270 resultados para Bufo marinus


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A model to estimate the mean monthly growth of Crassostrea virginica oysters in Chesapeake Bay was developed. This model is based on the classic von Bertalanffy growth function, however the growth constant is changed every monthly timestep in response to short term changes in temperature and salinity. Using a dynamically varying growth constant allows the model to capture seasonal oscillations in growth, and growth responses to changing environmental conditions that previous applications of the von Bertalanffy model do not capture. This model is further expanded to include an estimation of Perkinsus marinus impacts on growth rates as well as estimations of ecosystem services provided by a restored oyster bar over time. The model was validated by comparing growth estimates from the model to oyster shell height observations from a variety of restoration sites in the upper Chesapeake Bay. Without using the P. marinus impact on growth, the model consistently overestimates mean oyster growth. However, when P. marinus effects are included in the model, the model estimates match the observed mean shell height closely for at least the first 3 years of growth. The estimates of ecosystem services suggested by this model imply that even with high levels of mortality on an oyster reef, the ecosystem services provided by that reef can still be maintained by growth for several years. Because larger oyster filter more water than smaller ones, larger oysters contribute more to the filtration and nutrient removal ecosystem services of the reef. Therefore a reef with an abundance of larger oysters will provide better filtration and nutrient removal. This implies that if an oyster restoration project is trying to improve water quality through oyster filtration, it is important to maintain the larger older oysters on the reef.


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Differential phenological responses to climate among species are predicted to disrupt trophic interactions, but datasets to evaluate this are scarce. We compared phenological trends for species from 4 levels of a North Sea food web over 24 yr when sea surface temperature (SST) increased significantly. We found little consistency in phenological trends between adjacent trophic levels, no significant relationships with SST, and no significant pairwise correlations between predator and prey phenologies, suggesting that trophic mismatching is occurring. Finer resolution data on timing of peak energy demand (mid-chick-rearing) for 5 seabird species at a major North Sea colony were compared to modelled daily changes in length of 0-group (young of the year) lesser sandeels Ammodytes marinus. The date at which sandeels reached a given threshold length became significantly later during the study. Although the phenology of all the species except shags also became later, these changes were insufficient to keep pace with sandeel length, and thus mean length (and energy value) of 0-group sandeels at mid-chick-rearing showed net declines. The magnitude of declines in energy value varied among the seabirds, being more marked in species showing no phenological response (shag, 4.80 kJ) and in later breeding species feeding on larger sandeels (kittiwake, 2.46 kJ) where, due to the relationship between sandeel length and energy value being non-linear, small reductions in length result in relatively large reductions in energy. However, despite the decline in energy value of 0-group sandeels during chick-rearing, there was no evidence of any adverse effect on breeding success for any of the seabird species. Trophic mismatch appears to be prevalent within the North Sea pelagic food web, suggesting that ecosystem functioning may be disrupted.


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The lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus is a key species in the North Sea ecosystem, transferring energy from planktonic producers to top predators. Previous studies have shown a long-term decline in the size of 0-group sandeels in the western North Sea, but they were unable to pinpoint the mechanism (later hatching, slower growth or changes in size-dependent mortality) or cause. To investigate the first 2 possibilities we combined 2 independent time series of sandeel size, namely data from chick-feeding Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica and from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), in a novel statistical model implemented using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The model estimated annual mean length on 1 July, as well as hatching date and growth rate for sandeels from 1973 to 2006. Mean length-at-date declined by 22% over this period, corresponding to a 60% decrease in energy content, with a sharper decline since 2002. Up to the mid-1990s, the decline was associated with a trend towards later hatching. Subsequently, hatching became earlier again, and the continued trend towards smaller size appears to have been driven by lower growth rates, particularly in the most recent years, although we could not rule out changes in size-dependent mortality. Our findings point to major changes in key aspects of sandeel life history, which we consider are most likely due to direct and indirect temperature-related changes over a range of biotic factors, including the seasonal distribution of copepods and intra- and inter-specific competition with planktivorous fish. The results have implications both for the many predators of sandeels and for age and size of maturation in this aggregation of North Sea sandeels.


