982 resultados para Bursa of fabricius
The genera Cochliomyia and Chrysomya contain both obligate and saprophagous flies, which allows the comparison of different feeding habits between closely related species. Among the different strategies for comparing these habits is the use of qPCR to investigate the expression levels of candidate genes involved in feeding behavior. To ensure an accurate measure of the levels of gene expression, it is necessary to normalize the amount of the target gene with the amount of a reference gene having a stable expression across the compared species. Since there is no universal gene that can be used as a reference in functional studies, candidate genes for qPCR data normalization were selected and validated in three Calliphoridae (Diptera) species, Cochliomyia hominivorax Coquerel, Cochliomyia macellaria Fabricius, and Chrysomya albiceps Wiedemann . The expression stability of six genes ( Actin, Gapdh, Rp49, Rps17, α -tubulin, and GstD1) was evaluated among species within the same life stage and between life stages within each species. The expression levels of Actin, Gapdh, and Rp49 were the most stable among the selected genes. These genes can be used as reliable reference genes for functional studies in Calliphoridae using similar experimental settings.
Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is an important pest for Brazilian sugarcane. In the present study, we detected two distinct spots in hemolymph from septic injured larvae (HDs1 and HDs2), which are separated by 2DE gel electrophoresis. Both spots were subjected to in-gel tryptic digestion and MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis, which revealed the sequence VFGTLGSDDSGLFGK present in both HDs1 and HDs2. This sequence had homology and 80% identity with specific Lepidoptera antimicrobial peptides called gloverins. Analyses using the ImageMaster 2D software showed pI 8.94 of the HDs1 spot, which is similar to that described to Hyalophora gloveri gloverin (pI 8.5). Moreover, the 14-kDa molecular mass of the spot HDs1 is compatible to that of gloverins isolated from the hemolymph of Trichoplusia ni, Helicoverpa armigera and H. gloveri. Antimicrobial assays with partially purified fractions containing the HDs1 and HDs2 polypeptides demonstrated activity against Escherichia coli. This is the first report of antimicrobial polypeptides in D. saccharalis, and the identification of these peptides may help in the generation of new strategies to control this pest.
Immatures of Syphrea uberabensis guerini Bechyné (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticini). Larva and pupa of Syphrea uberabensis guerini are described and illustrated for the first time and a comparison with the described immatures of other Alticini species from Neotropical region and also with Hermaeophaga mercurialis (Fabricius, 1792), from Palearctic region, is presented. Tibouchina stenocarpa (DC.) Cogn. (Melastomataceae) (quaresmeira-do-cerrado) is registered as a new host plant for this species of Alticini.
Morphological descriptions of the 4 instars of the ghost-ant Tapinoma melanocephalum Fabricius are presented along with illustrations and comparisons with other species of the same genus. Instars were similar, differing only in body length. The analyzed larvae presented many characteristics in common with other Tapinoma Forster larvae, such as: dolichoderoid body and mandibles, 9 pairs of spiracles, the presence of a terminal boss, and scarce body and head setae, all simple and short. We observed the following differences from other previous descriptions: the presence of a subapical mandibular tooth, setaceous sensilla on the medial anterior surface of the labrum, and fewer sensilla on maxillary and labial palps.
Previous population dynamics data, generated for Amblyomma parvum Aragao and Aniblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) in Argentina and southeastern Brazil, have indicated that these ticks complete I generation per year, with larvae predominating in autumn, nymphs in winter, and mostly adults during spring and summer. The present study reports population dynamics data for free-living Amblyomma spp. ticks in northern Brazil (Amazon forest, latitude 10 degrees S, 63 degrees W), and for Amblyomma spp. ticks collected oil birds in Southeastern Brazil (latitude 23 degrees S, 45 degrees W). In northern Brazil, adult ticks predominated from mid-spring to mid-autumn, larvae predominated in early winter, and nymphs from mid-winter to mid-spring. Seven Amblyomma spp. were identified, although A. cajannense predominated in I of the 2 sites sampled. In southeastern Brazil, larval infestations on birds peaked in autumn, followed by a nymphal infestation peak in late winter. At least 32% and 75% of these larvae and nymphs, respectively, were identified as Amblyomma longirostre (Koch). Similar to previous work, the present study showed that Amblyomma spp. larvae and nymphs predominated during autumn-winter months, and mostly adults during spring-summer months, a pattern compatible with 1 genration/yr, even at latitude 10 degrees S in northern Brazil.
