145 resultados para Bloody Assize


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Descrevem-se surtos de Enteropatia Proliferativa Hemorrágica causados por Lawsonia intracellularis em suínos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A sintomatologia caracterizou-se por diarréia sanguinolenta com evolução superaguda. À necropsia verificaram-se íleo de aspecto reticulado, com mucosa moderadamente espessada e grande quantidade de sangue parcialmente coagulado, além de marcada palidez de órgãos e carcaça. O exame histológico revelou proliferação hiperplásica das células epiteliais das criptas de Lieberkühn, por vezes, associada a alterações inflamatórias e necróticas. A imunohistoquímica demonstrou presença da bactéria, em grande quantidade, dentro do citoplasma das células epiteliais das criptas. L. intracellularis também foi visualizada pela ultramicroscopia. Os surtos ocorreram em 1987 e essa é a primeira descrição da enfermidade no Estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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The preventive efficacy of ivermectin and abamectin administered in different routes (subcutaneous, intramuscular and pour-on) and doses (200 and 500mcg kg(-1)) against Cochliomyia hominivorax in the scrotal sac of cattle after castration, was evaluated. Animals from six different farms, in the state of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil were used. For each study, 3045 uncastrated bulls, depending on the number of groups, were selected. On day zero of the study, the procedure was carried out by the method of bloody castration and the animals were treated after this process. The efficacy of ivermectin and abamectin administered via the pour-on (500mcg kg(-1)), subcutaneous (200mcg kg(-1)) as well as the efficacy of abamectin intramuscularly (200mcg kg(-1)) were evaluated. In each experiment, one group of animals was kept as control. The animals were evaluated from the 3rd to the 14th day after castration process/treatment. The efficacy values for both active principles were <= 30% the next day 10 post-treatment (PT), and in five experiments, both ivermectin and abamectin, regardless of the route of administration, were ineffective (0.0%) on the day 10th PT. Based on the results found in this study, conducted in different properties from southeastern Brazil, both ivermectin and abamectin, when used the protocol presented, were considered ineffective in preventing scrotal myiasis in bulls, irrespective of the route of administration and dose used.


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Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a foodborne pathogen associated with enteritis in humans, ranging from a mild to bloody diarrhea to hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and even death. Large E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks have been reported worldwide and are frequently associated with consumption of undercooked beef. Cattle are a major reservoir of the pathogen, which is found in the intestinal tract of the animal. The carcasses can be contaminated with feces during the slaughter and production process. Ground beef remains the most common vehicle. The purpose of this study was to determine the E. coli O157:H7 importance associated to human illness and productivity losses to the meat industry, as well as identifying mechanisms of contamination related to beef and strategies to improve the safety of beef products


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The hypoglossal nerve (HN) is responsible for the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue. Knowledge of this is extremely important because this nerve is responsible for tongue movement. HN paralysis can be associated to the disease itself in various zones in which the NH travels, mainly the hypoglossal canal (HC). Variations in shape of the hypoglossal canal have been pointed to as the cause of HN paralysis in several studies. Four hundred dried intact human skulls without sex or race identification, belonging to the Discipline of Anatomy of ICTSJC – UNESP were studied. Each canal was classified into types: type I (without division in the HC), type II (HC with low bone spike), type III (HC more than two projections bone), type IV (presence of complete bony bridge without dividing HC into two distinct canals) and type V (presence of bone bridge by dividing into two HC canals). HC was found in 100% of skulls studied in both side. Regarding types, we found 538 (67.25%) hypoglossal canal of type I (34%, right side and 33.25%, left side), 108 (13.5%) of type II (7.38%, right side, and 6.13%, left side), 60 (7.5%) hypoglossal canal of type III (3.5%, right side and 4.0%, left side) 84 (10.5%) of type IV (4.75%, right side and 5.75%, left side) and 5 (0.63%) of the type V (0.13%, right side and 0.5%, left side). We found 5 (0,63%) different HC and classified ourselves in type VI, VII and VIII. The average angle was 51,3º on right side and 50,25º on left side. Detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the CH supports professionals in interventions of bloody skull base and also in giving the correct diagnosis of the probable causes of paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Human infections with EHEC such as O157:H7 have been a great concern for worldwide food-industry surveillance. This pathogen is commonly associated with bloody diarrhea that can evolve to the life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome. Animals are the natural reservoir where this pathogen remains asymptomatically, in steps of ingestion and colonization of the bowel. The bacterium is shed in the feces, contaminating the surroundings, including water and food that are directed for human consumption. A major player in this colonization process is intimin, an outer membrane adhesion molecule encoded by the E. coli attachment and effacement (eae) gene that has been shown to be essential for intimate bacterial attachment to eukaryotic host cells. In an attempt to reduce the colonization of animal reservoirs with EHEC O157:H7, we designed a vaccine model to induce an immune response against intimin gamma. The model is based on its recombinant expression in attenuated Salmonella, used as a suitable vaccine vector because of its recognized ability to deliver recombinant antigens and to elicit all forms of immunity: mucosal, systemic, and humoral responses. To test this model, mice were orally immunized with a S. enterica serovar Typhimurium strain carrying the pYA3137eaeA vector, and challenged with E. coli O157:H7. Here we show that immunization induced the production of high levels of specific IgG and IgA antibodies and promoted reduction in the fecal shedding of EHEC after challenge. The live recombinant vaccine reported herein may contribute to the efforts of reducing animal intestinal mucosa colonization.


