958 resultados para Ca2 -Channels


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A variety of GTP-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptors are expressed at the nerve terminals of central synapses and play modulatory roles in transmitter release. At the calyx of Held, a rat auditory brainstem synapse, activation of presynaptic γ-aminobutyric acid type B receptors (GABAB receptors) or metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits presynaptic P/Q-type Ca2+ channel currents via activation of G proteins, thereby attenuating transmitter release. To identify the heterotrimeric G protein subunits involved in this presynaptic inhibition, we loaded G protein βγ subunits (Gβγ) directly into the calyceal nerve terminal through whole-cell patch pipettes. Gβγ slowed the activation of presynaptic Ca2+ currents (IpCa) and attenuated its amplitude in a manner similar to the externally applied baclofen, a GABAB receptor agonist. The effects of both Gβγ and baclofen were relieved after strong depolarization of the nerve terminal. In addition, Gβγ partially occluded the inhibitory effect of baclofen on IpCa. In contrast, guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate)-bound Goα loaded into the calyx had no effect. Immunocytochemical examination revealed that the subtype of G proteins Go, but not the Gi, subtype, is expressed in the calyceal nerve terminal. These results suggest that presynaptic inhibition mediated by G protein-coupled receptors occurs primarily by means of the direct interaction of Go βγ subunits with presynaptic Ca2+ channels.


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Pulse-like currents resembling miniature postsynaptic currents were recorded in patch-clamped isolated cones from the tiger salamander retina. The events were absent in isolated cones without synaptic terminals. The frequency of events was increased by either raising the osmotic pressure or depolarizing the cell. It was decreased by the application of either glutamate or the glutamate-transport blockers dihydrokainate and D,L-threo-3-hydroxyaspartate. The events required external Na+ for which Li+ could not substitute. The reversal potential of these currents followed the equilibrium potential for Cl- when internal Cl- concentration was changed. Thus, these miniature currents appear to represent the presynaptic activation of the glutamate receptor with glutamate transporter-like pharmacology, caused by the photoreceptor's own vesicular glutamate release. Using a noninvasive method to preserve the intracellular Cl- concentration, we showed that glutamate elicits an outward current in isolated cones. Fluorescence of the membrane-permeable form of fura-2 was used to monitor Ca2+ entry at the cone terminal as a measure of membrane depolarization. The increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, elicited by puff application of 30 mM KCl, was completely suppressed in the presence of 100 microM glutamate. Puff application of glutamate alone had no measurable depolarizing effect. These results suggest that the equilibrium potential for Cl-, ECl, was more negative than the activation range for Ca2+ channels and that glutamate elicited an outward current, hyperpolarizing the cones.


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"Snapshot" images of localized Ca2+ influx into patch-clamped chromaffin cells were captured by using a recently developed pulsed-laser imaging system. Transient opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels gave rise to localized elevations of Ca2+ that had the appearance of either "hotspots" or partial rings found immediately beneath the plasma membrane. When the Ca2+ imaging technique was employed in conjunction with flame-etched carbon-fiber electrodes to spatially map the release sites of catecholamines, it was observed that the sites of Ca2+ entry and catecholamine release were colocalized. These results provide functional support for the idea that secretion occurs from "active zone"-like structures in neuroendocrine cells.


