628 resultados para CATFISH SILURIFORMES


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The sex-ratio of Clarias gariepinus in Opa Reservoir was 2:1 (male/female). The fecundity of C. gariepinus in Opa reservoir ranged between 1,567 and 650,625 egg. The fish species had extended spawning period which probably spreads the risk of predation on the eggs. The population of the fish species could be improved by stocking with the female breeders


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A total of 45 Male and 5 female Clarias gariepinus bred and reared in the hatchery in sunning for one year were obtained for this experiment. The fish were then housed separately according to their sexes and maintained on trout diet at 10% body weight for two days before they were subjected to induction. These were then induced using both human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG - 500iu) and carp pituitary suspension (CPS -3mg kg super(-1) suspended in 0.9% saline) either as priming or resolving doses. The milt produced was used to fertilize eggs tripped from females. The results indicated high milt production, motility and fertility in most males


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Mature adult Clarias gariepinus were obtained at the ABRU hatchery in Sonning (UK), where they had beenbred and reared for several years. These were exposed to two concentrations of dieldrin in water (2.4 mu g super(-1) and 4.0 mu g super(-1). The residue analysis of diedrin in three tissues exposed for on moth at two concentrations was carried out. These were subjected to GLC analytical process. The results indicated significantly (P<0.05) higher residues in liver than in muscle and brain. The results also showed that residue levels were dependant on exposure concentration


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The effects of crude extract, pure extract, aqueous, fraction of pure and lipid fraction of pure extract of dried seeds of toloache. Datura innoxia as anaesthesia on the African catfish. Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were studied. The fish were exposed to various doses of the extract in aquaria tanks and the time taken for each fish to reach anaesthesia was recorded. The fish were anaesthetized up to 3.00g/l fingerlings reached anaesthesia is significantly (P<0.05) shorter time (1.004 minutes at 0.05gl) in pure unseparated extract than in crude extract (58.50 minutes at 3.00g/l concentrated). The time to reach anaesthesia decreased with an increase in concentration of the seed extract. Out the two fractions the lipid fraction had significantly (P>0.05) better anaesthetic on the fish. The control produced no observable anaesthetic effect on the fish within three hours. This suggests that the anaesthetizing active ingredent resided in the lipid fraction. All fish recovered from anaesthesia, swam and fed actively and no mortality was observed throughout the exposure period and thereafter. It is therefore recommended for use on C. gariepinus fingerlings


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The growth response, feed conversion ratio and cost benefits of hybrid catfish, Heterobranchus longifilis x Clarias gariepinus fed five maggot meal based diets were evaluated for 56 days in outdoor concrete tanks. Twenty-five fingerlings of the hybrid fish were stocked in ten outdoor concrete tanks of dimension 1.2mx0.13mx0.18m and code MM sub(1)-MM sub(5) in relation to their diet name. Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric maggot meal based diets namely MM sub(1)-0% maggot meal, MM sub(2)-25% maggot meal, MM sub(3)-50% maggot meal, MM sub(4-)75% maggot meal and MM sub(5-) 100% maggot meal were used for the experiment. The higher the proportion of maggot in the meal, the higher the ether extract and crude fiber. No significance difference P>0.05 exists between ash content of the experimental diets. Diet MM sub(2) had the best growth performance and highest MGR with a significant difference P<0.05 with other diets fed fish. No significance differences P>0.05 exists between the growth parameters for diets MM sub(1), MM sub(3), and MM sub(4). A positive correlation (r=1.0) exists (P<0.05, 0.25) between the growth parameters for the different experimental diets. Highest correlation r super(2)=0.9981 exists P<0.05 between MGR within the treatments. However, there no significant (P>0.05) difference in expenditure but there is between the profit indices and incidence of cost between the trials. MM sub(2) has the best yield cost and net profit. Without any reservation, inclusion of maggot based meal diet is recommended as feed of hybrid catfish to 75% inclusion for growth and profit incidence


