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Nas últimas décadas, a disposição final de lixo tornou-se um sério problema a ser enfrentado por todos os países, em função da escassez crescente de terrenos disponíveis para aterros sanitários e distância cada vez maior dos centros geradores e a disposição final, assim como do aumento substancial da geração per capita. A acumulação de lixo nos grandes centros populacionais estimula a proliferação de macro e microvetores (ratos, baratas, moscas, vírus, bactérias, parasitos) e conseqüentemente, a disseminação de doenças. Em particular, com relação ao lixo gerado em ilhas e comunidades isoladas, é de alta relevância estratégias baseadas na descentralização do tratamento da fração orgânica de lixo domiciliar, com fim do transporte através de barcas para o continente, gerando mau cheiro e riscos de poluição ambiental. O presente projeto teve por objetivo: Testar o mesmo reator de compostagem descentralizada sob condições do verão sueco, alimentando-o com resíduos de restaurantes da cidade costeira Kalmar e sob condições brasileiras, alimentando-o com resíduos de cozinha da escola municipal de Abraão-Ilha Grande, RJ; propor modificações mecânicas e/ou operacionais para otimização dos processos; avaliar a qualidade e o grau de maturação do composto de diferentes fases através do método respirométrico Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate (SOUR)o método respirométrico NBR 14283 da ABNT. Em resumo, concluiu-se que a composição do lixo e pH inicial do material estruturante adicionado são fatores determinantes do tempo requerido para degradação dos ácidos orgânicos gerados e subseqüente elevação do pH; dependendo das características dos resíduos orgânicos, é necessária a inclusão de inoculante (ex: composto) para melhor desenvolvimento de bactérias e fungos e, conseqüentemente, otimização do processo; as análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas confirmaram que o processo de degradação aeróbia ocorre no interior do corpo principal do reator e que a qualidade do composto gerado é satisfatória; entretanto, melhorias consideráveis no sistema de trituração e alimentação são requeridas para que o reator testado possa se usado em sua capacidade plena. Os testes respirométrico atráves do Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate(SOUR) e da norma NBR 14283 da ABNT mostraram-se ambos eficazes na identificação do grau de maturação do composto e do avanço do processo de compostagem. Uma vez removidos os problemas mecânicos de trituração e alimentação, o reator testado poderá ser utilizado como uma tecnologia inovadora do tratamento de lixo orgânico in situ para pequenos e médios geradores de lixo orgânico domiciliar.


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Thatcher, Rhys, et al., 'Influence of blood donation on O-2 uptake on-kinetics, peak O-2 uptake and time to exhaustion during severe-intensity cycle exercise in humans', Experimental Physiology (2006) 91(3) pp.499-509 RAE2008


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1. Mytilus edulis acclimated its rates of oxygen consumption when maintained at reduced oxygen tensions for periods in excess of five days. 2. Acclimation was complete down to approximately 55 mm Hg PO2 at slightly lower oxygen tensions (51, 49 and 43 mm Hg) acclimation was complete in one experiment and partial in two others. 3. The capacity to acclimate oxygen consumption was not affected by a reduction in ration nor by an increase in temperature (10 to 22 °C). 4. Mussels that were acclimated to reduced oxygen tension (40–80 mm Hg), and then exposed to P O 2 of less than 20 mm Hg for two or five hours, had depressed rates of oxygen uptake when subsequently “recovered” to 40–80 mm Hg. 5. These results are discussed in the context of biochemical studies of anaerobic metabolism in mussels from the same experiments.


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Polyplacophoran molluscs (chitons) are phylogenetically ancient and morphologically constrained, yet multiple living species are often found co-occurring within widely overlapping ecological niches. This study used two sets of experiments to compare interspecific variation among co-occurring species in the North Atlantic (Ireland) and separately in the North Pacific (British Columbia, Canada) chiton faunas. A complementary review of historical literature on polyplacophoran physiology provides an overview of the high level of metabolic variability in this group of 'living fossils'. Species examined in de novo experiments showed significant variation in oxygen consumption both under air-saturated water conditions (normoxia), and in response to decreasing oxygen availability (hypoxia). Some species demonstrate an ability to maintain constant oxygen uptake rates despite hypoxia (oxyregulators), while others oxyconform, with uptake rate dependent on ambient oxygen tension. These organisms are often amalgamated in studies of benthic communities, yet show obvious physiological difference that may impact their response or tolerance to environmental change.