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Receptores purinérgicos e canais de cálcio voltagem-dependentes estão envolvidos em diversos processos biológicos como na gastrulação, durante o desenvolvimento embrionário, e na diferenciação neural. Quando ativados, canais de cálcio voltagem-dependentes e receptores purinérgicos do tipo P2, ativados por nucleotídeos, desencadeiam transientes de cálcio intracelulares controlando diversos processos biológicos. Neste trabalho, nós estudamos a participação de canais de cálcio voltagem-dependentes e receptores do tipo P2 na geração de transientes de cálcio espontâneos e sua regulação na expressão de fatores de transcrição relacionados com a neurogênese utilizando como modelo células tronco (CTE) induzidas à diferenciação em células tronco neurais (NSC) com ácido retinóico. Descrevemos que CTE indiferenciadas podem ter a proliferação acelerada pela ativação de receptores P2X7, enquanto que a expressão e a atividade desse receptor precisam ser inibidas para o progresso da diferenciação em neuroblasto. Além disso, ao longo da diferenciação neural, por análise em tempo real dos níveis de cálcio intracelular livre identificamos 3 padrões de oscilações espontâneas de cálcio (onda, pico e unique), e mostramos que ondas e picos tiveram a frequência e amplitude aumentadas conforme o andamento da diferenciação. Células tratadas com o inibidor do receptor de inositol 1,4,5-trifosfato (IP3R), Xestospongin C, apresentaram picos mas não ondas, indicando que ondas dependem exclusivamente de cálcio oriundo do retículo endoplasmático pela ativação de IP3R. NSC de telencéfalo de embrião de camundongos transgênicos ou pré-diferenciadas de CTE tratadas com Bz-ATP, o agonista do receptor P2X7, e com 2SUTP, agonista de P2Y2 e P2Y4, aumentaram a frequência e a amplitude das oscilações espontâneas de cálcio do tipo pico. Dados, obtidos por microscopia de luminescência, da expressão em tempo real de gene repórter luciferase fusionado à Mash1 e Ngn2 revelou que a ativação dos receptores P2Y2/P2Y4 aumentou a expressão estável de Mash1 enquanto que ativação do receptor P2X7 levou ao aumento de Ngn2. Além disso, células na presença do quelante de cálcio extracelular (EGTA) ou do depletor dos estoques intracelulares de cálcio do retículo endoplasmático (thapsigargin) apresentaram redução na expressão de Mash1 e Ngn2, indicando que ambos são regulados pela sinalização de cálcio. A investigação dos canais de cálcio voltagem-dependentes demonstrou que o influxo de cálcio gerado por despolarização da membrana de NSC diferenciadas de CTE é decorrente da ativação de canais de cálcio voltagem-dependentes do tipo L. Além disso, esse influxo pode controlar o destino celular por estabilizar expressão de Mash1 e induzir a diferenciação neuronal por fosforilação e translocação do fator de transcrição CREB. Esses dados sugerem que os receptores P2X7, P2Y2, P2Y4 e canais de cálcio voltagem-dependentes do tipo L podem modular as oscilações espontâneas de cálcio durante a diferenciação neural e consequentemente alteram o padrão de expressão de Mash1 e Ngn2 favorecendo a decisão do destino celular neuronal.


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Les canaux calciques de type L CaV1.2 sont principalement responsables de l’entrée des ions calcium pendant la phase plateau du potentiel d’action des cardiomyocytes ventriculaires. Cet influx calcique est requis pour initier la contraction du muscle cardiaque. Le canal CaV1.2 est un complexe oligomérique qui est composé de la sous-unité principale CaVα1 et des sous-unités auxiliaires CaVβ et CaVα2δ1. CaVβ joue un rôle déterminant dans l’adressage membranaire de la sous-unité CaVα1. CaVα2δ1 stabilise l’état ouvert du canal mais le mécanisme moléculaire responsable de cette modulation n’a pas été encore identifié. Nous avons récemment montré que cette modulation requiert une expression membranaire significative de CaVα2δ1 (Bourdin et al. 2015). CaVα2δ1 est une glycoprotéine qui possède 16 sites potentiels de glycosylation de type N. Nous avons donc évalué le rôle de la glycosylation de type-N dans l’adressage membranaire et la stabilité de CaVα2δ1. Nous avons d’abord confirmé que la protéine CaVα2δ1 recombinante, telle la protéine endogène, est significativement glycosylée puisque le traitement à la PNGase F se traduit par une diminution de 50 kDa de sa masse moléculaire, ce qui est compatible avec la présence de 16 sites Asn. Il s’est avéré par ailleurs que la mutation simultanée de 6/16 sites (6xNQ) est suffisante pour 1) réduire significativement la densité de surface de! CaVα2δ1 telle que mesurée par cytométrie en flux et par imagerie confocale 2) accélérer les cinétiques de dégradation telle qu’estimée après arrêt de la synthèse protéique et 3) diminuer la modulation fonctionnelle des courants générés par CaV1.2 telle qu’évaluée par la méthode du « patch-clamp ». Les effets les plus importants ont toutefois été obtenus avec les mutants N663Q, et les doubles mutants N348Q/N468Q, N348Q/N812Q, N468Q/N812Q. Ensemble, ces résultats montrent que Asn663 et à un moindre degré Asn348, Asn468 et Asn812 contribuent à la biogenèse et la stabilité de CaVα2δ1 et confirment que la glycosylation de type N de CaVα2δ1 est nécessaire à la fonction du canal calcique cardiaque de type L.


