980 resultados para CD8
One of the challenges of tumour immunology remains the identification of strongly immunogenic tumour antigens for vaccination. Reverse immunology, that is, the procedure to predict and identify immunogenic peptides from the sequence of a gene product of interest, has been postulated to be a particularly efficient, high-throughput approach for tumour antigen discovery. Over one decade after this concept was born, we discuss the reverse immunology approach in terms of costs and efficacy: data mining with bioinformatic algorithms, molecular methods to identify tumour-specific transcripts, prediction and determination of proteasomal cleavage sites, peptide-binding prediction to HLA molecules and experimental validation, assessment of the in vitro and in vivo immunogenic potential of selected peptide antigens, isolation of specific cytolytic T lymphocyte clones and final validation in functional assays of tumour cell recognition. We conclude that the overall low sensitivity and yield of every prediction step often requires a compensatory up-scaling of the initial number of candidate sequences to be screened, rendering reverse immunology an unexpectedly complex approach.
To modulate alloreactivity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, "suicide" gene-modified donor T cells (GMCs) have been administered with an allogeneic T-cell-depleted marrow graft. We previously demonstrated that such GMCs, generated after CD3 activation, retrovirus-mediated transduction, and G418 selection, had an impaired Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivity, likely to result in an altered control of EBV-induced lymphoproliferative disease. To further characterize the antiviral potential of GMCs, we compared the frequencies of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific CD8+ T (CMV-T) cells and EBV-specific CD8+ T (EBV-T) cells within GMCs from CMV- and EBV-double seropositive donors. Unlike anti-EBV responses, the anti-CMV responses were not altered by GMC preparation. During the first days of culture, CMV-T cells exhibited a lower level of CD3-induced apoptosis than did EBV-T cells. In addition, the CMV-T cells escaping initial apoptosis subsequently underwent a higher expansion rate than EBV-T cells. The differential early sensitivity to apoptosis could be in relation to the "recent activation" phenotype of EBV-T cells as evidenced by a higher level of CD69 expression. Furthermore, EBV-T cells were found to have a CD45RA-CD27+CCR7- effector memory phenotype, whereas CMV-T cells had a CD45RA+CD27-CCR7- terminal effector phenotype. Such differences could be contributive, because bulk CD8+CD27- cells had a higher expansion than did bulk CD8+CD27+ cells. Overall, ex vivo T-cell culture differentially affects apoptosis, long-term proliferation, and overall survival of CMV-T and EBV-T cells. Such functional differences need to be taken into account when designing cell and/or gene therapy protocols involving ex vivo T-cell manipulation.
The mechanism by which the immune system produces effector and memory T cells is largely unclear. To allow a large-scale assessment of the development of single naive T cells into different subsets, we have developed a technology that introduces unique genetic tags (barcodes) into naive T cells. By comparing the barcodes present in antigen-specific effector and memory T cell populations in systemic and local infection models, at different anatomical sites, and for TCR-pMHC interactions of different avidities, we demonstrate that under all conditions tested, individual naive T cells yield both effector and memory CD8+ T cell progeny. This indicates that effector and memory fate decisions are not determined by the nature of the priming antigen-presenting cell or the time of T cell priming. Instead, for both low and high avidity T cells, individual naive T cells have multiple fates and can differentiate into effector and memory T cell subsets.
In human somatic cells, including T lymphocytes, telomeres progressively shorten with each cell division, eventually leading to a state of cellular senescence. Ectopic expression of telomerase results in the extension of their replicative life spans without inducing changes associated with transformation. However, it is yet unknown whether somatic cells that overexpress telomerase are physiologically indistinguishable from normal cells. Using CD8+ T lymphocyte clones overexpressing telomerase, we investigated the molecular mechanisms that regulate T cell proliferation. In this study, we show that early passage T cell clones transduced or not with human telomerase reverse transcriptase displayed identical growth rates upon mitogenic stimulation and no marked global changes in gene expression. Surprisingly, reduced proliferative responses were observed in human telomerase reverse transcriptase-transduced cells with extended life spans. These cells, despite maintaining high expression levels of genes involved in the cell cycle progression, also showed increased expression in several genes found in common with normal aging T lymphocytes. Strikingly, late passage T cells overexpressing telomerase accumulated the cyclin-dependent inhibitors p16Ink4a and p21Cip1 that have largely been associated with in vitro growth arrest. We conclude that alternative growth arrest mechanisms such as those mediated by p16Ink4a and p21Cip1 still remained intact and regulated the growth potential of cells independently of their telomere status.