Proteinase inhibitors (PI) are present in plant tissues, especially in seeds, and act as a defense mechanism against herbivores and pathogens. Serine PI from soybean such as Bowman-Birk (BBPI) and Kunitz have been used to enhance resistance of sugarcane varieties to the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the major pest of this crop. The use of these genetically-modified plants (GM) expressing PI requires knowledge of its sustainability and environmental safety, determining the stability of the introduced characteristic and its effects on non-target organisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate direct effects of ingestion of semi-purified and purified soybean PI and GM sugarcane plants on the soil-dwelling mite Scheloribates praeincisus (Berlese) (Acari: Oribatida). This mite is abundant in agricultural soils and participates in the process of organic matter decomposition; for this reason it will be exposed to PI by feeding on GM plant debris. Eggs of S. praeincisus were isolated and after larvae emerged, immatures were fed milled sugarcane leaves added to semi-purified or purified PI (Kunitz and BBPI) or immatures were fed GM sugarcane varieties expressing Kunitz and BBPI type PI or the untransformed near isogenic parental line variety as a control. Developmental time (larva-adult) and survival of S. praeincisus was evaluated. Neither Kunitz nor BBPI affected S. praeincisus survival. On the other hand, ingestion of semi-purified and purified Kunitz inhibitor diminished duration of S. praeincisus immature stages. Ingestion of GM senescent leaves did not have an effect on S. praeincisus immature developmental time and survival, compared to ingestion of leaves from the isogenic parental plants. These results indicate that cultivation of these transgenic sugarcane plants is safe for the non-target species S. praeincisus.
The reproductive system of many female Therevidae has a sac-like structure associated with the spermathecae. This structure, termed the spermathecal sac, has not been recorded previously from any other Diptera and appears unique to certain members of the Therevidae. There is enormous variety in spermathecal sac size and shape, with greatest development in the Australasian Therevidae. A histological examination of the reproductive system of two;Australian therevids, Agapophytus albobasalis Mann and Ectinorhynchus variabilis (Macquart) (Diptera: Asiloidea), reveals that the spermathecal sacs are cuticle-lined and that the intima is frequently highly folded. In some mated individuals, sperm was found within the spermathecal sac, suggesting that sperm and perhaps male accessory gland material is deposited there during copulation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The genera Lobatocreadium, Pseudocreadium, Hypocreadium and Dermadena are redefined and host lists given. Provisional keys to species of Lobatocreadium, Hypocreadium and Dermadena are presented. The following species are described from (1) the Great Barrier Reef: Lobatocreadium exiguum from Balistapus undulatus and Sufflamen bursa; Hypocreadium cavum n. sp. from Abalistes stellatus (type-host) and Cantheschenia grandisquamis; H. grandisquamis n. sp. from Cantheschenia grandisquamis; Dermadena spatiosa n. sp, from Cantheschenia grandisquamis; and (2) southwestern Australia: D. stirlingi n. sp. from Meeschenia hippocrepis. The following new combinations are made: Lobatocreadium vitellosum (Ozaki, 1936) n. comb. (originally Leptocreadium); Hypocrendium balistes (Nagaty, 1942) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); H. biminensis (Sogandares-Bernal, 1959) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); H. indicum (Madhavi, 1972) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium); and H. galapagoensis (Manter, 1945) n. comb. (originally Pseudocreadium). Several nominal species of Pseudocreadium and Hypocreadium are considered incertae sedis.