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This investigation aimed to explore the effects of inert sugar-free drinks described as either ‘performance enhancing’ (placebo) or ‘fatigue inducing’ (nocebo) on peak minute power (PMP;W) during incremental arm crank ergometry (ACE). Twelve healthy, non-specifically trained individuals volunteered to take part. A single-blind randomised controlled trial with repeated measures was used to assess for differences in PMP;W, oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and subjective reports of local ratings of perceived exertion (LRPE) and central ratings of perceived exertion (CRPE), between three separate, but identical ACE tests. Participants were required to drink either 500 ml of a ‘sports performance’ drink (placebo), a ‘fatigue-inducing’ drink (nocebo) or water prior to exercise. The placebo caused a significant increase in PMP;W, and a significant decrease in LRPE compared to the nocebo (p=0.01; p=0.001) and water trials (p=0.01). No significant differences in PMP;W between the nocebo and water were found. However, the nocebo drink did cause a significant increase in LRPE (p=0.01). These results suggest that the time has come to broaden our understanding of the placebo and nocebo effects and their potential to impact sports performance.


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This investigation aimed to explore the effects of inert sugar-free drinks described as either ‘performance enhancing’ (placebo) or ‘fatigue inducing’ (nocebo) on peak minute power (PMP;W) during incremental arm crank ergometry (ACE). Twelve healthy, non-specifically trained individuals volunteered to take part. A single-blind randomised controlled trial with repeated measures was used to assess for differences in PMP;W, oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), minute ventilation, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and subjective reports of local ratings of perceived exertion (LRPE) and central ratings of perceived exertion (CRPE), between three separate, but identical ACE tests. Participants were required to drink either 500 ml of a ‘sports performance’ drink (placebo), a ‘fatigue-inducing’ drink (nocebo) or water prior to exercise. The placebo caused a significant increase in PMP;W, and a significant decrease in LRPE compared to the nocebo (p=0.01; p=0.001) and water trials (p=0.01). No significant differences in PMP;W between the nocebo and water were found. However, the nocebo drink did cause a significant increase in LRPE (p=0.01). These results suggest that the time has come to broaden our understanding of the placebo and nocebo effects and their potential to impact sports performance.


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Oxygen uptake was studied during the establishment of cephalocaudal polarity in the very early chick embryo, i.e., 10 hr before (stage VI) and at laying (stage X). Oxygen fluxes in minute regions of the intact blastoderms were measured in vitro by scanning microspectrophotometry in the presence or absence of glucose. The oxygen consumption of the whole blastoderm remained constant (6 nmol O2 X hr-1) throughout the period studied, although the number of cells increased more than twofold. The regional oxygen fluxes varied from 0.41 to 1.13 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage VI and from 0.42 to 0.70 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage X. At stage VI, the oxygen flux in the center of the blastoderm was significantly higher than that in its periphery. This pattern remained evident when the values were corrected for cell number or for cytoplasmic volume. At stage X, there was a tendency for the oxygen fluxes to decrease from the posterior to the anterior regions of the area pellucida. Thus the pattern of oxidative metabolism in the late uterine embryos seems to change from radial to bilateral. This change of symmetry probably reflects the process of formation of the embryonic axis. In addition, the fact that the oxygen uptake was similar in the presence or absence of glucose suggests that early chick embryos metabolize essentially intracellular stores.


