972 resultados para CONSERVATION BIOLOGY
Ce mémoire porte sur les relations phylogénétiques, géographiques et historiques du genre afro-malgache Delonix qui contient onze espèces et des genres monospécifiques et endémiques Colvillea et Lemuropisum. Les relations intergénériques et interspécifiques entre les espèces de ces trois genres ne sont pas résolues ce qui limite la vérification d’hypothèses taxonomiques, mais également biogéographiques concernant la dispersion de plantes depuis ou vers Madagascar. Une meilleure compréhension des relations évolutives et biogéographiques entre ces espèces menacées d’extinction permettrait une plus grande efficacité quant à leur conservation. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de reconstruire la phylogénie des espèces à l’aide de régions moléculaires des génomes chloroplastique et nucléaire, d’identifier les temps de divergences entre les espèces et de reconstruire l’aire géographique ancestrale pour chacun des groupes. Ce projet démontre que le genre Delonix n’est pas soutenu comme étant monophylétique et qu’une révision taxonomique s’impose. Les relations intergénériques demeurent floues quant à la position phylogénétique de Colvillea et nos résultats suggèrent de l’hybridation ou un assortiment incomplet de cette lignée. Les espèces sont apparues et se sont diversifiées au Miocène à partir d’un ancêtre commun du sud de Madagascar. La phylogénie montre deux clades associés aux aires géographiques de répartition des espèces opposant les espèces largement répandues à celles majoritairement restreintes au fourré aride. Différentes hypothèses afin d’expliquer la dispersion des Delonix africains au Miocène à partir de Madagascar sont discutées. Un point de mire sur les interactions biotiques et abiotiques, passées et présentes, dans le fourré aride de Madagascar est recommandé en terme de conservation.
Les populations du caribou forestier (Rangifer tarandus caribou) sont en déclin sur l’ensemble de leur aire de répartition en Amérique du Nord. Il s’avère que la prédation, amplifiée par l’exploitation forestière, en est la principale cause. Ce projet consiste à mettre en place un outil d'aide à la décision, permettant de modéliser les changements du risque de prédation chez le caribou forestier durant la succession forestière, et ce, selon différents scénarios d'aménagement forestier simulés sur la Côte-Nord du Québec, Canada. Ces scénarios, simulés de 2000 à 2150, sont caractérisés par (i) des coupes limitées aux blocs de protection et de remplacement, (ii) des coupes étendues sur le paysage, et finalement (iii) par l'absence de coupe dès 2000. Un modèle basé sur l'individu (MBI) permet de modéliser les déplacements simultanés du caribou forestier, de l'orignal (Alces alces) et du loup gris (Canis lupus) afin d'évaluer le risque de prédation selon les scénarios. En général, le risque de prédation est plus important lorsque les coupes sont limitées aux blocs de protection et de remplacement. En effet, il semble que ces blocs augmentent les probabilités de rencontre entre les proies et leurs prédateurs. Toutefois, certains résultats ne reflètent pas la littérature, ce qui montre la nécessité d'améliorer le MBI. Certaines recommandations visent finalement à bonifier ce MBI pour permettre l'analyse de la viabilité à long terme du caribou forestier en fonction de différents scénarios d'aménagement forestier.
En nuestro país el sector de ambientadores y cosméticos ha presentado un crecimiento económico constante y notable, proyectando a Colombia para el año 2032 como un dirigente en la elaboración de cosméticos y productos de aseo. La biodiversidad colombiana ofrece múltiples recursos, incluyendo una gran diversidad de aromas naturales, es un importante mercado para producción de cosméticos sin la utilización de productos artificiales. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo determinar las características del diseño de una relación estratégica comunitaria y marketing en la creación de una empresa de cosméticos y ambientadores. Ésta investigación se realiza bajo la recopilación de información del sector y principalmente de la organización, dentro de un estudio empírico-analítico descriptivo. Estableciendo resultados que finalmente dan respuesta a la utilidad de estrategias comunitarias en la actualidad. En el caso de estudio de la nueva empresa "Jolie Le Petit" en un sector en crecimiento, ofrece múltiples oportunidades de negocio y permite generar ideas innovadoras para la venta de productos. La facilidad de cambio y la inclusión en la comunidad posibilita el acercamiento a los clientes, asegurando la permanencia en el mercado indicado. Considerando la posibilidad que la inversión extranjera en el sector pueda afectar notablemente el mercado nacional. Mediante el análisis concluimos que la estrategia de mercadeo comunitaria es adecuada y aplicable a este tipo de empresa. "Jolie Le Petit" además de ser una unidad es también un actor social, estando inmersa en una comunidad en donde juega un papel vital el ser percibida como un buen vecino, ofreciendo a los clientes confianza compromiso y relación continua.
The effort expended on reproduction may entail future costs, such as reduced survival or fecundity, and these costs can have an important influence on life-history optimization. For birds with precocial offspring, hypothesized costs of reproduction have typically emphasized nutritional and energetic investments in egg formation and incubation. We measured seasonal survival of 3856 radio-marked female Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from arrival on the breeding grounds through brood-rearing or cessation of breeding. There was a 2.5-fold direct increase in mortality risk associated with incubating nests in terrestrial habitats, whereas during brood-rearing when breeding females occupy aquatic habitats, mortality risk reached seasonal lows. Mortality risk also varied with calendar date and was highest during periods when large numbers of Mallards were nesting, suggesting that prey-switching behaviors by common predators may exacerbate risks to adults in all breeding stages. Although prior investments in egg laying and incubation affected mortality risk, most relationships were not consistent with the cost of reproduction hypothesis; birds with extensive prior investments in egg production or incubation typically survived better, suggesting that variation in individual quality drove both relationships. We conclude that for breeding female Mallards, the primary cost of reproduction is a fixed cost associated with placing oneself at risk to predators while incubating nests in terrestrial habitats.
