o voluntário pressionava a tecla direita e para a figura da mão esquerda, a tecla esquerda. Os voluntários realizavam duas sessões: uma com as mãos na postura prona e outra com as mãos na postura supina. RESULTADOS: Os tempos de reação manual (TRM) eram maiores para as vistas e orientações, nas quais é difícil realizar o movimento real, mostrando que durante a tarefa, existe um acionamento de representações motoras para comparar o corpo com o estímulo. Além disso, existe uma influência da postura do sujeito em vistas e ângulos específicos. CONCLUSÕES: Estes resultados mostram que representações motoras são ativadas para comparar o corpo com o estímulo e que a postura da mão influencia esta ressonância entre estímulo e parte do corpo.
Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of thermal parameters on the columnar to equiaxed transition during the horizontal unsteady-state directional solidification of Al-Si alloys. The parameters analyzed include the heat transfer coefficients, growth rates, cooling rates, temperature gradients and composition. A combined theoretical and experimental approach is developed to determine the solidification thermal variables considered. The increasing solute content in Al-Si alloys was not found to affect significantly the experimental position of the CET which occurred for cooling rates in the range between 0.35 and 0.64 K/s for any of three alloy compositions examined. A comparative analysis between the results of this work and those from the literature proposed to analyze the CET during upward vertical solidification of Al-Si alloys is reported and the results have shown that the end of the columnar region during horizontal directional solidification is abbreviated as a result of about six times higher thermal gradient than that verified during upward unidirectional solidification of alloys investigated.
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate both the columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings of Al-3wt.%Si alloy during the horizontal directional solidification. The transient heat transfer coefficient at the metal-mold interface is calculated based on comparisons between the experimental thermal profiles in castings and the simulations provided by a finite difference heat flow program. Simulated curve of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient was used in another numerical solidification model to determine theoretical values of tip growth rates, cooling rates and thermal gradients that are associated with both columnar to equiaxed transition and primary dendritic arm spacings. A good agreement was observed between the experimental values of these thermal variables and those numerically simulated for the alloy examined. A comparative analysis is carried out between the experimental data of this work and theoretical models from the literature that have been proposed to predict the primary dendritic spacings. In this context, this study may contribute to the understanding of how to manage solidification operational parameters aiming at designing the microstructure of Al-Si alloys.
Red mud (RM) is a mineral waste, residue of the Bayer process used to obtain alumina from bauxite. While the exploration of rolled pebble damages the environment and is much more controlled by the government, the huge RM disposal areas do not stop increasing and polluting soil, rivers and groundwater sources in Amazon. In this work, the material mixtures used to produce coarse aggregates presented up to 80% of RM, 30% of metakaolin and 30% of active silica as recycled waste. Several tests were carried out to determine the aggregates physical properties and to evaluate the mechanical performance of the concretes with the new aggregates, including hydraulic abrasion strength, and the results were compared to the reference ones, i.e. rolled pebble concretes. Additionally, the sintering process neutralizes any toxic substance as occur in some RM products like tiles and bricks, and these results have encouraged an industrial or semi-industrial production of RM aggregates for concretes.
The possibility of recycling and the favorable mechanical properties of the products have encouraged the study and production of thermoplastic composites from natural fibrous waste. Açaí (cabbage palm) fiber, which is removed from the seed, has been slightly investigated, as compared to what is already known about the fruit pulp. In this study, the influence of açaí fiber as an element of reinforcement in recycled everyday usage thermoplastics using simple, low cost methodology was evaluated. Recycled matrixes of high impact polystyrene and polypropylene were molded by hot compression from which the fiber composites were obtained. The FTIR technique showed that the process was efficient in preventing degradation of the açaí fibers. The influence of the fiber on the mechanical behavior of the recycled matrixes was investigated by microscopic images of compression and impact tests. The results showed better impact performance for the fiber combined with the polymeric matrixes.
This study investigated the influence of bioactive materials on the dentin surface whitened. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three bovine teeth were shaped into three dentin wafers. Each wafer was then sectioned, into six dentin slices. One slice from each tooth was distributed into one of 6 groups: 1.CG = control group (distilled water); 2.WT = whitening treatment; 3.WT + MI Paste Plus, applied once a day; 4.WT + Relief ACP30, applied once a day for 30 mintes; 5.WT + Relief ACP60, applied once a day for 60 minutes; 6.WT + Biosilicate®, applied once a week. All groups were treated over 14 days. RESULTS: CG presented all dentinal tubules occluded by smear layer; WT group was observed all dentinal tubules opened. In the groups 3, 4 and 6, tubules were occluded. Group 5, dentinal tubules were completely occluded by mineral deposits. CONCLUSION: The use of bioactive materials immediately after whitening treatment can reduce or even avoid the demineralization effect of whitening and avoid exposing dentinal tubules.
