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A novel sensitive electrochemical immunoassay with colloidal gold as the antibody labeling tag and subsequent signal amplification by silver enhancement is described. Colloidal gold was treated by a light-sensitive silver enhancement system which made silver deposit on the surface of colloidal gold(form Au/Ag core-shell structure), followed by the release of the metallic silver atoms anchored on the antibody by oxidative dissolution of them in an acidic solution and the indirect determination of the dissolved Ag+ ions by anodic stripping voltammetry(ASV) at a carbon fiber microelectrode. The electrochemical signal is directly proportional to the amount of analyte(goat IgG) in the standard or a sample. The method was evaluated by means of a noncompetitive heterogeneous immunoassay of immunoglobulin G(IgG) with a concentration as low as 0.2 ng/ mL. The high performance of the method is related to the sensitive ASV determination of silver(I) at a carbon fiber microelectrode and to the release of a large number of Ag+ ions from each silver shell anchored on the analyte(goat IgG).


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This paper mainly reviewed the background, application and development on environmental electroanalytical chemistry, 79 literatures were cited.


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Through layer-by-layer assembly, a series of undecatungstozincates monosubstituted by first-row transition metals, ZnW11M(H2O)O-39(n-) (M=Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. or Zn) were first successfully immobilized on a 4-aminobenzoic acid modified glassy carbon electrode surface. The electrochemical behaviors of these polyoxometalates were investigated. They exhibit some special properties in the films different from those in homogeneous aqueous solution. The Cu-centered reaction mechanism in the ZnW11Cu multilayer film was described. The electrocatalytic behaviors of these multilayer film electrodes to the reduction of H2O2 and BrO3- were comparatively studied.


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The electroanalysis research of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is an attractive project in life science. This paper reviews the recent progress of DNA electrochemical analysis, which includes DNA electroanalysis and DNA electrochemical biosensors. The prospects of the research are very bright. 77 papers are cited.


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A Nafion/ionophore, 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis(N,N-dimethylthioacetamide) composite coated and bismuth film modified glassy carbon electrode. (GC/NA-IONO/BiFE) was described to determine trace lead sensitively and selectively. The characteristics of such modified GC/NA-IONO/BiFE were studied by scanning electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry. The influence of various experimental parameters upon the stripping lead signal at the GC/NA-IONO/BiFE was explored. Under the optimized conditions, the differential pulse voltammetric stripping response is highly linear over the 0.1-8.0 nM lead range examined (180s preconcentration at -1.2V), with a detection limit of 0.044nM and good precision (RSD=5.4% at 0.5nM). Also applicability to seawater samples was demonstrated at such modified electrode. The high selectivity of ionophore coupled with the excellent electrochemical characteristics of bismuth endow the GC/NA-IONO/BiFE a promising and robust tool for monitoring of trace lead rapidly and precisely.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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This paper presents a novel hand-held instrument capable of real-time in situ detection and identification of heavy metals. The proposed system provides the facilities found in a traditional lab-based instrument in a hand held a design. In contrast to existing commercial systems, it can stand alone without the need of an associated computer. The electrochemical instrument uses anodic stripping voltammetry which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The sensors comprise disposable screen-printed (solid working) electrodes rather than the more common hanging mercury drop electrodes. The system is reliable, easy to use, safe, avoids expensive and time-consuming procedures and may be used in a variety of situations to help in the fields of environmental assessment and control.