Canadian and U.S. federal wildlife agencies completed four decadal surveys, spanning the years 1977 to 2009, to census colonial waterbirds breeding on the Great Lakes and adjoining bodies of water. In this paper, we reports abundance, distribution, and general population trends of three species: Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), Great Egret (Ardea alba), and Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). Estimates of nest numbers ranged from approximately 4000-6100 for the Black-crowned Night-Heron, 250-1900 for the Great Egret, and 3800-6400 for the Great Blue Heron. Average annual rates of change in nest numbers between the first (1977) and fourth (2008) census were −1% for the Black-crowned Night-Heron, +23% for the Great Egret, and −0.27% for the Great Blue Heron. Across the 30-year census, Black-crowned Night-Heron estimates decreased in U.S. (−57%) but increased (+18%) in Canadian waters, Great Egret nests increased 1381% in Canadian waters with a smaller, but still substantial increase in the number of nests at U.S. colonies (+613%), and Great Blue Heron numbers increased 148% in Canadian waters and 713% in U.S. waters. Although a single factor cannot be clearly linked to changes observed in each species’ distribution, hydrological variation, habitat succession, nest competition with Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), and land use changes likely all contributed. Management activities should support both breeding and foraging conditions including restoration of early successional habitats and anticipate continued northward expansions in the distributions of these waterbirds.
Many populations have recovered from severe bottlenecks either naturally or through intensive conservation management. In the past, however, few conservation programs have monitored the genetic health of recovering populations. We conducted a conservation genetic assessment of a small, reintroduced population of Mauritius Kestrel (Falco punctatus) to determine whether genetic deterioration has occurred since its reintroduction. We used pedigree analysis that partially accounted for individuals of unknown origin to document that (1) inbreeding occurred frequently (2.6% increase per generation; N-el = 18.9), (2) 25% of breeding pairs were composed of either closely or moderately related individuals, (3) genetic diversity has been lost from the population (1,6% loss per generation; N-ev = 32.1) less rapidly than the corresponding increase in inbreeding, and (4) ignoring the contribution of unknown individuals to a pedigree will bias the metrics derived from that pedigree, ultimately obscuring the prevailing genetic dynamics. The rates of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in the subpopulation of Mauritius Kestrel we examined were extreme and among the highest yet documented in a wild vertebrate population. Thus, genetic deterioration may affect this population's long-term viability. Remedial conservation strategies are needed to reduce the impact of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in this species, We suggest that schemes to monitor genetic variation after reintroduction should be an integral component of endangered species recovery programs
1. The management of threatened species is an important practical way in which conservationists can intervene in the extinction process and reduce the loss of biodiversity. Understanding the causes of population declines (past, present and future) is pivotal to designing effective practical management. This is the declining-population paradigm identified by Caughley. 2. There are three broad classes of ecological tool used by conservationists to guide management decisions for threatened species: statistical models of habitat use, demographic models and behaviour-based models. Each of these is described here, illustrated with a case study and evaluated critically in terms of its practical application. 3. These tools are fundamentally different. Statistical models of habitat use and demographic models both use descriptions of patterns in abundance and demography, in relation to a range of factors, to inform management decisions. In contrast, behaviourbased models describe the evolutionary processes underlying these patterns, and derive such patterns from the strategies employed by individuals when competing for resources under a specific set of environmental conditions. 4. Statistical models of habitat use and demographic models have been used successfully to make management recommendations for declining populations. To do this, assumptions are made about population growth or vital rates that will apply when environmental conditions are restored, based on either past data collected under favourable environmental conditions or estimates of these parameters when the agent of decline is removed. As a result, they can only be used to make reliable quantitative predictions about future environments when a comparable environment has been experienced by the population of interest in the past. 5. Many future changes in the environment driven by management will not have been experienced by a population in the past. Under these circumstances, vital rates and their relationship with population density will change in the future in a way that is not predictable from past patterns. Reliable quantitative predictions about population-level responses then need to be based on an explicit consideration of the evolutionary processes operating at the individual level. 6. Synthesis and applications. It is argued that evolutionary theory underpins Caughley’s declining-population paradigm, and that it needs to become much more widely used within mainstream conservation biology. This will help conservationists examine critically the reliability of the tools they have traditionally used to aid management decision-making. It will also give them access to alternative tools, particularly when predictions are required for changes in the environment that have not been experienced by a population in the past.
Inferring population admixture from genetic data and quantifying it is a difficult but crucial task in evolutionary and conservation biology. Unfortunately state-of-the-art probabilistic approaches are computationally demanding. Effectively exploiting the computational power of modern multiprocessor systems can thus have a positive impact to Monte Carlo-based simulation of admixture modeling. A novel parallel approach is briefly described and promising results on its message passing interface (MPI)-based C implementation are reported.