971 resultados para Blue swimming crab - Reproduction - Endocrine aspects


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During benthic cultivation Mytilus edulis (blue mussels) are subject to predation pressure from a number of predators including Carcinus maenas (shore crabs). This predator can be responsible for substantial losses of mussels from the fishery and a full understanding of the predator–prey relationship between M. edulis and C. maenas is required to ensure attempts that reduce predatory pressure and subsequent commercial loss are successful. Whilst much work has examined the prey–predator size relationships between C. maenas and M. edulis, far less research has investigated how stress, such as periods of extended aerial exposure, may affect these relationships. We tested whether profit in terms of calories gained by crabs consuming mussels stressed by aerial exposure for 48 h differed from that of mussels at ambient conditions and whether being stressed affected the mussel's likelihood of predation. We also tested whether the size relationship between predators and their prey differed when mussels were stressed. We found that the profitability of prey (calories gained per second of handling time) did not vary between stressed and unstressed mussels. Handling times for stressed and unstressed mussels were similar, even when crabs were presented with mussels of the maximum size that they are able to consume. Small crabs were more likely to reject a mussel of preferred size if it was unstressed, suggesting that crabs may be able to assess that these mussels would require extra effort to break into and consume. Our findings suggest that the predator–prey relationship between mussels and crabs is not altered when mussels are stressed. C. maenas remains a voracious predator and regardless of the condition of mussels laid on commercial beds there is a need to control this predator in attempt to reduce losses in the benthic fishery.


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Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry


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The effect of the insecticide, pyriproxyfen on early ovary synthesis was examined in the Gecarcinid land crab, Gecarcoidea natalis. Crabs were fed a mixture of either leaf litter and bait containing 0.5% (wt/wt) pyriproxyfen (experimental groups), or a mixture of leaf litter and a control bait containing no pyriproxyfen (control groups), at simulated baiting doses of 2 kg ha− 1 and 4 kg ha− 1, during the period in which G. natalis synthesises its ovaries. A third group of crabs were fed ad libitum either the bait containing 0.5% Pypriproxyfen or the control bait. Pyriproxyfen affected early ovary development in G. natalis. The ovaries from crabs in the experimental groups at all baiting levels had a higher total nitrogen content and dry mass than the ovaries from crabs in the control groups. Pyriproxyfen affected the histology of the ovaries. Ovaries from animals in the experimental groups were more mature, containing more previtellogenic and early vitellogenic oocytes, of a larger diameter, than the ovaries from crabs in the control groups. Significant amounts of pyriproxyfen accumulated within the midgut gland and ovary, the hypothesised target tissues, while minor amounts of pyriproxyfen was accumulated in the muscle, a hypothesised non target tissue. Pyriproxyfen may have stimulated early ovary development and induced synthesis of yolk protein by mimicking methyl farnesoate and thus causing endocrine disruption. Given this, pyriproxyfen should not be used to control invasive insects in environments where gecarcinid and other land crab species are present.


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It has been proposed that short-term activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis, with a consequent increase in the secretion of cortisol, amy disrupt the endocrine events prior to ovulation and thereby impair reproduction in females. We investigated this concept in gilts in which oestrus was detected by introduction to boars, where intense physical contact is possible, or by applying pressure to the back of gilts (back-pressure test) during fence-line exposure to boars, where intense physical contact is prohibited. We expected that there would be a greater release of cortisol and that reproduction would be inhibited in gilts introduced to boars compared to gilts in which the back-pressure test was used. As expected, introduction of gilts to boars resulted in a significant transient increase in plasma concentrations of cortisol while there was no significant effect of using the back-pressure test on plasma cortisol. Nevertheless, introduction of gilts to boars did not impair reproduction and there was no effect of method of detecting oestrus on duration of oestrus, sexual receptivity, fertility or fecundity. The length of the oestrous cycle was decreased and ovulation rate increased in gilts that were introduced to boars compared to gilts that underwent the back-pressure test, indicating that introduction of gilts to boars may have stimulated these aspects of reproduction. These stimulatory effects may have been due to an increased exposure of gilts to sexual behaviour and stimuli from boars when introduced to boars and/or to stimulatory effects of the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis on some aspects of reproduction.


