108 resultados para Bloomfield
Traditionally, big media corporations have contributed to hiding the women’s movement itself, as well as its main claims and topics of discussion (Marx, Myra y Hess, 1995; Rhode, 1995; Mendes, 2011). This has led the feminist movement to develop its own media generally print publications, usually, with a very specialized character and reduced audience. This is similar to what has occurred with quality main stream media, asthese publications have had to adapt themselves to a new communicatiion context, because of the financial crisis and technological evolution. Feminist media has found in the Internet an excellent opportunity to access citizens and communicate their messages. , In view of this scene of change and renovation, this article offers the results of a qualitative analysis focused on the experiences of four feminist online media sites edited in Spain: Pikaramagazine.com, Proyecto-kahlo.com, Mujeresenred.net and Laindependent.cat. Besides exploring the characteristics and content of these sites, the article pays attention to the virality of their contents spread through Facebook and Twitter. The onclusion estimates their social impact, insofar as they symbolize the specialization, diversification and dialogue promoted by the Web.
BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer might have high radiation-fraction sensitivity that would give a therapeutic advantage to hypofractionated treatment. We present a pre-planned analysis of the efficacy and side-effects of a randomised trial comparing conventional and hypofractionated radiotherapy after 5 years follow-up.
METHODS: CHHiP is a randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial that recruited men with localised prostate cancer (pT1b-T3aN0M0). Patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to conventional (74 Gy delivered in 37 fractions over 7·4 weeks) or one of two hypofractionated schedules (60 Gy in 20 fractions over 4 weeks or 57 Gy in 19 fractions over 3·8 weeks) all delivered with intensity-modulated techniques. Most patients were given radiotherapy with 3-6 months of neoadjuvant and concurrent androgen suppression. Randomisation was by computer-generated random permuted blocks, stratified by National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) risk group and radiotherapy treatment centre, and treatment allocation was not masked. The primary endpoint was time to biochemical or clinical failure; the critical hazard ratio (HR) for non-inferiority was 1·208. Analysis was by intention to treat. Long-term follow-up continues. The CHHiP trial is registered as an International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial, number ISRCTN97182923.
FINDINGS: Between Oct 18, 2002, and June 17, 2011, 3216 men were enrolled from 71 centres and randomly assigned (74 Gy group, 1065 patients; 60 Gy group, 1074 patients; 57 Gy group, 1077 patients). Median follow-up was 62·4 months (IQR 53·9-77·0). The proportion of patients who were biochemical or clinical failure free at 5 years was 88·3% (95% CI 86·0-90·2) in the 74 Gy group, 90·6% (88·5-92·3) in the 60 Gy group, and 85·9% (83·4-88·0) in the 57 Gy group. 60 Gy was non-inferior to 74 Gy (HR 0·84 [90% CI 0·68-1·03], pNI=0·0018) but non-inferiority could not be claimed for 57 Gy compared with 74 Gy (HR 1·20 [0·99-1·46], pNI=0·48). Long-term side-effects were similar in the hypofractionated groups compared with the conventional group. There were no significant differences in either the proportion or cumulative incidence of side-effects 5 years after treatment using three clinician-reported as well as patient-reported outcome measures. The estimated cumulative 5 year incidence of Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) grade 2 or worse bowel and bladder adverse events was 13·7% (111 events) and 9·1% (66 events) in the 74 Gy group, 11·9% (105 events) and 11·7% (88 events) in the 60 Gy group, 11·3% (95 events) and 6·6% (57 events) in the 57 Gy group, respectively. No treatment-related deaths were reported.
INTERPRETATION: Hypofractionated radiotherapy using 60 Gy in 20 fractions is non-inferior to conventional fractionation using 74 Gy in 37 fractions and is recommended as a new standard of care for external-beam radiotherapy of localised prostate cancer.
FUNDING: Cancer Research UK, Department of Health, and the National Institute for Health Research Cancer Research Network.
Fonias lusas ou lusofonias: as variedades do português no sistema de ensino (secundário) em Portugal
Atendendo ao lugar que atualmente a Língua Portuguesa (LP) ocupa no Mundo e ao crescente interesse da sua aprendizagem, é importante pugnar por uma consciencialização mais efetiva desta realidade junto dos alunos das nossas instituições de Ensino Básico e Secundário. A LP apresenta atualmente todas as condições para ser uma das protagonistas na economia mundial (Reto,2012). A explosão demográfica sentida em alguns dos países lusófonos, bem como o crescimento económico de outros tornam a LP a “nova linguagem do poder e do comércio”, tal como a designou Steve Bloomfield da revista Monocle Magazine, 57 (6), no artigo "A nova linguagem do poder e do comércio", em outubro de 2012. Se acrescentarmos que os seus falantes se encontram espalhados pelo planeta, adicionamos mais uma vantagem competitiva desta língua. Nesta perspetiva, realizou-se um estudo numa turma de Português do 10º ano do Ensino Secundário, Curso Profissional de Técnico de Comércio, numa escola em Aveiro, com uma amostra de quinze alunos. Para tal, na senda de uma coerência interna da investigação (Quivy e Campenhoudt, 2013), partimos dos objetivos, quer de natureza investigativa (Analisar os conhecimentos dos alunos sobre a realidade da lusofonia), quer de índole pedagógico-didática (Refletir e aprofundar conhecimentos sobre a diversidade linguística da LP e a importância destes conhecimentos na aprendizagem desta língua; Promover a valorização da diversidade linguística da LP). Os objetivos específicos do estudo empírico desta investigação passaram pela análise e pelo diagnóstico dos conhecimentos globais dos alunos sobre a realidade da lusofonia e ainda pelo (re)conhecimento das suas representações sobre o valor e o peso de importância da LP no contexto global das restantes línguas de conhecer as representações dos alunos sobre a LP, sobre as suas potencialidades e sobre a importância da lusofonia para a afirmação do valor desta língua. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um desconhecimento das línguas do mundo e do lugar ocupado pela LP nesse contexto. Para além disso, estes estudantes revelam uma visão eurocêntrica da LP, negligenciando as restantes variedades geográficas e culturais. Também relativamente ao ensino da língua, em termos pessoais atribuem-lhe algum reconhecimento, embora este seja mais evidente no domínio profissional. Tudo isto reforça a premência de um papel ativo dos professores na militância pelo reconhecimento da notoriedade da importância da LP no mundo atual.