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Spatiotemporal variation in seabird demographic parameters is often pronounced and may be an important source of information on the state of marine ecosystems. Black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla in Britain and Ireland show strong regional structure in breeding productivity, and both temporal and spatial variation are probably related to abundance of the principal prey of breeding kittiwakes, the lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus. Annual regional estimates of sandeel abundance do not exist, prohibiting direct tests of this hypothesis. We examined relationships between kittiwake breeding productivity and 2 potential proxies of sandeel abundance, winter sea surface temperature (SST) and abundance of Calanus copepods, within and among 6 regions in Britain and Ireland from 1986 to 2004. Means and trends in winter SST differed among regions, with higher means and less pronounced increasing trends in western (Atlantic) regions than in eastern (North Sea) regions. A negative relationship between breeding productivity and winter SST in the previous year was found within 2 regions (East Scotland and Orkney), as well as in a cross-regional analysis. Results were inconclusive for Calanus abundance, with a positive relationship in East Scotland and negative in Orkney. These results demonstrate that although a single environmental driver (SST) is related to both within- and between-region variation in a key demographic parameter, regional heterogeneity in SST trends as well as the importance of other factors may lead to highly variable responses. Understanding this heterogeneity is critical for predicting long-term effects of climate change or other anthropogenic drivers on marine ecosystems.


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Early recruitment indices based on larval fish data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) have the potential to inform stock assessments of Ammodytes marinus in the North Sea. We evaluate whether the CPR data are reliable for sandeel larvae. Spatially, CPR larval data were comparable with catches by dedicated larval samplers (Gulf and bongo nets) during ICES coordinated surveys in 2004 and 2009. ICES data are also used to explore environmental influences on sandeel distributions. Temporally, CPR data correlate with larval data from plankton surveys off Stonehaven (1999–2005), with sandeel 0-group trawl data at the east Fair Isle ground (since 1984), and with recruitment data (since 1983) for the Dogger Banks stock assessment area. Therefore, CPR data may provide an early recruit index of relative abundance for the Dogger Banks assessment area, where the majority of the commercial catch of A. marinus is taken, and the Wee Bankie area that is particularly important for seabird foraging. While warm conditions may stimulate the production of sandeel larvae, their natural mortality is typically greater, in the Dogger Banks and Wadden Sea areas, when the larvae are hatched in warm years and/or with abundant 1-year-old sandeel that are likely to be cannibalistic.


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Top predators, particularly seabirds, have repeatedly been suggested as indicators of marine ecosystem status. One region currently under pressure from human fisheries and climate change is the North Sea. Standardized seabird monitoring data have been collected on the Isle of May, an important seabird colony in the northwestern North Sea, over the last 10–20 years. Over this period oceanographic conditions have varied markedly, and between 1990 and 1999 a major industrial fishery for sandlance (Ammodytes marinus), the main prey of most seabird species, was prosecuted nearby. Sandlance fishing grounds close to seabird colonies down the east coast of the UK were closed in 2000 in an attempt to improve foraging opportunities for breeding seabirds, particularly black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). Initially this closure seemed to be beneficial for kittiwakes with breeding success recovering to pre-fishery levels. However, despite the ban continuing, kittiwakes and many other seabird species in the North Sea suffered severe breeding failures in 2004. In this paper, we test the predictive power of four previously established correlations between kittiwake breeding success and climatic/trophic variables to explain the observed breeding success at the Isle of May in 2004. During the breeding season, kittiwakes at this colony switch from feeding on 1+ group to 0 group sandlance, and results up until 2003 indicated that availability of both age classes had a positive effect on kittiwake breeding success. The low breeding success of kittiwakes in 2004 was consistent with the late appearance and small body size of 0 group sandlance, but at odds with the two variables likely to operate via 1 group availability (lagged winter sea surface temperature and larval sandlance cohort strength in 2003). The reason for the discrepancy is currently unknown, but analysis of 1 group sandlance body composition indicated that lipid content in 2004 was extremely low, and thus fish eaten by kittiwakes during pre-breeding and early incubation were likely to be of poor quality. Monitoring of reproductive success of kittiwakes, although useful, was clearly not sufficient to tease apart the complex causation underlying the 2004 event. Monitoring programs such as this, therefore, need to be complemented by detailed research to identify the mechanisms involved, and to attribute and predict the effects of natural and human-induced environmental change.


