994 resultados para CHEMICAL PLANTS


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Cutin and suberin are structural and protective polymers of plant surfaces. The epidermal cells of the aerial parts of plants are covered with an extracellular cuticular layer, which consists of polyester cutin, highly resistant cutan, cuticular waxes and polysaccharides which link the layer to the epidermal cells. A similar protective layer is formed by a polyaromatic-polyaliphatic biopolymer suberin, which is present particularly in the cell walls of the phellem layer of periderm of the underground parts of plants (e.g. roots and tubers) and the bark of trees. In addition, suberization is also a major factor in wound healing and wound periderm formation regardless of the plants’ tissue. Knowledge of the composition and functions of cuticular and suberin polymers is important for understanding the physiological properties for the plants and for nutritional quality when these plants are consumed as foods. The aims of the practical work were to assess the chemical composition of cuticular polymers of several northern berries and seeds and suberin of two varieties of potatoes. Cutin and suberin were studied as isolated polymers and further after depolymerization as soluble monomers and solid residues. Chemical and enzymatic depolymerization techniques were compared and a new chemical depolymerization method was developed. Gas chromatographic analysis with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) was used to assess the monomer compositions. Polymer investigations were conducted with solid state carbon-13 cross polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C CP-MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and microscopic analysis. Furthermore, the development of suberin over one year of post-harvest storage was investigated and the cuticular layers from berries grown in the North and South of Finland were compared. The results show that the amounts of isolated cuticular layers and cutin monomers, as well as monomeric compositions vary greatly between the berries. The monomer composition of seeds was found to differ from the corresponding berry peel monomers. The berry cutin monomers were composed mostly of long-chain aliphatic ω-hydroxy acids, with various mid-chain functionalities (double-bonds, epoxy, hydroxy and keto groups). Substituted α,ω-diacids predominated over ω-hydroxy acids in potato suberin monomers and slight differences were found between the varieties. The newly-developed closed tube chemical method was found to be suitable for cutin and suberin analysis and preferred over the solvent-consuming and laborious reflux method. Enzymatic hydrolysis with cutinase was less effective than chemical methanolysis and showed specificity towards α,ω-diacid bonds. According to 13C CP-MAS NMR and FTIR, the depolymerization residues contained significant amounts of aromatic structures, polysaccharides and possible cutan-type aliphatic moieties. Cultivation location seems to have effect on cuticular composition. The materials studied contained significant amounts of different types of biopolymers that could be utilized for several purposes with or without further processing. The importance of the so-called waste material from industrial processes of berries and potatoes as a source of either dietary fiber or specialty chemicals should be further investigated in detail. The evident impact of cuticular and suberin polymers, among other fiber components, on human health should be investigated in clinical trials. These by-product materials may be used as value-added fiber fractions in the food industry and as raw materials for specialty chemicals such as lubricants and emulsifiers, or as building blocks for novel polymers.


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The disparity found in the molecular structures of compounds isolated from nine plants of the Swartzia genus indicates that the Swartzia species that furnished cassane diterpenoids and triterpenoidal saponins are more recent, since these metabolites have adopted the mevalonic acid route of formation, abandoning the shikimic acid/acetate route that produces the isoflavonoids found in the remaining species. Chemical indexes calculated from the molecular structure diversities of sixteen 8,11,13-trien-abietane diterpenoids isolated from Swartzia langsdorffii and S. arborescens indicate that S. arborescens is more recent than S. langsdorffii. The results suggest a more evolved position in Swartzia species of the section Possira.


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Resistance induction through the use of chemical inducers often results in physiological costs to the plant. In this study, induced resistance in cotton plants was evaluated with regard to physiological costs in a cultivar susceptible to Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides (CNPA GO 2002 - 7997). Plants were cultivated in substrates with two levels of nitrogen and received two applications of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), jasmonic acid (JA) and Agro-Mos® (AM) disease resistance inducers. Plant height (H), internodal length (IL), shoot fresh weight (SFW), root fresh weight (RFW), shoot dry weight (SDW) and root dry weight (RDW) were evaluated. The activity of the phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POX) was also determined. The plants treated with ASM presented high physiological costs with an accentuated reduction in H, SFW and SDW, whereas those treated with JA exhibited a significant increase in SDW, and did not significantly differ from H and IL. In the potting mix supplemented with nitrogen, all inducers differed from the control treatment regarding to internodal length, whereas only ASM and AM presented a significant difference between one another in the potting mix without the addition of nitrogen. Significant correlations (P=0.05) were found for most of the variables analyzed, with greater correlations observed between SFW and SDW (0.94); IL and H (0.74); SFW and H (0.70); and SDW and H (0.70). ASM induced the least amount of PAL activity, significantly differing from the remaining treatments. Greater POX activity was observed in ASM, which significantly differed from the control. AM and JA, however, presented lower activity than the control with regard to these enzymes, and it was not possible to confirm induction resistance in these two treatments.