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Plusieurs études ont démontré que la consommation d’un repas à indice glycémique bas (LGI) avant un exercice physique favorisait l’oxydation des lipides, diminuait les épisodes d’hypoglycémie et améliorait la performance. Par contre, d’autres recherches n’ont pas observé ces bénéfices. Le but de cette étude consiste à démontrer l’impact de l’ingestion de déjeuners avec différents indices glycémiques (IG) sur la performance en endurance de cyclistes de haut niveau. Dix cyclistes masculins ont complété trois protocoles attribués de façon aléatoire, séparés par un intervalle minimal de sept jours. Les trois protocoles consistaient en une épreuve contre la montre, soit trois heures après avoir consommé un déjeuner à indice glycémique bas ou élevé contenant 3 grammes de glucides par kg de poids corporel, soit à compléter l’exercice à jeun. Les résultats obtenus pour le temps de course montrent qu’il n’y pas de différence significative entre les protocoles. Par contre, on observe que le nombre de révolutions par minute (RPM) est significativement plus élevé avec le protocole à indice glycémique élevé (HGI) (94,3 ± 9,9 RPM) comparativement au protocole à jeun (87,7 ± 8,9 RPM) (p<0,005). Au niveau de la glycémie capillaire, on observe que durant l’exercice, au temps 30 minutes, la glycémie est significativement supérieure avec le protocole à jeun (5,47 ± 0,76 mmol/L) comparé à HGI (4,99 ± 0,91 mmol/L) (p<0,002). Notre étude n’a pas permis de confirmer que la consommation d’un repas LGI avant un exercice physique améliorait la performance physique de façon significative. Cependant, notre recherche a démontré que la diversité des protocoles utilisés pour évaluer l’impact de l’indice glycémique sur la performance physique pouvait occasionner des variations positives dans les temps de courses. Par conséquent, il s’avère nécessaire de faire d’autres recherches qui reproduisent les situations de compétition de l’athlète soit la course contre la montre.


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An increase in altitude leads to a proportional fall in the barometric pressure, and a decrease in atmospheric oxygen pressure, producing hypobaric hypoxia that affects, in different degrees, all body organs, systems and functions. The chronically reduced partial pressure of oxygen causes that individuals adapt and adjust to physiological stress. These adaptations are modulated by many factors, including the degree of hypoxia related to altitude, time of exposure, exercise intensity and individual conditions. It has been established that exposure to high altitude is an environmental stressor that elicits a response that contributes to many adjustments and adaptations that influence exercise capacity and endurance performance. These adaptations include in crease in hemoglobin concentration, ventilation, capillary density and tissue myoglobin concentration. However, a negative effect in strength and power is related to a decrease in muscle fiber size and body mass due to the decrease in the training intensity. Many researches aim at establishing how training or living at high altitudes affects performance in athletes. Training methods, such as living in high altitudes training low, and training high-living in low altitudes have been used to research the changes in the physical condition in athletes and how the physiological adaptations to hypoxia can enhanceperformance at sea level. This review analyzes the literature related to altitude training focused on how physiological adaptations to hypoxic environments influence performance, and which protocols are most frequently used to train in high altitudes.


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Los bomberos aeronáuticos son los encargados de atender todas las emergencias en los aeropuertos y sus cercanías. Estas emergencias incluyen emergencias aéreas, en tierra, eventos con materiales peligros e incendios, entre otros. Su trabajo tiene como características la realización de actividades durante periodos largos de baja intensidad y periodos cortos de alta intensidad. De acuerdo con estas características, es necesario que los bomberos aeronáuticos tengan una buena condición física. El consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2 máx) como indicador de capacidad aeróbica resulta indispensable para conocer el desempeño de los bomberos en su trabajo. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la capacidad aeróbica de los bomberos aeronáuticos y sus factores determinantes. Por tanto se desarrolló un estudio transversal de tipo descriptivo en una muestra de 23 hombres bomberos aeronáuticos. Se obtuvo información acerca de sus variables socio-demográficas, se determinó el VO2 máx y umbral ventilatorio mediante análisis de gases espirados durante un protocolo de ejercicio máximo sobre tapiz rodante, se evaluó la composición corporal mediante adipometría y se determinó el nivel de actividad física mediante el cuestionario internacional de actividad física IPAQ. Se encontró que la muestra tenia una edad de 32,6 ± 4,8 años, peso de 78,4 ± 9,8 kg, porcentaje de grasa de 14,8 ± 3,8 %, índice de masa corporal de 25,7 ± 2,7 y VO2máx de 44,6 ± 6. No se encontraron cambios significativos del VO2máx con la edad, pero si con la actividad física, porcentaje de grasa e índice de masa corporal. Se sugiere que el entrenamiento de los bomberos aeronáuticos durante su jornada laboral sea de intervalos de alta intensidad y que se monitorice su nivel de actividad física y composición corporal.


