960 resultados para CRITICAL ASPECTS


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[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) está relacionado con las prácticas efectuadas en la Guardia Municipal de San Sebastián (País Vasco) y pretende analizar las órdenes de protección concedidas a víctimas de violencia de género inmigrantes y nacionales para comprobar si existe alguna diferencia en cuanto a su aplicación. Asimismo, se pretende analizar el procedimiento efectuado por este cuerpo policial y servicios sociales en estos casos, así como el perfil de la víctima y el agresor. Por otra parte, se procura analizar aspectos controvertidos de la Ley Orgánica 1/2004 de Medidas de Protección Integral de la Violencia de Género. Para ello, se utilizara una metodología mixta. Por una parte de corte cualitativo realizando cuatro entrevistas (a dos víctimas, una agente de policía y una trabajadora social) para ahondar más respecto a este tema. En segundo lugar, desde una perspectiva cuantitativa se explorará la base de datos de la Guardia Municipal en materia de violencia de género para realizar un análisis estadístico. Finalmente, se abordaran las conclusiones a las que se ha llegado con este trabajo y se propondrán mejoras de cara a futuras investigaciones y a la operatividad de la Guardia Municipal.


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Paper presented by Charlotte Sieber-Gasser at the African IEL Network Conference, 5th-6th of May 2011, The Mandela Institute, Johannesburg (South Africa) Sino-African trade has seen a fifty-fold increase in the years 1999 to 2008. China became the second most important trading partner for the African economy and already overtook the US as the most important trading partner in some African regions. However, all of this trade is taking place independent from legal regulation by a preferential or other trade agreement. Interestingly, Sino-African trade has seen particular increase in countries that have agreed to tied aid arrangements with China. Taking a closer look at these tied aid arrangements (the so-called Angola-Model) reveals, that some aspects might indeed have a positive effect on Sino-African trade in general. Several grey areas might potentially conflict with WTO-law. However, tied aid is excluded from the GATS, the GATT, and the GPA – in other words, it is outside the sphere of WTO-law. The paper analyses three critical aspects of the Angola-Model version of tied aid with reference to WTO-law, and elaborates the importance of regulating trade-distorting aspects of modern tied aid.


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Explaining appears to dominate primary teachers’ understanding of mathematical reasoning when it is not confused with problem solving. Drawing on previous literature of mathematical reasoning, we generate a view of the critical aspects of reasoning that may assist primary teachers when designing and enacting tasks to elicit and develop mathematical reasoning. The task used in this study of children’s reasoning is a number commonality problem. We analysed written and verbal samples of reasoning gathered from children in grades 3 and 4 from three primary schools in Australia and one elementary school in Canada to map the variation in their reasoning. We found that comparing and contrasting was a critical aspect of forming conjectures when generalising in this context, an action not specified in frameworks for generalising in early algebra. The variance in children’s reasoning elicited through this task also illuminated the difference between explaining and justifying.


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This research study was designed to examine the relationship between globalization as measured by the KOF index, its related forces (economic, political, cultural and technological) and the public provision of higher education. This study is important since globalization is increasingly being associated with changes in critical aspects of higher education. The public provision of education was measured by government expenditure and educational outcomes; that is participation, gender equity and attainment. The study utilized a non-experimental quantitative research design. Data collected from secondary sources for 139 selected countries was analyzed. The countries were geographically distributed and included both developed and developing countries. The choice of countries for inclusion in the study was based on data availability. The data, which was sourced from international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank, were examined for different time periods using five year averages. The period covered was 1970 to 2009. The relationship between globalization and the higher education variables was examined using cross sectional regression analysis while controlling for economic, political and demographic factors. The major findings of the study are as follows. For the two spending models, only one revealed a significant relationship between globalization and education with the R2 s ranging from .222 to .448 over the period. This relationship was however negative indicating that as globalization increased, spending on higher education declined. However, for the education outcomes models, this relationship was not significant. For the sub-indices of globalization, only the political dimension showed significance as shown in the spending model. Political globalization was significant for six periods with R2 s ranging from .31 to .52. The study concluded that the results are mixed for both the spending and outcome models. It also found no robust effects of globalization on government education provision. This finding is not surprising given the existing literature which sees mixed results on the social impact of globalization.


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This book brings together the fields of language policy and discourse studies from a multidisciplinary theoretical, methodological and empirical perspective. The chapters in this volume are written by international scholars active in the field of language policy and planning and discourse studies. The diverse research contexts range from education in Paraguay and Luxembourg via businesses in Wales to regional English language policies in Tajikistan. Readers are thereby invited to think critically about the mutual relationship between language policy and discourse in a range of social, political, economic and cultural spheres. Using approaches that draw on discourse-analytic, anthropological, ethnographic and critical sociolinguistic frameworks, the contributors in this collection explore and refine the ‘discursive’ and the ‘criticalaspects of language policy as a multilayered, fluid, ideological, discursive and social process that can operate as a tool of social change as well as reinforcing established power structures and inequalities.


