986 resultados para Bronze Age


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This thesis concerns the analysis of the socio-economic transformation of communities in Bronze Age southwestern Cyprus. Through the adoption of a dialectical perspective of analysis, individuals and environment are considered part of the same unity: they are cooperating agents in shaping society and culture. The Bronze Age is a period of intense transformation in the organization of local communities, made of a continuous renegotiation of the socio-economic roles and interactions. The archaeological record from this portion of the island allows one to go beyond the investigation of the complex and articulated transition from the EBA-MBA agro-pastoral and self-sufficient communities to the LBA centralized and trade-oriented urban-centres. Through a shifting of analytical scales, the emerging picture suggests major transformations in the individual-community-territory dialectical relations. A profound change in the materials conditions of social life, as well as in the superstructural realm, was particularly entailed by the dissolution of the relation to the earth, due to the emergence of new forms of land exploitation/ownership and to the shift of the settlement pattern in previously unknown areas. One of the key points of this thesis is the methodological challenge of working with legacy survey data as I re-analysed a diverse archaeological legacy, which is the result of more than fifty years of survey projects, rescue and research-oriented excavations, as well as casual discoveries. Source critique and data evaluation are essential requirements in an integrative and cross-disciplinary regional perspective, in the comprehensive processing of heterogeneous archaeological and environmental datasets. Through the estimation of data precision and certainty, I developed an effective - but simple - method to critically evaluate existing datasets and to inter-correlate them without losing their original complexity. This powerful method for data integration can be applied to similar datasets belonging to other regions and other periods as it originates from the evaluation of larger methodological and theoretical issues that are not limited to my spatial and temporal focus. As I argue in this thesis, diverse archaeological legacies can be efficiently re-analysed through an integrative and regional methodology. The adoption of a regional scale of analysis can provide an excellent perspective on the complexity of transformations in ancient societies, thus creating a fundamental bridge between the local stories and grand landscape narratives.


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This study presents the results of a series of wool measurements from Bronze Age and Iron Age skins and textiles from Hallstatt, and Bronze Age textiles from Scandinavia and the Balkans. A new method of classification that was set up and applied on mostly mineralised Iron Age material has now been applied to a large body of non-mineralised material from the Bronze and Iron Ages. Three types of microscopes were used and their advantages and disadvantages assessed. The results of the investigation cast new light on sheep breeding and fibre processing in prehistoric Europe, and suggest that different sheep breeds existed in Bronze Age Europe.


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Each plate accompanied by guardsheet with dexcriptive letter-press.


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In 2003, the remains of an Early Iron Age bog body, known as ‘Oldcroghan Man’, were recovered during the cutting of a drainage ditch in a bog in the Irish Midlands. Only some fingernails and a withe fragment remained undisturbed in situ in the drain face, providing the sole evidence for the original position of the body. A detailed reconstruction of the depositional context of the body has been undertaken through multi-proxy analyses of a peat monolith collected at the findspot. The palynological record shows that the surrounding area was the focus of intensive human activity during the Later Bronze Age, but was largely abandoned during the Bronze Age–Iron transition in the mid-first millennium BC. In the mid-4th century BC, a bog pool developed at the site, evidenced in the stratigraphic, plant macrofossil, testate amoebae and coleopteran records. Plant macrofossil and pollen analysis of peat samples associated with the fingernails suggests that the body was deposited in this pool most likely during the 3rd century BC. The absence of carrion beetle fauna points to complete submergence of the body within the pool. Deposition occurred shortly before or around the time that the surrounding area again became the focus of woodland clearance, as seen in the extended pollen record from the peat monolith. This period corresponds to the Early Iron Age in Ireland, during which renewed cultural connections with Britain and continental Europe can be seen in the archaeological record and widespread forest clearance is recorded in pollen records from across Ireland. The palaeoenvironmental results indicate, therefore, that the demise of Oldcroghan Man took place at a pivotal time of socio-economic and perhaps political change.


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In summary, one may conclude that human influence in the Bokanjac area started in the Eneolithic or Earlier Bronze Age - the third to second millennia Cal. BC. Traces of agriculture are weak or missing in the pollen diagram but grazing is indicated. Chestnut and walnut were introduced by humans to the area in classical times. These findings are in general agreement with the results of earlier studies at coastal sites north-west and south-east of Bokanjacko Blato.


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This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.


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This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.


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The paper discusses the 2010-2015 studies of the radiocarbon chronology of Podolia ‘barrow cultures’ on the left bank of the middle dniester . The studies have relied on series of 14 C dates for the Klembivka 1, Pidlisivka 1, Porohy 3a and Prydnistryanske 1 sites determined in Kyiv and Poznań laboratories . They are the first attempt to construct a regional (‘Yampil’) radiocarbon scale for ‘Early Bronze’ funerary rites (4th/3rd-2nd millennium BC) as practised by barrow builders – the communities of the Tripolye and Yamnaya cultures – and the secondary barrow users – the designers of necropolises located on barrows – belonging to the Catacomb, Babyno and Noua cultures.


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O objectivo deste trabalho é criar acervo documental correspondente às catorze estelas funerárias da Idade do Bronze Final encontradas em território português, e, contribuir para o estudo das comunidades humanas que as criaram, tendo em conta que estas manifestações devem reflectir questões de índole social, económica e ideológica. A iconografia presente nestes monumentos e a sua distribuição, revelaram um núcleo de características predominantemente atlânticas, em estelas de sub-tipos mais recuados, localizadas nas regiões de Vila Real em Trás-os-Montes e Beira Interior que, por sua vez, se prolonga na Extremadura Espanhola. A concentração de monumentos de tipologia mais tardia e com influências do Mediterrâneo Oriental, verifica-se em zonas a sul, no Alentejo e Algarve e ao longo da bacia fluvial do rio Guadalquivir, em território espanhol. Estes factos corroboram assim, aspectos propostos nos anos setenta do século XX, por M. V. Gomes e J. P. Monteiro, que valorizaram as origens diferenciadas para os elementos iconográficos das estelas decoradas da Idade do Bronze Final, da Península Ibérica e ofereceram evolução cronológica de tais monumentos.


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[ES] El trabajo realiza una aproximación a la situación actual de los estudios de ADN antiguo humano en Europa, recopilando los datos de los individuos analizados hasta 2013 (n=700), a modo de síntesis interpretativa continental y regional de los territorios para los cuales se han obtenido resultados significativos (Centroeuropa, Cornisa Cantábrica, Mediterráneo occidental, Escandinavia-Báltico-Rusia y Alpes orientales). Las hipótesis se expresan en términos de continuidad o discontinuidad genética entre los grupos humanos habitantes de un territorio, centradas en la problemática de la neolitización, en una horquilla cronocultural del Paleolítico superior a la Edad del Bronce. Los resultados se resumen en (1) una preponderancia del clado mitocondrial U para muestras preneolíticas; (2) la posibilidad de una intrusión démica en una fase inicial de la neolitización centroeuropea -tipo N1a, con pérdida posterior de ese haplogrupo mitocondrial-; (3) la evidencia del proceso neolitizador como heterogéneo y con diferente impacto a escala regional; (4) una estabilización del acervo genético europeo actual como resultado de eventos postneolíticos; y (5) las posibilidades analíticas de la genética aplicada a las poblaciones antiguas como un instrumento de gran interés, observándose la necesidad de realizar más analíticas con recorrido diacrónico.