994 resultados para CE-BEM


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In this paper, a new computational scheme for solving flows in porous media was proposed. The scheme was based on an improved CE/SE method (the space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element method). We described porous flows by adopting DFB (Brinkman-Forchheimer extended Darcy) equation. The comparison between our computational results and Ghia's confirmed the high accuracy, resolution, and efficiency of our CE/SE scheme. The proposed first-order CE/SE scheme is a new reliable way for numerical simulations of flows in porous media. After investigation of effects of Darcy number on porous flow, it shows that Darcy number has dominant influence on porous flow for the Reynolds number and porosity considered.


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o presente trabalho propõe discutir o papel ocupado pelo riso na teoria e na clínica psicanalíticas através de uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Para fundamentar tal proposta, foi elaborada uma investigação de algumas das diferentes formas pelas quais o riso foi tomado como objeto do pensamento ao longo da história da cultura ocidental, assim como alguns dos lugares sociais que já foram por estes ocupados nesta mesma cultura. Tal abordagem teve como intuito a demonstração do caráter cultural e contingencial do riso, visando, deste modo, romper com uma interpretação do mesmo como fenômeno essencial, intrínseco e universal da experiência humana e afirmando-o como fenômeno de linguagem, no sentido dos jogos de linguagem propostos por Wittgenstein. O primeiro capítulo apresenta um mosaico composto por aproximações do fenômemo do riso elaboradas desde a Antiguidade até o final do século XVIII, contemplando pensadores com Platão, Aristóteles, Cicero, Quintiliano, Laurent Joubert e Imannuel Kant, dentre outros. No segundo capítulo são expostas algumas das principais concepções modernas do riso e assinalados. Os efeitos do advento do pensamento racionalista sobre tais concepções, ora pelo viés da apropriação do riso como objeto do discurso fisicalista, como em Spencer e Darwin, ora por uma interpretação deste como ultrapassando as dimensões da ordem e da razão, como em Nietzsche, Bataille, Foucault, Clement Rosset e Deleuze. No terceiro capítulo, o trabalho volta-se para o campo específico da Psicanálise, desenvolvendo as idéias freudianas acerca dos chistes, do cômico e do humor, aprofundando-os e estabelecendo as diferenças entre estes. O quarto capítulo da continuidade a discussão no âmbito psicanalítico desenvolvendo uma leitura crítica de algumas formulações pós-freudianas sobre o papel do riso na clínica (strictu sensu e ampliada), na teoria e nas instituições de transmissão da Psicanálise, enfatizando a relevância deste, especialmente por meio do humor, para o estabelecimento de uma direção ética na produção de saber em Psicanálise. O capítulo final parte do conceito de ironia para aprofundar a proposta de uma perspectiva do riso como postura ética em psicanálise, tomando como método possível de flexibilização e de crítica em oposição a uma postura determinista e dogmática, através, especialmente, das metáforas do ironista de Rorty e do cyborg de Donna Haraway.


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Elements with even atomic number (Z) in the interval 50 ≤ Z ≤ 58 have been resolved in the cosmic radiation using the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO-3 satellite. Their relative abundances have been compared with the results expected from pure r-process material, pure s-process material, and solar system material, both with and without a modification due to possible first ionization potential effects. Such effects may be the result of the preferential acceleration, and hence enhancement in the cosmic rays, or those elements having low first ionization potentials. We find that our measurements are inconsistent with pure r-process material at the greater than 98% confidence level whether or not the first ionization potential adjustments are made.

In addition, we have compared our results with mixtures having varying ratios of pure r-process material to pure s-process material. We find that, if no first ionization potential effects are included,

(r/s)CRS/(r/s)SS = 0.20+0.18-0.14

where CRS refers to the cosmic ray source and SS refers to the solar system, consistent with having an almost pure s-process source. If the first ionization potential adjustments are applied

(r/s)CRS/(r/s)SS = 1.5+1.1-0.7

consistent with a solar system mixture.


