The aim of this study is to undertake a theoretical analysis of the literary and sociological Cave, Jose Saramago, having as main theme the precariousness of work and control, followed by some key developments. Anchored in the sociology of work and endorsed by the sociology of literature methodologically by Antonio Candido, and guided by the narrative Saramago in the cave, seeking to understand the work activity as central and essential to the production and reproduction of material life. It discusses the precariousness of work, as well as the historical forms of ownership and control of labor activity. Scales the impact of large corporations that control and the conflict between mechanized and manual labor in the process, questioning the nefarious effects of the restructuring of the productive working class, especially on small businesses and craft work. It also addresses the rise of a category gestorial in the process of labor control throughout history Finally, invoking the metaphor of Plato\'s cave in this work Saramago, explores how labor control by large corporations causes the estrangement in all dimensions of life, establishing relationships between fetishism, consumer relations and sociability.
Hospitals are a big part of the service sector. Thus, such institutions are highly influenced by the logic of the capitalist accumulation, technology and forms of labor organization, especially by private organizations. Starting with the restructuring process motion and incorporation of technologies, many changes in the working process occur, therefore, the activities of medical professionals as well. During the preparation of this research items regarding the banalization of evil were identified. This banalization and resignation of the professionals face to violence are caused by the adoption of collective defense strategies. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how the rationalization of working conditions by gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians working in the emergency rooms of public and private hospitals in Curitiba and metropolitan region occurs. An approach of mixed methods was used as methodological procedures. The naturalization of violence, the suffering which professionals are submitted to, are combined with the political and ideological control, bureaucratic control, the imaginary built about hospitals and collective defense strategies. It is therefore possible to understand that labor conditions of gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians in emergency rooms are rationalized. When social injustice is naturalized, political strategies for changes are not possible. For this reason, the first step is to gather awareness, there is a need to unveil the reality, to understand the phenomena at its core and discard superficialities. It is also necessary that the actions and expressions of indignation to come hand in hand with political actions in order to change to happen.
This study investigated how the process of the constitution of the subject is interpreted in the formulations of the founders of socio-historical psychology (Lev S. Vigotski, Alexei N. Leontiev and Alexander R. Luria) and in the sociology of knowledge of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann. These two theoretical perspectives, despite having different philosophical formulations as ontological and epistemological intentions (socio-historical psychology, historical dialectical materialism; the sociology of Berger and Luckmann and phenomenology) arrive, however, at the same basic conclusion about the social nature of the subject. The objective of the study, therefore, was that of identifying the differences and convergences between the two perspectives and then, try to determine the possibility of a theoretical synthesis between them in relation to the constitution of the subject. At the same time, we intended to analyse the implications of this possible synthesis in order to comprehend the manner in which the ideology functions in human societies as thought by Louis Althusser and Alípio de Sousa Filho. We arrived at the conclusion that, despite being incompatible from the ontological and epistemological points of view, a synthesis is possible between socio-historical psychology and the sociology of knowledge of Berger and Luckmann in relation to the conception of society and the comprehension of the process of the constitution of the subject. Starting from the philosophical intentions of socio-historical psychology, it is possible to incorporate, enriching points such as: Berger s and Luckmann sconception of society and the interpretation of the process of constitution of the subject. This possible synthesis, when interpreted in light of the reflections of Althusser and Sousa Filho on the phenomenon of ideology in human societies, is constituted in a real unveiling of the concrete provisos by which the ideology acts in human societies in order to transform biological examples of the human species in specific social subjects
This study deals with Sociology teacher identity issues. This is done considering daily routines of Sociology grade school teachers in the city of Picos in the state of Piauí-Brazil. Thus, the research aims to acknowledge the manner the inter-relations between the teacher s know-how and the process of construction of the professional identity of these teachers occur. It is seen that the discipline of Sociology in this context brings out processes related to inclusion and exclusion once the subject of Sociology is distinguished as unstable in relation to other disciplines. However, in June 2008, the law included the Sociology as a discipline 11,684 mandatory on all high school series.The theoretical and methodological procedures of this research were based on an ethnographic qualitative nature research and enabled a documental analysis. In order to collect data, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied in collective and individual in four state schools in the city of Picos in Piauí. The analysis of the information was based in content analysis