578 resultados para Canavalia maritima


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Histamine release induced by plant lectins was studied with emphasis on the carbohydrate specificity, external calcium requirement, metal binding sites, and mast cell heterogeneity and on the importance of antibodies bound to the mast cell membrane to the lectin effect. Peritoneal mast cells were obtained by direct lavage of the rat peritoneal cavity and guinea pig intestine and hamster cheek pouch mast cells were obtained by dispersion with collagenase type IA. Histamine release was induced with concanavalin A (Con A), lectins from Canavalia brasiliensis, mannose-specific Cymbosema roseum, Maackia amurensis, Parkia platycephala, Triticum vulgaris (WGA), and demetallized Con A and C. brasiliensis, using 1-300 µg/ml lectin concentrations applied to Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells, peaking on 26.9, 21.0, 29.1, 24.9, 17.2, 10.7, 19.9, and 41.5%, respectively. This effect was inhibited in the absence of extracellular calcium. The lectins were also active on hamster cheek pouch mast cells (except demetallized Con A) and on Rowett nude rat (animal free of immunoglobulins) peritoneal mast cells (except for mannose-specific C. roseum, P. platycephala and WGA). No effect was observed in guinea pig intestine mast cells. Glucose-saturated Con A and C. brasiliensis also released histamine from Wistar rat peritoneal mast cells. These results suggest that histamine release induced by lectins is influenced by the heterogeneity of mast cells and depends on extracellular calcium. The results also suggest that this histamine release might occur by alternative mechanisms, because the usual mechanism of lectins is related to their binding properties to metals from which depend the binding to sugars, which would be their sites to bind to immunoglobulins. In the present study, we show that the histamine release by lectins was also induced by demetallized lectins and by sugar-saturated lectins (which would avoid their binding to other sugars). Additionally, the lectins also released histamine from Rowett nude mast cells that are free of immunoglobulins.


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A adubação verde é uma das formas de aporte de matéria orgânica ao solo. O sistema de cultivo consorciado de culturas pode ser uma alternativa para aumentar a reciclagem de nutrientes e melhorar a produtividade. Para avaliar o sistema consorciado de adubos verdes com o milho, foram estudadas as características químicas do solo, a produção de matéria seca, a composição mineral de adubos verdes e o rendimento de grãos de milho, num experimento realizado em campo, entre 1995 e 1997, em solo classificado como Nitossolo Vermelho eutrófico. O milho foi semeado no espaçamento de 90 cm nas entrelinhas, perfazendo, aproximadamente, 50.000 plantas por hectare. Os tratamentos constaram de quatro espécies de adubos verdes: mucuna anã [Mucuna deeringiana (Bort.) Merr], guandu anão (Cajanus cajan L.), crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis Roth) e feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis L.) e um tratamento-testemunha, sem cultivo consorciado. Essas espécies foram semeadas sem adubação, no meio da entrelinha, em duas épocas: simultânea ao milho e 30 dias após. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. O feijão-de-porco apresentou maior produção de fitomassa e acúmulo de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. No primeiro ano de cultivo, o rendimento de grãos de milho não foi influenciado pelo cultivo consorciado com adubos verdes; no entanto, no segundo, a produção foi beneficiada pelo consórcio com feijão-de-porco.


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O presente trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar os possíveis efeitos alelopáticos de três plantas daninhas (Cyperus rotundus, Sorghum halepense e Cynodon dactylon), uma leguminosa (Canavalia ensiformis) e colza (Brassica napus), na germinação das sementes do tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Santa Cruz) utilizado como indicador. Tubérculos de tiririca, rizomas de capim massambará, o sistema radicular de grama seda, além de folhas e raízes de feijão-de-porco e colza, foram homogeneizados em solução aquosa, submetidos a filtração e centrifugação. A aplicação do sobrenadante no substrato de germinação das sementes de tomateiro mostrou afetar o processo germinativo e o desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo. C. rotundus, S. halepense e raízes de C. ensiformis possuem substâncias altamente inibitórias à germinação do tomateiro 'Santa Cruz'', sendo que a planta indicadora também mostrou-se sensível às substâncias presentes nas folhas de B. napus e em C. dactylon.


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The bulk density and resistance to penetration as indicators of recovery were studied with the objective to investigate the physical quality of a Red Latosol (Oxisol) under restoration for 17 years using green manures, soil correction, gypsum and pasture. The experimental design was a completely randomized with nine treatments and four replications. The treatments were: control (tilled soil without crop); Stizolobium aterrium; Cajanus cajan until 1994 and then substituted by Canavalia ensiformis; lime+S. aterrimum; lime+C. cajan until 1994 and then substituted by C. ensiformis; lime+gypsum+S. aterrimum; lime+ gypsum+C. cajan until 1994 and then substituted by C. ensiformis, the treatments were installed in 1992 and remained for seven years, in 1999 Brachiaria decumbens was planted; two other controls (native vegetation and exposed soil) were also used to compare. Bulk density, resistance to penetration and soil moisture were evaluated. The results were analyzed performing analysis of variance and Tukey test at probability of 5% to compare means. The treatments of reclamation are improving the physical qualities of soil and the results of treatment with C. cajan/C. ensiformis, lime and gypsum attained physical conditioning similar to soil under natural conditions.


