940 resultados para CORDOBA BASIN


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Introduction This study confirmed the absence of natural infection with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) or XMRV-related disease in human populations of the Brazilian Amazon basin. We demonstrated that 803 individuals of both sexes, who were residents of Belem in the Brazilian State of Pará, were not infected with XMRV. Methods Individuals were divided into 4 subgroups: healthy individuals, individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), individuals infected with human T-lymphotrophic virus, types 1 or 2 (HTLV-1/2), and individuals with prostate cancer. XMRV infection was investigated by nested PCR to detect the viral gag gene and by quantitative PCR to detect pol. Results There was no amplification of either gag or pol segments from XRMV in any of the samples examined. Conclusions This study supports the conclusions of the studies that eventually led to the retraction of the original study reporting the association between XMRV and human diseases.


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INTRODUCTION : Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) is a disease transmitted by ticks for which the etiological agent is Rickettsia rickettsii. The present essay evaluates the risk factors associated with the transmission of cases of BSF in the time period between 2003 and 2013 in the Piracicaba river basin, state of São Paulo. METHODS : This essay presents a retrospective study to identify the factors associated with the transmission of cases of BSF among all suspected cases identified by the System for Epidemiological Surveillance of São Paulo (CVE). After the description of temporal distribution (onset of symptoms) and the environmental and demographic variations of the confirmed and discarded cases, a multiple logistic regression model was applied. RESULTS : We searched 569 probable locations of infection (PLI) with 210 (37%) confirmed cases of BSF and 359 (63%) discarded cases. The associated variables for the confirmation of BSF in the multiple logistic model using a confidence interval (CI) of 95% were age (OR = 1.025 CI: 1.015-1.035), the presence of Amblyomma sculptum in the environment (OR = 1.629 CI: 1.097-2.439), the collection of ticks from horses (OR = 1.939 CI: 0.999-3.764), the presence of capybaras (OR = 1.467 CI: 1.009-2.138), an urban environment (OR = 1.515 CI: 1.036-2.231), and the existence of a dirty pasture (OR = 1.759 CI: 1.028-3.003). CONCLUSIONS : The factors associated with the confirmation of BSF cases included an urban environment, age, presence of the A. sculptum vector, the collection of ticks from horses, the presence of a capybara population, and a dirty pasture environment.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION We investigated the association between demographic and behavioral factors and non-adherence to antimalarial therapy. METHODS A demographic questionnaire and 5-item self-reported questionnaire regarding non-adherence were completed by 135 patients after treatment for Plasmodium vivax. RESULTS Treatment interruption, but not demographic factors, was significantly associated with non-adherence to therapy. The likelihood of non-adherence was 5.16 times higher when the patients felt better than when they felt worse. The relative risk of parasitic resurgence was 3.04 times higher in non-adherent patients. CONCLUSIONS Treatment interruption is significantly associated with treatment adherence.


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Four new species of Neidawnaria are described, and compared with other members of the genus. Keys and geographical distribution are given for all nem species and the wings of two other species are illustrated.


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A new species, Hibiscus amazonicus, is described from the Amazon Basin. Characters distinguishing the new species from its nearest relatives presented.


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Three new species of Erythroxylumfrom Amazoniaare described: Enythroxylum nelson-rosaePlowman, E. schunkeiPlowman and E. tucuruiendePlowman. An emended des-cription is given for E; ligustrinum DC., previously know from a single collection from French Guiana: its is here cited from Brazil for the first time. A new variety, E. ligustrinum var. carajasensePlowman, is also described. A provisional list of all Erythroxylum species occurring in Amazonia and peripheral areas is appended.


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If widespread deforestation in Amazon results in reduced evaporative water flux, then either a decrease in evaporation is compensated locally by reduced rainfall,or else changed moisture balance expresses itself downwind in the yet undisturbed forest. The question of where rain will occur is crucial. It is suggested that the appearance of clouds and the occurrence of rainout is governed primarily by the interplay of local meteorologic and physical geography parameters with the atmospheric stability structure except for a few well-defined periods when rain is dominated by large scale atmospheric instability. This means that the study of these phenomena (local heat balances,studies on cloud formation mechanism, vertical atmospheric stability, etc.) must be made on the scale of the cloud size, a few tens of kilometers at most.