from the proposals made by Bardin (1997), and Franco (2008). The information was then organized in knowledge matrixes that allowed the identification of themes divided into two thematic axes: teacher education: the search for sense making in experience and the exercise of teaching as well as the Sociology grade school teacher s daily routine. The research enables the understanding of the senses the subjects have on their own activity since the work deals with concrete situations and experiences in the scholar context. These senses are considered relevant in order to enable a comprehension of the inter-relations that are established between the know-how and the construction of the identity on behalf of these teachers. Almost all of the interviewed subjects did not have a degree in Social Sciences and came from other backgrounds especially ones related to Education. Sociology teachers investigated almost in its entirety, do not have specific training in the social sciences, becoming teachers of Sociology by lack of school and to complete the work load. But, in spite of the difficulties experienced in the practice of the discipline all are in favour of its inclusion in high school. They have a clear vision, that through the work of the theoretical content of the discipline with the daily life of the students by using teaching strategies that add value to the relationship of knowledge that are prepared in society at large, to Sociology provides a critical analysis of the reality in which they are inserted
O culto presbiteriano brasileiro se cristalizou de forma peculiar em relação ao seu estilo litúrgico. A exclusão de elementos mais ritualísticos somados ás condições de inserção deram um contorno bem específico a esse culto no Brasil. A sua forma pode ser reduzida a dois pilares de sustentação: a prédica e a música. A música também se desenvolveu de um modo peculiar dentro da denominação. Porém, desde início dos anos 90 essa musica tradicional tem sido abalada com a consolidação do mercado de música gospel. Surgiu então no Brasil um novo tipo de produção musical, relacionada com o louvor congregacional, que pelo aspecto emocional e performático, contraria a produção tradicional. Esse novo modelo de louvor, fomentado pela mídia especializada, pelo mercado gospel e em acordo com as tendências culturais atuais, tem plena aceitação do público jovem e dos novos conversos, dificultando a manutenção da tradição. Muitos são os motivos para tal fato, entre eles a atração que o mercado exerce sobre o jovem presbiteriano e o papel litúrgico da música nesse culto, que sempre gerou um grande clima de insatisfação religiosa de alguns sub grupos do laicato. Assim, a produção e reprodução musical do culto presbiteriano têm sofrido modificações que podem contribuir diretamente para uma das maiores mutações cúlticas que o presbiterianismo já sofreu desde a sua inserção entre nós. Esse novo modelo de louvor propiciou uma ruptura com a hinódia tradicional, que há muito já estava se enfraquecendo. Esta tese discute as mudanças ocorridas na produção e reprodução da música litúrgica do presbiterianismo e a sua conseqüência direta no perfil desse culto, bem como os motivos que sustentam tais mudanças, tanto em uma perspectiva micro como macro social.(AU)
O culto presbiteriano brasileiro se cristalizou de forma peculiar em relação ao seu estilo litúrgico. A exclusão de elementos mais ritualísticos somados ás condições de inserção deram um contorno bem específico a esse culto no Brasil. A sua forma pode ser reduzida a dois pilares de sustentação: a prédica e a música. A música também se desenvolveu de um modo peculiar dentro da denominação. Porém, desde início dos anos 90 essa musica tradicional tem sido abalada com a consolidação do mercado de música gospel. Surgiu então no Brasil um novo tipo de produção musical, relacionada com o louvor congregacional, que pelo aspecto emocional e performático, contraria a produção tradicional. Esse novo modelo de louvor, fomentado pela mídia especializada, pelo mercado gospel e em acordo com as tendências culturais atuais, tem plena aceitação do público jovem e dos novos conversos, dificultando a manutenção da tradição. Muitos são os motivos para tal fato, entre eles a atração que o mercado exerce sobre o jovem presbiteriano e o papel litúrgico da música nesse culto, que sempre gerou um grande clima de insatisfação religiosa de alguns sub grupos do laicato. Assim, a produção e reprodução musical do culto presbiteriano têm sofrido modificações que podem contribuir diretamente para uma das maiores mutações cúlticas que o presbiterianismo já sofreu desde a sua inserção entre nós. Esse novo modelo de louvor propiciou uma ruptura com a hinódia tradicional, que há muito já estava se enfraquecendo. Esta tese discute as mudanças ocorridas na produção e reprodução da música litúrgica do presbiterianismo e a sua conseqüência direta no perfil desse culto, bem como os motivos que sustentam tais mudanças, tanto em uma perspectiva micro como macro social.(AU)
Este estudo tem a intenção de apresentar o cristianismo profético que caracterizou parte do catolicismo brasileiro nas décadas de 1950 a 1970 e que nas décadas seguintes sofreu a ofensiva dos poderes governamentais, ditatoriais e eclesiásticos que ocasionaram seu eclipse no cenário religioso e social do país. Uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a situação histórica e social e sobre os referenciais teóricos da sociologia da esperança de Henri Desroche e dos tipos ideais (profeta, sacerdote e mago) de Max Weber, cujo antagonismo foi aprofundado por Pierre Bourdieu, orientou a análise deste processo de ocultamento. A hipótese central é a de que o Eclipse do Cristianismo Profético segue a dinâmica dos movimentos marginais e utópicos que pululam na história da humanidade e que foram elencados e analisados pela sociologia da religião de Henri Desroche, especialmente na parte dedicada aos homens da espera. O estudo de caso sobre o itinerário eclesial e humanitário de dom Helder Camara iluminará, de modo existencial, o percurso do eclipse deste cristianismo social.