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ABSTRACT Losses due to soybean anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum truncatum, have not been systematically quantified in the field, and the efficacy of chemical control of this disease is not known. This study shows an estimate of losses associated with the disease in soybean crops in the north of the country. Two trials with cv. M9144 RR were carried out in commercial fields in Tocantins State in the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 growing seasons, in randomized blocks, with four replicates. Foliar applications were performed on plants at R1/R2 and R5.2 stages, employing CO2-pressurized equipment and application volume of 200 L ha-1. Nine fungicides and one untreated control were compared, and the disease gradients in the two seasons were obtained. The percentage of infected pods was calculated at the R6 stage. Grain yield ranged from 3,288 to 3,708 kg/ha in the untreated plots in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, respectively, and from 3,282 to 4,110 kg/ha in the treated plots. In the 2010/2011 season, only azoxystrobin + cyproconazole significantly reduced the disease incidence, compared to untreated control plots, not differing from the remaining treatments. In the 2011/2012 season, there were no significant differences between treated and untreated plots. Highly significant correlations (p < 0.01) were found between yield and soybean anthracnose incidence on pods in both years (r = -0.85). For each 1% increment in the disease incidence, c. 90 kg/ha of soybean grain were lost. The current study determined that significant losses due to anthracnose occur in commercial crops in the north of the country and highlighted the limitation of chemical control as anthracnose management method.


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This doctoral thesis describes the development work performed on the leachand purification sections in the electrolytic zinc plant in Kokkola to increase the efficiency in these two stages, and thus the competitiveness of the plant. Since metallic zinc is a typical bulk product, the improvement of the competitiveness of a plant was mostly an issue of decreasing unit costs. The problems in the leaching were low recovery of valuable metals from raw materials, and that the available technology offered complicated and expensive processes to overcome this problem. In the purification, the main problem was consumption of zinc powder - up to four to six times the stoichiometric demand. This reduced the capacity of the plant as this zinc is re-circulated through the electrolysis, which is the absolute bottleneck in a zinc plant. Low selectivity gave low-grade and low-value precipitates for further processing to metallic copper, cadmium, cobalt and nickel. Knowledge of the underlying chemistry was poor and process interruptions causing losses of zinc production were frequent. Studies on leaching comprised the kinetics of ferrite leaching and jarosite precipitation, as well as the stability of jarosite in acidic plant solutions. A breakthrough came with the finding that jarosite could precipitate under conditions where ferrite would leach satisfactorily. Based on this discovery, a one-step process for the treatment of ferrite was developed. In the plant, the new process almost doubled the recovery of zinc from ferrite in the same equipment as the two-step jarosite process was operated in at that time. In a later expansion of the plant, investment savings were substantial compared to other technologies available. In the solution purification, the key finding was that Co, Ni, and Cu formed specific arsenides in the “hot arsenic zinc dust” step. This was utilized for the development of a three-step purification stage based on fluidized bed technology in all three steps, i.e. removal of Cu, Co and Cd. Both precipitation rates and selectivity increased, which strongly decreased the zinc powder consumption through a substantially suppressed hydrogen gas evolution. Better selectivity improved the value of the precipitates: cadmium, which caused environmental problems in the copper smelter, was reduced from 1-3% reported normally down to 0.05 %, and a cobalt cake with 15 % Co was easily produced in laboratory experiments in the cobalt removal. The zinc powder consumption in the plant for a solution containing Cu, Co, Ni and Cd (1000, 25, 30 and 350 mg/l, respectively), was around 1.8 g/l; i.e. only 1.4 times the stoichiometric demand – or, about 60% saving in powder consumption. Two processes for direct leaching of the concentrate under atmospheric conditions were developed, one of which was implemented in the Kokkola zinc plant. Compared to the existing pressure leach technology, savings were obtained mostly in investment. The scientific basis for the most important processes and process improvements is given in the doctoral thesis. This includes mathematical modeling and thermodynamic evaluation of experimental results and hypotheses developed. Five of the processes developed in this research and development program were implemented in the plant and are still operated. Even though these processes were developed with the focus on the plant in Kokkola, they can also be implemented at low cost in most of the zinc plants globally, and have thus a great significance in the development of the electrolytic zinc process in general.


