994 resultados para Brassica pekinensis L.


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Apoplastic α-glucosidases occur widely in plants but their function is unknown because appropriate substrates in the apoplast have not been identified. Arabidopsis contains at least three α-glucosidase genes; Aglu-1 and Aglu-3 are sequenced and Aglu-2 is known from six expressed sequence tags. Antibodies raised to a portion of Aglu-1 expressed in Escherichia coli recognize two proteins of 96 and 81 kD, respectively, in vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis, broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.), and mustard (Brassica napus L.). The acidic α-glucosidase activity from broccoli flower buds was purified using concanavalin A and ion-exchange chromatography. Two active fractions were resolved and both contained a 96-kD immunoreactive polypeptide. The N-terminal sequence from the 96-kD broccoli α-glucosidase indicated that it corresponds to the Arabidopsis Aglu-2 gene and that approximately 15 kD of the predicted N terminus was cleaved. The 81-kD protein was more abundant than the 96-kD protein, but it was not active with 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-glucopyranoside as the substrate and it did not bind to concanavalin A. In situ activity staining using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-α-d-glucopyranoside revealed that the acidic α-glucosidase activity is predominantly located in the outer cortex of broccoli stems and in vascular tissue, especially in leaf traces.


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Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) accumulates high tissue Se concentrations and volatilizes Se in relatively nontoxic forms, such as dimethylselenide. This study showed that the presence of bacteria in the rhizosphere of Indian mustard was necessary to achieve the best rates of plant Se accumulation and volatilization of selenate. Experiments with the antibiotic ampicillin showed that bacteria facilitated 35% of plant Se volatilization and 70% of plant tissue accumulation. These results were confirmed by inoculating axenic plants with rhizosphere bacteria. Compared with axenic controls, plants inoculated with rhizosphere bacteria had 5-fold higher Se concentrations in roots (the site of volatilization) and 4-fold higher rates of Se volatilization. Plants with bacteria contained a heat-labile compound in their root exudate; when this compound was added to the rhizosphere of axenic plants, Se accumulation in plant tissues increased. Plants with bacteria had an increased root surface area compared with axenic plants; the increased area was unlikely to have caused their increased tissue Se accumulation because they did not accumulate more Se when supplied with selenite or selenomethionine. Rhizosphere bacteria also possibly increased plant Se volatilization because they enabled plants to overcome a rate-limiting step in the Se volatilization pathway, i.e. Se accumulation in plant tissues.


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The distribution of S to sulfate, glucosinolates, glutathione, and the insoluble fraction within oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) leaves of different ages was investigated during vegetative growth. The concentrations of glutathione and glucosinolates increased from the oldest to the youngest leaves, whereas the opposite was observed for SO42−. The concentration of insoluble S was similar among all of the leaves. At sufficient S supply and in the youngest leaves, 2% of total S was allocated to glutathione, 6% to glucosinolates, 50% to the insoluble fraction, and the remainder accumulated as SO42−. In the middle and oldest leaves, 70% to 90% of total S accumulated as SO42−, whereas glutathione and glucosinolates together accounted for less than 1% of S. When the S supply was withdrawn (minus S), the concentrations of all S-containing compounds, particularly SO42−, decreased in the youngest and middle leaves. Neither glucosinolates nor glutathione were major sources of S during S deficiency. Plants grown on nutrient solution containing minus S and low N were less deficient than plants grown on solution containing minus S and high N. The effect of N was explained by differences in growth rate. The different responses of leaves of different ages to S deficiency have to be taken into account for the development of field diagnostic tests to determine whether plants are S deficient.


