991 resultados para Cardiomyocytes. eng


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Il est désormais accepté qu'un environnement foetal défavorable prédispose à des maladies chroniques qui surviennent à l'âge adulte. Il a été démontré dans notre laboratoire qu'une diminution de perfusion placentaire induit une redistribution du débit sanguin vers le coeur chez le foetus ainsi qu’une restriction de croissance intrautérine. De plus, un remodelage et une diminution de la contractilité des cardiomyocytes ont été observés chez les femelles devenues adultes. En période périnatale, l’utilisation des acides gras comme substrat énergétique devient plus importante que celle du glucose au niveau des cardiomyocytes. Considérant qu'un mécanisme s'est mis en place in utero, nous émettons l’hypothèse que le transfert de la voie de l’utilisation du glucose vers l’utilisation des acides gras se fait plus tôt chez les foetus en restriction de croissance. L’objectif de cette étude est de mesurer, dans les coeurs foetaux, les constituants du métabolisme des acides gras, soit le transporteur principal des acides gras, la carnitine palmitoyltransférase‒1‒alpha, ainsi que ses protéines associées soit l’acyl‒CoenzymeA synthétase‒1 et le canal anionique voltage‒dépendant de type 1. Nous mesurerons l’activité du cytochrome c oxydase et le nombre de mitochondries. L’influence du sexe et la condition foetale (restriction de croissance intrautérine vs contrôle) seront comparés. Nous avons observé que l’expression protéique de la carnitine palmitoytransférase‒1α et de l’acyl‒CoenzymeA synthétase‒1 est significativement augmentée, mais pas celle du canal anionique voltage‒dépendant de type 1, dans les coeurs de foetus en restriction de croissance intrautérine femelles. Le nombre et l’activité des mitochondries est semblable dans tous les groupes. Ces résultats suggèrent que la condition foetale et le sexe altèrent la quantité du transporteur des acides gras, la carnitine palmitoytransférase‒1α, au niveau traductionnel sans toutefois affecter l’activité du cytochrome c oxydase et le nombre de mitochondries. À long terme, nos études permettront de mieux comprendre les conséquences et causes de la RCIU afin d’en permettre la prévention.


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L’infarctus du myocarde est une des conséquences possibles de l’ischémie cardiaque; il se traduit par la mort des cardiomyocytes se situant en aval du blocus coronaire, puis par la formation d’une cicatrice formée essentiellement de dépôts de matrices extracellulaires sécrétées par les myofibroblastes. Nestine est une protéine filamenteuse intermédiaire de classe VI couramment associée à la prolifération et à la migration cellulaire. Chez l’homme et les rongeurs, à la suite d’un infarctus du myocarde, une sous-population de cardiomyocytes localisée à la zone infarcie/péri-infarcie exprimait la forme striée de nestine. Le but principal de cette étude était de déterminer la source cellulaire des cardiomyocytes nestine (+) observée dans le cœur infarci ainsi que le mécanisme de signalisation cellulaire sous-jacent impliqué dans l’expression de nestine. L’utilisation de souris transgénique a révélé que l’augmentation des cardiomyocytes nestine (+) dans le cœur infarci des souris n’était pas attribuable à la différenciation de cellules souches/progénitrices nestine (+) en cardiomyocytes nestine (+). Le traitement des cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de rats néonataux avec l’activateur des protéines kinases C PDBu et l’inhibition concomitante des voies p38 MAPK a mené à l’augmentation du nombre de ces cellules exprimant nestine. De plus, une population importante de cardiomyocytes ventriculaires de rats néonataux a incorporé la bromodéxoxyuridine, signe d’une capacité à réentrer dans le cycle cellulaire et à synthétiser de l’ADN. Sur la base de ces observations, l’apparition de cardiomyocytes nestine (+) dans le cœur infarci des rongeurs et des hommes pourrait possiblement refléter une sous-population de cardiomyocytes en prolifération tentant de régénérer le cœur infarci.