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Ucides cordatus is the most commercially, important mangrove crab in Brazil. In spite of its economic importance, there are few studies of its reproduction, in particular the female reproductive system. The present study describes the histology and histochemistry of the spermathecae of U. cordatus. Adult females were can lit monthly from July 2004 through June 2005, at Iguape, State of São Paulo. The crabs were anaesthetized, and their spermathecae removed and fixed in Davidson's fluid, following the histological routine for paraffin. The slides were stained with HE, xylidine Ponceau, PAS, alcian blue (pH 1.0 and 2.5), Sudan black B and picrosirius-haematoxylin. Histologically, the spermathecae possesses a capsule of conjunctive tissue, rich in collalgen fibres, which surrounds the secretory columnar epithelium. In the lumen, individual sperm packets are not observed; the spermatophores are intermixed with the seminal fluid and secretions of the spermathecae itself. A large proportion of the free spermatozoids and spermatophores are arranged in homogeneous masses in the proximal part of the spermathecae. The secretion produced by the columnar epithelium appears to promote the movement of the gametes to the fertilization chamber, in a ventral position, allowing fertilization of the oocytes. Histochemically, the secretion produced by the columnar epithelium was strongly positive for neutral polysaccharides, positive for acid polysaccharides, and weakly positive for proteins and lipids. Tills secretion forms a glycoprotein matrix which is associated with maintenance of the spermatophores, which can remain stored for long periods.


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The mottled shore crab P. transversus is probably the most common brachyuran crab living in the marine rocky intertidal of southeastern Brazil. However, its biology is largely unknown. In this study, some aspects of the population biology of this species are investigated. Distribution of individuals in the intertidal range is heterogeneous. Sabellariid worm reefs and mytilid mussel beds can be considered as nursery grounds retaining most part of juveniles, while the rocky surface is mostly inhabited by adults, which find safety shelters in rock crevices. Annual size frequency distributions revealed clues of population stability and indicated that young individuals reach the adult habitat in a gradual process. Sex-ratio follows the 1:1 proportion in smaller size classes but is biased towards males in larger ones. Higher mortality in larger females is indicated as a possible cause of this pattern. Ovigerous ratio shows a remarkable seasonality in which highest percentages of ovigerous females occur during summer months, while recruitment of young is more intense from April to July, suggesting a very extensive larval development. Once established in the intertidal zone, young recruits will develop to mature individuals in late spring, when molting crabs become scarce and proportion of breeding females increases. Therefore, growth and reproduction are in a great part temporally separated, allowing an annual life cycle in which settlement, growth and breeding may take place within a I-yr period.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The K+ reversible processes for ion exchange in KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O host compounds (Prussian Blue) were thermodynamically analyzed. A thermodynamic approach was established and developed based on the consideration of a lattice-gas model where the electronic contribution to the chemical potential is neglected and the ion-host interaction is not considered. The occupation fraction of the intercalation process was calculated from the kinetic parameters obtained through ac-electrogravimetry in a previous paper. In this way, the mass potential transfer function introduces a new way to evaluate the thermodynamic aspect of intercalation. Finally, based on the thermodynamic approach, the energy used to put each K+ ion into the host material was calculated. The values were shown to be in good agreement with the values obtained through transient techniques, for example, cyclic voltammetry. As a result, this agreement between theory and experimental data validates the thermodynamic approach considered here, and for the first time, the thermodynamic aspects of insertion were considered for mixed valence materials.


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The population dynamics and reproduction of the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus were evaluated on Pescadores Beach, located on the estuarine channel of Sao Vicente (São Paulo), Brazil. The hermit crabs were captured by hand during low tide,from May 2001 to April 2003. A total of 2554 hermit crabs were captured, of which 701 were males, 1741 non-ovigerous females, 48 ovigerous females and 64 intersex individuals. The size-frequency distribution of the males was represented by a platykurtic bell-shaped curve, which differed from the leptokurtic bell-shaped curve of the females. The smaller and intermediate classes were composed mainly of females (modal size 6.5-7.5 mm carapace shield length (CSL)), and the larger classes only by males (modal size 9.5-10.5 mm CSL). The overall sex-ratio was skewed toward females (0.39:1/M:F), differing significantly from the expected 1:1. A seasonal reproductive pattern was recorded for C. vittatus in this location, with more intensive reproductive activity in the warmer months. The absence of juveniles suggests that their recruitment area is different than the area inhabited by adults, possibly another area with more protection and specialized or different resources for young.


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The species is a very popularly used plant as woundwort. Leaves, top flowers and rhizomes are used. The objective of this work is a contribution to the germination study, photoblastism and more adequate temperature for reproduction of the species. The best temperature for the germination was found to be 20°C and no seeds germinated under continuous darkness, within 14 days; therefore, the seeds are positive photoblastics. The seed germination percentage was low, in relation to the mass of the achene produced, varying from 8,2 to 20,0%. The alternated temperatures of 20° and 30°C did not influence the seed germination and the average of the weight of 100 seeds was 0,026 1 g.