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The development of methods providing reliable estimates of demographic parameters (e. g., survival rates, fecundity) for wild populations is essential to better understand the ecology and conservation requirements of individual species. A number of methods exist for estimating the demographics of stage-structured populations, but inherent mathematical complexity often limits their uptake by conservation practitioners. Estimating survival rates for pond-breeding amphibians is further complicated by their complex migratory and reproductive behaviours, often resulting in nonobservable states and successive cohorts of eggs and tadpoles. Here we used comprehensive data on 11 distinct breeding toad populations (Bufo calamita) to clarify and assess the suitability of a relatively simple method [the Kiritani-Nakasuji-Manly (KNM) method] to estimate the survival rates of stage-structured populations with overlapping life stages. The study shows that the KNM method is robust and provides realistic estimates of amphibian egg and larval survival rates for species in which breeding can occur as a single pulse or over a period of several weeks. The study also provides estimates of fecundity for seven distinct toad populations and indicates that it is essential to use reliable estimates of fecundity to limit the risk of under- or overestimating the survival rates when using the KNM method. Survival and fecundity rates for B. calamita populations were then used to define population matrices and make a limited exploration of their growth and viability. The findings of the study recently led to the implementation of practical conservation measures at the sites where populations were most vulnerable to extinction. © 2010 The Society of Population Ecology and Springer.


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Studies of trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs) typically focus on effects higher predators have on per capita consumption by intermediate consumers of a third, basal prey resource. TMIIs are usually evidenced by changes in feeding rates of intermediate consumers and/or differences in densities of this third species. However, understanding and predicting effects of TMIIs on population stability of such basal species requires examination of the type and magnitude of the functional responses exhibited towards them. Here, in a marine intertidal system consisting of a higher-order fish predator, the shanny Lipophrys pholis, an intermediate predator, the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus, and a basal prey resource, the isopod Jaera nordmanni, we detected TMIIs, demonstrating the importance of habitat complexity in such interactions, by deriving functional responses and exploring consequences for prey population stability. Echinogammarus marinus reacted to fish predator diet cues by reducing activity, a typical anti-predator response, but did not alter habitat use. Basal prey, Jaera nordmanni, did not respond to fish diet cues with respect to activity, distribution or aggregation behaviour. Echinogammarus marinus exhibited type II functional responses towards J. nordmanni in simple habitat, but type III functional responses in complex habitat. However, while predator cue decreased the magnitude of the type II functional response in simple habitat, it increased the magnitude of the type III functional response in complex habitat. These findings indicate that, in simple habitats, TMIIs may drive down consumption rates within type II responses, however, this interaction may remain de-stabilising for prey populations. Conversely, in complex habitats, TMIIs may strengthen regulatory influences of intermediate consumers on prey populations, whilst potentially maintaining prey population stability. We thus highlight that TMIIs can have unexpected and complex ramifications throughout communities, but can be unravelled by considering effects on intermediate predator functional response types and magnitudes.