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Regulation of apoplastic NH4+ concentration in leaves of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was studied using a vacuum-infiltration technique that allowed controlled manipulations of the apoplastic solution. In leaves infiltrated with NH4+-free solution, the apoplastic NH4+ concentration returned in less than 1.5 min to the preinfiltration level of 0.8 mm. Infiltrated 15NH4+ was rapidly diluted by 14NH4+/14NH3 effluxed from the cell. The exchange rate of 15N/14N over the apoplast due to combined 14N efflux from the symplast and 15N influx from the apoplastic solution was 29.4 μmol g−1 fresh weight h−1 between 0 and 5 min after infiltration. The net uptake of NH4+ into the leaf cells increased linearly with apoplastic NH4+ concentrations between 2 and 10 mm and could be partially inhibited by the channel inhibitors La3+ and tetraethylammonium and by Na+ and K+. When apoplastic pH increased from 5.0 to 8.0, the steady-state apoplastic NH4+ concentration decreased from 1.0 to 0.3 mm. Increasing temperature increased the rate of NH4+ net uptake and reduced the apoplastic steady-state NH4+ concentration. We conclude that the apoplastic solution in leaves of oilseed rape constitutes a highly dynamic NH4+ pool.


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The Asparagus officinalis L. asparagine (Asn) synthetase (AS) promoter was analysed for elements responding to carbohydrate and senescence signals. Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana L. plants containing deletion constructs of the –1958 bp AS promoter linked to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (AS::GUS) were analysed by measuring GUS specific activity. Inclusion of sucrose (Suc), glucose (Glc) or fructose (Fru) in plant media repressed levels of GUS activity in –1958AS::GUS plants, regardless of the light environment, with increases in GUS found 1 d after incubation on Suc-lacking media. Hexokinase is likely to be involved in the signal pathway, as Suc, Glc, Fru, 2-deoxy-d-glucose and mannose were more effective repressors than 3-O-methylglucose, and the hexokinase inhibitor mannoheptulose reduced repression. Plants containing AS::GUS constructs with deletions that reduced the promoter to less than –405 bp did not show low sugar induction. AS::GUS activity was significantly higher in excised leaves induced to senesce by dark storage for 24 h, compared to fresh leaves, for lines containing at least –640 bp of the AS promoter but not those with –523 bp or smaller promoter fragments. Fusion of the –640 to –523 bp region to a –381AS::GUS construct generated a promoter that retained senescence induction but lacked low sugar induction. Alignment of this region to the 33-bp senescence-related sequence of the Arabidopsis and Brassica napus L. SAG12 promoters identified the sequence TTGCACG as being conserved in all the promoters, and which may be an important senescence-responsive element.


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Postharvest senescence in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var Italica) florets results in phenotypic changes similar to those seen in developmental leaf senescence. To compare these two processes in more detail, we investigated molecular and biochemical changes in broccoli florets stored at two different temperatures after harvest. We found that storage at cooler temperatures delayed the symptoms of senescence at both the biochemical and gene expression levels. Changes in key biochemical components (lipids, protein, and chlorophyll) and in gene expression patterns occurred in the harvested tissue well before any visible signs of senescence were detected. Using previously identified senescence-enhanced genes and also newly isolated, differentially expressed genes, we found that the majority of these showed a similar enhancement of expression in postharvest broccoli as in developmental leaf senescence. At the biochemical level, a rapid loss of membrane fatty acids was detected after harvest, when stored at room temperature. However, there was no corresponding increase in levels of lipid peroxidation products. This, together with an increased expression of protective antioxidant genes, indicated that, in the initial stages of postharvest senescence, an orderly dismantling of the cellular constituents occurs, using the available lipid as an energy source. Postharvest changes in broccoli florets, therefore, show many similarities to the processes of developmental leaf senescence.


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Se estudia la viabilidad de la combinación de dos técnicas (estabilización y fitoextracción) a partir del estudio de los lixiviados y de las tasas de fitoextracción. Como enmienda estabilizante se usó lodo de mármol (~ 97% de CaCO3) y como planta fitoextractora Brassica juncea L. El estudio se llevó a cabo en dos suelos (uno ácido y otro básico) contaminados por As, Pb y Zn. La adición de lodo de mármol disminuyo significativamente la concentración de contaminantes en los lixiviados, al tiempo que la fitoextracción de dichos contaminantes siguió siendo relativamente elevada. Por tanto, la utilización conjunta de ambas técnicas reduce significativamente el lavado y dispersión de contaminantes al tiempo que sigue posibilitando su fitoextracción.