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The purpose of this study was to apply and compare two time-domain analysis procedures in the determination of oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics in response to a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) exercise test. PRBS exercise tests have typically been analysed in the frequency domain. However, the complex interpretation of frequency responses may have limited the application of this procedure in both sporting and clinical contexts, where a single time measurement would facilitate subject comparison. The relative potential of both a mean response time (MRT) and a peak cross-correlation time (PCCT) was investigated. This study was divided into two parts: a test-retest reliability study (part A), in which 10 healthy male subjects completed two identical PRBS exercise tests, and a comparison of the VO2 kinetics of 12 elite endurance runners (ER) and 12 elite sprinters (SR; part B). In part A, 95% limits of agreement were calculated for comparison between MRT and PCCT. The results of part A showed no significant difference between test and retest as assessed by MRT [mean (SD) 42.2 (4.2) s and 43.8 (6.9) s] or by PCCT [21.8 (3.7) s and 22.7 (4.5) s]. Measurement error (%) was lower for MRT in comparison with PCCT (16% and 25%, respectively). In part B of the study, the VO2 kinetics of ER were significantly faster than those of SR, as assessed by MRT [33.4 (3.4) s and 39.9 (7.1) s, respectively; P<0.01] and PCCT [20.9 (3.8) s and 24.8 (4.5) s; P < 0.05]. It is possible that either analysis procedure could provide a single test measurement Of VO2 kinetics; however, the greater reliability of the MRT data suggests that this method has more potential for development in the assessment Of VO2 kinetics by PRBS exercise testing.


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A protocol of physical exercise, based on maximal oxygen uptake ((V) over dot(O2max)), for female rats before and during pregnancy was developed to evaluate the impact of a low-protein diet on oxygen consumption during gestation and growth rate of the offspring. Virgin female Wistar rats were divided into four groups as follows: untrained (NT, n = 5); trained (T, n = 5); untrained with low-protein diet (NT+LP, n = 5); and trained with low-protein diet (T+LP, n = 5). Trained rats were submitted to a protocol of moderate physical training on a treadmill over a period of 4 weeks (5 days week(-1) and 60 min day(-1), at 65% of (V) over dot(O2max)). At confirmation of pregnancy, the intensity and duration of the exercise was reduced. Low-protein groups received an 8% casein diet, and their peers received a 17% casein diet. The birthweight and growth rate of the pups up to the 90th day were recorded. Oxygen consumption ((V) over dot(O2)), CO(2) production and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were determined using an indirect open-circuit calorimeter. Exercise training increased. (V) over dot(O2max) by about 20% when compared with the initial values (45.6 +/- 1.0 ml kg(-1) min(-1)). During gestation, all groups showed a progressive reduction in the resting (V) over dot(O2) values. Dams in the NT+LP group showed lower values of resting (V) over dot(O2) than those in the NT group. The growth rate of pups from low-protein-fed mothers was around 50% lower than that of their respective controls. The T group showed an increase in body weight from the 60th day onwards, while the NT+LP group presented a reduced body weight from weaning onwards. In conclusion, physical training attenuated the impact of the low- protein


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Introduction Researchers have, for decades, contributed to an increased collective understanding of the physiological demands in cross-country skiing; however, almost all of these studies have used either non-elite subjects and/or performances that emulate cross-country skiing. To establish the physiological demands of cross-country skiing, it is important to relate the investigated physiological variables to the competitive performance of elite skiers. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was, therefore, to investigate the external validity of physiological test variables to determine the physiological demands in competitive elite cross-country skiing. Methods The subjects in Study I – IV were elite male (I – III) and female (III – IV) cross-country skiers. In all studies, the relationship between test variables (general and ski-specific) and competitive performances (i.e. the results from competitions or the overall ski-ranking points of the International Ski Federation (FIS) for sprint (FISsprint) and distance (FISdist) races) were analysed. Test variables reflecting the subject’s general strength, upper-body and whole-body oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake and work intensity at the lactate threshold, mean upper-body power, lean mass, and maximal double-poling speed were investigated. Results The ability to maintain a high work rate without accumulating lactate is an indicator of distance performance, independent of sex (I, IV). Independent of sex, high oxygen uptake in whole-body and upper-body exercise was important for both sprint (II, IV) and distance (I, IV) performance. The maximal double-poling speed and 60-s double-poling mean power output were indicators of sprint (IV) and distance performance (I), respectively. Lean mass was correlated with distance performance for women (III), whereas correlations were found between lean mass and sprint performance among both male and female skiers (III). Moreover, no correlations between distance performance and test variables were derived from tests of knee-extension peak torque, vertical jumps, or double poling on a ski-ergometer with 20-s and 360-s durations (I), whereas gross efficiency while treadmill roller skiing showed no correlation with either distance or sprint performance in cross-country skiing (IV). Conclusion The results in this thesis show that, depending on discipline and sex, maximal and peak oxygen uptake, work intensity at the lactate threshold, lean mass, double-poling mean power output, and double-poling maximal speed are all externally valid physiological test variables for evaluation of performance capability among elite cross-country skiers; however, to optimally indicate performance capability different test-variable expressions should be used; in general, the absolute expression appears to be a better indicator of competitive sprint performance whereas the influence of body mass should be considered when evaluating competitive distance performance capability of elite cross-country skiers.