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Introducción: La Enfermedad de Fabry (EF), es una enfermedad multisistémica de almacenamiento lisosomal ligada al cromosoma X que afecta principalmente a hombres, pero también puede causar significativa morbilidad en las mujeres heterocigotas (1–5). La deficiencia de la enzyma α-galactosidaseA (α-Gal A,) provoca acumulación de glicosfingolipidos que afectan diferentes tipos celulares entre ellos el endotelio vascular en vasos de pequeño calibre, células epiteliales y Músculo liso en el sistema cardiovascular (cardiomiocitos), sistema nervioso y células epiteliales tubulares del riñón (6,7). Complicaciones como la falla renal es la causa de muerte más frecuente en la EF (7,8). La incidencia se ha calculado en 1 de cada 117.000 nacidos vivos. (9). Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de la Enfermedad de Fabry en pacientes con Insuficiencia renal terminal que se encuentren en lista de trasplante y Post-trasplante Renal en Fundación Cardioinfantil Bogotá. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional en donde se evaluó la prevalencia de la EF en todos los sujetos mayores de 18 años que se encuentren en lista de trasplante y post-trasplante renal. Resultados: La prevalencia de Enfermedad de Fabry en 98 pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica fue de 7.1% para la muestra general y 12.9% para la muestra con etiología idiopática Conclusiones: La Enfermedad de Fabry es una importante casusa de Enfermedad Renal Crónica Terminal principalmente en el grupo de etiología idiopática. Palabras Clave: Enfermedad de Fabry (FA)


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Objectives: Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family, plays a key role in skeletal muscle myogenesis by limiting hyperplastic and hypertrophic muscle growth. In cardiac muscle, myostatin has been shown to limit agonist-induced cardiac hypertrophic growth. However, its role in cardiac hyperplastic growth remains undetermined. The aim of this study was to characterise the expression of myostatin in developing myocardium, determine its effect on cardiomyocyte proliferation, and explore the signalling mechanisms affected by myostatin in dividing cardiomyocytes. Methods: We used quantitative PCR and Western blotting to study the expression of myostatin in cardiomyocytes isolated from rat myocardium at different developmental ages. We. determined the effect of recombinant myostatin on proliferation and cell viability in dividing cardiomyocytes in culture. We analysed myostatin's effect on cardiomyocyte cell cycle progression by flow cytometry and used Western blotting to explore the signalling mechanisms involved. Results: Myostatin is expressed differentially in cardiomyocytes during cardiac development such that increasing expression correlated with a low cardiomyocyte proliferation index. Proliferating foetal cardiomyocytes, from embryos at 18 days of gestation, expressed low levels of myostatin mRNA and protein, whereas isolated cardiomyocytes from postnatal day 10 hearts, wherein the majority of cardiomyocytes have lost their ability to proliferate, displayed a 6-fold increase in myostatin expression. Our in vitro studies demonstrated that myostatin inhibited proliferation of dividing foetal and neonatal cardiomyocytes. Flow cytometric analysis showed that this inhibition occurs mainly via a block in the G1-S phase transition of the cardiomyocyte cell cycle. Western blot analysis showed that part of the mechanism underpinning the inhibition of cardiomyocyte proliferation by myostatin involves phosphorylation of SMAD2 and altered expressions of the cell cycle proteins p21 and CDK2. Conclusions: We conclude that myostatin is an inhibitor of cardiomyocyte proliferation with the potential to limit cardiomyocyte hyperplastic growth by altering cardiac cell cycle progression. (c) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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Repair of the mature mammalian myocardium following injury is impaired by the inability of the majority of cardiomyocytes to undergo cell division. We show that overexpression of the cyclin B1-CDC2 (cell division cycle 2 kinase) complex re-initiates cell division in adult cardiomyocytes. Thus strategies targeting the cyclin B1-CDC2 complex might re-initiate cell division in mature cardiomyocytes in vivo and facilitate myocardial regeneration following injury.