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Aunque hace más de 50 años que se describió que la glutamato descarboxilasa (GAD) lleva a cabo la descarboxilación del glutamato para producir GABA, y en animales ha sido muy estudiada debido al papel del GABA como neurotransmisor, la información disponible sobre las GADs de plantas es aún limitada, conociéndose sólo algunos aspectos de la regulación por calcio de su actividad enzimática o de expresión de algunos de los genes de su familia génica. El GABA es un metabolito que tradicionalmente se ha asociado a estrés, pero su papel en plantas todavía no está claro. En las últimas dos décadas los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre la GAD y el GABA, destacando las alteraciones fenotípicas mostradas por plantas tratadas con GABA y por plantas transgénicas para GAD, han generado preguntas interesantes sobre el posible papel de este metabolito y la enzima en señalización en plantas. En plantas, son varios los papeles que se han propuesto para el metabolismo del GABA tales como su participación como componente del metabolismo del carbono y del nitrógeno (Fait y col., 2008), protección frente especies reactivas de oxigeno (Liu y col., 2011), regulación de la expresión génica incluyendo la regulación de genes implicados en la síntesis de hormonas (Khatiresan y col., 1997; Shi y col., 2010; Lancien y Roberts, 2006) y señalización a larga distancia (Beuve y col., 2004) y en gradiente guiando el crecimiento del tubo po­nico (Palanivelu y col., 2013). Nuestro grupo de investigación ha sugerido un papel novedoso para la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en pino (Molina-Rueda y col., 2010, 2015). En base a estos antecedentes, los objetivos planteados para este trabajo han sido: la asignación de posibles funciones a las GADs de Populus en condiciones normales de crecimiento y en estrés abióticos, estudiar la adquisición del dominio de unión a calmodulina (CaMBD) de las GADs de plantas vasculares y analizar el efecto del GABA y del glutamato en las raíces de Populus. Las conclusiones que se derivan de los resultados de este trabajo se detallan a continuación. El dominio de unión a calmodulina de la GAD de plantas esta conservado en GADs de plantas consideradas ancestros de plantas vasculares y ausente en plantas no vasculares, lo que sitúa juntos en la evolución los eventos de adquisición del dominio de unión a CaM y el desarrollo del tejido vascular de plantas. Los resultados similares de la localización de GABA en xilema y una expresión GAD asociada a la formación de madera de reacción tanto en pino como en chopo apuntan a un papel relevante de la producción de GABA durante la xilogénesis en leñosas. La familia génica GAD posee seis genes codificando todos ellos para proteínas aparentemente funcionales y susceptibles de ser reguladas por calcio. Esta familia génica ha sufrido duplicaciones y eventos de especialización durante la evolución de Populus. Este trabajo ha posibilitado la asociación entre papeles específicos y los diferentes genes de esta familia. Beuvé N, Rispail N, Laine P, Cliquet J-B, Ourry A, Deunff F (2004) Putative role of Î¥-aminobutyric acid as a long-distance signal in up-regulation of nitrate uptake in Brassica napus L. Plant Cell Environ. 27: 1035-1046 Fait A, Fromm H, Walter D, Galili G, Fernie AR (2008) Highway or byway: the metabolic role of the GABA shunt in plants. Trends in plant science 13: 14-19 Kathiresan A, Tung P, Chinnappa CC, Reid DM (1997) gamma-Aminobutyric acid stimulates ethylene biosynthesis in sunflower. Plant Physiol. 115: 129-135 Lancien M, Roberts MR (2006) Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana 14-3-3 gene expression by Ï’-aminobutyric acid. Plant Cell Environ. 29: 1430-1436 Liu C, Zhao L, Yu G (2011) The dominant glutamic acid metabolic flux to produce gamma-amino butyric acid over proline in Nicotiana tabacum leaves under water stress relates to its significant role in antioxidant activity. Journal of integrative plant biology 53: 608-618 Molina-Rueda JJ, Pascual MB, Canovas FM, Gallardo F (2010) Characterization and developmental expression of a glutamate decarboxylase from maritime pine. Planta 232: 1471-1483 Molina-Rueda, J.J. y col., 2015. A putative role for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in vascular development in pine seedlings. Planta 241: 257-267 Palanivelu R, Brass L, Edlund AF, D P (2003) Pollen tube growth and guidance is regulated by POP2, an Arabidopsis gene that controls GABA levels. Cell 114: 47-59 Shi SQ, Shi Z, Jiang ZP, Qi LW, Sun XM, Li CX, Liu JF, Xiao WF, Zhang SG (2010) Effects of exogenous GABA on gene expression of Caragana intermedia roots under NaCl stress: regulatory roles for H2O2 and ethylene production. Plant, cell & environment 33: 149-162


