998 resultados para Bound magnetic polarons


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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility documents the generation of tectonically produced fabrics in sediments that macroscopically show no evidence of this disruption. The fabric observed in initial accretion is largely produced by overprinting of the original sedimentary susceptibility anisotropy by an E-W horizontal tectonic shortening and vertical extension. The response of the sediments to stress during initial accretion is variable, particularly near the sediment surface, and appears to reflect the inhomogeneous distribution of strain rate in the overthrust sequence. The susceptibility anisotropy of sediments possessing scaly fabric is consistent with the strong orientation of Phyllosilicates seen in thin section, producing a Kmin normal to the scalyness. The slope sediments deposited on the accreted sequence are also affected by tectonic shortening. The accreted sequences at Sites 673 and 674 show a complex history of fabric modification, with previous tectonic fabrics overprinted by later fabric modifications, pointing to continued tectonic shortening during the accretion process. The form of the susceptibility anisotropy axes at Sites 673 and 674 is consistent with NESW shortening, probably reflected in the NW-SE surface expression of the out-of-sequence thrusts. The susceptibility anisotropy appears to document a downhole change in the trend of shortening from E to W at the surface to more NESW at depth, probably as a result of the obliquely trending basement ridge, the Tiburon Rise.


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This study is a synthesis of paleomagnetic and mineral magnetic results for Sites 819 through 823 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133, which lie on a transect from the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) down the continental slope to the bottom of the Queensland Trough. Because of viscous remagnetization and pervasive overprinting, few reversal boundaries can be identified in these extremely high-resolution Quaternary sequences. Some of the magnetic instability, and the differences in the quality of the paleomagnetic signal among sites, can be explained in terms of the dissolution of primary iron oxides in the high near-surface geochemical gradients. Well-defined changes in magnetic properties, notably susceptibility, reflect responses to glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations and changes in slope sedimentation processes resulting from formation of the GBR. Susceptibility can be used to correlate between adjacent holes at a given site to an accuracy of about 20 cm. Among-site correlation of susceptibility is also possible for certain parts of the sequences and permits (tentative) extension of the reversal chronology. The reversal boundaries that can be identified are generally compatible with the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and demonstrate a high level of biostratigraphic consistency among sites. A revised chronology based on an optimum match with the susceptibility stratigraphy is presented. Throughout most of the sequences there is a strong inverse correlation both between magnetic susceptibility and calcium carbonate content, and between susceptibility and d18O. In the upper, post-GBR, sections a more complicated type of magnetic response occurs during glacial maxima and subsequent transgressions, resulting in a positive correlation between susceptibility and d18O. Prior to and during formation of the outer-reef barrier, the sediments have relatively uniform magnetic properties showing multidomain behavior and displaying cyclic variations in susceptibility related to sea-level change. The susceptibility oscillations are controlled more by carbonate dilution than by variation in terrigenous influx. Establishment of the outer reef between 1.01 and 0.76 Ma restricted the supply of sediment to the slope, causing a four-fold reduction in sedimentation rates and a transition from prograding to aggrading seismic geometries (see other chapters in this volume). The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary and the end of the transition period mark a change to lower and more subdued susceptibility oscillations with higher carbonate contents. The major change in magnetic properties comes at about 0.4 Ma in the aggrading sequence, which contains prominent sharp susceptibility peaks associated with glacial cycles, with distinctive single-domain magnetite and mixed single-domain/superparamagnetic characteristics. Bacterial magnetite has been found in the sediments, particularly where there are high susceptibility peaks, but its importance has not yet been assessed. A possible explanation for the characteristic pattern of magnetic properties in the post-GBR glacial cycles can be found in terms of fluvio-deltaic processes and inter-reefal lagoonal reservoirs that develop when the shelf becomes exposed at low sea-level.


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We present a suite of new high-resolution records (0-135 ka) representing pulses of aeolian, fluvial, and biogenic sedimentation along the Senegalese continental margin. A multiproxy approach based on rock magnetic, element, and color data was applied on three cores enclosing the present-day northern limit of the ITCZ. A strong episodic aeolian contribution driven by stronger winds and dry conditions and characterized by high hematite and goethite input was revealed north of 13°N. These millennial-scale dust fluxes are synchronous with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials. Fluvial clay input driven by the West African monsoon predominates at 12°N and varies at Dansgaard-Oeschger time scales while marine productivity is strongly enhanced during the African humid periods and marine isotope stage 5. From latitudinal signal variations, we deduce that the last glacial ITCZ summer position was located between core positions at 12°26' and 13°40'N. Furthermore, this work also shows that submillennial periods of aridity over northwest Africa occurred more frequently and farther south than previously thought.