Object The aim of this study is to access the efficacy of the omental bursa (lesser sac) as a receptacle of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and to use it as an alternative to the ventriculoatrial or ventriculopleural shunts when the peritoneum reduces or loses its CSF absorption capacity. Methods Three patients with hydrocephalus presented with malfunctioning of ventriculoperitoneal shunts, secondary to peritoneal blockage caused by previous episodes of shunt infections in two and peritonitis in one patient. All patients underwent previous shunt revisions due to ventriculitis and shunt obstruction ranging from three to eight times. In order to keep the peritoneal cavity as the main receptacle of CSF absorption site, the distal catheter was inserted in the omental bursa, through the foramen of Winslow, jointly by a pediatric surgeon. We denominated this new technique of CSF diversion as ventriculoomental bursa (VOB) shunting. The children have been followed at least for 1 year (range 12 to 28 months) with no recurrence of shunt. Conclusions VOB shunting may be considered an acceptable technique to CSF shunting when the anterior peritoneum loses or decreases its CSF absorption capacity.
The present study was performed in an area endemic for Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) in Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during the years 2007 and 2008, when fatal cases of BSF (caused by Rickettsia rickettsii) were reported. Adult ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) identified as Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) and Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) were collected from dogs and horses, respectively, and tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Overall, 13.1% of the Rh. sanguineus ticks and none of the A. cajennense were found to be infected with R. rickettsii. Two isolates of R. rickettsii were successfully established in Vero cell culture from two Rh. sanguineus ticks. An indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) using R. rickettsii antigens detected blood serological reaction to R. rickettsii in 67.9% (53/78) of dogs and 41.0% (16/39) of horses living in the study area. Larval offspring from two Rh. sanguineus engorged females, naturally infected by R. rickettsii, were reared to adult stage in the laboratory. All active stages (larvae, nymphs, adults) remained 100% infected by R. rickettsii, which was efficiently transmitted to naive rabbits. Overall, the results of the present study indicate a potential risk for transmission of R. rickettsii to humans by Rh. sanguineus, an occurrence yet to be documented in Brazil.
Serum samples were collected from 582 horses from 40 stud farms in the State of Sao Paulo and tick (Acari: Ixodidae) infestations were evaluated on them. Serum samples were subjected to the complement fixation test (CFT) and a competitive inhibition ELISA (cELISA) for Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. Logistic regression analyses were performed to construct multivariate models that could explain the dependent variable (horses positive for B. caballi or T equi) as a function of the independent variables (presence or abundance of each one of the rick species found on the farms). A higher overall prevalence of B. caballi (54.1%) than of T equi (21.6%) was found by the two tests. The ticks Dermacentor nitens Neumann, 1897, Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787) and Rbipicephalus (Boopbilus) microplus (Canestrini, 1887) were present on horses on 38 (95%), 20 (50%), and 4 (10%) farms, respectively. Infestations by D. nitens were statistically associated with B. caballi-positive horses on the farms by either the CFT or cELISA. Infestations by A. cajennense were statistically associated with T equi-positive horses on the farms by either CFT or cELISA.
Evidence suggesting polyphyly of the traditionally recognised tick genus Aponomma Neumann, 1899 is summarized. Continued recognition of this genus in its current concept leaves a polyphyletic genus Aponomma and a paraphyletic genus Amblyomma Koch, 1844. To improve the correlation between our understanding of phylogenetic relationships in metastriate ticks and their classification, a few changes in classification are proposed. The members of the 'indigenous Australian Aponomma' group (sensu Kaufman, 1972), A. auruginans Schulze, 1936, A. concolor Neumann, 1899, A. glebopalma Keirans, King & Sharrad, 1994, A. hydrosauri (Denny, 1843) and A. undatum (Fabricius, 1775), are transferred to Bothriocroton Keirans, King & Sharrad, 1994, which is raised to full generic rank. The remaining members of Aponomma are transferred to Amblyomma. Uncertainty remains on relationships of Bothriocroton to other metastriate lineages and on the systematic position of the two species formerly included in the 'primitive Aponomma' group, A. elaphense Price, 1959 and A. sphenodonti Dumbleton, 1943.