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89 ripe female brooders of the catfish, Clarias anguillaris (Body wt. Range 150g-1, 200g) were induced to spawn by hormone (Ovaprim) induced natural spawning technique over a period of 10 weeks. Matching ripe males were used for pairing the females at the ratio of two males to a female. Six ranges of brood stock body weights were considered as follows; <200g; 200g-399g; 400g-599g; 600-799g; 800g-999g; > 1000g and the number of fry produced by each female brooder was scored/recorded against the corresponding body weight range. The number of fry per unit quantity of hormone and the cost of production a fry based on the current price of Ovaprim (hormon) were determined so as to ascertain most economic size range. The best and most economic size range was between 400g-599g body weight with about 20,000 fry per ml of hormone and N0.028 per fry, while the females above 1000g gave the poorest results of 9,519 fry per ml of hormone and N0.059 per fry. For optimum production of Clarias anguillaris fry and maximum return on investment female brooders of body weights ranging between 400g-599g are recommended for hormone induced natural breeding exercises


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Replicate Ponds of 0.02ha stocked at 500 catfishes with 20,000 tilapia/ha were used to assess growth performance of O.niloticus, average weight 50.4g with (i) darted catfish; H.longifilis (shooters) average weight 60.3g (ii) non-shooters of H.longifilis, average weight 35.4g. Final mean weight, mean growth rate, specific growth rate and food conversion ratio were 499.5g 26g/day, 1.36% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked with longifilis (shooters and 440.4g 2.3g/day 1.23% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked withH.longifilis (non- shooters) and 246.9g, 1.2g/day, 0.93, 6.30% respectively for tilapia in monoculture. The least growth was noted for O. niloticus in monoculture while the best growth was recorded O. niloticus in polyculture with darted catfish


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89 ripe female brooders of the catfish, Clarias anguillaris (Body wt. Range 150g-1, 200g) were induced to spawn by hormone (Ovaprim) induced natural spawning technique over a period of 10 weeks. Matching ripe males were used for pairing the females at the ratio of two males to a female. Six ranges of brood stock body weights were considered as follows; <200g; 200g-399g; 400g-599g; 600-799g; 800g-999g; > 1000g and the number of fry produced by each female brooder was scored/recorded against the corresponding body weight range. The number of fry per unit quantity of hormone and the cost of production a fry based on the current price of Ovaprim (hormon) were determined so as to ascertain most economic size range. The best and most economic size range was between 400g-599g body weight with about 20,000 fry per ml of hormone and N0.028 per fry, while the females above 1000g gave the poorest results of 9,519 fry per ml of hormone and N0.059 per fry. For optimum production of Clarias anguillaris fry and maximum return on investment female brooders of body weights ranging between 400g-599g are recommended for hormone induced natural breeding exercises


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Replicate Ponds of 0.02ha stocked at 500 catfishes with 20,000 tilapia/ha were used to assess growth performance of O.niloticus, average weight 50.4g with (i) darted catfish; H.longifilis (shooters) average weight 60.3g (ii) non-shooters of H.longifilis, average weight 35.4g. Final mean weight, mean growth rate, specific growth rate and food conversion ratio were 499.5g 26g/day, 1.36% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked with longifilis (shooters) and 440.4g 2.3g/day 1.23% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked with H.longifilis (non- shooters) and 246.9g, 1.2g/day, 0.93, 6.30% respectively for tilapia in monoculture. The least growth was noted for O. niloticus in monoculture while the best growth was recorded O. niloticus in polyculture with darted catfish


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Ninety (90) hatchery bred fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus (mean weight: 0.96 ± 0.1g) were randomly placed in 15 plastic baths (25 litres each) at the Research laboratory and were exposed to different concentrations of oil products to determine their effects on the fish, to facilitate inferential deductions that will enhance effective aquatic environmental management. Three (3) replicate basins of 5 experimental treatments (crude oil, petrol oil, kerosene oil, engine oil and control) were used at a concentration of 1.25ml. L-1. The control experiment was devoid of oil treatment. Six (6) fingerlings were placed in each replicate basin, flooded with 20 litres of clean tap water and fed with nutrafin cichilid food, 2 times daily at 3% body weight. The results showed that the feeding behaviour and swimming performances of fish were reduced after 24 hours of the addition of the various oil pollutants. Mortality of fingerlings in the oiled basins increased as the hours of exposure increased (i.e. 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours). Recovery was not immediate in the treated basin while surviving fingerlings in the control basins grew up to post-fingerlings after 90 days (3 months). There were significant differences (P<0.01 and P<0.05) in the effect of crude oil and the petroleum products on the mortality rate of C. gariepinus when exposed to oil pollutants at 1.25ml. L-1 concentration