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During Leg 125, scientists drilled two serpentinite seamounts: Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc and Torishima Forearc Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc. Grain densities of the serpentinized peridotites range from 2.44 to 3.02 g/cm**3. The NRM intensity of the serpentinized peridotites ranges from 0.01 to 0.59 A/m and that of serpentine sediments ranges from 0.01 to 0.43 A/m. Volume susceptibilities of serpentinized peridotites range from 0.05 * 10**-3 SI to 9.78 * 10**-3 SI and from 0.12 * 10**-3 to 4.34 * 10**-3 SI in the sediments. Koenigsberger ratios, a measure of the relative contributions of remanent vs. induced magnetization to the magnetic anomaly, vary from 0.09 to 80.93 in the serpentinites and from 0.06 to 4.74 in the sediments. The AF demagnetization behavior of the serpentinized peridotites shows that a single component of remanence (probably a chemical remanence carried by secondary magnetite) can be isolated in many samples that have a median destructive field less than 9.5 mT. Multiple remanence components are observed in other samples. Serpentine sediments exhibit similar behavior. Comparison of the AF demagnetization of saturation isothermal remanence and NRM suggests that the serpentinized peridotites contain both single-domain and multidomain magnetite particles. The variability of the magnetic properties of serpentinized peridotites reflects the complexity of magnetization acquired during serpentinization. Serpentinized peridotites may contribute to magnetic anomalies in forearc regions.


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Magnetic properties of late Quaternary sediments on the SW Iberian Margin are dominated by bacterial magnetite, observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), with contributions from detrital titanomagnetite and hematite. Reactive hematite from eolian dust, together with low organic matter concentrations and the lack of sulfate reduction, lead to dissimilatory iron reduction and availability of Fe(II) for abundant magnetotactic bacteria. Magnetite grain-size proxies (kARM/k and ARM/IRM) and S-ratios (sensitive to hematite) vary on stadial/interstadial timescales, contain orbital power, and mimic planktic d18O. The detrital/biogenic magnetite ratio and hematite concentration are greater during stadials and glacial isotopic stages, reflecting increased detrital (magnetite) input during times of lowered sea level, coinciding with atmospheric conditions favoring hematitic dust supply. Magnetic susceptibility, on the other hand, has a very different response being sensitive to coarse detrital multidomain (MD) magnetite associated with ice-rafted debris (IRD). High susceptibility and/or magnetic grain size coarsening, mark Heinrich stadials (HS), particularly HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5, HS6 and HS7, as well as older Heinrich-like detrital layers, indicating the sensitivity of this region to fluctuations in the position of the polar front. Relative paleointensity (RPI) records have well-constrained age models based on planktic d18O correlation to ice-core chronologies, however, they differ from reference records (e.g. PISO) particularly in the vicinity of glacial maxima, mainly due to inefficient normalization of RPI records in intervals of enhanced detrital/eolian hematite input.


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At Site 582, DSDP Leg 87, turbidites about 560 m thick were recovered from the floor of the Nankai Trough. A turbidite bed is typically composed of three subdivisions: a lower graded sand unit, an upper massive silt unit, and an uppermost Chondrites burrowed silt unit. The turbidites intercalate with bluish gray hemipelagic mud which apparently accumulated below the calcite compensation depth. In order to investigate the nature and provenance of the turbidites, we studied the grain orientation, based on magnetic fabric measurements and thin-section grain counting, and grain size, using a photo-extinction settling tube and detrital modal analysis. The following results were obtained: (1) grain orientation analysis indicates that the turbidity current transport parallels the trench axis, predominantly from the northeast; (2) Nankai Trough turbidites generally decrease in grain size to the southwest; (3) turbidite sands include skeletal remains indicative of fresh-water and shallow-marine environments; and (4) turbidites contain abundant volcanic components, and their composition is analogous to the sediments of the Fuji River-Suruga Bay area. Considering other evidence, such as physiography and geometry of trench fill, we conclude that the turbidites of Site 582 as well as Site 583 were derived predominantly from the mouth of Fuji River and were transported through the Suruga Trough to the Nankai Trough, a distance of some 700 km. This turbidite transport system has tectonic implications: (1) the filling of the Nankai Trough is the direct consequence of the Izu collision in Pliocene- Pleistocene times; (2) the accretion of trench fill at the trench inner slope observed in the Nankai Trough is controlled by collision tectonics; and (3) each event of turbidite deposition may be related to a Tokai mega-earthquake.


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The effects of glaciation on sediment drifts is recognised from marked sedimentary facies variation in deep sea cores taken from the continental rise of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin. Nineteen sediment cores were visually described, logged for magnetic susceptibility, and X-radiographed. About 1000 analyses were performed for grain size, clay minerals and biostratigraphy (foraminifera, nannofossils and diatoms). Four sediment types associated with distinct sedimentary processes are recognised based on textural/compositional analysis. (1) Hemipelagic mud forms the bulk of the interglacial sediment, and accumulated from the pelagic settling of bioclasts and ice-rafted/windtransported detritus. (2) Terrigenous mud forms the bulk of the glacial sediment, and accumulated from a combination of sedimentary processes including turbidity currents, turbid plumes, and bottom current reworking of nepheloid layers. (3) Silty deposits occurring as laminated layers and lenses, represent the lateral spillout of lowdensity turbidity currents. (4) Lastly, glacial/interglacial gravelly mud layers derive from settling of ice-rafted detritus. Five depositional settings are interpreted within sediment Drift 7, each characterised by the dominance/interaction of one or several depositional processes. The repetitive succession of typical sedimentary facies is inferred to reflect a sequence of four climatic stages (glaciation, glacial, deglaciation, and interglacial), each one characterised by a distinctive clay mineral assemblage and bioclastic content. Variations in clay mineral assemblage within interglacial stage 5 (core SED-06) suggest minor colder climatic fluctuations, possibly correlatable with substages 5a to 5e.