The leather footwear industry is an important sector in the Brazilian economy. The tannery industry accounted for $ 2.05 billion to exports in 2011, which represents a contribution of 6.86% to the Brazilian balance of trade. However, it is a highly polluting industry generating highly toxic and hazardous waste. Therefore, it is extremely important to search for environmental management actions that allow a cleaner production and waste recycling to prevent its discharge into the environment resulting in the deterioration of nature and quality of human life. Thus, based on a literature review and exploratory research, this study consisted of an analysis of some environmental management actions adopted by the leather industry in Franca - SP verifying if the industries have certifications or follow standards that characterize a responsible environmental management. This study is justified by the fact that tanneries and footwear industries produce highly hazardous waste, and therefore environmental actions are necessary to treat the waste effectively in order to minimize its environmental impacts. The literature review and empirical research conducted demonstrated the development of new techniques and technologies aiming at mitigating the impacts of leather waste in the environment. These actions are crucial for companies to remain competitive and focused on sustainability in this rapidly growing market.
The objective of this paper is to present how the Theory of Constraints has recently been dealing with make to stock environments. This new format introduces interesting innovations in terms of the use of simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope method as well as ways to pull production in environments that produce in advance of demand. It also innovates by creating conditions for providing market opportunities based on the explicit assurance of product availability, hence its name: make to availability (MTA). Although it provides important contributions to production planning and control, articles that have directly addressed this issue have not been identified to date in both national and international journals.
The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze how Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices have been adopted by high-tech companies located in Brazil in order to create guidelines to support similar companies to incorporate GSCM initiatives. This research was based on case studies carried out in some representative companies in this sector. The main results are: (a) the supply chain structure can affect both the adoption of GSCM practices and the way they are adopted, (b) the Brazilian environmental legislation and international policies are very important to boost the adoption of GSCM practices, and (c) based on the results obtained, for each one of the six GSCM practices, suggestions for a more appropriate adoption are offered to similar companies.
This work aims to identify the main motivations and difficulties faced by Brazilian companies to obtain ISO 9001 certification. The key quality management practices that provide support to this certification and the relationship with other types of systems, such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), were also investigated. A survey research was conducted with 191 companies. The main motivations for implementing ISO 9001 are the following: internal organization improvement, production efficiency increase, and brand reliability improvement. Employee resistance was the greatest challenge found during the implementation process. On the other hand, the main benefits identified were: quality processes improvement and increased employee awareness of quality. The results reveal that the most common quality programs and tools used are: 5S, brainstorming, and Ishikawa diagram, while the least common are SERVQUAL and QFD.
ISO 26000, published in 2010, focuses on corporate social responsibility. This study presents a systematic review conducted in ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) and Elsevier's Scopus databases to answer the following question: What are the barriers and motivators affecting the adoption of ISO 26000 by organizations? The articles were selected using filters that applied two inclusion criteria. The data were summarized in a table covering the concepts of ISO 26000, the motivators, and the barriers. The motivators were globalization or competition in international markets, congruence with management systems, reputation or image, relationship with employees and improvement of the organizational environment, improvement in the relationship with external stakeholders, competitive advantage and strategy, guide to corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reduction of business risks. The barriers were lack of alignment between CSR and organizational strategy; business (national and international); unfamiliarity with ISO 26000; lack of communication, tools and sensitivity to the subject; short-term focus; knowledge management; fear of not fulfilling the standard; and financial resources. Finally, an agenda for future studies was prepared.
The aim of this research is to analyze the extension of changes in technological strategies of a group of Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, which we believe were induced by transformations in the institutional environment during the 1990s. Major institutional changes, such as the enacting of laws that recognized drug patents rights and fostered generic drugs market, have strengthened the market insertion and competitive position of these companies, what would enable an increase in research and development efforts in Brazil. In addition to the literature on technology strategy and drug industry, this study was based on interviews with six Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, all of which were ranked among the top national companies in the industry and have been considered in previous studies particularly active in the process of changing technological strategies. This research confirmed a significant intensification of technology efforts carried out by Brazilian drug companies. Nevertheless, the R&D intensity is still far below the global pattern and innovative impacts are slight.