207 resultados para Bosnia
The International Court of Justice has issued its long-awaited decision in the suit filed by Bosnia and Herzegovina against Serbia and Montenegro with respect to the 1992–1995 war. The decision confirms the factual and legal determinations of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ruling that genocide was committed during the Srebrenica massacre in July 1995 but that the conflict as a whole was not genocidal in nature. The Court held that Serbia had failed in its duty to prevent genocide in Srebrenica, although—because, the Court said, there was no certainty that it could have succeeded in preventing the genocide—no damages were awarded. The judgment provides a strong and authoritative statement of the general duty upon states to prevent genocide that dovetails well with the doctrine of the responsibility to protect.
Consociations are power-sharing arrangements, increasingly used to manage ethno-nationalist, ethno-linguistic, and ethno-religious conflicts. Current examples include Belgium, Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Burundi, and Iraq. Despite their growing popularity, they have begun to be challenged before human rights courts as being incompatible with human rights norms, particularly equality and non-discrimination.<br/><br/>Courts and Consociations examines the use of power-sharing agreements, their legitimacy, and their compatibility with human rights law. Key questions include to what extent, if any, consociations conflict with the liberal individualist preferences of international human rights institutions, and to what extent consociational power-sharing may be justified to preserve peace and the integrity of political settlements.<br/><br/>In three critical cases, the European Court of Human Rights has considered equality challenges to important consociational practices, twice in Belgium and then in Sejdic and Finci v Bosnia regarding the constitution established for Bosnia Herzegovina under the Dayton Agreement. The Court's decision in Sejdic and Finci has significantly altered the approach it previously took to judicial review of consociational arrangements in Belgium. This book accounts for this change and assess its implications. The problematic aspects of the current state of law are demonstrated. Future negotiators in places riven by potential or actual bloody ethnic conflicts may now have less flexibility in reaching a workable settlement, which may unintentionally contribute to sustaining such conflicts and make it more likely that negotiators will consider excluding regional and international courts from reviewing these political settlements.<br/>
We consider the use of consociational arrangements to manage ethno-nationalist, ethno-linguistic, and ethno-religious conflicts, and their compatibility with non-discrimination and equality norms. Key questions include to what extent, if any, consociations conflict with the dictates of global justice and the liberal individualist preferences of international human rights institutions, and to what extent consociational power-sharing may be justified to preserve peace and the integrity of political settlements. In three critical cases, the European Court of Human Rights has considered equality challenges to important consociational practices, twice in Belgium and, most recently, in Sejdic and Finci, concerning the constitutional arrangements established for Bosnia Herzegovina under the Dayton Agreement. The Court’s recent decision in Sejdic and Finci has significantly altered the approach it previously took to judicial review of consociational arrangements in the Belgian cases. We seek to account for this change and assess its implications. We identify problematic aspects of the judgment and conclude that, although the Court’s decision indicates one possible trajectory of human rights courts’ reactions to consociations, this would be an unfortunate development because it leaves future negotiators in places riven by potential or manifest bloody ethnic conflicts with considerably less flexibility in reaching a settlement. That in turn may unintentionally contribute to sustaining such conflicts and make it more likely that advisors to negotiators will advise them to exclude regional and international courts from having standing in the management of political settlements.
The article examines why some postconflict societies defer the recovery of those who forcibly disappeared as a result of political violence, even after a fully fledged democratic regime is consolidated. The prolonged silences in Cyprus and Spain contradict the experience of other countries such as Bosnia, Guatemala, and South Africa, where truth recovery for disappeared or missing persons was a central element of the transition to peace and democracy. Exhumations of mass graves containing the victims from the two periods of violence in Cyprus (1963–1974) and the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) was delayed up until the early 2000s. Cyprus and Spain are well suited to explain both prolonged silences in transitional justice and the puzzling decision to become belated truth seekers. The article shows that in negotiated transitions, a subtle elite agreement links the non-instrumental use of the past with the imminent needs for political stability and nascent democratization. As time passes, selective silence becomes an entrenched feature of the political discourse and democratic institutions, acquiring a hegemonic status and prolonging the silencing of violence.