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Cell cycle regulatory molecules are implicated in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. We have investigated protein expression of cyclins A, D1–3, and E and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) 2, 4, 5, and 6 in left ventricular (LV) tissues during the development of LV hypertrophy in rats following aortic constriction (AC). Compared with their expression in sham-operated controls (SH), expression of cyclins D2 and D3 and of CDK4 and CDK6 increased significantly fromday 3 to day 21 after AC concomitant with increased LV mass. However, no significant difference was observed for CDK2 or CDK5. Cyclins A, D1, and E were undetectable. In vitro kinase activities of CDK4 and CDK6 increased ∼70% from day 7 to day 14 in AC myocytes compared with SH myocytes (P< 0.03). Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis revealed a G0/G1to G2/M phase progression in AC myocyte nuclei (22.0 ± 1.1% in G2/M) by day 7 postoperation compared with progression in SH myocyte nuclei (14.0 ± 0.8% in G2/M;P < 0.01). Thus an upregulation of certain cell cycle regulators is associated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.


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The transforming growth factorβ(TGFβ) superfamily plays an important role in the myocardial response to hypertrophy. We have investigated the protein expression of TGFβ1,β2andβ3in left ventricular tissue, and determined their subcellular distribution in myocytes by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry during the development of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), using isoform specific antibodies to TGFβ1,β2andβ3. LVH was produced in rats by aortic constriction (AC) and LV tissue was obtained at days (d)0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 42 following operation. Compared with age matched sham-operated controls (SH), TGFβ1levels in LV tissue of AC rats increased significantly from d1–d14 (P<0.03) concomitant with the adaptive growth of LV tissue. In contrast, TGFβ3levels decreased in LV tissue of AC rats from d3 post-operation (significant from d14–d42,P<0.03). No significant difference in TGFβ2levels were observed from SH and AC rats after operation. Antibodies to TGFβ1stained intercalated disks, sarcolemmal membranes and cytoplasm, but not nuclei, of cardiomyocytes on LV sections from untreated and SH rats. However, a trans-localisation of TGFβ1to the nuclei of cardiomyocytes was observed in AC hearts. Antibodies to TGFβ3stained T tubules, cytoplasm and the nuclei of cardiomyocytes from untreated and SH rats. However, by d7 post-AC operation, TGFβ3expression was lost rapidly from nuclei of cardiomyocytes followed by a reduction in total TGFβ3immunofluorescence in myocytes. Antibodies to TGFβ2stained sarcolemmal membranes of cardiomyocytes from both SH and AC rats without significant difference between groups. Thus, the differential pattern of protein expression and subcellular distribution of TGFβ1,β2andβ3in myocytes during the development of LVH suggests that these molecules play different roles in the response of cardiomyocytes to LVH.


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Background: Endothelin-1 stimulates Gq protein-coupled receptors to promote proliferation in dividing cells or hypertrophy in terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes. In cardiomyocytes, endothelin-1 rapidly (within minutes) stimulates protein kinase signaling, including extracellular-signal regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2; though not ERK5), with phenotypic/physiological changes developing from approximately 12 h. Hypertrophy is associated with changes in mRNA/protein expression, presumably consequent to protein kinase signaling, but the connections between early, transient signaling events and developed hypertrophy are unknown. Results: Using microarrays, we defined the early transcriptional responses of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes to endothelin-1 over 4 h, differentiating between immediate early gene (IEG) and second phase RNAs with cycloheximide. IEGs exhibited differential temporal and transient regulation, with expression of second phase RNAs within 1 h. Of transcripts upregulated at 30 minutes encoding established proteins, 28 were inhibited >50% by U0126 (which inhibits ERK1/2/5 signaling), with 9 inhibited 25-50%. Expression of only four transcripts was not inhibited. At 1 h, most RNAs (approximately 67%) were equally changed in total and polysomal RNA with approximately 17% of transcripts increased to a greater extent in polysomes. Thus, changes in expression of most protein-coding RNAs should be reflected in protein synthesis. However, approximately 16% of transcripts were essentially excluded from the polysomes, including some protein-coding mRNAs, presumably inefficiently translated. Conclusion: The phasic, temporal regulation of early transcriptional responses induced by endothelin-1 in cardiomyocytes indicates that, even in terminally differentiated cells, signals are propagated beyond the primary signaling pathways through transcriptional networks leading to phenotypic changes (that is, hypertrophy). Furthermore, ERK1/2 signaling plays a major role in this response.