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Los modelos de gestión urbana a nivel global, incorporan en la planeación y en el desarrollo de los entornos urbanos, al suelo natural de soporte como estructura fundamental; debido principalmente a sus funciones ecosistémicas y a los bienes ambientales que provee, incluyendo la biodiversidad y la conservación de entornos con calidad paisajística, entre otros. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el objetivo principal de esta investigación, consiste en hacer un seguimiento y caracterización del ecosistema estratégico del corredor biológico borde norte en la ciudad de Bogotá, con el fin de identificar y dar visibilidad a los aspectos críticos, que son necesarios a tener en cuenta en la política e instrumentos de planeación, para el tratamiento de ésta área. En el desarrollo de esta investigación, se aplicaron las nociones metodológicas de la ecología urbana, dando inicio con una fase de diagnóstico y caracterización de la situación actual, seguido de la formulación de alternativas, entre las que se destacan, la restauración ecológica. En el diagnóstico se pudo identificar que, si bien existe disponibilidad de agua y de cobertura vegetal en las condiciones de suelo, también está presente una gran presión inmobiliaria en el sector, lo cual, ha promovido la alteración de los predios, haciendo urgente un tratamiento integral de restauración ecológica de éste corredor, que permita la recuperación de la función ecosistémica, aportando beneficios a la ciudad.


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La expansión urbana mediante asentamientos de origen informal ha ido aumentado en los últimos años debido al déficit en la oferta de vivienda formal, el costo del suelo urbano y factores económicos, sociales y culturales. Estos asentamientos no cuentan con infraestructura básica y los terrenos que generalmente son invadidos se encuentran en zonas de riesgo y no ofrecen las condiciones físicas y habitacionales adecuadas para el habitar de las personas. El distrito a través del Programa de Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios (PMIB) busca intervenir sobre los aspectos críticos en cada barrio, habilitar la infraestructura básica que permita su integración a la ciudad y mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes. Este proceso parte de delimitar las zonas críticas y definir las intervenciones físicas, sociales y ambientales que deben ser llevadas a cabo por diferentes entidades distritales. En este estudio se hace un análisis de las intervenciones que se han llevado a cabo en la Área Prioritaria de Intervención (API) El Tesoro, para analizar cuales intervenciones llevadas a cabo han sido exitosas y cuales requieren de ajustes para lograr un mejor impacto. Se encontró que estas intervenciones no han sido suficientes para mejorar las condiciones habitacionales de las personas, razón por lo cual es necesario revisar la política y formas de intervención.


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Book review of 'Aspects of reason' by P. Grice.


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The relational aspects for critical infrastructure systems are not readily quantifiable as there are numerous variability’s and system dynamics that lack uniformity and are difficult to quantify. Notwithstanding this, there is a large body of existing research that is founded in the area of quantitative analysis of critical infrastructure networks, their system relationships and the resilience of these networks. However, the focus of this research is to investigate the aspect of taking a different, more generalised and holistic system perspective approach. This is to suggest that that through applying network theory and taking a ‘soft’ system-like modelling approach that this offers an alternative approach to viewing and modelling critical infrastructure system relational aspects that warrants further enquiry.


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PURPOSE: Many rectal cancer patients undergo abdominoperineal excision worldwide every year. Various procedures to restore perineal (pseudo-) continence, referred to as total anorectal reconstruction, have been proposed. The best technique, however, has not yet been defined. In this study, the different reconstruction techniques with regard to morbidity, functional outcome and quality of life were analysed. Technical and timing issues (i.e. whether the definitive procedure should be performed synchronously or be delayed), oncological safety, economical aspects as well as possible future improvements are further discussed. METHODS: A MEDLINE and EMBASE search was conducted to identify the pertinent multilingual literature between 1989 and 2013. All publications meeting the defined inclusion/exclusion criteria were eligible for analysis. RESULTS: Dynamic graciloplasty, artificial bowel sphincter, circular smooth muscle cuff or gluteoplasty result in median resting and squeezing neo-anal pressures that equate to the measurements found in incontinent patients. However, quality of life was generally stated to be good by patients who had undergone the procedures, despite imperfect continence, faecal evacuation problems and a considerable associated morbidity. Many patients developed an alternative perception for the urge to defecate that decisively improved functional outcome. Theoretical calculations suggested cost-effectiveness of total anorectal reconstruction compared well to life with a permanent colostomy. CONCLUSIONS: Many patients would be highly motivated to have their abdominal replaced by a functional perineal colostomy. Given the considerable morbidity and questionable functional outcome of current reconstruction technique improvements are required. Tissue engineering might be an option to design an anatomically and physiologically matured, and customised continence organ.


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"June 1983"--Vol. 2 B.