This book investigates why some societies defer the solution of transitional justice issues, such as the disappeared/missing, even after successful democratic consolidation. It also explains why the same societies finally decide to deal with these human rights issues. In short, it considers the interesting and understudied phenomenon of post-transitional justice. The prolonged silences in Spain, Cyprus and Greece contradict the experience of other countries -- such as South Africa, Bosnia, and Guatemala -- where truth recovery for disappeared/missing persons was a central element of the transition to peace and democracy. Despite democratization, the exhumation of mass graves containing the victims from the violence in Cyprus (1963-1974) and the Spanish civil war (1936-1939) was delayed until the early 2000s, when both countries suddenly decided to revisit the past. Cyprus and Spain are not alone: this is an increasing trend among countries trying to come to terms with past violence. Interestingly, despite similar background conditions, Greece is resisting the trend, challenging both theory and regional experience. Truth Recovery and Transitional Justice considers three interrelated issues. First, what factors can explain prolonged silence on the issue of missing persons in some transitional settings? Second, which processes can address the occasional yet puzzling transformation of victims’ groups from opponents of truth recovery to vocal pro-reconciliation pressure groups? Third, under which conditions is it better to tie victims’ rights to an overall political settlement? The book looks at Spain and Cyprus to show how they have attempted to bring closure to deep trauma by exhuming and identifying their missing, albeit under considerably different conditions. It then probes the generalizability of the conclusions on Spain and Cyprus by looking at the Greek experience; oddly, despite similar background conditions, Greece remains resistant to post-transitional justice norms. Interestingly, each case study takes a different approach to transitional justice.
This essay discusses Jean-Luc Godard’s artistic response to the Bosnian War (1992-95), and its representations in the Western mass media. For Godard, the reluctance of Europe’s advanced liberal democracies to intervene meaningfully in Bosnia – their insistence that 'humanitarianism' rather than protective intervention was the order of the day – was tantamount to supporting Serbian fascism, and – <i>a fortiori </i>– regressing to a policy of appeasement reminiscent of the days of the Munich Agreement. Although Godard's stance set him against some of his former compatriots on the left, speculating on his ideological motivations is beside the point. Rather, it is is in his filmmaking, in his vision of cinema, and how it relates to other histories of the image, that Godard’s sensibility can be most keenly felt and understood. As the essay points out, even his recent contribution to Jean-Michel Frodon's compilation film, <i>Bridges of Sarajevo</i>/<i>Les ponts de Sarajevo </i>(2014, 114 mn.), persists in posing questions about how the past continues to shape the present, and how Sarajevo and its contemporary history still delineates the identity of Europe.Â
<p>Plasma etch is a key process in modern semiconductor manufacturing facilities as it offers process simplification and yet greater dimensional tolerances compared to wet chemical etch technology. The main challenge of operating plasma etchers is to maintain a consistent etch rate spatially and temporally for a given wafer and for successive wafers processed in the same etch tool. Etch rate measurements require expensive metrology steps and therefore in general only limited sampling is performed. Furthermore, the results of measurements are not accessible in real-time, limiting the options for run-to-run control. This paper investigates a Virtual Metrology (VM) enabled Dynamic Sampling (DS) methodology as an alternative paradigm for balancing the need to reduce costly metrology with the need to measure more frequently and in a timely fashion to enable wafer-to-wafer control. Using a Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) VM model for etch rate estimation of a plasma etch process, the proposed dynamic sampling methodology is demonstrated and evaluated for a number of different predictive dynamic sampling rules. © 2013 IEEE.</p>
This thesis analyses how dominant policy approaches to peacebuilding have moved away from a single and universalised understanding of peace to be achieved through a top-down strategy of democratisation and economic liberalisation, prevalent at the beginning of 1990s. Instead, throughout the 2000s, peacebuilders have increasingly adopted a commitment to cultivating a bottom-up and hybrid peace building process that is context-sensitive and intended to be more respectful of the needs and values of post-war societies. The projects of statebuilding in Kosovo and, to a lesser extent, in Bosnia are examined to illustrate the shift. By capturing this shift, I seek to argue that contemporary practitioners of peace are sharing the sensibility of the theoretical critics of liberalism. These critics have long contended that post-war societies cannot be governed from ‘above’ and have advocated the adoption of a bottom-up approach to peacebuilding. Now, both peace practitioners and their critics share the tendency to embrace difference in peacebuilding operations, but this shift has failed to address meaningfully the problems and concerns of post-conflict societies. The conclusion of this research is that, drawing on the assumption that these societies are not capable of undertaking sovereign acts because of their problematic inter-subjective frames, the discourses of peacebuilding (in policy-making and academic critique) have increasingly legitimised an open-ended role of interference by external agencies, which now operate from ‘below’. Peacebuilding has turned into a long-term process, in which international and local actors engage relationally in the search for ever-more emancipatory hybrid outcomes, but in which self-government and self-determination are constantly deferred. Processes of emphasising difference have thus denied the political autonomy of post-war societies and have continuously questioned the political and human equality of these populations in a hierarchically divided world.