We have recently reported that the intravaginal instillation of synthetic Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) or TLR9 agonists after a subcutaneous vaccination against human papillomavirus E7 highly increases (~5-fold) the number of vaccine-specific CD8(+) T cells in the genital mucosa of mice, without affecting E7-specific systemic responses. Here, we show that the instillation of live attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium similarly, though more efficiently (~15- fold), increases both E7-specific and total CD8(+) T cells in the genital mucosa. Cancer immunotherapeutic strategies combining vaccination with local immunostimulation with live bacteria deserve further investigations.
Purpose/Objective: Phenotypic and functional T cell properties are usually analyzed at the level of defined cell populations. However, large differences between individual T cells may have important functional consequences. To answer this issue, we performed highly sensitive single-cell gene expression profiling, which allows the direct ex vivo characterization of individual virus- and tumor-specific T cells from healthy donors and melanoma patients. Materials and methods: HLA-A*0201-positive patients with stage III/ IV metastatic melanoma were included in a phase I clinical trial (LUD- 00-018). Patients received monthly low-dose of the Melan-AMART- 1 26_35 unmodified natural (EAAGIGILTV) or the analog A27L (ELAGIGILTV) peptides, mixed CPG and IFA. Individual effector memory CD28+ (EM28+) and EM28- tetramer-specific CD8pos T cells were sorted by flow cytometer. Following direct cell lysis and reverse transcription, the resulting cDNA was precipitated and globally amplified. Semi-quantitative PCR was used for gene expression and TCR BV repertoire analyses. Results: We have previously shown that vaccination with the natural Melan-A peptide induced T cells with superior effector functions as compared to the analog peptide optimized for enhanced HLA binding. Here we found that natural peptide vaccination induced EM28+ T cells with frequent co-expression of both memory/homing-associated genes (CD27, IL7R, EOMES, CXCR3 and CCR5) and effector-related genes (IFNG, KLRD1, PRF1 and GZMB), comparable to protective EBV- and CMV-specific T cells. In contrast, memory/homing- and effectorassociated genes were less frequently co-expressed after vaccination with the analog peptide. Conclusions: These findings reveal a previously unknown level of gene expression diversity among vaccine- and virus-specific T cells with the simultaneous co-expression of multiple memory/homing- and effector- related genes by the same cell. Such broad functional gene expression signatures within antigen-specific T cells may be critical for mounting efficient responses to pathogens or tumors. In summary, direct ex vivo high-resolution molecular characterization of individual T cells provides key insights into the processes shaping the functional properties of tumor- and virus-specific T cells.
Specific CD8(+) T cells (CTLs) play an important role in resolving protracted infection with hepatitis B and C virus in humans and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice. The contribution of individual CTL specificities to chronic virus control, as well as epitope-specific patterns in timing and persistence of antiviral selection pressure, remain, however, incompletely defined. To monitor and characterize the antiviral efficacy of individual CTL specificities throughout the course of chronic infection, we coinoculated mice with a mixture of wild-type LCMV and genetically engineered CTL epitope-deficient mutant virus. A quantitative longitudinal assessment of viral competition revealed that mice continuously exerted CTL selection pressure on the persisting virus population. The timing of selection pressure characterized individual epitope specificities, and its magnitude varied considerably between individual mice. This longitudinal assessment of "antiviral efficacy" provides a novel parameter to characterize CTL responses in chronic viral infection. It demonstrates remarkable perseverance of all antiviral CTL specificities studied, thus raising hope for therapeutic vaccination in the treatment of persistent viral diseases.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from subjects never exposed to Leishmania were stimulated with Leishmania guyanensis. We demonstrated that L. guyanensis-stimulated CD8(+) T cells produced interferon (IFN)- gamma and preferentially expressed the V beta 14 T cell receptor (TCR) gene family. In addition, these cells expressed cutaneous lymphocyte antigen and CCR4 surface molecules, suggesting that they could migrate to the skin. Results obtained from the lesions of patients with localized cutaneous leishmaniaisis (LCL) showed that V beta 14 TCR expression was increased in most lesions (63.5%) and that expression of only a small number of V beta gene families (V beta 1, V beta 6, V beta 9, V beta 14, and V beta 24) was increased. The presence of V beta 14 T cells in tissue confirmed the migration of these cells to the lesion site. Thus, we propose the following sequence of events during infection with L. guyanensis. After initial exposure to L. guyanensis, CD8(+) T cells preferentially expressing the V beta 14 TCR and secreting IFN- gamma develop and circulate in the periphery. During the infection, these cells migrate to the skin at the site of the parasitic infection. The role of these V beta 14 CD8(+) T cells in resistance to infection remains to be determined conclusively.