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Introdução: A histamina exerce vários efeitos no desempenho cardíaco em humanos, os quais são mediados por receptores H1e H2. A ocorrência de bradicardia e distúrbio da condução atrioventricular tem sido descrita após a injeção intravenosa de cimetidina ou ranitidina, porém ainda não foi avaliado seu potencial efeito na resposta cronotrópica ao exercício com suas implicações sobre o valor prognóstico e diagnóstico do teste de esforço Objetivo: Testar a hipótese, através de ensaio clinico randomizado, de que a administração de cimetidina altera a resposta cronotrópica ao exercício. Material e Métodos: Foram submetidos a dois testes cardiopulmonares, 20 indivíduos, após uso de placebo e de cimetidina. Os testes foram realizados em esteira rolante, com protocolo de rampa com analises diretas dos gases expirados. Foi avaliada freqüência cardíaca máxima atingida, além da freqüência cardíaca de repouso e no limiar anaeróbio. Resultados: Os indivíduos estudados estavam igualmente distribuídos por sexo, com idade média (± desvio padrão) de 43 ±11 anos. Os exames com placebo e com cimetidina tiveram igual duração (578 ± 90 seg vs 603 ± 131 seg) e igual VO2 pico (35 ± 8 ml/Kg.min vs 35 ± 8 ml/Kg.min). A administração de cimetidina não apresentou efeito significativo na freqüência cardíaca de repouso (75 ± 10 vs 74 ± 8 bpm), no pico do esforço (176 ± 12 vs176±11 bpm) e, da mesma forma, também não houve diferença entre as freqüências cardíacas de pico e de repouso (101 ± 14 vs101 ± 13 bpm). Conclusão: A administração de cimetidina por sete dias não altera a resposta cronotrópica ao exercício.


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O grau de desenvolvimento das capacidades físicas no futebol é fator determinante do nível desportivo do jogador. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar valores de limiar anaeróbio e consumo máximo de oxigênio entre jogadores profissionais de futebol de diferentes posições. Para tanto, 25 atletas (idade = 22,08 ± 8,28 anos, peso = 76,12 ± 9,8kg, altura = 179,8 ± 7,1cm e relação corporal = 12,21 ± 3,67% de gordura corporal) foram divididos em cinco grupos, como se segue: goleiros (GO), zagueiros (ZA), laterais (LA), meio-campistas (MC) e atacantes (AT). O VO2max foi determinado em esteira ergométrica através de análise direta e a velocidade de corrida correspondente ao limiar anaeróbio fixo de 4mM (V4mM), em teste de campo (2 x 1.000m a 90 e 95% da velocidade máxima para a distância) através de interpolação linear. A V4mM foi menor (p < 0,05) para o grupo GO em relação aos demais grupos. Além disso, os grupos LA e MC apresentaram valores de V4mM significantemente maiores em relação aos grupos ZA e AT. O grupo GO mostrou VO2max significantemente menor em relação a todos os outros grupos, sendo que estes últimos não apresentaram diferença entre si. Uma vez que os atletas de diferentes posições não realizavam treinamento diferenciado, os autores creditam as diferenças encontradas à especificidade da movimentação durante partidas e coletivos.