957 resultados para C:N ratio


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Through increases in net primary production (NPP), elevated CO2 is hypothesizes to increase the amount of plant litter entering the soil. The fate of this extra carbon on the forest floor or in mineral soil is currently not clear. Moreover, increased rates of NPP can be maintained only if forests can escape nitrogen limitation. In a Free atmospheric CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment near Bangor, Wales, 4 ambient CO2 and 4 FACE plots were planted with patches of Betula pendula, Alnus glutinosa and Fagus sylvatica on a former arable field. Four years after establishment, only a shallow L forest floor litter layer had formed due to intensive bioturbation. Total soil C and N contents increased irrespective of treatment and species as a result of afforestation. We could not detect an additional C sink in the soil, nor were soil C stabilization processes affected by FACE. We observed a decrease of leaf N content in Betula and Alnus under FACE, while the soil C/N ratio decreased regardless of CO2 treatment. The ratio of N taken up from the soil and by N2-fixation in Alnus was not affected by FACE. We infer that increased nitrogen use efficiency is the mechanism by which increased NPP is sustained under elevated CO2 at this site.


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Plant species can condition the physico-chemical and biological properties of soil in ways that modify plant growth via plant–soil feedback (PSF). Plant growth can be positively affected, negatively affected or neutrally affected by soil conditioning by the same or other plant species. Soil conditioning by other plant species has particular relevance to ecological restoration of historic ecosystems because sites set aside for restoration are often conditioned by other, potentially non-native, plant species. We investigated changes in properties of jarrah forest soils after long-term (35 years) conditioning by pines (Pinus radiata), Sydney blue gums (Eucalyptus saligna), both non-native, plantation trees, and jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata; dominant native tree). Then, we tested the influence of the conditioned soils on the growth of jarrah seedlings. Blue gums and pines similarly conditioned the physico-chemical properties of soils, which differed from soil conditioning caused by jarrah. Especially important were the differences in conditioning of the properties C:N ratio, pH, and available K. The two eucalypt species similarly conditioned the biological properties of soil (i.e. community level physiological profile, numbers of fungal-feeding nematodes, omnivorous nematodes, and nematode channel ratio), and these differed from conditioning caused by pines. Species-specific conditioning of soil did not translate into differences in the amounts of biomass produced by jarrah seedlings and a neutral PSF was observed. In summary, we found that decades of soil conditioning by non-native plantation trees did not influence the growth of jarrah seedlings and will therefore not limit restoration of jarrah following the removal of the plantation trees.


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In Mediterranean areas, conventional tillage increases soil organic matter losses, reduces soil quality, and contributes to climate change due to increased CO2 emissions. CO2 sequestration rates in soil may be enhanced by appropriate agricultural soil management and increasing soil organic matter content. This study analyzes the stratification ratio (SR) index of soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (N) and C:N ratio under different management practices in an olive grove (OG) in Mediterranean areas (Andalusia, southern Spain). Management practices considered in this study are conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT). In the first case, CT treatments included addition of alperujo (A) and olive leaves (L). A control plot with no addition of olive mill waste was considered (CP). In the second case, NT treatments included addition of chipped pruned branches (NT1) and chipped pruned branches and weeds (NT2). The SRs of SOC increased with depth for all treatments. The SR of SOC was always higher in NT compared to CT treatments, with the highest SR of SOC observed under NT2. The SR of N increased with depth in all cases, ranging between 0.89 (L-SR1) and 39.11 (L-SR3 and L-SR4).The SR of C:N ratio was characterized by low values, ranging from 0.08 (L-SR3) to 1.58 (NT1-SR2) and generally showing higher values in SR1 and SR2 compared to those obtained in SR3 and SR4. This study has evaluated several limitations to the SR index such as the fact that it is descriptive but does not analyze the behavior of the variable over time. In addition, basing the assessment of soil quality on a single variable could lead to an oversimplification of the assessment. Some of these limitations were experienced in the assessment of L, where SR1 of SOC was the lowest of the studied soils. In this case, the higher content in the second depth interval compared to the first was caused by the intrinsic characteristics of this soil's formation process rather than by degradation. Despite the limitations obtained SRs demonstrate that NT with the addition of organic material improves soil quality.


