997 resultados para Bulk glass


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Studies on the electrical switching behavior of melt quenched bulk Si15Te85-xSbx glasses have been undertaken in the composition range (1 <= x <= 10), in order to understand the effect of Sb addition on the electrical switching behavior of Si15Te85-x base glass. It has been observed that all the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied exhibit a smooth memory type switching. Further, the switching voltages are found to decrease almost linearly with Sb content, which indicates that the metallicity of the dopant plays a dominant role in this system compared to network connectivity/rigidity. The thickness dependence of switching voltage (V-th) indicates a clear thermal origin for the switching mechanism. The temperature variation of switching voltages reveals that the Si15Te85-xSbx glasses studied have a moderate thermal stability. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alternating differential scanning calorimetry measurements have been undertaken on the Ge15Te85-xInx (1 <= x <= 11) series of glasses. It is found that there is a marginal decrease in the glass transition temperature (T-g) in the composition range 1 <= x <= 3. Above x = 3, a monotonic increase is seen in T-g which indicates a continuous build-up in network connectivity and absence of any nanophase separation. The non-reversing heat flow (Delta H-NR) has been found to exhibit a broad trough between the compositions x = 3 and 7, which clearly indicates the presence of a thermally reversing window in Ge15Te85-xInx glasses in the composition range 3 <= x <= 7.


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We show that a fluid under strong spatially periodic confinement displays a glass transition within mode-coupling theory at a much lower density than the corresponding bulk system. We use fluctuating hydrodynamics, with confinement imposed through a periodic potential whose wavelength plays an important role in our treatment. To make the calculation tractable we implement a detailed calculation in one dimension. Although we do not expect simple 1d fluids to show a glass transition, our results are indicative of the behavior expected in higher dimensions. In a certain region of parameter space we observe a three-step relaxation reported recently in computer simulations [S. H. Krishnan, Ph.D. thesis, Indian Institute of Science (2005); Kim et al., Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 189, 135 (2010)] and a glass-glass transition. We compare our results to those of Krakoviack [Phys. Rev. E 75, 031503 (2007)] and Lang et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 125701 (2010)].


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Experiments on Ge15Te85− x Si x glasses (2 ≤ x ≤ 12) using alternating differential scanning calorimetry (ADSC) indicate that these glasses exhibit one glass transition and two crystallization reactions upon heating. The glass transition temperature has been found to increase almost linearly with silicon content, in the entire composition tie-line. The first crystallization temperature (T c1) exhibits an increase with silicon content for x < 5; T c1 remains almost a constant in the composition range 5 < x ≤ 10 and it increases comparatively more sharply with silicon content thereafter. The specific heat change (ΔC p) is found to decrease with an increase in silicon content, exhibiting a minimum at x = 5 (average coordination number, r = 2.4); a continuous increase is seen in ΔC p with silicon concentration above x = 5. The effects seen in the variation with composition of T c1 and ΔC p at x = 5, are the specific signatures of the mean-field stiffness threshold at r = 2.4. Furthermore, a broad trough is seen in the enthalpy change (ΔH NR), which is indicative of a thermally reversing window in Ge15Te85− x Si x glasses in the composition range 2 ≤ x ≤ 6 (2.34 ≤ r ≤ 2.42).


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Bulk Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses, are found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltages (V(t)) and thermal stability of Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses are found to decrease with Sn content. The composition dependence of v, has been understood on the basis of the decrease in the OFF state resistance and thermal stability of these glasses with tin addition. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that no elemental Sn or Sn compounds with Te or Ge are present in thermally crystallized Ge-Te-Sn samples. This indicates that Sn atoms do not interact with the host matrix and form a phase separated network of its own, which remains in the parent glass matrix as an inclusion. Consequently, there is no enhancement of network connectivity and rigidity. The thickness dependence of switching voltages of Ge(15)Te(85 - x)Sn(x) and Ge(17)Te(83 - x)Sn(x) glasses is found to be linear, in agreement with the memory switching behavior shown by these glasses. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the results of the electrical switching studies performed on the bulk Al20GexTe80-x (2.5 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15) chalcogenide glasses. The well known topological features, mechanical and chemical thresholds are observed. Mechanical threshold is seen at a mean coordination number of atoms, < r > = 2.50 (x = 5) a clear shift rom the mean field value of < r > = 2.4 whereas the chemical threshold is observed at < r > = 2.65 (x = 12.5) as predicted by the chemically ordered covalent network model These experiments are a sequel to similar experiments on Al20AsxTe80-x glasses in which mechanical threshold was seen at < r > = 2.60 and no chemical threshold was observed These results am well understood by a chemical bond picture developed in this article.