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The genus Trichogramma Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) includes insect egg parasitoids that are widely used throughout the world as control agents of pest insects. The aim of this study was to identify the species of Trichogramma naturally associated with the eggs of lepidopteran pests of the following agricultural and horticultural crops: collards, Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicales: Brassicaceae); papaya, Carica papaya L. (Capparales: Caricaceae); tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Solanales: Solanaceae); cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz (Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae); banana, Musa sp. L. (Zingiberales: Musaceae); passion fruit, Passiflora sp. Degener (Malpighiales: Passifloraceae); sugarcane, Saccharum sp. L. (Poales: Poaceae); and corn (maize), Zea mays L. (Poales: Poaceae); and an invasive species (Sodom?s apple milkweed, Calotropis procera Aiton; Gentianales: Apocynaceae) in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We report natural parasitism by Trichogramma in eggs of Agraulis vanillae vanillae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), Antichloris eriphia F. (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), Danaus sp. (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Erinnyis ello L. (Lepidopera: Sphingidae), and Protambulyx strigilis L. (Lepidopera: Sphingidae). In total, 2,242 specimens of Trichogramma were obtained, belonging to the species T. pretiosum Riley, T. manicobai Brun, Moraes & Soares, T. marandobai Brun, Moraes & Soares, and T. galloi Zucchi. These species of Trichogramma may be candidates for biological control programs of lepidopteran pests in the semiarid region of Minas Gerais and in other semiarid regions.