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Chemical and spectroscopic methods were used to characterize organic matter transformations during the composting process. Four different residue mixtures were studied: P1 - garden trimmings (GT) only, P2 - GT plus fresh cattle manure, P3 - GT plus orange pomace and P4 - GT plus filter cake. The thermophilic phase was not reached in PI compost, but the P2, P3 and P4 composts showed all three typical process phases. The thermophilic phase and CEC/C ratio stabilized after 90 days, while C/N ratio and the ash content stabilized after 60 days. The increasing E(4)/E(6) ratio indicated oxidation reactions occurring during the process in the material from P2, P3 and P4. The (13)C NMR and FTIR results suggested extraction of both pectin and lignin in the HA-like fraction. The CEC/C ratio, temperature and E(4)/E(6) ratio showed that within 90 days P2, P3 and P4 composts were humified. However, material from P1 did not show characteristics of humified compost. From these data, it is apparent that C/N ratio and ash content are not reliable methods for monitoring the composting process. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A woven pure wool fabric has been exposed to atmospheric pressure plasma for 30 seconds using a pilot-scale. commercial machine. X-ray photoelectron spectral data revealed large increases in oxygen and nitrogen. and a large reduction in carbon. on the surfaces of the plasma-treated fibres. A CIN ratio of 3.55 for plasma-treated wool was consistent with removal of the covalently-bound fatty acids from the surface of the cuticle cells. resulting in exposure of the proteinaceous epicuticle. Dye staining experiments revealed that the back of the fabric had received the same, uniform level of treatment as the face, despite the fact that only the face had been directly exposed to the plasma. Dyes (1 % oww) were applied to fabric at 50°C (liquor ratio =40: 1) and pH values from 3 to 6. The relatively low temperature of 50°C was selected in order to accentuate the effects of plasma on the rate of dye uptake. Under these conditions, dye was adsOibed onto the fibre surfaces, with very little penetration into the fibres. Effects of the plasma treatment on the rate of dyes adsorption were dyespecific. No significant effects of plasma on the rate of dye uptake were observed with relatively hydrophobic dyes, but hydrophilic dyes were adsorbed more rapidly by the plasmatreated fabric. It would appear that for more hydrophobic dyes, hydrophobic effects are more important for the adsorption of dyes by the plasma-treated fibres, even though these fibres were quite hydrophilic. On the other hand. it is concluded that for more hydrophilic dyes, electrostatic effects are more important for adsorption by the plasma-treated fibre.


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For many animals, notably herbivores, plants are often an inadequate food source given the low content of protein and high content of C-rich material. This conception is mainly based on studies on ectotherms. The validity of this conception for endotherms is unclear given their much higher carbon requirements for maintenance energy metabolism than ectotherms. Applying stoichiometric principles, we hypothesized that endotherms can cope with diets with much higher (metabolizable) carbon to nitrogen ratios than ectotherms. Using empirical data on birds, eutherian mammals, marsupials and reptiles, we compiled and compared measurements and allometric equations for energy metabolism as well as nitrogen requirements. Our analysis supports our hypothesis that plants, and especially their leaves, are generally sufficiently rich in nitrogen to fulfil protein demands in endotherms, at least during maintenance conditions, but less so in ectotherms. This has important implications with respect to community functioning and the evolution of endothermy.


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Discharging the nutrient rich aquaculture effluents into inland water bodies and oceans is becoming a serious concern due to the adverse effect that brings in the form of eutrophication and subsequent damages to those waters. A laboratory scale biological reactor consisting of a denitrifying compartment followed by a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) compartment was used to treat 40 L d−1 of aquaculture effluent with an average concentration of 74 mg L−1 nitrate (NO3 − ). Sugar was added to the aquaculture effluent in order that to enter into the denitrifying compartment at a carbon: nitrogen ratio (C:N) of 2:1 and 4:1. A hollow fibre membrane with a pore size of 0.4 μm and a filtration area of 0.20 m2 was used in the SMBR and was operated at an average flux of 0.20 m3 m−2 d−1. An intermittent suction period of 12 min followed by a relaxation period of 3 min was maintained in the SMBR throughout the experiment. Different aeration rates of 1, 3, 5 and 10 Lpm were applied to the SMBR to determine the rate of membrane fouling and 5 Lpm aeration rate was found to be optimum with respect to the rate of fouling of membrane at a C:N ratio of 4:1. The average rate of fouling at 1, 3, 5 and 10 Lpm were 1.17, 0.70, 0.48 and 0.52 kPa d−1, respectively. The increase in the rate of fouling when the aeration was increased from 5 to 10 Lpm may be due to the breakage of suspended particles into finer particles which could have increased the fouling of membrane. It was also found that increasing the C:N ratio from 2:1 to 4:1 resulted in more cake being formed on the membrane surface as well as an increase in the reduction of NO3 − from 64% to 78%. Preliminary calculations show that 2.4 to 3.2 g of suspended solids could be accumulated per square meter of membrane surface before physical cleaning of membrane is required (at a transmembrane pressure of 20 kPa).


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The diel vertical migration (DVM) of the copepod Metridia pacifica was examined in Dabob Bay (47°45.05′N, 122°49.71′W), a fjord in Washington state. Although the population showed deep daytime residence (75-175 m), a proportion of the population was found in the surface waters at night. For individuals that migrated to the surface, the mean size of the oil sac was much smaller than those that remained at depth (mean lengths of oil sac 0.25 mm for individuals collected between 0 and 25 m at night, compared with 0.43 mm for individuals from between 125 and 175 m). Similarly, the C : N ratio was lower for animals collected from near the surface, indicative of their lower lipid reserves. These results suggest that individual variability in DVM was influenced by body condition, with those animals with larger lipid stores not needing to risk coming to the surface to feed at night.