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Empirical studies of the spatiotemporal dynamics of populations are required to better understand natural fluctuations in abundance and reproductive success, and to better target conservation and monitoring programmes. In particular, spatial synchrony in amphibian populations remains little studied. We used data from a comprehensive three year study of natterjack toad Bufo calamita populations breeding at 36 ponds to assess whether there was spatial synchrony in the toad breeding activity (start and length of breeding season, total number of egg strings) and reproductive success (premetamorphic survival and production of metamorphs). We defined a novel approach to assess the importance of short-term synchrony at both local and regional scales. The approach employs similarity indices and quantifies the interaction between the temporal and spatial components of populations using mixed effects models. There was no synchrony in the toad breeding activity and reproductive success at the local scale, suggesting that populations function as individual clusters independent of each other. Regional synchrony was apparent in the commencement and duration of the breeding season and in the number of egg strings laid (indicative of female population size). Regional synchrony in both rainfall and temperature are likely to explain the patterns observed (e.g. Moran effect). There was no evidence supporting regional synchrony in reproductive success, most likely due to spatial variability in the environmental conditions at the breeding ponds, and to differences in local population fitness (e.g. fecundity). The small scale asynchronous dynamics and regional synchronous dynamics in the number of breeding females indicate that it is best to monitor several populations within a subset of regions. Importantly, variations in the toad breeding activity and reproductive success are not synchronous, and it is thus important to consider them both when assessing the conservation status of pond-breeding amphibians. © 2012 The Authors. Ecography © 2012 Nordic Society Oikos.


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Albinus Andegavensis (251v).Alexander, Eventius et Theodulus (333v).Alexander episcopus Alexandrie (243).Amandus (194v).Amator Autissiodorensis (319v).Ambrosius (290v).Ananias (170v).Ancolianus (206v).Andeolus (314).Archadius (32).Athanasius (326v).Austregisilus Bituricensis (363).Baltildis (135).Baudelius (361).Bonitus (38v).Concordius (2).Crucis inventio (332).Decem millia mart. (239v).Eufrasia (213).Eutropius (313)Faustinus et Jobitta (229v).Felix, Fortunatus et Achilleus (296v).Felix Nolanus (33v).Felix Tubitanensis episcopus (36v).Fidolus (355).Fileas (189).Focas (255v).Fructuosus, Augurius et Eulogius (109v).Fulgencius (7).Gengulphus (343).Gennulphus (74v).Georgius (296).Grisogonus (269v).Honoratus Arelatensis (54).Hugo Gratianopolitanus (273v).lgnacius (178v).Jacobus minor (313v).Johannes Chrysostomus (145).Johannes presb. et conf. (175v).Juliana (236v).Julianus Cenomanensis (138v).Launomarus (101).Leobardus reclusus (98).Lucianus Antiochensis (24v).Lucianus Belvacensis (26v).Mapalicus (295).Marcellus papa (48v).Marciana (30v).Marcus ev. (305).Martina (2v).Maurus (174).Melanius Redonensis (21v).Pachomius (353v).Pancracius (342).Patroclus (111).Perpetus et Felicitas (260).Petrus et Andreas, Paulus et Dionysius (354).Petrus Balsamus (19v).Philemon, Choraula et Arrianus (262).Policarpus (128, 130).Poncius (347).Prejectus et Marinus (124).Quadraginta martyres (266v).Quiriacus episcopus (339).Richarius (309).Ricmarus (94v).Robertus abbas (299).Saturninus (223).Savinianus (122).Scolastica (207).Severinus (210).Sigismundus (318).Siviardus (254).Speusippus, Eleusippus et Meleusippus (67).Theodosia (285).Theogenes (20).Timotheus (114).Tirsus (161).Torpes (357v).Trifon (183).Victor et Corona (351v).Vincentius (115).Vincentius, Oruncius et Victor (118).