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The study evaluates the potential application of chemical substances, obtained from biogas plants` by-products. Through the anaerobic digestion process with biogas the large amount of digestate is produced. This digestate mainly consists on the organic matter with the high concentration of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. During ammonia stripping and phosphorus precipitation the products- ammonia water, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ferrous phosphate, aluminum phosphate, calcium phosphate and struvite can be recovered. These chemicals have potential application in different industrial sectors. According to Finnish market and chemicals properties, the most perspective industrial applications were determined. Based on the data, obtained through the literature review and market study, the ammonia water was recognized as a most perspective recovered substances. According to interview provided among Finnish companies, ammonia water is used for flue gas treatment in SNCR technology. This application has a large scale in the framework of Finnish industrial sectors. As well nitrogen with phosphorous can be used as a source of nutrients in the biological wastewater treatment plants of paper mills.


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This project aimed to relate the control efficiency of ACCase inhibiting herbicides applied post-emergence to Digitaria horizontalis plants under different soil water contents. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, with the application of three different herbicides (fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl, and sethoxydim + mineral oil Assist). The experimental design used for each herbicide was completely randomized, with four replications, consisting of a 3 x 4 factorial, with the combination of water management strategies (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) and four doses of these products (100%, 50%, 25%, and 0% of the recommended dose). Herbicide application was made at two vegetative stages, 4-6 leaves and 2-3 tillers. The visual phytotoxicity evaluations were performed at 14 days after application and the plant dry weight at the end of the study was evaluated. The control efficiency was not affected by water management strategies when applied to the recommended dose of the herbicides in early stages of plant development (4-6 leaf stage). In late applications (2-3 tiller stage) the plants held under drought stress showed less phytotoxicity.


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Knowledge of the minimum rate of glyphosate required to eradicate sugarcane ratoons can reduce the amount of herbicide used. To confirm this hypothesis, this study aimed to investigate the tolerance of different sugarcane cultivars to chemical eradication, at different glyphosate rates. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design in a split-plot scheme, with four replications. The sugarcane cultivars (IACSP94-2094, IACSP94-2101, IACSP93-3046, IACSP94‑4004, IAC86-2480, and RB72454) were allocated in plots and the glyphosate rates (0, 1,440, 2,160, 2,880, 3,600, and 4,320 g ha-1), in the sub plots. The traits evaluated were signs of poisoning symptoms; total chlorophyll content, plant height, percentage of dead tillers, and dry weight of the plants. At 45 days after application (DAA), the glyphosate rate of 1,440 g a.e. ha-1 eradicated the cultivars IACSP94-2094 and IACSP94-2101, as well as RB72454 with application of 2,160 g a.e. ha‑1. Application of glyphosate 2,880 g a.e. ha-1 eradicated both IACSP93-3046 and IAC86-2480 and glyphosate 3,600 g a.e. ha-1 eradicated IACSP94-4004. The most tolerant cultivar was IACSP94‑4004, eradicated at the rate of 3,600 g. a.e. ha-1. This confirms the hypothesis that knowing the cultivar's tolerance leads, in practice, to a smaller amount of herbicide applied to the environment, which also reduces production costs.