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33 species of Chrisopini are described and illustrated, of wich 30 are recorded from the Amazon Basin. Ten new species are described in Chrisopodes(duckei, spínella, nebulosa, lineafrons, polygonica, indetata, conisetosa, breviata, mediocris, and tetifera(, and nine in Ceraesochrysa(squalidens, acutipuppis, rafaeli, reddyi, nigripes, teneuícornis, ariasi, falceifera, and michaelmuris). Neosuarus (type species collaris (Schneider), a new subgenus of Chrysopodes, also contains divisa (Walker), escomeli (Navás) porterina (Navás), and flavescens (Blanchard). Orlandsia Navás and Ancylochrysa Navás are synonymized with Chrysopodes limbata (Navás), Chrysoperla asoralis (Banks) and Suarius nesotala (Banks). A neotype is designate for Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen). Ceraeochrysa caligata(Banks) and scapularis (Navás) are valid species. C. gloriae Alayo is synonymized with Ceraeochrysa everes (Banks).


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The two especies of Lophopidae found in the lowland Amazon Basin, Hesticus rufimanus, (walker) and H. sanguinifrons Muir, are redescribed and their geographical distributions given. Keys are provided to genera of New World lophopidae, and to species of Hesticus .


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Recent studies have described widespread statigraphic units of Late Pleistocene and Holocene age in the western part of the Amazon Basin. The recognition of deltaic sedimentation in the uppermost these units near Rio Branco, Brazil, at a modern elevation of approximately 500 feett leads to the conclusion that this area was situated on the edge of a large Amazonian lake that existed in the recent past when Andean tectonism caused active downwarping of the western edge of the Amazon Basin. The ramifications of this "Lago Anazonas" hypothesis extend into every area of modern Amazonian geology and biology.


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SUMMARYMajor mineral, major element and minor element compositions are documented for a suite of drill core sediment samples representing a ~350m profile through the Solimões Formation sediments (Western Amazonia). Major element compositions are quantified using a chemical index of alteration (CIA) in order to asses the degree of weathering. Significant variations in CIA values throughout the profile, as well as abrupt changes between overlying, suggest that during the generation and deposition of thes sediments there were rapid changes in the ambient tectonic setting.


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Evapotranspiration rates for a eight month old tropical pasture were estimated using the Penman-Monteith equation. Transpiration rates for several woody secondary successional species and stump sprous in the pasture and conucos (farm sites) were measured using the tritiated water technique.The stuty area was located near the village of San Carlos de Rio Negro (1° 56' N, 67° 03' W) in southern Venezuela, near the confluence of the Casiquiare and the Rio Guania wich forms the Rio Negro. The terrain was gently rolling with the areas between the small ridges supporting Amazon caatina forests on spodosols, and higher never flooded areas (tierra firma) supporting a mixed species forest.Results indicated that for a one month period, ET loss (0.46 cm/day) from the pasture, including soil and root mat evaporation, was about 0.43 cm/day less than estimated from the adjacent undisturbed forest (0.89 cm/day). Pan A evaporation for the same time period was 0.64 cm/day. Transpiration rates for seed established species were significantly less (0.38 cm/day) than for stump sprouts (1.09 cm/day) of the primary forest in the pasture.


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Geochemical and geochronological analyses of samples of surficial Acre Basin sediments and fossils indicate an extensive fluvial-lacustrine system, occupying this region, desiccated slowly during the last glacial cycle (LGC). This research documents direct evidence for aridity in western Amazonia during the LGC and is important in establishing boundary conditions for LGC climate models as well as in correlating marine and continental (LGC) climate conditions.


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From January 19 to February 25, 1997 an entomological survey of the seringais and larger towns along the Acre and Purus rivers was made as part of the project “Revisitando a Amazônia de Carlos Chagas; da Borracha a Biodiversidad”. Eleven anopheline species and 1285 specimens were collected landing on human baits. The four most abundant species were Anopheles albitarsis s.l. (n=778), A. darlingi (n=359), A. rangeli (n=69) and A. oswaldoi (n=60). A total of 252 larvae were collected of which 10 anopheline species were identified. The most abundant species collected were A. albitarsis s.l. (n=88), A. deaneorum (n=45) and A. triannulatus (n=40). The low numbers of Anopheles collected and the absence of the principal malaria vector A. darlingi at the seringais sites suggests that they arc not high risk malarious areas. Other Diptera collected were Culex sp., Mansonia titillans, Mansonia pseudotitillans, Psorophora ciliata, Psorophora sp., Coquillettidia (Rhynchotaenia) sp., Simulium amazonicum and S. sanguineum.


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This paper records for the first time the presence of Corbicula fluminea (Philipi, 1844) in the Brazilian Amazon Basin. This exotic bivalve was found in localities on the Amazonas, Pará and Tocantins rivers. Density and population size structure were measured in some localities. Mean density is between 6.66 and 7.3 individuals m-2. Population size structure and the dates of the first records suggest that the introductions may have occurred between 1997 and 1998. The introductions may have been mediated by ocean-going vessels visiting the ports of Manaus and Belém. The potential impact of the invasion on native freshwater bivalves is discussed along with the need for monitoring and prevention of further introductions of non-indigenous bivalves in Brazil.