Resumo: a febre botonosa, também conhecida por febre escaro-nodular (FEN) é uma doença endémica nos Países da bacia do Mediterrâneo, África, Médio Oriente, Índia e Paquistão. O agente etiológico responsável por esta patologia é a bactéria Rickettsia conorii. Contudo, em alguns países, como Portugal e Itália, esta patologia é causada por duas estirpes diferentes: R conorii Malish e R conorii Israeli spotted fever strain. O principal vector e reservatório é o ixodídeo Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Mesmo com uma elevada taxa de subnotificação detectada no nosso País, a taxa incidência da FEN é de 8.4/105 habitantes (1989-2005), uma das mais altas quando comparada coom a de outros países da bacia do Mediterrâneo. De todos os distritos portugueses, Bragança e Beja são aqueles que apresentam as taxas de incidência mais elevadas, 56,8/105 habitantes e 47,4 / 105 habitantes respectivamente. Em Portugal, as alterações climáticas verificadas na última década, nomeadamente a subida das temperaturas médias anuais, parecem ter influenciado o ciclo de vida do vector e a sua dinâmica sazonal, permitindo ao R. sanguineus completar mais de um ciclo de vida por ano. Este facto, e a possibilidade deste vector se manter activo noutros meses do ano, nomeadamente nos meses de inverno, tem influenciado consequentemente o padrão de distribuição anual dos casos de FEN. A febre escaro-nodular caracteriza-se clinicamente como uma doença exantemática, com um processo de vasculite generalizado. Apesar de na generalidade ser considerada uma doença benigna (quando tratada atempadamente e com terapêutica adequada e específica)e de estarem descritos casos graves em cerca de 5-6% dos doentes, em Portugal essa percentagem aumentou e consequentemente levou a um aumento de casos fatais. Este facto tornou-se mais evidente em 1997, no Hospital Distrital de Beja e no Hospital Garcia de Orta, onde a taxa de letalidade atingiu os 32% e 18% respectivamente.Para além dos factores de co-morbilidade encontrados nos doentes mais graves, como diabetes mellitus, ou o atraso na instituição da terapêutica específica, foi colocada de que a estirpe R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain pudesse ser mais virulenta ou então estivesse associada a diferentes manifestações clínicas que dificultassem o diagnóstico clínico e a instituição atempada da terapêutica. Houve ainda a necessidade de avaliar alguns parâmetros imunológicos dos doentes e tentar identificar que factores, nomeadamente que citoquinas, poderiam estar envolvidos na resposta a uma infecção por R.conorii.Face a estas questões foi avaliada e comparada a epidemiologia, manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais de 140 doentes (71 infectados com R. conorii Malish e 69 infectados com R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain). Concluiu-se que existe uma sobreposição de manifestações clinicas entre os dois grupos de doentes, mas que a percentagem da escara de inoculação é significativamente inferior em doentes infectados com R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain. Dos resultados mais importantes encontrados neste estudo concluiu-se que a estirpe R. conorii Malish e é demonstrado, pela primeira vez, estatisticamente que o alcoolismo é um factor de risco para a morte de doentes com FEN. Associadas a factores de um mau prognósitco da doença, estão as manifestações gastrointestinais, que poderão ser ou não reflexo de alterações do sistema nervoso central, e ainda a alteração de parâmetros laboratoriais como a presença de hiperbilirubinemia e aumento dos valores da ureia.A maior parte dos estudos realizados sobre os mecanismos da resposta imunitária à infecção por R. conorii e as interacções hospedeiro - agente etiológico têm sido elucidados com base em modelos animais. Poucos estudos têm sido efectuados em doentes e nenhum estudo prévio tinha sido realizado no sentido de avaliar localmente (escara/pele) quais os mediadores ou outras moléculas envolvidas na resposta imunitária às rickettsioses. Foi avaliado o nível de expressão génica de RNA mensageiro (RNAm)de diferentes citoquinas em amostras de pele de doentes com FEN pela técnica de PCR em tempo real.Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que, quando comparado com o grupo controlo, os 23 doentes analisados apresentavam níveis estatisticamente significativos, mais elevados de expressão génica de interferão (IFN-γ, Tumor necrosis factor (TFN-α, interleucina 10 (IL-10, RANTES (regulated by activation, normal T-cell-expressed and secreted chemokine)e indolamina 2-3 desoxigenase (IDO),uma enzima envolvida no controlo e limitação do crescimento intracelular das rickettsias, através da degradação do triptofano. Seis dos 23 doentes apresentaram ainda niveis de expressão elevados de óxido nítrico indutível (iNOS)que actua como microbicida. Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva entre a expressão de RNAm de TNF-α, γ, iNOS e IDO e os casos menos graves de FEN sugerindo um tipo de resposta imunitária tipo Th1, i.e. com papel protector na resposta à infecção.Verificou-se também que os valores de expressão genética do RNAm de IL-10, estavam inversamente correlacionados com a expressão do RNAm de TNF-α e IFN-γ. Os casos menos graves de FEN parecem assim envolver um balanço entre a resposta pró-inflamatória e anti-inflamatória. Já os níveis de expressão génica do RNAm de IL-10 estavam inversamente correlacionados com a expressão RNAm de TNF-α e IFN-γ. Os casos menos graves de FEN parecem assim envolver um balanço entre uma resposta pró-inflamatória e anti-inflamatória. Já os níveis de expressão RNAm da quimoquina RANTES foram estatisticamente mais elevados em doentes graves.Nesta dissertação é ainda descrita uma nova rickettsiose presente em Portugal, causada pela bactéria R. sibirica mongolitimonae, que foi identificada laboratorialmente por isolamento do agente, e por detecção do DNA em biopsia de pele. A presença deste agente foi ainda corroborada pela detecção em paralelo do mesmo agente no ixodídeos como R. africae like e em pulgas como R. felis e R.typhi alertam para a possibilidade de existência de outras rickettsioses que possam estar diagnosticadas em Portugal. Abstract: Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF), a tick-borne disease caused by Rickettsia conorii, is widley distributed in the Old World, being endemic in the southern Europe, Africa, Middle East, India and Pakistan. In Portugal two strains cause disease: R.conorii Malish and R.conorii Israeli spotted fever.Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick, is considered the main vector and reservoir. MSF is characterized by seasonality, and most of cases are encountered in late spring and summer, peaking in July and August. However, CEVDI/INSA laboratory has observed that the incidence of MSF cases has changed during winter season.The increasing annual averages of air temperatures and warmer and drier winters might have influenced the dynamics of the life cycle and activity of R. sanguineus, and indirectley the number MSF cases during the so called MSF off-season.In the period of 1989-2005, the incidence rate of MSF was 8.4/105 inhabitants, one of the highest rates compared with other endemic countries. In the Portugal during the same period, the highest incidence rates were reported in the districts of Bragança, with 56.8/105 inhabitants, and Beja, with 47.4/105 inhabitants. Severe cases of MSF are reported in 6% of the patients, but it seems that this pattern of disease in Portugal has been changing.This factor became more evident in 1997, with a reported case fatality rate of 32% and 18% in patients with MSF admited at Beja and Garcia Orta Hospitals, respectively. Although it was found that diabetes mellitus and delay in therapy have been implicated as a risk factor for death, the hypothesis was considered, that the new ISF strain isolated from Portugueses patients in the same year (1997)causes different or atypical clinical conorii Malish strain. The local (skin biopsies) immune response to R. conorii infection was also evaluated.A prospective study was performed to characterized epidemiological, clinical, laboratory features and determined risk factors for a fatal outcome. One hundred forty patients (51% patients were infected with Rickettsia conorii Malish stain and 49% with Israeli spotted fever strain)with diagnosis documented with identification of the causative rickettsial strain were admitted to 13 Portugueses Hospitals during 1994-2006.Comparison of the clinical manifestations of MSF caused by Malish and ISF strains revealed tremendous overlap that would not permit clinical recognition of the strain envolved, but an eschar was observed in a significantly higher percentage of patients with Malish than ISF strain.A fatal outcome was significantly more likely for patients with ISF strain infection meaning that ISF strain was more virulent than Malish strain, and also alcoholism was a host risk factor for a fatal outcome.The pathophysiology of a