O culto presbiteriano brasileiro se cristalizou de forma peculiar em relação ao seu estilo litúrgico. A exclusão de elementos mais ritualísticos somados ás condições de inserção deram um contorno bem específico a esse culto no Brasil. A sua forma pode ser reduzida a dois pilares de sustentação: a prédica e a música. A música também se desenvolveu de um modo peculiar dentro da denominação. Porém, desde início dos anos 90 essa musica tradicional tem sido abalada com a consolidação do mercado de música gospel. Surgiu então no Brasil um novo tipo de produção musical, relacionada com o louvor congregacional, que pelo aspecto emocional e performático, contraria a produção tradicional. Esse novo modelo de louvor, fomentado pela mídia especializada, pelo mercado gospel e em acordo com as tendências culturais atuais, tem plena aceitação do público jovem e dos novos conversos, dificultando a manutenção da tradição. Muitos são os motivos para tal fato, entre eles a atração que o mercado exerce sobre o jovem presbiteriano e o papel litúrgico da música nesse culto, que sempre gerou um grande clima de insatisfação religiosa de alguns sub grupos do laicato. Assim, a produção e reprodução musical do culto presbiteriano têm sofrido modificações que podem contribuir diretamente para uma das maiores mutações cúlticas que o presbiterianismo já sofreu desde a sua inserção entre nós. Esse novo modelo de louvor propiciou uma ruptura com a hinódia tradicional, que há muito já estava se enfraquecendo. Esta tese discute as mudanças ocorridas na produção e reprodução da música litúrgica do presbiterianismo e a sua conseqüência direta no perfil desse culto, bem como os motivos que sustentam tais mudanças, tanto em uma perspectiva micro como macro social.(AU)
La presencia hodierna de la Sociología en la educación básica brasileña es un elemento nuevo para los sujetos que a ella están relacionados y, para el grupo investigado en este estudio, los licenciandos y licenciandas del curso de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), la situación no es diferente. Con el intuito de comprender cómo los saberes aprehendidos durante la formación inicial de profesores influencian el proceso de construcción de la identidad, se investigó las representaciones sociales que eses sujetos construyen cerca de la identidad docente, intentando comprender cómo estos representan las profesoras y profesores de Sociología. Por lo tanto, se hizo una comparación entre los elementos que compusieron los núcleos centrales de las representaciones sociales de los licenciados ingresantes y de los licenciandos en práctica del referido curso, además de un examen del plan de estudios de esa licenciatura. Se adoptó la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales y el Abordaje Estructural como aporte teórico y de la Técnica de Asociación Libre de Palabras como recurso metodológico. Al llevar a cabo el análisis de los datos obtenidos durante la investigación, se hizo evidente que la memoria, mientras un conjunto de experiencias del sujeto, desarrolla un papel esencial en los procesos de construcción representacional e identificación, pues la familiaridad con la asignatura de Sociología en la Enseñanza Mediana trajo nuevos e importantes elementos para la composición del perfil de los actuales ingresantes en la licenciatura investigada. De este modo, al asociar representaciones sociales, identidades y formación de profesores en la tríade conceptual que condice esa investigación y teniendo as experiencias anteriores de los sujetos como un enlace, el objetivo fue demostrar cómo eses elementos componen partes de procesos sociales análogos e indisociables. Sin la acumulación de experiencias memoriales no hay representación, mucho menos identidad. Por el contrario, los datos muestran que las discusiones, erigidas por la reciente obligatoriedad de la Sociología en la Enseñanza Mediana, no encuentran eco en el cotidiano formativo de los licenciados permaneciendo alejado del currículo de la licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales de UFRN. Esa coyuntura se refleja en construcciones representacionales tanto de los licenciados ingresantes como de los estudiantes en práctica, asociados a una noción intervencionista de la asignatura de Sociología. Esta noción se convierte nebulosa una definición clara de la representación de la identidad docente de profesora y de profesor de Sociología para los licenciandos en formación. La intensa relación de esta representación con la asignatura y no con el hacer pedagógico, con la presencia intervencionista de una probable transformación y no con la compresión de las problemáticas y juegos sociales demuestran que la identidad docente del profesor de Sociología todavía es un objeto que está siendo basado por eses sujetos, que está siendo ajustado a partir de otras representaciones existentes y que la formación inicial de profesores necesita estar atenta a esas representaciones y adecuarse más apropiadamente a la realidad de enseñanza de Sociología que subvierte a docencia de esta asignatura en Rio Grande do Norte.