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Contient : 1 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le mareschal de Cossé,... De Paris, ce VIIIe octobre 1572 » ; 2 Lettre de « HENRY [duc D'ANJOU]... à mon cousyn monsieur de Nevers » ; 3 Lettre de « HENRY [duc D'ANJOU]... à mon cousyn monsieur de Nevers... 1571 » ; 4 Lettre de « MARIE [STUART]... reine d'Escosse... à mon cousin monssieur le duc de Nevers,... De Chefild, ce dernier juillet... 1573 » ; 5 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le duc de Nyvernoys,... Escript à Mouceaulx, le VIIe jour de septembre 1570 » ; 6 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à messrs de Matignon et de Carrouges,... mes lieutenans generaulx en Normandie... Escript à Angers, le XXVIme jour de fevrier 1570 » ; 7 Brevet de don promis par le roi « CHARLES [IX]... à Jacques Chany, Chazay, Guyon et Le Nepveu, ses valetz de garderobbe... Septme jour de septembre mil V.C. soixante troys.... A Gaillon » ; 8 « Sommario di tutte le cose passate nella dieta di Spira l'anno 1570 ». En italien ; 9 « Estat general des forces tant de cheval que de pied que le roy a ordonnées pres de luy pour son camp et armée, et en Champaigne pres monsieur de Guise,... Faict à Paris, le XXme jour d'octobre 1575 ». Copie ; 10 « Estat abregé des compagnies de gendarmes que le roy entretient à son service... 1576 ». Copie ; 11 « Estat des regimens de gens de pied françois... Faict au conseil tenu en la presence du roy à Paris, le IIe jour de septembre 1576 ». Copie ; 12 « Estat abregé des compaignies de gens d'armes des lieux et provinces où elles sont destinées, et de celles qui doibvent faire monstre tant en l'armée devant la Charité que en celle conduicte par monsieur le duc du Mayne,... 12 may 1577 ». Copie ; 13 « Estat des forces tant de cheval que de pied que le roy veult employer en Languedoc pour son service ». Copie ; 14 Copie de cinq pièces relatives à la suppression des « arrests et jugements donnés contre... le sieur de Chastillon, amiral de France » ; 15 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le duc de Nemoux, gouverneur... en Lyonnois... Escript à Chasteaubriand, le XXVIIe jour d'avril 1570 » ; 16 Lettre de « H[ENRI] DE MONTMORANCEY,... à monsieur... le duc de Nemours,... De Thoulouse, ce premier de mars 1570 » ; 17 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à messrs de Matignon et de Carrouges, lieutenans generaulx en Normandie... Escript à Angers, le XXVIme jour de fevrier 1570 » ; 18 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... lieutenant general en Normandie... Escript à St Germain en Laye, le IIIIe jour de aoust 1570 » ; 19 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript à St Germain des Prez lez Paris, le IIIIe jour de nobre 1570 » ; 20 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... Escript au chasteau de Boullongne, le XXVIIIe jour de janvier 1571 » ; 21 Mémoire relatif aux affaires d'Italie, envoyé au duc de Nevers par LOUIS DE BIRAGUE. Bologne, 15 février 1571. En italien ; 22 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX] » au « grand empereur des Moussurmans, sultan Selin Han,... Escript à Lyons, le XXIXe jour de may 1571 ». Copie ; 23 Lettre de « C[HARLES], cardinal de Lorraine,... à monseigneur le comte de Secondigny, mareschal de France... De l'abbaye de Lavaudieu en Ardennes, ce Vme jour de novembre 1571 » ; 24 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à mon cousin le mareschal de Cossé,... Escript au Lude, le VIe jour de novembre 1571 » ; 25 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le mareschal de Cossé,... Escript à Duretal, le XXIIIIe jour de novembre 1571 » ; 26 Lettre de l'amiral GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Chastillon, ce XXIXe d'avril 1572 » ; 27 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript à Paris, le XXVIe jour de aoust 1572 » ; 28 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le duc de Montpensier, gouverneur... en Bretaigne... Escript à Paris, le XXVIIme jour de aoust 1572 » ; 29 Lettre de « HENRY [duc D'ANJOU]... à mon cousin le duc de Montpensier, gouverneur... en Bretaigne.. Escript à Paris, le XXVIIe jour de aoust 1572 » ; 30 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... mon lieutenant general au gouvernement de Normandie... Escript à Paris, septembre 1572 » ; 31 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript à Paris, le XXIe jour de septembre 1572 » ; 32 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript à Paris, le XXIIe jour de septembre 1572 » ; 33 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript à Paris, le XXIIIIe jour de septembre 1572 » ; 34 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le duc de Montpensier, gouverneur... en mes pays et duché de Bretaigne... Escript à Paris, le XVIIme jour d'octobre 1572 » ; 35 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le conte de Secondigny, mareschal de France... Escript à Vaujour, le IIIIe jour de novembre 1572 » ; 36 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le duc de Nevers,... gouverneur et mon lieutenant general delà les montz... Escript à La Hussaye, le XXe jour de novembre 1572 » ; 37 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à mes cousin les cardinal de Crecquy, duc de Nevers et mareschal de Tavanes,... Escrit à