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Abundance and ecological distribution of the rock shrimp Sicyonia dorsalis from the northern coast of São Paulo State (Brazil) was investigated during a two-year period (July 2001 to June 2003). Monthly collections were conducted in the Ubatuba (UBA) and Caraguatatuba (CA) regions, using a commercial shrimp boat equipped with double-rig nets. In each region, seven depths were delimited (5 m to 35 m). A total of 1,752 and 1,894 shrimp were obtained at UBA and CA, respectively. The distribution of S. dorsalis differed among depths, years, and seasons. Highest abundance values were recorded in depths where silt and clay comprised more than 70% of the sediment. The majority (89%) of captured specimens were caught in the first year, in periods of lower mean temperature, mainly in the spring of 2001, when the intrusion of cold South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) was more intense. In such period, the differences in the abundance of shrimps in each region (UBA = 1,118 and CA = 493) suggested that S. dorsalis migrated to the north (UBA), during the SACW intrusion. Thus, sediment type and water temperature are among the most important variables affecting the bathymetric distribution of S. dorsalis in these regions.


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We have characterized the histamine releasing effects of lectins extracted from Brazilian beans, in comparison to concanavalin A, in hamster cheek pouch cell suspensions containing mast cells. The lectins from Dioclea virgata, Canavalia brasiliensis, and Dioclea rostrata induce histamine release in a similar manner to concanavalin A, but appear to differ in potency and efficacy. The effects depended on the temperature, pH, and metabolic energy, demonstrating the non-cytotoxic nature of the histamine release. It is suggested that the lectins studied act by the same mechanism as concanavalin A (interacting with sugars in the antibodies bound to the mast cells), since high concentrations of glucose inhibit the histamine release. The lectins at high concentrations quench the histamine release. This suppression is reversed by increasing calcium concentration, suggesting that the lectins bind to the calcium that is essential for the secretion, thereby confirming and extending our previous data using the lectin from Dioclea virgata in rat peritoneal mast cells.


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The objective of this research was to study the porosity, bulk density and retention of water of an Oxisol, located in the Northwestern region of Sn̄o Paulo state, Brazil. The soil was cultivated with Citrus sp., to which green manure was applied between rows for three years. Each of six species of green manure crops (Crotalaria juncea L., Mucuna deeringiana Steph. & Bart., Canavalia ensiformis L. DC., Cajanus cajan L., Lablab purpureum L. and Ricinus communis L.) were seeded for three years (1995, 1996 and 1997) between Citrus rows, plus a treatment with a mix of all six species and a control (natural regrowth af vegetation). The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with four replications for each of the eight treatments. Water retention, microporosity, macroporosity, total porosity and bulk density were analyzed in the beginning (1995) and end (1997) of the experiment, at three depth ranges (0-0.10; 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40m). We concluded that there were statistically significant differences for bulk density, macroporosity, total porosity and retention of water among the different soil depth ranges; there were no significant differences among treatments though.


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Plants have been used in the cure of diseases from the origins of the humanity. At present, in Brazil, the use is common because of the difficulty of access of part of the population to medical assistance. It is commonly believed that the medicinal plants of traditional use were already tested and ratified by the long-lasting use by the human species, being considered effective medicines, presenting no collateral effects, not needful, therefore, of evaluation. The miraculous self-medication with medicinal plants goes to the point of substituting therapies in serious diseases such as those of hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic effect. For the test of medicinal plants, it is necessary to consider the material quality to be tested, the plant component used, extraction method, dosage, and the experimental species used. Several plants have already had hypoglycemic effects proven experimentally. The objective of this paper was to accomplish a revision of Brazilian medicinal plants, used popularly, as hypoglycemics that had effects proven in animals and in humans.


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Rhizoctonia solani isolates collected from different crops in northeast India belonged to anastomosis group AG 2-2 IIIB (Canavalia ensiformis, Sechium edule, Glycine max and Dolichos lablab). AG 11A was detected on Zea mays, Rhizoctonia solani on Sechium edule and AG 4HG-II on a weed, Galinsoga parviflora, which are new records from India. © Australasian Plant thology ociety 2010.


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The use of cover crops in the soil causes changes in soil attributes influencing in a series of hydro-physical processes, which also modify the ability of soil to support the many activities that it is intended. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on physical attributes of the soil. For this, an experiment was carried out on a Typic Hapludox, Jaboticabal State, Brazil, using cover crops of millet, sunn hemp, jack bean, lab-lab and black velvet bean in no-tillage and fallow area (spontaneous vegetation). The characteristics evaluated were the bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity, aggregate stability, penetration resistance and organic matter. The incorporation of cover crops has proved to be a beneficial practice for the physical attributes of the soil, allowing a greater aggregate stability compared to fallow in the depth of 0-0.05 m. All cover crops presented values of soil penetration resistance below the critical value of 2 MPa.


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Informe de las reuniones subregionales sobre coordinacion de los servicios de busqueda y salvamento maritimo, convocadas por la Organizacion Maritima Internacional y CEPAL: 1) Reunion del Caribe Sur-Central (Kingston, Jamaica, 6-8 octubre de 1982); 2) Reunion del Caribe Oeste (Ciudad de Mexico, 13-15 octubre de 1982); y 3) Reunion del Caribe Sur (Puerto Espana, 8-11 noviembre de 1982).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Informe de la reunion que tuvo por objetivo el promover el intercambio de experiencias y la cooperacion mutua entre los organismos latinoamericanos encargados de aplicar la politica naviera y los convenios tecnicos internacionales sobre seguridad maritima y contaminacion marina. Incluye lista de participantes, de documentos, y resoluciones.