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We report on isothermal pulsed (20 ms) field magnetization, temperature dependent AC - susceptibility, and the static low magnetic field measurements carried out on 10 nm sized Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 nanoparticles (PCMO10). The saturation field for the magnetization of PCMO10 (similar to 250 kOe) is found to be reduced in comparison with that of bulk PCMO (similar to 300 kOe). With increasing temperature, the critical magnetic field required to `melt' the residual charge-ordered phase decays exponentially while the field transition range broadens, which is indicative of a Martensite-like transition. The AC - susceptibility data indicate the presence of a frequency-dependent freezing temperature, satisfying the conventional Vogel-Fulcher and power laws, pointing to the existence of a spin-glass-like disordered magnetic phase. The present results lead to a better understanding of manganite physics and might prove helpful for practical applications. Copyright 2011 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. doi:10.1063/1.3664786]


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Room temperature, uniaxial compression creep experiments were performed on micro-/nano-sized pillars (having diameters in the range of 250-2000 nm) of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) to investigate the influence of sample size on the time-dependent plastic deformation behavior in amorphous alloys. Experimental results reveal that plastic deformation indeed occurs at ambient temperature and at stresses that are well below the nominal quasi-static yield stress. At a given stress, higher total strains accrue in the smaller specimens. In all cases, plastic deformation was found to be devoid of shear bands, i.e., it occurs in homogeneous manner. The stress exponent obtained from the slope of the linear relation between strain rate and applied stress also shows a strong size effect, which is rationalized in terms of the amount of free volume created during deformation and the surface-to-volume ratio of the pillar. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nano-indentation studies have been undertaken on bulk Ge15Te85-xSix glasses (0 <= x <= 9), to estimate hardness, H and elastic modulus, E. It is found that E and H increase initially with the increase in the atomic percent of Si. Further, a plateau is seen in the composition dependence of E and H in the composition range 2 <= x <= 6. It is also seen that the addition of up to 2 at% Si increases the density rho of the glass considerably; however, further additions of Si lead to a near linear reduction in rho, in the range 2 <= x <= 6. Beyond x=6, rho increases again with Si content. The variation of molar volume V-m brings out a more fascinating picture. A plateau is seen in the intermediate phase suggesting that the molecular structure of the glasses is adapting to keep the count of constraints fixed in this particular phase. The observed variations in mechanical properties are associated with the Boolchand's intermediate phase in the present glassy system, in the composition range 2 <= x <= 6, suggested earlier from calorimetric and electrical switching studies. The present results reveal rather directly the existence of the intermediate phase in elastic and plastic properties of chalcogenide glasses. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we synthesized bulk amorphous GeGaS glass by conventional melt quenching technique. Amorphous nature of the glass is confirmed using X-ray diffraction. We fabricated the channel waveguides on this glass using the ultrafast laser inscription technique. The waveguides are written on this glass 100 mu m below the surface of the glass with a separation of 50 ae m by focusing the laser beam into the material using 0.67 NA lens. The laser parameters are set to 350 fs pulse duration at 100 KHz repetition rate. A range of writing energies with translation speeds 1 mm/s, 2 mm/s, 3 mm/s and 4 mm/s were investigated. After fabrication the waveguides facets were ground and polished to the optical quality to remove any tapering of the waveguide close to the edges. We characterized the loss measurement by butt coupling method and the mode field image of the waveguides has been captured to compare with the mode field image of fibers. Also we compared the asymmetry in the shape of the waveguide and its photo structural change using Raman spectra.