Le travail appréhende la question du retour des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées en Croatie et en Bosnie-Herzégovine, dans le cadre des opérations de consolidation de la paix qui se sont déroulées dans la région. En effet, la réintégration des populations déplacées dans leur domicile d’origine a été présentée comme l’une des priorités par la communauté internationale, et comme la solution idéale afin d’encourager la réconciliation dans la région et, surtout, d’y restituer la diversité ethnique. Or, les bilans respectifs des deux anciennes républiques à l’égard du retour des minorités, présentent des différences significatives. Les facteurs internes auxquels se butaient les processus de retour dans les deux pays étaient sensiblement les mêmes. Dans ces conditions, la variable déterminante semble s’être trouvé au niveau de la nature des interventions internationales qui se sont déployées en Bosnie-Herzégovine et en Croatie. Dans l’ensemble, la Bosnie-Herzégovine a bénéficié, de la part des divers acteurs internationaux, d’une attention plus soutenue à cet égard que la Croatie. Cette situation s’est traduite par le fait que le premier pays s’est vu accordé davantage de ressources financières, logistiques et diplomatiques afin de propulser le retour des minorités ethniques. En outre, elle met en exergue l’inconsistence de la rhétorique internationale qui défend des principes associés à la défense des droits humains, du pluralisme et de la multiethnicité mais dont l’application concrète se heurte aux impératifs domestiques des pays impliqués et aux autres exigences relatives à la reconstruction post-conflit.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
Le rôle de la communauté militaire internationale dans le cadre des opérations de maintien de la paix (OMP) s’est profondément transformé depuis la fin de la Guerre froide. En effet, elle intervient de plus en plus fréquemment dans des guerres civiles ou intra-étatiques, particulièrement lorsque les autorités en place ne sont plus en mesure d’assurer la sécurité de la population. Par ailleurs, le rôle des militaires ne se limite plus à la fonction traditionnelle de combattants. Ils doivent maintenant assumer des tâches qui visent beaucoup plus le développement de relations avec la population civile dont la coopération est un élément essentiel à la réussite de ce type d’intervention. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’analyser l’opinion de la population civile de la région de Bihać par rapport à l’intervention des militaires dans le cadre de l’OMP en Bosnie-Herzégovine. L’historique du conflit dans cette région, l’état des connaissances sur les sources d’insatisfaction de la population par rapport au déroulement des OMP en général, ainsi que des entrevues avec des informateurs-clés nous permettent d’identifier deux problématiques distinctes, soit : (1) l’écart important entre les attentes et les besoins de la population et le mandat confié par l’ONU; et (2) la dichotomie entre la formation de base des militaires et ce qui est attendu d’eux dans le cadre de ces interventions.
Étant tous les deux récits d’événements, l’histoire et le roman ne sont pas logés à la même enseigne : le contenu du texte romanesque est habituellement considéré comme le contraire de celui du texte historique. On suppose que l’histoire raconte les vraies choses alors que le roman excelle dans l’imaginaire. Dans la représentation des génocides, le discours romanesque et celui historique partagent de nombreuses stratégies narratives à partir desquelles se réalise la relecture de l’expérience tragique. De nombreux artifices incitent le discours à se contenter d’être le (trans)porteur d’une conscience souveraine qui transcende les faits, le temps et l’espace reliés à l’événement. Ni l’histoire ni le roman ne sont reconstitutions expérientielles, mais le procédé de mise en récit doit démontrer une épaisseur discursive pouvant produire chez le lecteur la représentation d’un monde. Cette thèse prend pour objet les modalités littéraires des récits et des romans qui essayent de représenter l’expérience du génocide. En analysant ce dispositif discursif qui ne fait plus de différence entre le réel, le vrai et la vraisemblance, les livres de notre corpus présentent l’expérience du génocide et pensent les brisures et les déchirures d’humanité constatées dans différentes régions du monde (dans l’Empire ottoman, dans l’Allemagne nazie, en Bosnie, au Rwanda, etc.). Dans cette perspective, nous examinons la littérarisation de ces événements horribles qui se déroulent suivant un schéma narratif formé de séquences véridiques et de scènes imaginaires mettant en exergue toutes les innovations stylistiques et langagières qui font la singularité et l’originalité des ces œuvres. Fort de ces spécificités, les quatre principaux romans de notre corpus (Journal de déportation, Être sans destin, Le soldat et le gramophone et Le Passé devant soi) s’appuient sur une vraisemblance littéraire ou poétique qui leur permet d’aller à la quête d’une vérité ; une vérité littéraire non seulement subjective, mais en mesure d’accompagner la vérité historique.
El autor de este libro analiza la diferencia o complementariedad entre dos conceptos fundamentales para este libro: la seguridad en Bosnia y la seguridad de Bosnia. Entendida la primera como la seguridad al interior del paÃs y la segunda como la seguridad en la región desde de las fronteras bosnias, para afirmar que existe una relación crÃtica entre las dos. El propósito de este libro, como el mismo autor afirma, no es el de únicamente entablar un debate acerca de los santuarios para los terroristas; tampoco pretende llevar a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de este tema ni discutir detalladamente todos los temas que son estudiados en el libro; únicamente busca dar luces a los problemas complejos y preocupaciones que enfrenta el Estado de Bosnia (Innes 2006).