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There is little information about the selectivity of herbicides in physic nut (Jatropha curcas) in Brazil. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of different doses and mixtures of paraquat and diuron in direted-spray applications in physic nut plants in greenhouse conditions. The study used a randomized block design, with five replicates. The treatments were: paraquat (200 and 600 g ha-1), diuron (1,000 and 2,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (200 + 1,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (200 + 2,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (600 + 1,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (600 + 2,000 g ha-1) and a control (no application). Directed-spray application was performed at 70 days after sowing by the lower third of the plants. The treatments of diuron and paraquat + diuron mixtures affected the growth and photosynthetic activity of physic nut plants, injuries being more pronounced at doses of diuron of 2,000 g ha‑1, while the isolated application of paraquat at doses of 200 and 600 g ha-1 showed good selectivity potential for physic nut plants.


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The objective of this work was to investigate the injuries caused to the photosynthetic apparatus of three types of rice exposed to application of imidazolinone group herbicides. Two experiments were conducted using herbicides Imazethapyr+imazapic and Imazapyr+imazapic, in a split-plot experimental design, and a 3 x 3 factorial, with six replications. The first factor (A) consisted of the herbicide rates 0, 100 e 200 g ha-1 of Imazethapyr+imazapic and 0, 140 e 280 g ha-1 of Imazapyr+imazapic; factor B consisted of type of rice (cv. Puitá Inta CL, sensitive red rice ecotype and red rice ecotype with suspected herbicide tolerance to Imidazolinone). Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were evaluated in plants at 30 days after herbicide application, using a portable fluorometer (HandyPEA, Hanstech). The photosynthetic metabolism of cv. Puitá Inta CL was found to tolerate commercial dosages of both herbicides. High sensitivity to the herbicides was observed for the sensitive red rice ecotype, while the photosynthetic apparatus of red rice ecotype with suspected herbicide tolerance showed high tolerance to both herbicides applied at rates higher than the commercial rate. The application of chemical herbicides of the imidazolinone group on rice plants causes changes in the photosynthetic metabolism of plants, detected by evaluating the emission of transient chlorophyll a fluorescence. This method can be useful in helping detect resistance and/or tolerance of red rice plants to herbicides of the imidazolinone group.


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Species of the orchidaceae family are grown for marketing flowers and among them the genus Cattleya stands out. However, due to its slow growth, the substrate is subjected to weed infestation. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the selectivity and efficiency of herbicides in controlling Pilea microphylla in Cattleya orchid seedlings (Cattleya tenebrosa x Cattleya leopoldy). We used a completely randomized design with four replications. The evaluated herbicides were oxyfluorfen (0, 120, 240 and 480 g ha-1), flumioxazin (0, 12.5, 25 and 40 g ha-1), nicosulfuron (0, 20, 40 and 80 g ha-1) mesotrione (0, 96, 144 and 192 g ha-1), clethodim (0, 60, 84 and 108 g ha-1) and metsulfuron-methyl (0, 1.2, 1.8 and 2.4 g ha-1). At post-emergence applying time, the Cattleya plants had three bulb sand were 10 cm tall, while P. microphylla, where 5 cm tall. Nicosulfuron, mesotrione and clethodim herbicides did not control P. microphylla, while oxyfluorfen and flumioxazin showed over 90% efficiency level sin controlling P. microphyllafrom 14 days after application (DAA). As to metsulfuron-methyl, it showed efficiency superior to 90% from the control dose of 1.8 g ha-1 at 28 DAA. All herbicides were selective plants of Cattleya, however, only oxyfluorfen, flumioxazin and metsulfuron-methyl were effective in controlling P. microphylla.


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This study aimed to control different populations of Digitaria insularisby glyphosate herbicide, isolated and mixed, besides the combination of methods (chemical and mechanical) to manage resistant adult plants. Three experiments were conducted, one in pots which were maintained under non-controlled conditions and two under field conditions. In the experiment in pots, twelve populations of D. insularis were sprayed with isolated glyphosate (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) and mixed (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) with quizalofop-p tefuryl (0.12 kg i.a. ha-1). The treatment of 1.44 kg a.e. ha-1 of glyphosate plus 0.12 kg a.i. ha-1 of quizalofop was sufficient for adequate control (>95%) of all populations. Population 11 (area of grain production in Itumbiara, GO) was considered sensitive to glyphosate. Others populations were moderately sensitive or tolerant to the herbicide. In the field, the plants of D. insularis of one of the experiments were mowed and, in the other, there were not. Eight treatments with herbicides [isolated glyphosate (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) and mixed (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha-1) with quizalofop-p-tefuryl at 0.12 kg a.i. ha-1), clethodim at 0.108 kg a.i. ha-1) or nicosulfuron at 0.06 kg a.i. ha-1)] were assessed, in combination with or without sequential application of the standard treatment, sprayed 15 days after the first application. The combination of the mechanic control with the application of glyphosate (2.16 and 1.44 kg a.e. ha-1) plus quizalofop-p-tefuryl (0.12 kg a.i. ha-1) or clethodim (0.108 kg a.i. ha-1), associated to the sequential application, was the most effective strategy for the management of adult plants of resistant D. insularis.