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This chapter presents a novel hand-held instrument capable of real-time in situ detection and identification of heavy metals, along with the potential use of novel taggants in environmental forensic investigations. The proposed system provides the facilities found in a traditional laboratory-based instrument but in a hand held design, without the need for an associated computer. The electrochemical instrument uses anodic stripping voltammetry, which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The sensors comprise a small disposable plastic strip of screen-printed electrodes rather than the more common glassy carbon disc and gold electrodes. The system is designed for use by a surveyor on site, allowing them to locate hotspots, thus avoiding the expense and time delay of prior laboratory analysis. This is particularly important in environmental forensic analysis when a site may have been released back to the owner and samples could be compromised on return visits. The system can be used in a variety of situations in environmental assessments, the data acquired from which provide a metals fingerprint suitable for input to a database. The proposed novel taggant tracers, based on narrow-band atomic fluorescence, are under development for potential deployment as forensic environmental tracers. The use of discrete fluorescent species in an environmentally stable host has been investigated to replace existing toxic, broadband molecular dye tracers. The narrow band emission signals offer the potential for tracing a large number of signals in the same environment. This will give increased data accuracy and allow multiple source environmental monitoring of environmental parameters.


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This paper presents a portable electrochemical instrument capable of detecting and identifying heavy metals in soil, in situ. The instrument has been developed for use in a variety of situations to facilitate contaminated land surveys, avoiding expensive and time-consuming procedures. The system uses differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The identification of metals is based on a statistical microprocessor-based method. The instrument is capable of detecting six different toxic metals (lead, cadmium, zinc, nickel, mercury and copper) with good sensitivity


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This paper presents an electrochemical instrumentation system capable of real-time in situ detection of heavy metals. A practical approach to introduce acidity compensation against changes in amplitude of the peak currents is also presented. The compensated amplitudes can then be used to predict the concentration level of heavy metals. The system uses differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry, which is a precise and sensitive analytical method with excellent limits of detection. The instrument is capable of detecting lead, cadmium, zinc, nickel and copper with good sensitivity and precision. The system avoids expensive and time-consuming procedures and may be used in a variety of situations to help environmental assessment and control. 


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This article presents a low-cost portable electrochemical instrument capable of on-site identification of heavy metals. The instrument acquires metal-specific voltage and current signals by the application of differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. This technique enhances the analytical current and rejects the background current, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio for a better detection limit. The identification of heavy metals is based on an intelligent machine-based method using a multilayer perceptron neural network consisting of three layers of neurons. The neural network is implemented using a 16 bit microcontroller. The system is developed for use in the field in order to avoid expensive and time-consuming procedures and can be used in a variety of situations to help environmental assessment and control. 


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No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o desempenho e a aplicabilidade do eléctrodo de filme fino de mercúrio, em estudos de especiação dinâmica de metais vestigiais. Para tal, foram utilizadas duas técnicas electroanalíticas de redissolução: a clássica Voltametria de Redissolução Anódica (ASV) e a recentemente desenvolvida, Cronopotenciometria de Redissolução com varrimento do potencial de deposição (SSCP). As propriedades de troca-iónica e de transporte de massa de películas mistas preparadas a partir de dois polímeros com características distintas, o Nafion (NA) e o 4-Poliestireno sulfonato de sódio (PSS), foram avaliadas, antes da sua aplicação no âmbito da especiação de metais. Estas películas de NA-PSS demonstraram uma elevada sensibilidade, reprodutibilidade, estabilidade mecânica, bem como, propriedades de anti-bloqueio adequadas na modificação química do eléctrodo de filme fino de mercúrio (TMFE) e, na sua aplicação na determinação de catiões metálicos vestigiais em amostras complexas, por ASV. Para além disso, o desempenho de membranas do polielectrólito PSS em estudos de voltametria de troca-iónica (IEV) foi estudado. O objectivo desta investigação foi reunir as condições ideais na preparação de películas de PSS estáveis e com uma densidade de carga negativa elevada, de modo a aumentar a acumulação electrostática de catiões metálicos no filme polimérico e por conseguinte, conseguir incrementos no sinal voltamétrico. O desempenho e aplicabilidade do TMFE em estudos de especiação de metais vestigiais foram extendidos à SSCP como técnica analítica. Dada a elevada sensibilidade e resolução evidenciada pelo TMFE, este revelou ser uma alternativa adequada aos eléctrodos de mercúrio convencionais, podendo ser utilizado durante um dia de trabalho, sem degradação aparente do sinal analítico de SCP. As curvas de SSCP obtidas experimentalmente utilizando o TMFE estavam em concordância com aquelas previstas pela teoria. Para além disso, a constante de estabilidade (K) calculada a partir do desvio do potencial de meia-onda, para dois sistemas metal-complexo lábeis, aproxima-se não só do valor teórico, como também daquele obtido utilizando o eléctrodo de mercúrio de gota suspensa (HMDE). Adicionalmente, o critério experimental de labilidade inerente a esta técnica foi validado e o grau de labilidade para um dado sistema metal-complexo foi determinado, utilizando o filme fino de mercúrio depositado sob um eléctrodo rotativo (TMF-RDE). Este eléctrodo é muito útil na determinação de parâmetros cinéticos, como é o caso da constante de velocidade de associação (ka), uma vez que as condições hidrodinâmicas, durante a etapa de deposição, se encontram bem definidas.