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It has been shown that P auxiliary subunits increase current amplitude in voltage-dependent calcium channels. In this study, however, we found a hovel inhibitory effect of beta3 Subunit on macroscopic Ba2+ currents through recombinant N- and R-type calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Overexpressed beta3 (12.5 ng/ cell cRNA) significantly suppressed N- and R-type, but not L-type, calcium channel currents at physiological holding potentials (HPs) of -60 and -80 mV At a HP of -80 mV, coinjection of various concentrations (0-12.5 ng) of the beta3 with Ca,.2.2alpha(1) and alpha(2)delta enhanced the maximum conductance of expressed channels at lower beta3 concentrations but at higher concentrations (>2.5 ng/cell) caused a marked inhibition. The beta3-induced Current suppression was reversed at a HP of - 120 mV, suggesting that the inhibition was voltage dependent. A high concentration of Ba-2divided by (40 mM) as a charge carrier also largely diminished the effect of P3 at -80 mV Therefore, experimental conditions (HP, divalent cation concentration, and P3 subunit concentration) approaching normal physiological conditions were critical to elucidate the full extent of this novel P3 effect. Steady-state inactivation curves revealed that N-type channels exhibited closed-state inactivation without P3, and that P3 caused an similar to40 mV negative shift of the inactivation, producing a second component with an inactivation midpoint of approximately -85 mV The inactivation of N-type channels in the presence of a high concentration (12.5 ng/cell) of P3 developed slowly and the time-dependent inactivation curve was best fit by the sum of two exponential functions with time constants of 14 s and 8.8 min at -80 mV Similar ultra-slow inactivation was observed for N-type channels Without P3. Thus, P3 can have a profound negative regulatory effect on N-type (and also R-type) calcium channels by Causing a hyperpolarizing shift of the inactivation without affecting ultra-slow and closed-state inactivation properties.


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Although neural progenitor cells (NPCs) may provide a source of new neurons to alleviate neural trauma, little is known about their electrical properties as they differentiate. We have previously shown that single NPCs from the adult rat hippocampus can be cloned in the presence of heparan sulphate chains purified from the hippocampus, and that these cells can be pushed into a proliferative phenotype with the mitogen FGF2 [Chipperfield, H., Bedi, K.S., Cool, S.M. & Nurcombe, V. (2002) Int. J. Dev. Biol., 46, 661-670]. In this study, the active and passive electrical properties of both undifferentiated and differentiated adult hippocampal NPCs, from 0 to 12 days in vitro as single-cell preparations, were investigated. Sparsely plated, undifferentiated NPCs had a resting membrane potential of approximate to -90 mV and were electrically inexcitable. In > 70%, ATP and benzoylbenzoyl-ATP evoked an inward current and membrane depolarization, whereas acetylcholine, noradrenaline, glutamate and GABA had no detectable effect. In Fura-2-loaded undifferentiated NPCs, ATP and benzoylbenzoyl-ATP evoked a transient increase in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration, which was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and was inhibited reversibly by pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2'-4'-disulphonic acid (PPADS), a P2 receptor antagonist. After differentiation, NPC-derived neurons became electrically excitable, expressing voltage-dependent TTX-sensitive Na+ channels, low- and high-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels and delayed-rectifier K+ channels. Differentiated cells also possessed functional glutamate, GABA, glycine and purinergic (P2X) receptors. Appearance of voltage-dependent and ligand-gated ion channels appears to be an important early step in the differentiation of NPCs.


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The mechanisms underlying the swelling of frog red blood cells (RBC), induced by Pacific (P-CTX-1) and Caribbean (C-CTX-1) ciguatoxins (CTXs), were investigated by measuring the length, width and surface of their elliptic shape. P-CTX-1 (0.5 to 5 nM) and C-CTX-1 (1 mu M) induced RBC swelling within 60 min. The CTXs-induced RBC swelling was blocked by apamin (1 mu M) and by Sr2+ (1 mu M). P-CTX-1-induced RBC swelling was prevented and inhibited by H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one(27 mu M), an inhibitor Of Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), and NOS blockade by NG methyl-L-arginine (L-NMA; 10 mu M). Cytochalasin D (cytD, 10 mu M) increased RBC surface and mimicked CTX effect but did not prevent the P-CTX-1-induced L-NMA-sensitive extra increase. Calculations revealed that P-CTX-1 and cytD increase RBC total surface envelop and volume. These data strongly suggest that the molecular mechanisms underlying CTXs-induced RBC swelling involve the NO pathway by an activation of the inducible NOS, leading to sGC activation which modulates intracellular cGMP and regulates L-type Ca2+ channels. The resulting increase in intracellular Ca2+ content, in turn, disrupts the actin cytoskeleton, which causes a water influx and triggers a Ca2+-activated K+ current through SK2 isoform channels. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Highly selective N-type voltage-gated calcium (Ca-V) channel inhibitors from cone snail venom (the omega-conotoxins) have emerged as a new class of therapeutics for the treatment of chronic and neuropathic pain. Earlier in 2005, Prialt ( Elan) or synthetic omega-conotoxin MVIIA, was the first omega-conotoxin to be approved by Food and Drug Administration for human use. This review compares the action of three omega-conotoxins, GVIA, MVIIA and CVID, describing their structure-activity relationships and potential as leads for the design of improved N-type therapeutics that are more useful in the treatment of chronic pain.