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Trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl are the most widely used ripeners in sugarcane. The application is performed by airborne spraying. Thus, if weather conditions are unfavorable, spray drift to neighboring areas may occur. The objective of this study was to assess the selectivity of the plant growth regulators trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl, used as sugarcane ripeners, to eucalyptus (Eucalyptus urograndis) young plants. The experiment was installed in an eucalyptus commercial yield area, in the municipality of Tambaú, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and arranged in a 2 x 8 factorial design in randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments studied were trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl, sprayed in eight doses, 0; 1.0; 2.5; 5.0; 10; 25; 50 and 100% of the dose used in sugarcane as ripeners (200 g ha-1 of trinexapac-ethyl and 15 g ha-1 of sulfometuron-methyl). Chemical ripeners were applied on eucalyptus plants with 48 cm in height on average; 10.1 branches; 4.5 mm of stem diameter and 44.3 cm of crown diameter, at 46 days after seeding. Trinexapac-ethyl was selective to eucalyptus and stimulated crown diameter growth. At higher doses, sulfometuron-methyl promoted severe noticeable injuries in eucalyptus plants, such as apical bud death. However, during the assessment period the plants recovered and the visual symptoms of phytotoxicity and growth alterations were not observed at 60 days after application. The plant growth regulators trinexapac-ethyl and sulfometuron-methyl were selective to eucalyptus young plants.


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(Comparative uptake and metabolism of 2-[14C]-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in callus cultures of monocot (Dioscorea spp.) and dicot (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants). The uptake and metabolism of 2-[14C]-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were investigated in leaf calluses of Nicotiana tabacum, tuber calluses of Dioscorea opposita and calluses derived from zygotic embryos, leaves and petioles of Dioscorea composita. Striking similarities were evident in the patterns of 2,4-D metabolites and their chemical characteristics in the three callus types of D. composita compared, but significant differences were detected among the patterns of rnetabolites in the three species studied. Preliminary investigations on the stability of various metabolites (separated using TLC) by hydrolysis showed that sugar esters appeared to be the major metabolites in tobacco whilst in yams (D. opposita) glycosides were shown to be the main ones, which indicated a similarity between plants of Gramineae and Dioscoreaceae in terms of 2,4-D metabolism. Release of 2,4-D from tobacco callus cells upon their transfer to 2,4-D-free medium was detected and the implications of this are discussed in relation to the cultural conditions necessary to induce morphogenesis in vitro.


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Temporal variation of Nitella furcata (Roxburgh ex Bruzelius) C. Agardh emend. R. D. Wood subsp. mucronata (A. Braun) R. D. Wood var. mucronata f. oligospira (A. Braun) R. D. Wood biomass and chemical composition were studied at the Ninféias Pond (23°38'18.9" S, 46°37'16.3" W), a mesotrophic reservoir located in the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga Biological Reserve, Municipality of São Paulo, Southeast Brazil. Plants were collected monthly from October 1996 to October 1997 at three fixed stations of reservoir's littoral region. Charophyte biomass spatial distribution pattern did not vary significantly throughout the study period at all sampling stations. As to seasonal variation, the highest average values of the total alga biomass (98.35-266.06 g m-2 DW) were registered during the rainy season, whereas lowest values (48.86-170.56 g m-2 DW) were in the dry season. P values varied from 23.8 to 225.2 mg m-2 and C from 139 to 353 mg m-2. During the rainy season, greatest air and water temperature, rain precipitation, turbidity and dissolved inorganic nitrogen values were measured, constituting the best conditions for charophyte growth. Water temperature and nutrient availability in the reservoir played a decisive role towards growth and accumulation of algal biomass.