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Bacterial food poisoning is an ever-present threat that can be prevented with proper care and handling of food products. A disposable electrochemical immunosensor for the simultaneous measurements of common food pathogenic bacteria namely Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli), campylobacter and salmonella were developed. The immunosensor was fabricated by immobilizing the mixture of anti-E. coli, anticampylobacter and anti-salmonella antibodies with a ratio of 1:1:1 on the surface of the multiwall carbon nanotube-polyallylamine modified screen printed electrode (MWCNT-PAH/SPE). Bacteria suspension became attached to the immobilized antibodies when the immunosensor was incubated in liquid samples. The sandwich immunoassay was performed with three antibodies conjugated with specific nanocrystal ( -E. coli-CdS, -campylobacter-PbS and -salmonella-CuS) which has releasable metal ions for electrochemical measurements. The square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) was employed to measure released metal ions from bound antibody nanocrystal conjugates. The calibration curves for three selected bacteria were found in the range of 1 × 103 – 5 × 105 cells mL−1 with the limit of detection (LOD) 400 cells mL−1 for salmonella, 400 cells mL−1 for campylobacter and 800 cells mL−1 for E. coli. The precision and sensitivity of this method show the feasibility of multiplexed determination of bacteria in milk samples.


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The reduction of luvastatin (FLV) at a hanging mercury-drop electrode (HMDE) was studied by square-wave adsorptive-stripping voltammetry (SWAdSV). FLV can be accumulated and reduced at the electrode, with a maximum peak current intensity at a potential of approximately 1.26V vs. AgCl=Ag, in an aqueous electrolyte solution of pH 5.25. The method shows linearity between peak current intensity and FLV concentration between 1.0 10 8 and 2.7 10 6 mol L 1. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were found to be 9.9 10 9 mol L 1 and 3.3 10 8 mol L 1, respectively. Furthermore, FLV oxidation at a glassy carbon electrode surface was used for its hydrodynamic monitoring by amperometric detection in a flow-injection system. The amperometric signal was linear with FLV concentration over the range 1.0 10 6 to 1.0 10 5 mol L 1, with an LOD of 2.4 10 7 mol L 1 and an LOQ of 8.0 10 7 mol L 1. A sample rate of 50 injections per hour was achieved. Both methods were validated and showed to be precise and accurate, being satisfactorily applied to the determination of FLV in a commercial pharmaceutical.


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Electroanalytical methods based on square-wave adsorptive-stripping voltammetry (SWAdSV) and flow-injection analysis with SWAdSV detection (FIA-SWAdSV) were developed for the determination of paroxetine (PRX). The methods were based on the reduction of PRX at a mercury drop electrode at −1.55V versus Ag/AgCl, in a borate buffer of pH 8.8, and the possibility of accumulating the compound at the electrode surface. Because the presence of dissolved oxygen did not interfere significantly with the analysis, it was also possible to determine PRX using FIASWAdSV. This method enables analysis of up to 120 samples per hour at reduced costs. Both methods developed were validated and successfully applied to the quantification of PRX in pharmaceutical products.