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A remediação de locais contaminados com metais pesados usando plantas hiperacumuladoras aparenta ser uma alternativa bastante viável. Neste trabalho comparou-se a acumulação e tolerância ao cádmio (Cd), ambas baseadas nas respostas ao stress oxidativo em três espécies de plantas diferentes: Brassica juncea (L.) Czem., Nicotiana tabacum L. e Solanum nigrum L., descritas na literatura como plantas bastante tolerantes ou até com características híper acumuladoras. As plantas cresceram num solo contaminado com diferentes concentrações de Cd (O- 35 mg kg-1) durante um período de 90 dias. O factor de translocação (FT), utilizado para medir a translocação efectiva do Cd da raiz para a parte aérea, variou consideravelmente entre as espécies desenvolvidas. A N. tabacum foi a planta que apresentou os maiores valores de FT. Neste trabalho foi a única planta que preencheu todas as condições para ser considerada hiperacumuladora para todos os níveis de contaminação do solo. Por outro lado, a S. nigrum apresentou os maiores valores de concentração de Cd nos tecidos, com um FT > 1, na presença de 5 mg Cd kg·1 de solo. Apesar da B. juncea ter apresentado um resultado de FT inferior às restantes, foi a única planta com valores crescentes de FT com o aumento da contaminação de Cd. O stress oxidativo nas plantas desenvolvidas foi avaliado pela peroxidação lipídica e pelas actividades da catalase (CAT), ascorbato peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) e superóxido dismutase (SOO), quer na raiz quer na parte aérea. Foi observado um aumento significativo (versus controlo) na peroxidação lipídica e actividade enzimática da CATe APX na parte aérea da B. juncea, N. tabacum e S. nigrum para os níveis de contaminação mais elevados, 15 e/ou 35 mg Cd kg-1 A B. juncea apresentou maior sensibilidade na resposta da GPX, para todas as concentrações de Cd no solo. A peroxidação lipídica e a actividade da CAT foram superiores na parte aérea em relação à raiz para todas as plantas em todas as contaminações de Cd presentes no solo. A actividade da SOO não apresentou respostas consistentes para nenhuma das plantas. ABSTRACT: Remediation of sites contaminated with heavy metals using hyper accumulators seems a promising alternative to engineering approaches. ln this work, we compared cadmium (Cd) accumulation and tolerance (based on responses to oxidative stress) in three different species, Brassica juncea (L) Czem., Nicotiana tabacum L. and Solanum nigrum L., described in the literature as very tolerant or even as hyper accumulators. The plants were grown in soil spiked with different Cd concentrations (O- 35 mg kg- 1) over a period of 90 days. The translocation factor (TF), used to measure the effectiveness of translocating Cd from roots to shoots, depended greatly on the species. N. tabacum was the plant which exhibited the highest TF values. lt was the only plant under study that fulfilled the conditions of a hyper accumulator for all levels of soil contamination. On the other hand, S. nigrum presented the highest Cd concentration in plant tissues, with TF > 1 in the presence of 5 mg Cd kg-1 of soil. Although B. juncea had presented the lowest TF and Cd concentrations, it was the only plant with TF values increasing with the level of cadmium. Oxidative stress in plants was evaluated by lipid peroxidation and activities of catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and superoxide dismutase (SOO), both in roots and shoots. A significant enhancement (versus control) on lipid peroxidation and enzymatic activity of CAT and APX in shoots of B. juncea, N. tabacum and S. nigrum was observed for the highest levels of Cd in soil, 15 and/or 35 mg Cd kg-1. B. juncea presented the most sensitive response of GPX, for all levels of Cd in soil. Lipid peroxidation and CAT activity were greater in shoots than in roots for all plants and soil Cd concentrations. SOO activity did not present consistent trends for any plant.


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo a implementação de estratégias de remediação de duas minas abandonadas na região do Alto Alentejo, a mina da Tinoca e a mina da Mostardeira. Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios de fitoremediação com as espécies Brassica juncea (L.) Czern, Solanum nigrum L., Piptatherum miliaceum (L.)Coss. e Spergularia purpurea (Persoon)G. Don fil. As misturas utilizadas como suporte para desenvolvimento das plantas resultaram da mistura (1:1) de resíduos de escombreira e solo. Estas misturas foram realizadas para as duas minas independentemente. A estas misturas foram adicionados correctivos minerais e um correctivo orgânico. Dos estudos realizados observou-se que medidas de atenuação/diluição não se mostraram suficientemente eficazes para permitir uma estabilização da zona superficial em causa, pelas espécies de plantas estudadas. Por outro lado, a adição de um correctivo orgânico, juntamente com a subida do pH do solo, conduziu a um melhoramento das características físicas e químicas das misturas originais facilitando a sua revegetação. ABSTRACT: This study was designed to implement remediation strategies in two abandoned mines in the region of Alto Alentejo, the Tinoca mine and Mostradeira mine. Phytoremediation tests were carried out with the species Brassica juncea (L.) Czern, Solanum nigrum L., Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss. and Spergularia purpurea (Persoon) G. Don fil. The mixtures used to support plant growth resulted from the admixture (1:1) of waste tailings and soil and were performed independently for the two mines. Soil mineral correctives and organic fertilizers were added to these mixtures. The study showed that mitigation/dilution measures were not sufficiently effective to allow the stabilization of the area with the plant species studied. However, the addition of an organic corrective, along with the rise of soil pH, led to an improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the original amendment soil mixtures, hence facilitating its phytorestoration.