Nantouillet, ce XXe nobre 1572 » ; 38 Lettre de « HENRY [duc D'ANJOU]... à mes cousins les cardinal de Crecquy, duc de Nevers et mareschal de Tavannes,... Escrit à Nantouillet, ce XXe nobre 1572 » ; 39 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à mes cousins les ducs de Nevers et mareschal de Tavanes,... Escrit à Monceaulx, le XXIe nobre 1572 » ; 40 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mes cousins les duc de Nevers et marechal de Tavannes,... Escript à La Houssaye, le XXIIe jour de novembre 1572 » ; 41 Lettre du roi « CHARLES » IX à « monseigneur de Matignon,... Escript à St Liger, le Xme jour de mars 1573 » ; 42 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandie... Escript à Fontainebleau, le XXVIIe jour de mars 1573 » ; 43 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'ung de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript à Fontainebleau, le XXIe jour d'avril 1573 » ; 44 Lettre donnant « des nouvelles de la court... De Pons, ce 14e de janvier 1563 » ; 45 « Coppie d'une instruction faicte par monseigneur [LOUIS DE GONZAGUE], duc DE NEVERS, pour le Sr Camille,... allant à la cour... Au camp, 22 may 1573 » ; 46 Lettre de « HENRY [duc D'ANJOU]... à mon cousin monseigneur le duc de Nemoux,... Escript au camp devant La Rochelle, le VIe jour de juin 1573 » ; 47 Lettre de « MARINUS GRIMANO,... dux Venetiarum... Dominae Annae, ducissae de Nemurs,... Die XXII augusti... M.D.C.V » ; 48 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le duc de Montpensier,... gouverneur... en mon pays et duché de Bretaigne... Escript à Paris, le XIXe jour de novembre 1573 » ; 49 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'ung de mes lieutenans generaulx en Normandie... Escript à St Germain en Laie » ; 50 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... mon lieutenant general en Normandye... Escrit à St Germain en Laye, le XXIXe jour de janvier 1574 » ; 51 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... Escript à St Germain en Laye, le XXe jour de febvrier 1574 » ; 52 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript à St Germain en Laye, le XXe jour de fevrier 1574 » ; 53 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à mon cousin le duc de Nyvernoys,... gouverneur delà les montz... Escript au chasteau de Vincennes, le XXVIIIe jour de mars 1574 » ; 54 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... mon lieutenant general au gouvernement de Normandye... Escript au chasteau de Vincennes, le XXIe jour d'avril 1574 » ; 55 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx en Normandye... Escript au chasteau de Vincennes, le quatrme jour de may 1574 » ; 56 Lettre du roi « CHARLES » IX à « monseigneur de Matignon,... Escript au chasteau de Vincennes, le XVe may 1574 » ; 57 Lettre du roi « CHARLES [IX]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un de mes lieutenans generaulx en Normandie... Escript au bois de Vincennes, le XXIXe jour de may 1574 » ; 58 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un [des] lieutenans generaulx [du roi] en Normandie... Escript au bois de Vincennes, le XXXe jour de may 1574 » ; 59 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à monseigneur de Matignon,... l'un [des] lieutenans generaulx [du roi] en Normandye... Escript au boys de Vincennes, le dernier jour de may 1574 » ; 60 Lettre de « CATERINE [DE MEDICIS]... à mon cousin monsieur de Nemours,... De Bloys, cet XIIIIme d'octobre 1575 » ; 61 Lettre du roi « HENRY [III]... à mon oncle monsieur de Montpancyer,... De Paris, le troisiesme jour de... septembre 1576 » ; 62 Mémoire de ROBERT DE LA MARCK, maréchal de France, adressé au roi Henri II, et contenant copie de deux lettres du « Sr DE BERLAYMONT », datées de « Bruxelles, les XXVIIIme et XXIXme janvier 1555 » ; 63 Lettre d'ODET DE COLIGNY « cardinal DE CHASTILLON » et de GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Chastillon, ce XXme avril 1568 » ; 64 Lettre de GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... A Aigreville, ce XIIIe fevrier [15]68 » ; 65 Lettre de GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Moullins, ce XXVIIe jour de janvier 1566 » ; 66 Lettre de GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Chastillon, ce XIXe jour de mars 1565 » ; 67 Lettre d'ODET DE COLIGNY, « cardinal DE CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... D'Amboise, ce dernier jour de mars 1557 » ; 68 Lettre de GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Chastillon, ce VIIIe de janvier 1564 » ; 69 Lettre de GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Chastillon, ce premier de juing 1563 » ; 70 Lettre de GASPARD DE COLIGNY, Sr DE « CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Chastillon, ce dernier jour de may 1563 » ; 71 « La Forme des articles que monseigneur le duc de Nemours accorde estre arrestez entre luy et monsieur de Chastillon » ; 72 « Domini Ludovici Petri Collinaei et dominae Jacobae, ejus uxoris, matrimonium et dos... Anno millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo... die sexto decimo mensis augusti, Ferrariae » ; 73 État du parlement de « Pietmont » ; 74 Lettre d'ODET DE COLIGNY, « cardinal DE CHASTILLON,... à madame... la duchesse de Ferrare,... De Cantorbery, ce dernier decembre 1570 » ; 75-77 Trois extraits « d'un livre de l'artillerie »