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We present a first combined environmental magnetic and geochemical investigation of a loess-paleosol sequence (<55 ka) from the Chuanxi Plateau on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Detailed comparison between the Ganzi section and the Luochuan section from the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) allows quantification of the effects of provenance and climate on pedogenic magnetic enhancement in Chinese loess. Rare earth element patterns and clay mineral compositions indicate that the Ganzi loess originates from the interior of the Tibetan Plateau. The different Ganzi and CLP loess provenances add complexity to interpretation of magnetic parameters in terms of the concentration and grain size of eolian magnetic minerals. Enhanced paleosol magnetism via pedogenic formation of ferrimagnetic nanoparticles is observed in both sections, but weaker ferrimagnetic contributions, finer superparamagnetic (SP) particles and stronger chemical weathering are found in the Ganzi loess, which indicates the action of multiple pedogenic processes that are dominated by the combined effects of mean annual precipitation (MAP), potential evapotranspiration (PET), organic matter and aluminium content. Under relatively high MAP and low PET conditions, high soil moisture favours transformation of ferrimagnetic minerals to hematite, which results in a relatively higher concentration of hematite but weaker ferrimagnetism of Ganzi loess. Initial growth of superparamagnetic (SP) particles is also documented in the incipient loess at Ganzi, which directly reflects the dynamic formation of nano-sized pedogenic ferrimagnets. A humid pedogenic environment with more organic matter and higher Al content also helps to form finer SP particles. We therefore propose that soil water balance, rather than solely rainfall, dominates the type, concentration and grain size of secondary ferrimagnetic minerals produced by pedogenesis.


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Results of detailed geomagnetic and geomorphological studies carried out by R/V Akvanavt together with data obtained by a side-scanning sonar and high-frequency profiles from a towed Zvuk-4 vehicle plus results of visual observations of deep-sea manned Pisces submersible have shown that the spreading axis is divided into segments, whose strike (330°) differs from the overall strike (310°) of the axial magnetic anomaly. In the study area segments are about 1 km long and transform displacements are 0.5 km. Calculations on a model have shown that spreading is asymmetric: during the Brunhes epoch accretion rate of the African Plate was 6 mm/yr and that of the Arabian Plate 7 mm/yr. Earlier it had been 9 and 11 mm/yr, respectively.


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I received five unoriented samples of igneous rocks from four Sites of Leg 64 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). I have measured several magnetic properties, alkalis (K, Rb, and Cs), alkaline-earth (Ba and Sr) element concentrations, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of these samples. This study reports the results.


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Ten samples of gabbro and peridotite, with varying degrees of serpentinization, were studied by magnetic techniques and reflected light microscopy. Evidence from these methods suggests that the natural remanent magnetization is primarily of chemical origin. It is generally weak for the gabbros and much stronger for the peridotites. This difference is offset by the fact that the peridotites have generally lower magnetic stability and Koenigsberger ratios. There is a considerable variation in both magnetic parameters and petrology even among closely spaced samples, which suggests that some combination of source heterogeneity and tectonic mixing was involved in the production of these rocks. However, the small number of samples makes this conclusion tentative. There may also have been significant postemplacement alteration involved. All samples show a significant anisotropy of weak field susceptibility that appears to be related to deformation. This anisotropy may be useful in defining petrofabrics.


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Dependence of magnetic susceptibility of bottom sediments from the Caspian Sea on composition of magnetoactive minerals contained in the heavy subfraction of fine-grained sand (0.125-0.100 mm grain size fraction) was established. Changes in the curve shape and magnetic susceptibility values reflect a pulsating pattern of input of different (in magnetic properties) magmatic and metamorphic clastic minerals into sediments, as well as different intensities of formation of authigenic magnetoactive iron sulfides under conditions of multiple alternation of transgressive and regressive phases in marine basins. Values of magnetic susceptibility and shapes of magnetic susceptibility curves for studied sedimentary sequences show that sediments in the South and Middle Caspian Basins are characterized by different specific features.


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During drilling at Sites 759, 760, and 761 of Leg 122 (Exmouth Plateau, northwest Australia), a thick section of Upper Triassic sediments was recovered. Paleomagnetic analyses were made on 398 samples from Holes 759B, 760A, 760B, and 761C. Progressive thermal demagnetization, alternating field demagnetization, or mixed treatment removed an initial unstable component and isolated a characteristic remanent magnetization which is of normal or reversed polarity. The magnetostratigraphic results allow us to propose a magnetic polarity sequence which extends from the upper Carnian to lower Rhaetian. This sequence reveals many more reversals than previously suggested from paleomagnetic studies. The magnetostratigraphic data also allow us to suggest correlations between Sites 759 and 760.