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Purpose: To investigate the mechanisms responsible for the dilatation of rat retinal arterioles in response to arachidonic acid (AA). Methods: Changes in the diameter of isolated, pressurized rat retinal arterioles were measured in the presence of AA alone and following pre-incubation with pharmacological agents inhibiting Ca2+ sparks and oscillations and K+ channels. Subcellular Ca2+ signals were recorded in arteriolar myocytes using Fluo-4-based confocal imaging. The effects of AA on membrane currents of retinal arteriolar myocytes were studied using whole-cell perforated patch clamp recording. Results: AA dilated pressurised retinal arterioles under conditions of myogenic tone. Eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA) exerted a similar effect, but unlike AA, its effects were rapidly reversible. AA-induced dilation was associated with an inhibition of subcellular Ca2+ signals. Interventions known to block Ca2+ sparks and oscillations in retinal arterioles caused dilatation and inhibited AA-induced vasodilator responses. AA accelerated the rate of inactivation of the A-type Kv current and the voltage dependence of inactivation was shifted to more negative membrane potentials. It also enhanced voltage-activated and spontaneous BK currents, but only at positive membrane potentials. Pharmacological inhibition of A-type Kv and BK currents failed to block AA-induced vasodilator responses. AA suppressed L-type Ca2+ currents. Conclusions: These results suggest that AA induces retinal arteriolar vasodilation by inhibiting subcellular Ca2+ signalling activity in retinal arteriolar myocytes, most likely through a mechanism involving the inhibition of L-type Ca2+ channel activity. AA actions on K+ currents are inconsistent with a model in which K+ channels contribute to the vasodilator effects of AA.


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Many connections in the basal ganglia are made around birth when animals are exposed to a host of new affective, cognitive, and sensori-motor stimuli. It is thought that dopamine modulates cortico-striatal synapses that result in the strengthening of those connections that lead to desired outcomes. We propose that there must be a time before which stimuli cannot be processed into functional connections, otherwise it would imply an effective link between stimulus, response, and reward in uterus. Consistent with these ideas, we present evidence that early in development dopamine neurons are electrically immature and do not produce high-frequency firing in response to salient stimuli. We ask first, what makes dopamine neurons immature? and second, what are the implications of this immaturity for the basal ganglia? As an answer to the first question, we find that at birth the outward current is small (3nS-V), insensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. Rapidly after birth, the outward current increases to 15nS-V and becomes sensitive to Ca2z, TEA, BK, and SK blockers. We make a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the components of the outward currents and produce a model for BK and SK channels that we use to reproduce the outward current, and to infer the geometrical arrangement of BK and Ca2z channels in clusters. In the first cluster, T-type Ca2z and BK channels are coupled within distances of *20 nm (200 A˚). The second cluster consists of L-type Ca2z and BK channels that are spread over distances of at least 60 nm. As for the second question, we propose that early in development, the mechanism of action selection is in a ‘‘locked-in’’ state that would prevent dopamine neurons from reinforcing cortico-striatal synapses that do not have a functional experiential- based value.


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Islet Neogenesis Associated Protein (INGAP) increases pancreatic beta-cell mass and potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion. Here, we investigated the effects of the pentadecapeptide INGAP-PP in adult cultured rat islets upon the expression of proteins constitutive of the K-ATP(+) channel, Ca2+ handling, and insulin secretion. The islets were cultured in RPMI medium with or without INGAP-PP for four days. Thereafter, gene (RT-PCR) and protein expression (Western blotting) of Foxa2, SUR1 and Kir6.2, cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+](i)), static and dynamic insulin secretion, and Rb-86 efflux were measured. INGAP-PP increased the expression levels of Kir6.2, SUR1 and Foxa2 genes, and SUR1 and Foxa2 proteins. INGAP-PP cultured islets released significantly more insulin in response to 40 mM KCl and 100 mu M tolbutamide. INGAP-PP shifted to the left the dose-response curve of insulin secretion to increasing concentrations of glucose (EC50 of 10.0 +/- 0.4 vs. 13.7 +/- 1.5 mM glucose of the controls). It also increased the first phase of insulin secretion elicited by either 22.2 mM glucose or 100 mu M tolbutamide and accelerated the velocity of glucose-induced reduction of Rb-86 efflux in perifused islets. These effects were accompanied by a significant increase in [Ca2+](i) and the maintenance of a considerable degree of [Ca2+](i) oscillations. These results confirm that the enhancing effect of INGAP-PP upon insulin release, elicited by different secretagogues, is due to an improvement of the secretory function in cultured islets. Such improvement is due, at least partly, to an increased K-ATP(+) channel protein expression and/or changing in the kinetic properties of these channels and augmented [Ca2+](i) response. Accordingly, INGAP-PP could potentially be used to maintain the functional integrity of cultured islets and eventually, for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.