A new 'Consent Commons' licensing framework is proposed, complementing Creative Commons, to clarify the permissions given for using and reusing clinical and non-clinical digital recordings of people (patients and non-patients) for educational purposes. Consent Commons is a sophisticated expression of ethically based 'digital professionalism', which recognises the rights of patients, carers, their families, teachers, clinicians, students and members of the public to have some say in how their digital recordings are used (including refusing or withdrawing their consent), and is necessary in order to ensure the long term sustainability of teaching materials, including Open Educational Resources (OER). Consent Commons can ameliorate uncertainty about the status of educational resources depicting people, and protect institutions from legal risk by developing robust and sophisticated policies and promoting best practice in managing their information.
Based on a discussion of the background, features and limitations of open online courses, this paper describes a technological solution to support their offering, built on online tools that don't require self-managed hosting. This is a proof of concept that intends to highlight the possibilities and obstacles related to this kind of educational practice in a Latin American context.
This document provides the planned investments in Iowa's transportation system for the five-year period of 2006-2010. It encompasses aviation, railroads, rivers, trails, state parks and institutional roads, roadways, and public transit.
College of Engineering at Iowa State University produced a strategic plan for the years 2005-2010.
Newsletter produced by Deaf Services Commission of Iowa
Newsletter produced by Deaf Services Commission of Iowa
Newsletter produced by Deaf Services Commission of Iowa
Newsletter produced by Deaf Services Commission of Iowa
OBJECTIVEDescribing how Kaingang seniors and their primary caregivers experience access to public health services.METHODA qualitative study guided by ethnography, conducted with 28 elderly and 19 caregivers. Data were collected between November 2010 and February 2013 through interviews and participative observation analyzed by ethnography.RESULTSThe study revealed the benefits and difficulties of the elderly access to health services, the facility to obtain health care resources such as appointments, medications and routine procedures, and the difficulties such as special assistance service problems and delays in the dispatching process between reference services.CONCLUSIONThe importance of knowing and understanding the cultural specificities of the group in order to offer greater opportunities for the elderly access to health services was reinforced.
The Iowa Commission on the Status of Women (ICSW) is a state agency that seeks to assure equality for Iowa women. As an advocacy agency, the Commission works to equalize women's opportunities and to promote full participation by women in the economic, political, and social life of the state. This is the tenth edition of the Status of Iowa Women Report. Many positive changes toward women's full participation in all aspects of society are evident in this edition: more women than ever are getting a post-secondary education and they have made significant inroads into some traditionally male-dominated work domains. Still, much remains to be done. The 2006 report also shows that girls, by and large, are not enrolling in upper-level high-school computer courses, a necessity for the 21st century; women's earnings lag behind men's; and women continue to be raped, beaten, and battered at staggering rates. Much work needs to be done at the community and state levels to address those and other challenges addressed in this publication.
Objetivo: Estudiar la tendencia temporal de la incidencia de LAT en el Parc de SalutMar (PSMAR) en un periodo de 5 años (2006 – 2010), según las característicassociodemográficas y laborales de las personas trabajadoras y según característicasrelacionadas con la lesión.
Agency Performance Report
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and govern the use of service or emotional support animals in places where pets may not be permitted. However, courts have been struggling with how to define and treat animals that qualify for protection under each law. This has created confusion as to what rights and duties are owed disabled persons and the animals that live with or accompany them. This essay attempts to clarify these two federal laws with regard to service or emotional support animals and the differing parties‘ rights and interests. It also includes an overview of select state laws that govern assistance animals of all types and our recommendations for enhancing the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
Moderni liiketoiminta kohtaa uusia haasteita. Haasteiden aiheuttajia ovat mm. alenevat tuotantokustannukset ja kiihtyvä kilpailu. Jotta yritys kykenisi vastaamaan näihin moderneihin haasteisiin, sen tulee toimissaan hyödyntää tehokkaasti omat resurssit. Yrityksen suurimmat resurssit sijaitsevat henkilöstössä, heihin sitoutuneessa tiedossa. Tästä tiedosta iso osa on ns. hiljaista tietoa, jota ei voida perinteisin keinoin tallentaa. Tämä työ, tutkimus keskittyy tuon hiljaisen tiedon tallentamiseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli luoda malli, joka sisältää hiljaisen tiedon keruun, analyysin ja siirtämisen. Kokonaisuus muodostaa työkalun jolla teettävän yrityksen eläkkeelle jäävä henkilöstön hiljainen tieto tallennetaan yritykseen. Mallin lisäksi tutkimuksessa tuodaan esille aihetta koskevat erilaiset kehitysmahdollisuudet ja visiot.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary quality of vegetables and irrigation water and assess the effectiveness of lemon juice and vinegar in reducing E. coli strains inoculated on lettuce. One hundred and forty samples of vegetables and 45 samples of irrigation water were investigated for thermotolerant coliforms and Salmonella spp. In order to verify the effectiveness of natural household sanitizers in reducing E. coli in inoculated lettuce, four treatment solutions were tested: fresh lemon juice, alcohol vinegar, lemon juice-vinegar mixture, and lemon juice-vinegar-water mixture. The microbiological analysis revealed high rates of contamination by thermotolerant coliforms and identified the presence of E. coli in 32% of the tested vegetable samples and 56% of the water samples. While no significant statistical difference (p < 0, 05) was identified in the tested solutions, the treatment with a combination of lemon juice and vinegar resulted in the highest Decimal Reductions (DR) of E. coli O157: H7 while the treatment with vinegar alone was the most effective against the indigenous E. coli strain