The goal of adoptive T cell therapy in cancer is to provide effective antitumor immunity by transfer of selected populations of tumor Ag-specific T cells. Transfer of T cells with high TCR avidity is critical for in vivo efficacy. In this study, we demonstrate that fluorescent peptide/MHC class I multimeric complexes incorporating mutations in the alpha3 domain (D227K/T228A) that abrogate binding to the CD8 coreceptor can be used to selectively isolate tumor Ag-specific T cells of high functional avidity from both in vitro expanded and ex vivo T cell populations. Sorting, cloning, and expansion of alpha3 domain mutant multimer-positive CD8 T cells enabled rapid selection of high avidity tumor-reactive T cell clones. Our results are relevant for ex vivo identification and isolation of T cells with potent antitumor activity for adoptive T cell therapy.
Protective T cell responses againstpersistent viruses like Epstein-Barrvirus in healthy individuals are characterizedby a remarkable stability ofthe T cell receptor (TCR) clonotypicrepertoire, with highly preservedclonotype selection and persistenceover time. Here, we extended recentwork to the study of EBV-specificCD8 T cell responses in melanomapatients treated by short-term chemotherapyfor transient lymphodepletion,followed by adoptive cell transfer(ACT) and immune reconstitutionfor cancer therapy. After this treatment,we observed increased proportionsof virus-specific T cells in 3/5patients, accompanied by a more differentiatedphenotype (EMRA/CD28neg), compared to specific cells ofhealthy individuals. Yet, similarly tohealthy donors, clonotype selectionand composition of virus-specific Tcells varied along the pathway of celldifferentiation, with some clonotypesthat were selected with late differentiation,while others were not. Aftertreatment, we did not observe noveldominant clonotypes, likely related toabsence of EBV reactivation measuredas viral load levels by quantitativePCR in PBMCs and antibody levelsin plasma samples. Furthermore,public TCR BV signatures were frequentlyfound within T cell clonotypesthat dominated the repertoiresof patients, in line with those observedin healthy individuals. Ourfindings indicate that even in situationswhere the immune system isstrongly challenged such as followinglymphodepletion and homeostatic repopulation,cytotoxic T cells specificfor EBV remain strikingly stable interms of clonotype selection and com-position along T cell differentiation.We are currently characterizing theclonotype selection and gene expressionprofiles of single EBV-specificCD8 T lymphocytes sorted ex-vivo inone patient who underwent two cyclesof lymphodepletion with escaladingdoses of chemotherapy overone-year interval. Observations madefrom this setting will provide additionalinsight into the degree of stabilityof virus specific T cells, and changesin the expression levels of genesimportant for cytolytic function andlong-term survival of T cells. Thiswork is supported by the Swiss NationalCenter of Competence in Research(NCCR) Molecular Oncology,and the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Background: HIV vaccine-candidates based on rare adenovirus serotypes such as Ad26 and Ad35 vectors, and poxvirus vectors are important components of future promising vaccine regimens that in the near future hopefully will move into a number of efficacy clinical trials in combination with protein vaccines. For these reasons, it is important to comprehensively characterize the vaccine-induced immune responses in different anatomical compartments and particularly at mucosal sites which represent the primary port of entry for HIV.Methods: In the present study, we have investigated the anatomic distribution in blood and gut mucosal tissues (rectum and ileum) of memory poxvirus-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in subjects vaccinated with smallpox and compared with vector (NYVAC)-specific and HIV insert-specific T-cell responses induced by an experimental DNA-C/NYVAC-C vaccine regimen.Results: Smallpox-specific CD4 T-cell responses were present in the blood of 52% of subject studied, while Smallpox-specific CD8 T cells were rarely detected (12%). With one exception, Smallpoxspecific T cells were not measurable in gut tissues. Interestingly, NYVAC vector-specific and HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses were detected in almost 100% of the subjects immunized with DNA-C/NYVAC-C in blood and gut tissues. The large majority (83%) of NYVAC-specific CD4 T cells expressed a4b7 integrins and the HIV co-receptor CCR5.Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the experimental DNA-C/NYVAC-C HIV vaccine regimen induces the homing of potentially protective HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells in the gut, the port of entry of HIV and one of the major sites for HIV spreading and depletion of CD4 T cells.