This participative research interested in the social praxis attempts to understand the moral principles that set the magic rituals and the places of worship of three jurema centers of the potiguar region of Canguaretama. Among other inner particularly aspects of each focused catimbó-jurema center, it is being discussed the collective standards involved in the reliance and fellowship values assumed in the private magical gatherings by the juremeiras leaders and their partners, in contrast to the prestige seeking and the individualism that influence both the symbolic competitions and the witchcraft works that link these agents to the broader catimbozeiro universe of this region. Finally, the moral practices which make part of the juremeiro left-right dualism are investigated based on the understanding that the referred native pantheonic-ritual dichotomy does not necessarily express two moralities substantially adversed in terms of benefits or harms, but a series of moral actions subject to the specular logic of the tit-for tat. Thus, this research seeks to prove that this moral structure of symbolic reciprocity, as well as the witchcraft centrality in the catimbozeiro world, finds a certain causal link in a world view which guiding principle is the ontological evil of the catholic cosmology
The present work shows trajectories of life of seated women agricultural, with the objective to apprehend on aspects to the experience of its sexuality. The daily one of the seated woman is constructed in a new space, called agricultural nesting whose formation if presents with proper singularity to a social and economic context and politician of the Great River of the North. Its passages of life are permeaty by different violences suffered in its daily one and its sexuality is weaveeed by a set of rules that the naturalization of the subordination of the woman in relation to the man keeps. The societies use the systems of the relations between men and women and transform the biological characteristic into activities human beings
Le Poète Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), l un des artistes les plus controversés du XXème siècle, se déclarait comme un chrétien gnostique. Malgré cela, il ne s est aligné sur aucune institution et/ou doctrine établie. Mais, il a eu dans la dimension religieuse sa thématique préférée. La proposition de ce travail est de comprendre la religiosité chez Pessoa par le moyen de la lecture d images suscitées à partir de la lecture de son oeuvre, et ainsi, mettre en évidence dans sa vaste production, des significations poétiques qui peuvent être associées à des signes de religiosité, soit dans son contenu manifeste, soit dans le contenu latent de son oeuvre. Ceci, en comprenant que Pessoa, dans tous ses personnages créés par l intermédiaire de l hétéronymie, a fait usage dans son écriture du langage symbolique des univers religieux les plus distincts pour composer sa propre forme de religiosité. Il apparaît que celle-ci est pluriforme et a peut-être com objectif de contrarier les limites sociales établies pour l exercice de la foi
The experience of transplantation is a very serious situation from the clinical standpoint. Therefore, there must be some subjective and social breakdown in people who have been undergone such a procedure. Recent product of modernity, the transplanted is someone who owns his recover to the scientific advances of contemporary society and a deceased donor. This paper aims at examine the implications, from the changes in patterns of behavior and thought that occur after the experience of an extreme and critical situation, as the process of illness and its consequent transplant surgery. The symbolism of the heart suggests that some social impressions about the organ itself are also reflected in how the transplanted interprets the experience of this type of procedure. So investigating how the changes occurred throughout the process interfere in the re-insertion of these people to social life, after his recovery, is the purpose of this work. The concept of habitus coined by Pierre Bourdieu will be used to measure conceptually how this experience (clinical, modern and symbolic) fits in the contemporary discussion of sociology
This study approaches the topic of humanization in health that involves the set of policies implemented by the Ministry of Health in Brazil. Its aims are directed towards a reflection on the guiding theoretical and organizing axes of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) and their repercussions on municipal health policy of Natal, Brazil; an analysis of the results of the policy at the local level; knowledge of the views and experiences of the humanization agents in the daily work process and identification of the main challenges of the policy. The empirical field of investigation was the Family Health Strategy (FHS) of the city of Natal. The assumption of the study is that the FHS has produced local experiences with potentialities that must not be wasted, in which there are difficulties and discrepancies between the real and proposed model. The contradictions and challenges in the social and political context of Brazil in the early XXI century and their consequences in the field of health reflect anti-utilitarian aspects anchored strongly in the theoretical concepts of Boaventura de Sousa Santos about the sociology of privations and emergencies as well as of the work of translating. The predominantly qualitative approach collects some complementary quantitative data. The study procedures used were the following: bibliographic research; documental research; interviews; and direct observation. Interpretation of the information obtained was based on documental analysis and on the symbolic cartography of the social representations. Cartographic evidence suggests that practices still take place under dehumanizing conditions that compromise the quality of care given. However, there is a movement aimed at changing the work process that has been strengthening the link and widening the measures developed, incorporating new directions in diversity, integrality and solidarity. The map drawn shows a reality manifested by explicit intentions in a political agenda, by concrete solutions marked by an assortment of difficulties and expressed in the words of the agents and by latent clues identified in successful local experiences, posing many challenges for the consolidation of the proposed changes