1000 resultados para Brunt-V


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In Smith v Lucht [2014] QDC 302 McGill DCJ considered whether in Queensland the concept of abuse of process was sufficiently broad as to encompass circumstances in which the resources of the court and the parties to be expended to determine the claim were out of all proportion to the interest at stake. Stay of proceedings - abuse of process - whether disproportionality between interest at stake and costs of litigating may amount to abuse of process - plaintiff with good cause of action entitled to pursue it.


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pBR322 form V DNA is a highly torsionally strained molecule with a linking number of zero. We have used sequence- specific DNA methylases as probes for B-DNA in this molecule, exploiting the inability of methylases to methylate single-stranded DNA and Z-DNA, both of which are known to occur in form V DNA. Some sequences in form V DNA were shown to be totally in the B-form, others were totally in an altered, unmethylatable conformation, while still other sites appeared to exist partly in altered and partly in normal B-conformation. Some potential Z-forming sequences (alternating pyrimidine/purine) of less than seven base-pairs were not in the Z conformation in form V DNA, whereas others did adopt an altered structure, indicating a modulating influence of flanking sequences. Furthermore, regions of imperfect alternating pyrimidine/purine structure were sometimes capable of adopting an altered structure. In addition, some regions of altered structure had no apparent Z-forming sequences, nor were they in polypurine stretches, which have also been proposed to form left-handed DNA. These non-B-DNA conformations may represent novel left-handed helical structures or sequences that become single stranded under torsional strain. Long regions of either altered (unmethylatable) DNA or B-DNA were not always observed. In fact, one region showed three transitions between B-like DNA and altered structure within 26 base-pairs.


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L-Serine-L-ascorbic acid, C3HTNOa. C6HsO6, a 1:1 complex between the amino acid serine and the vitamin ascorbic acid, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2~2~2~ with four formula units in a cell of dimensions a = 5.335(3), b = 8.769(2), c = 25.782 (5) A. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least squares to an R of 0.036 for 951 observed reflections. Both molecules are neutral in the structure. The conformation of the serine molecule is different from that observed in the crystal structures of L-serine, DL-serine and L-serine monohydrate. The enediol group in the ascorbic acid molecule is planar, whereas significant departures from planarity are observed in the lactone group. The conformation of this molecule is similar to that observed in arginine ascorbate. The unlike molecules aggregate into separate columns in the crystal structure. The columns are held together by hydrogen bonds. Among these, a pair of hydrogen bonds between the enediol group of ascorbic acid and the carboxylate group of serine provides a possible model for a specific interaction between ascorbic acid and a carboxylate ion.


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A simplified yet analytical approach on few ballistic properties of III-V quantum wire transistor has been presented by considering the band non-parabolicity of the electrons in accordance with Kane's energy band model using the Bohr-Sommerfeld's technique. The confinement of the electrons in the vertical and lateral directions are modeled by an infinite triangular and square well potentials respectively, giving rise to a two dimensional electron confinement. It has been shown that the quantum gate capacitance, the drain currents and the channel conductance in such systems are oscillatory functions of the applied gate and drain voltages at the strong inversion regime. The formation of subbands due to the electrical and structural quantization leads to the discreetness in the characteristics of such 1D ballistic transistors. A comparison has also been sought out between the self-consistent solution of the Poisson's-Schrodinger's equations using numerical techniques and analytical results using Bohr-Sommerfeld's method. The results as derived in this paper for all the energy band models gets simplified to the well known results under certain limiting conditions which forms the mathematical compatibility of our generalized theoretical formalism.


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The designs are drawn in the miniature style of postage stamps and include mock postage prices. Presumably this method was inspired by the shortage of paper at the camp in Gurs, Southern France, where these works were done; but specially this format is also used to stress the irony of the content, especially in the trio of design marked "Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite", aside from one marked "Avion de Gurs", all others are labelled simply " Gurs ", at the bottom as if this were the country of origin of a postal system.


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