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We report here, a finite difference thermal diffusion (FDTD) model for controlling the cross-section and the guiding nature of the buried channel waveguides fabricated on GeGaS bulk glasses using the direct laser writing technique. Optimization of the laser parameters for guiding at wavelength 1550 nm is done experimentally and compared with the theoretical values estimated by FDTD model. The mode field diameter (MFD) between 5.294 mu m and 24.706 mu m were attained by suitable selection of writing speed (1mm/s to 4 mm/s) and pulse energy (623 nJ to 806 nJ) of the laser at a fixed repletion rate of 100 kHz. Transition from single-mode to multi-mode waveguide is observed at pulse energy 806nJ as a consequence of heat accumulation. The thermal diffusion model fits well for single-mode waveguides with the exception of multi-mode waveguides.


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Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetric (ADSC) studies on quaternary Ge15Te80-xIn5Agx glasses show the non-reversing enthalpy (Delta H-NR) at T-g to exhibit a broad global minimum in the 8% <= x <= 16% range of Ag, an observation that is taken evidence for existence of an Intermediate Phase (IP) in that range. Glasses at x < 8% are in the flexible phase while those at x > 16% in the stressed-rigid phase. The nature of crystalline phases formed upon crystallization of bulk glasses are elucidated by XRD studies, and reveal presence of Te, GeTe, Ag8GeTe6, AgTe, In2Te3 and In4Te3 phases. These experiments also reveal that the fraction of Ag- bearing phases increases while those of Te- bearing ones decreases with increasing x, suggesting progressive replacement of Te-Te bonds by Ag-Te bonds. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Monophasic Ba2NaNb5O15 was crystallized at nanometer scale (12-36 nm) in 2BaO-0.5Na(2)O-2.5Nb(2)O(5)- 4.5B(2)O(3) glass system. To begin with, optically transparent glasses, in this system, were fabricated via the conventional melt. quenching technique. The amorphous and glassy characteristics of the as-quenched samples were respectively confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction and differential thermal analyses. Nearly homogeneous distribution of Ba2NaNb5O15 (BNN) nanocrystals associated with tungsten bronze structure akin to their bulk parent structure was accomplished by subjecting the as-fabricated glasses to appropriate heat-treatment temperatures. Indeed transmission electron microscopy (TEM) carried out on these samples corroborated the presence of Ba2NaNb5O15 nanocrystals dispersed in a continuous glass matrix. The as-quenched glasses were similar to 75% transparent in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The optical band gap and refractive index were found to have crystallite size (at nanoscale) dependence. The optical band gap increased with the decrease in crystallite size. The refractive indices of the glass nanocrystal composites as determined by Brewster angle method were rationalized using different empirical models. The refractive index dispersion with wavelength of light was analyzed on the basis of the Sellmeier relations. At room temperature under UV excitation (355 nm) these glass nanocrystal composites displayed violet-blue emission which was ascribed to the defects states.


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We present direct experimental signatures of a nonequilibrium phase transition associated with the yield point of a prototypical soft solid-a binary colloidal glass. By simultaneously quantifying single-particle dynamics and bulk mechanical response, we identified the threshold for the onset of irreversibility with the yield strain. We extracted the relaxation time from the transient behavior of the loss modulus and found that it diverges in the vicinity of the yield strain. This critical slowing down is accompanied by a growing correlation length associated with the size of regions of high Debye-Waller factor, which are precursors to yield events in glasses. Our results affirm that the paradigm of nonequilibrium critical phenomena is instrumental in achieving a holistic understanding of yielding in soft solids.


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The present study discusses the photosensitivity of GeS2 chalcogenide glass in response to irradiation with femtosecond pulses at 1047 nm. Bulk GeS2 glasses are prepared by conventional melt quenching technique and the amorphous nature of the glass is confirmed using X-ray diffraction. Ultrafast laser inscription technique is used to fabricate the straight channel waveguides in the glass. Single scan and multi scan waveguides are inscribed in GeS2 glasses of length 0.65 cm using a master oscillator power amplifier Yb doped fiber laser (IMRA mu jewel D400) with different pulse energy and translation speed. Diameters of the inscribed waveguides are measured and its dependence on the inscription parameters such as translation speed and pulse energy is studied. Butt coupling method is used to characterize the loss measurement of the inscribed optical waveguides. The mode field image of the waveguides is captured using CCD camera and compared with the mode field image of a standard SMF-28 fibers.