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Caloric restriction (CR) has been widely accepted as a mechanism explaining increased lifespan (LS) in organisms subjected to dietary restriction (DR), but recent studies investigating the role of nutrients have challenged the role of CR in extending longevity. Fuelling this debate is the difficulty in experimentally disentangling CR and nutrient effects due to compensatory feeding (CF) behaviour. We quantified CF by measuring the volume of solution imbibed and determined how calories and nutrients influenced LS and fecundity in unmated females of the Queensland fruit fly, Bactocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae). We restricted flies to one of 28 diets varying in carbohydrate:protein (C:P) ratios and concentrations. On imbalanced diets, flies overcame dietary dilutions, consuming similar caloric intakes for most dilutions. The response surface for LS revealed that increasing C:P ratio while keeping calories constant extended LS, with the maximum LS along C:P ratio of 21:1. In general, LS was reduced as caloric intake decreased. Lifetime egg production was maximized at a C:P ratio of 3:1. When given a choice of separate sucrose and yeast solutions, each at one of five concentrations (yielding 25 choice treatments), flies regulated their nutrient intake to match C:P ratio of 3:1. Our results (i) demonstrate that CF can overcome dietary dilutions; (ii) reveal difficulties with methods presenting fixed amounts of liquid diet; (iii) illustrate the need to measure intake to account for CF in DR studies and (iv) highlight nutrients rather than CR as a dominant influence on LS.


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A direct approach to functionalize and reduce pre-shaped graphene oxide 3D architectures is demonstrated by gamma ray irradiation in gaseous phase under analytical grade air, N2 or H2. The formation of radicals upon gamma ray irradiation is shown to lead to surface functionalization of the graphene oxide sheets. The reduction degree of graphene oxide, which can be controlled through varying the γ-ray total dose irradiation, leads to the synthesis of highly crystalline and near defect-free graphene based materials. The crystalline structure of the graphene oxide and γ-ray reduced graphene oxide was investigated by x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. The results reveal no noticeable changes in the size of sp2 graphitic structures for the range of tested gases and total exposure doses suggesting that the irradiation in gaseous phase does not damage the graphene crystalline domains. As confirmed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, the C/O ratio of γ-ray reduced graphene oxide is increasing from 2.37 for graphene oxide to 6.25 upon irradiation in hydrogen gas. The removal of oxygen atoms with this reduction process in hydrogen results in a sharp 400 times increase of the electrical conductivity of γ-ray reduced graphene oxide from 0.05 S cm-1 to as high as 23 S cm-1. A significant increase of the contact angle of the γ-ray reduced graphene oxide bucky-papers and weakened oxygen rich groups characteristic peaks across the Fourier transform infrared spectra further illustrate the efficacy of the γ-ray reduction process. A mechanism correlating the interaction between hydrogen radicals formed upon γ-ray irradiation of hydrogen gas and the oxygen rich groups on the surface of the graphene oxide bucky-papers is proposed, in order to contribute to the synthesis of reduced graphene materials through solution-free chemistry routes.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI produced surface active rhamnolipids when cultivated on waste from the sunflower-oil process under different conditions. These biosurfactants, which reduce the superficial and interfacial tensions between fluids, offer advantages over their chemical counterparts, especially because of their ecological acceptability. These molecules can be used in fields as diverse as chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries. In this work, we present the effect of C/N ratio on growth and production yield. The best production yields (Y-P/S) were achieved for C/N ratios (in g/g) of 8/1 (0.22) and 6.4/1 (0.23). The product concentration was very satisfactory (7.3 g/L) at C/N ratio of 8/1, especially when considering that the substrate was basically composed of wastes that would otherwise constitute an environmental disposal problem. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A caprinocultura brasileira cresceu consideravelmente nos últimos anos, elevando a produção de resíduos, fato que justifica o estudo de práticas de reciclagem, tais como a compostagem e a vermicompostagem, pois, além da agregação de valor com a produção do composto, representa um meio de saneamento na área rural. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foram utilizados dejetos coletados de caprinos em diferentes faixas etárias, mantidos em sistema de semiconfinamento e com regime alimentar único. O objetivo principal foi avaliar os efeitos das estações do ano sobre os processos de compostagem e vermicompostagem. As reduções na quantidade de matéria seca (MS) foram de 53,7; 53,4; 51,4 e 47,8% para a compostagem e 57,4; 51,0; 41,4 e 53,6% para a vermicompostagem nas estações de verão, outono, inverno e primavera, respectivamente. Observaram-se maiores reduções na relação C/N durante o verão e outono, em relação à primavera e ao inverno, para ambos os processos. As equações de redução de volume, na compostagem, foram: y = -0,0512x + 1,0233; y = -0,0552x + 1,1766; y = -0,0521x + 1,1656 e y = -0,0558x + 1,3227, para as estações primavera, outono, inverno e verão, respectivamente, (x = número de semanas e y = volume, em m³).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)