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Two-year field trials were conducted in northern Italy with the aim of developing a trapcrop-based agroecological approach for the control of flea beetles (Chaetocnema tibialis (Illiger), Phyllotreta spp. (Chevrolat) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)) and Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Hemiptera: Miridae), key pests of sugar beet and lettuce, respectively. Flea beetle damage trials compared a trap cropping treatment, i.e., a sugar beet plot with a border of Sinapis alba (L.) and Brassica juncea (L.) with a control treatment, i.e., a sugar beet plot with bare soil as field border. Sugar beets grown near trap crops showed a significant decrease (≈40%) in flea beetle damage compared to control. Moreover, flea beetle damage varied with distance from the edge of the trap plants, being highest at 2 m from the edge, then decreasing at higher distances. Regarding L. rugulipennis on lettuce two experiments were conducted. A semiochemical-assisted trap cropping trial was supported by another test evaluating the efficacy of pheromones and trap placement. In this trial, it was found that pheromone baited traps caught significantly more specimens of L. rugulipennis than unbaited traps. It was also found that traps placed at ground level produced larger catches than traps placed at the height of 70 cm. In the semiochemical-assisted trap cropping experiment, a treatment where lettuce was grown next to two Alfa-Alfa borders containing pheromone baited traps was compared with a control treatment, where lettuce was grown near bare soil. This experiment showed that the above-mentioned strategy managed to reduce L. rugulipennis damage to lettuce by ≈30%. From these studies, it appears that trap crop-based strategy, alone or with baited traps, made it possible to reduce crop damage to economically acceptable levels and to minimize the need for insecticide treatments, showing that those strategy could be implemented in organic farming as a means of controlling insect pests.


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Com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito da densidade de população de plantas sobre a cultura de repolho (Brassica cleraoea var, capitata L.), foi realizado um experimento no Campo Experimental do Setor de Horticultura da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba, São Paulo, em um Latossol Roxo, Série Luiz de Queiroz, utilizando-se os espaçamentos de 0,60 mx 0,80 m; 0,60 m x 0,65 m; 0,60 m x 0,45 m; 0,60 m x 0,30 m e 0,60 m x 0,15 m. À medida em que se aumentou a densidade de população, houve as seguintes alterações na planta de repolho: mudança de for mato chato da "cabeça" para cônico, redução do numero de folhas, tamanho (peso, volume e diâmetros transversal e longitudinal) , aumento na densidade da "cabeça" (peso/volume) e aumento na porcentagem de plantas que não produziram "cabeça.


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A ocorrência de Pseudomonas viridiflava é descrita em sementes de couve chinesa (Brassica rapa var. pekinensis) importadas do Japão. Do ponto de vista epidemio³gico, a detecção dessa bactéria é de extrema importância. Embora já existam, em nosso país, relatos desse patógeno nas culturas de alface, alho, cebola, cenoura, feijão e mandioca, sua presença em sementes de couve chinesa pode se constituir num risco potencial para outras espécies de brássicas aqui cultivadas.


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A ocorrência de Pseudomonas viridiflava é descrita em sementes de couve chinesa (Brassica rapa var. pekinensis) importadas do Japão. do ponto de vista epidemio³gico, a detecção dessa bactéria é de extrema importância. Embora já existam, em nosso país, relatos desse patógeno nas culturas de alface, alho, cebola, cenoura, feijão e mandioca, sua presença em sementes de couve chinesa pode se constituir num risco potencial para outras espécies de brássicas aqui cultivadas.