fatal outcome involved significantly greater incidence of petechial rash, gastrointestinal symptoms, confusion/obtundation, dehydration, tachypnea, hepatomegaly, leukocytosis, coagulopathy, azotemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and elevated hepatic enzymes and creatine kinase. Multivariate analysis revealed that acute renal failure and hyperbilirubinemia were most strong associated with a fatal oucome of infections with both strains.The immune response to R. conorii infection determined with both strains. The immune response to R. conorii infection determined by the expression levels of inflammatory and immune mediators in skin biopsies collected from untreated patients with Mediterranean spotted fever reveal that intralesional expression of mRNA of TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10, RANTES, and indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO)an enzyme involved in limiting rickettsial growth by tryptophan degradation, were elevated in skin of MSF patients compared to controls. Six patients had elevated levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2, a source microbicidal nitric oxide.Positive correlations among TNF-α, IFN-γ, NOS2,IDO and mild-to-moderate disease suggested that type 1 polarization plays a protective role. Significantly high levels of intralesional IL-10 were inversely correlated with IFN-γ and TNF-α. The chemokine RANTES was significantly higher in patients with several MSF. It seems that MSF patients with mild-to-moderate disease have a strong and balanced intralesional pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory response, while severe disease is associated with higher chemokine expression.Whether these findings are simply a correlate of mild and severe disease or contribute to anti-rickettsial immunity and pathogenesis remains to be determined.In this dissertation is also described a new rickettsiois present in Portugal caused by R.sibirica mongolitimonae strain, identified based on agent isolation and DNA detection by PCR technique in a skin biopsy.The presence of this agent corroborated by its detection also in Rhipicephalus pusillus tick. Also, pathogenic tick and flea-borne rickettsial agents such as R. africae strain detected in Rhipicephalus bursa tick, and R.felis and R.typhi detected in different fleas species raise the alert for the possible existence of other rickettsioses in Portugal that might be underdiagnosed.
Distribution and occurrence of blow flies of forensic importance was performed during 2007 and 2008 in Chiang Mai and Lampang Provinces, northern Thailand. Surveys were conducted in forested areas for 30 minutes using a sweep net to collected flies attracted to a bait. A total of 2,115 blow flies belonging to six genera and 14 species were collected; Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (44.7%), C. pinguis (Walker) (15.1%), C. chani Kurahashi (9.3%), C. thanomthini Kurahashi & Tumrasvin (0.3%); Achoetandrus rufifacies (Macquart) (10.5%), A. villeneuvi (Patton) (2.2%); Lucilia papuensis Macquart (2.2%), L. porphyrina (Walker) (12.4%), L. sinensis Aubertin (0.7%); Hemipyrellia ligurriens(Wiedemann) (1.3%), H. pulchra(Wiedemann) (0.1%); Hypopygiopsis infumata (Bigot) (0.6%), Hy. tumrasvini Kurahashi (0.2%) and Ceylonomyia nigripes Aubertin (0.4%). Among them, C. megacephala was the predominant species collected, particularly in the summer. The species likely to prevail in highland areas are C. pinguis, C. thanomthini, Hy. tumrasvini, L. papuensis and L. porphyrina.
Males from bilateral crosses between Triatoma sórdida and Triatoma pseudomaculata were unable to give offspring, as shown by subsequent backcrosses (BC) between hybrid males and parental females. This kind of sterility indueed through interspecific hybridization seems to be due to lack of sperm migration from the bursa copulatrix to the spermateca, thus suggesting primarily failure on the part of hybrid males to produce and/or to incorporate male accessory secretions into the spermatophore bulb. Addicional proof that sterility induced in hybrid males is at the sperm level has been afforded by the spermatogenesis herein studied. The anomalous processes like; 1) prophases of spermatogonia with the chromosomes scattered in the cytoplasm, 2) first metaphases with unpaired tetrades, 3) spermatids differing in size and 4) spermatozoa of abnormal shape and generdlly of giant size, can be taken as an indicator of the degree of departure from the normal course of spermatogenesis.