Longitudinal studies on the kinetics of viral antigen specific CD8 T cell responses have led to a model whereby a relatively small subset of the primary effector CD8 T cells expanding after the first week of acute viral infection initiate a program of cell survival and differentiation into long lived memory T cells. These T cells are then critical for maintaining protective immunity to subsequent viral infection. Recent observations, using fluorescent tetramers of the MHC class Ib molecule TL, link transient expression of CD8alphaalpha homodimers on expanding primary effector CD8 T cells to the generation of memory cells. At present it is controversial what the role of CD8alphaalpha is in the generation of memory CD8 T cells. The involvement of the high affinity CD8alphaalpha ligand, the TL molecule, is not understood either. However, evidence from two viral infection models in mice, including one paper in this issue of the European Journal of Immunology, suggest a role for CD8alphaalpha in this process and call for additional research focus into these issues.
Many patients develop tumor antigen-specific T cell responses detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) following cancer vaccine. However, measurable tumor regression is observed in a limited number of patients receiving cancer vaccines. There is a need to re-evaluate systemically the immune responses induced by cancer vaccines. Here, we established animal models targeting two human cancer/testis antigens, NY-ESO-1 and MAGE-A4. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes of these antigens were investigated by immunizing BALB/c mice with plasmids encoding the entire sequences of NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4. CD8(+) T cells specific for NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4 were able to be detected by ELISPOT assays using antigen presenting cells pulsed with overlapping peptides covering the whole protein, indicating the high immunogenicity of these antigens in mice. Truncation of these peptides revealed that NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 8mer peptides, NY-ESO-181-88. MAGE-A4-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 9mer peptides, MAGE-A4265-273. MHC/peptide tetramers allowed us to analyze the kinetics and distribution of the antigen-specific immune responses, and we found that stronger antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell responses were required for more effective anti-tumor activity. Taken together, these animal models are valuable for evaluation of immune responses and optimization of the efficacy of cancer vaccines.
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for the maintenance of the length of the telomeres during cell division, which is active in germ-line cells as well as in the vast majority of tumors but not in most normal tissues. The wide expression of the human telomerase catalytic subunit (hTERT) in tumors makes it an interesting candidate vaccine for cancer. hTERT-derived peptide 540-548 (hTERT(540)) has been recently shown to be recognized in an HLA-A*0201-restricted fashion by T cell lines derived from peptide-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors. As a first step to the inclusion of this peptide in immunotherapy clinical trials, it is crucial to assess hTERT(540)-specific T cell reactivity in cancer patients as well as the ability of hTERT-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes to recognize and lyse hTERT-expressing target cells. Here, we have analyzed the CD8(+) T cell response to peptide hTERT(540) in HLA-A*0201 melanoma patients by using fluorescent HLA-A*0201/hTERT(540) peptide tetramers. HLA-A*0201/hTERT(540) tetramer(+) CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in peptide-stimulated PBMC from a significant proportion of patients and could be isolated by tetramer-guided cell sorting. hTERT(540)-specific CD8(+) T cells were able to specifically recognize HLA-A*0201 cells either pulsed with peptide or transiently transfected with a minigene encoding the minimal epitope. In contrast, they failed to recognize hTERT-expressing HLA-A*0201(+) target cells. Furthermore, in vitro proteasome digestion studies revealed inadequate hTERT processing. Altogether, these results raise questions on the use of hTERT(540) peptide for cancer immunotherapy.
The self-antigen Melan-A/MART-1 is frequently involved in T-cell responses against malignant melanoma. The use of fluorescent tetramers incorporating the immunodominant Melan-A/MART-1 peptide has provided new insights into HLA-A2-restricted T-cell responses against this antigen in cancer patients and in healthy individuals. Direct evidence has been provided that a large Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell pool is generated during thymic selection. Although several other examples of naive self-peptide-specific T-cell repertoires are known, this is the only one directly accessible to analysis in healthy individuals