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Theoretical and experimental results are presented for simultaneous multibeam coupling in photorefractive SBN:Ce. Within a single crystal, multiple signals are amplified through a coupling process that employs a single pump. The coupling gain of each signal results from coupling both between the pump and the signal and between different signals. The amount of gain that each signal receives is dependent on the intensity of the incident signal; thus a competition for the gain exists among the various signals.


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We report experimental and theoretical studies of nonvolatile photorefractive holographic recording in LiNbO3:Cu:Ce crystals with two illumination schemes: (1) UV light for sensitization and a red interfering pattern for recording and (2) blue light for sensitization and a red pattern for recording. The results show that the oxidized LiNbO3:Cu:Ce crystals can provide high, persistent refractive-index modulation with weak lightinduced scattering. The optimal working conditions and the prescription for doping and oxidation-reduction processing that yields the maximum refractive-index modulation are discussed. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 050.7330, 190.5330, 090.2900.


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A nonvolatile recording scheme is proposed using LiNbO3:Ce:Cu crystals and modulated UV light to record gratings simultaneously in two centres and using red light to bleach the grating in the shallow centre to realize persistent photorefractive holographic storage. Compared with the normal UV-sensitized nonvolatile holographic system, the amplitude of refractive-index changes is greatly increased and the recording sensitivity is significantly enhanced by recording with UV light in the LiNbO3:Ce:Cu crystals. Based on jointly solving the two-centre material equations and the coupled-wave equations, temporal evolutions of the photorefractive grating and the diffraction effciency are effectively described and numerically analysed. Roles of doping levels and recording-beam intensity are discussed in detail. Theoretical results confirm and predict experimental results.


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Modulated UV light is used to increase the sensitivity of the two-centre holographic recording. Inherent mechanisms of nonvolatile holographic recording in oxidized and reduced crystals are numerically analysed based on solving the two-centre material equations modilied for UV-Iight recording. Experiments verification is performed with an oxidized crystal and a reduced crystal, and the role of UV intensity on the sensitivity is presented.


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By jointly solving two-centre material equations with a nonzero external electric field and coupled-wave equations, we have numerically studied the dependence of the non-volatile holographic recording in LiNbO3:Ce:Cu crystals on the external electric field. The dominative photovoltaic effect of the non-volatile holographic recording in doubly doped LiNbO3 crystals is directly verified. And an external electric field that is applied in the positive direction along the c-axis (or a large one in the negative direction of the c-axis) in the recording phase and another one that is applied in the negative direction of the c-axis in the fixing phase are both proved to benefit strong photorefractive performances. Experimental verifications are given with a small electric field applied externally.


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Nonvolatile holographic recording is performed with green light in LiNbO3:Ce:Cu crystals. The refractive-index change and the recording sensitivity are times better than those obtained by recording with red light, and higher optical fixing efficiency is obtained. Correspondingly, theoretical investigations are given.


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We have investigated ultraviolet (UV) photorefractive effect of lithium niobate doubly doped with Ce and Cu. It is found the diffraction efficiency shows oscillating behavior Under UV-1ight-recording. A model in which electrons and holes can be excited from impurity centers in the UV region is proposed to study the oscillatory behavior of the diffraction efficiency. Oil the basis of the material equations and the coupled-wave equations, we found that the oscillatory behavior is due to the oscillation of the relative spatial phase shift Phi. And the electron-hole competition may cause the oscillation of the relative spatial phase shift. A switch point from electron grating to hole grating is chosen to realize nonvolatile readout by a red light with high sensitivity (0.4 cm/J). (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Three wavelengths of red, green and blue of recording beams are systemically tested for the UV-assistant recording and optical fixing of holograms in a strongly oxidized Ce:Cu:LiNbO3 crystal. Three different photorefractive phenomena are observed. It is shown that the green beams will optimally generate a critical strong nonvolatile hologram with quick sensitivity and the optimal switching technique could be jointly used to obtain a nearly 100% high diffraction. Theoretical verification is given, and a prescription on the doping densities and on the oxidation/reduction states of the material to match a defined recording wavelength for high diffraction is suggested.