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Background: Routine screening of scoliosis is a controversial subject and screening efforts vary greatly around the world. METHODS: Consensus was sought among an international group of experts (seven spine surgeons and one clinical epidemiologist) using a modified Delphi approach. The consensus achieved was based on careful analysis of a recent critical review of the literature on scoliosis screening, performed using a conceptual framework of analysis focusing on five main dimensions: technical, clinical, program, cost and treatment effectiveness. FINDINGS: A consensus was obtained in all five dimensions of analysis, resulting in 10 statements and recommendations. In summary, there is scientific evidence to support the value of scoliosis screening with respect to technical efficacy, clinical, program and treatment effectiveness, but there insufficient evidence to make a statement with respect to cost effectiveness. Scoliosis screening should be aimed at identifying suspected cases of scoliosis that will be referred for diagnostic evaluation and confirmed, or ruled out, with a clinically significant scoliosis. The scoliometer is currently the best tool available for scoliosis screening and there is moderate evidence to recommend referral with values between 5 degrees and 7 degrees. There is moderate evidence that scoliosis screening allows for detection and referral of patients at an earlier stage of the clinical course, and there is low evidence suggesting that scoliosis patients detected by screening are less likely to need surgery than those who did not have screening. There is strong evidence to support treatment by bracing. INTERPRETATION: This information statement by an expert panel supports scoliosis screening in 4 of the 5 domains studied, using a framework of analysis which includes all of the World Health Organisation criteria for a valid screening procedure.


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Volúmen que recoge las actas de las Segundas Jornadas Internacionales de Psicología y Educación celebrado en Madrid en 1986. El libro se estructura en dos grandes apartados: en el primero se recogen las aportaciones de los conferenciantes, en los que se da un repaso a los avances de la investigación internacional en el ámplio campo de la psicología de la educación : los entornos educativos y los procesos de adquisición del conocimiento y los modelos del desarrollo que se propician en ellos son los protagonistas de esta primera parte. La segunda parte, reúne las ponencias y comunicaciones temáticas con el objetivo de ofrecer una panorámica del trabajo autóctono en áreas específicas de la educación : los procesos de educación, psicología y educación especial, la psicopedagogía del lenguaje oral, de la lectoescritura, la enseñanza de las matemáticas, de las ciencias sociales, de las ciencias físico-naturales y nuevas tecnologías.


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