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We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who presented with a complaint of a malodorous bloody discharge from the left naris. The patient had previously undergone a complete repair of left-sided cleft lip and palate. Clinical examination revealed hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa on the left side. X-ray examination of the nasal cavity demonstrated a radiopaque structure that resembled a tooth and a radiopaque mass similar to an odontoma that was adherent to the root of the suspected tooth. With the patient under general anesthesia, the structure was removed. On gross inspection, the structure was identified as a tooth with a rhinolith attached to the surface of its root. Microscopic examination revealed normal dentin and pulp tissue. A nonspecific inflammatory infiltrate was observed around the rhinolith, and areas of regular and irregular mineralization were seen. Some mineralized areas exhibited melanin-like brownish pigmentation. Areas of mucus with deposits of mineral salts were also observed. Rare cases of an intranasal tooth associated with a rhinolith have been described in the literature. We believe that this case represents only the second published report of an intranasal tooth associated with a rhinolith in a patient with cleft lip and palate


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Introduzione: le Coliti Microscopiche, altrimenti note come Colite Collagena e Colite Linfocitica, sono disordini infiammatori cronici del colon che causano diarrea e colpiscono più frequentemente donne in età avanzata e soggetti in terapia farmacologica. Negli ultimi anni la loro incidenza sembra aumentata in diversi paesi occidentali ma la prevalenza in Italia è ancora incerta. Scopo: il presente studio prospettico e multicentrico è stato disegnato per valutare la prevalenza delle CM in pazienti sottoposti a colonscopia per diarrea cronica non ematica. Pazienti e metodi: dal Maggio 2010 al Settembre 2010 sono stati arruolati consecutivamente tutti i soggetti adulti afferenti in due strutture dell’area metropolitana milanese per eseguire una pancolonscopia. Nei soggetti con diarrea cronica non ematica sono state eseguite biopsie multiple nel colon ascendente, sigma e retto nonché in presenza di lesioni macroscopiche. Risultati: delle 8008 colonscopie esaminate 265 sono state eseguite per diarrea cronica; tra queste, 8 presentavano informazioni incomplete, 52 riscontri endoscopici consistenti con altri disordini intestinali (i.e. IBD, tumori, diverticoliti). 205 colonscopie sono risultate sostanzialmente negative, 175 dotate di adeguato campionamento microscopico (M:F=70:105; età mediana 61 anni). L’analisi istologica ha permesso di documentare 38 nuovi casi di CM (M:F=14:24; età mediana 67.5 anni): 27 CC (M:F=10:17; età mediana 69 anni) e 11 CL (M:F=4:7; età mediana 66 anni). In altri 25 casi sono state osservate alterazioni microscopiche prive dei sufficienti requisiti per la diagnosi di CM. Conclusioni: nel presente studio l’analisi microscopica del colon ha identificato la presenza di CM nel 21,7% dei soggetti con diarrea cronica non ematica ed indagine pancolonscopica negativa. Lo studio microscopico del colon è pertanto un passo diagnostico fondamentale per il corretto inquadramento diagnostico delle diarree croniche, specialmente dopo i 60 anni di età. Ampi studi prospettici e multicentrici dovranno chiarire ruolo e peso dei fattori di rischio associati a questi disordini.


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Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) represent multiple disorders with diverse etiologies. We compared the gender and race of 335 patients enrolled in the Oklahoma TTP-HUS Registry across 21 years for their first episode of TTP or HUS to appropriate control groups. The relative frequency of women and white race among patients with TTP-HUS-associated with a bloody diarrhea prodrome and the relative frequency of women with quinine-associated TTP-HUS were significantly greater than their control populations. The relative frequency of women and black race among patients with idiopathic TTP and TTP-associated with severe ADAMTS13 deficiency was significantly greater than their control populations. The relative frequency of black race among patients who had systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) preceding TTP was significantly greater than among a population of patients with SLE, and the relative frequency of black race among patients with other autoimmune disorders preceding TTP was significantly greater than their control population. No significant gender or race disparities were present among patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-associated thrombotic microangiopathy, TTP associated with pregnancy, or TTP associated with drugs other than quinine. The validity of these observations is supported by the enrollment of all consecutive patients across 21 years from a defined geographic region, without selection or referral bias. These observations of different gender and race disparities among the TTP-HUS syndromes suggest the presence of different risk factors and may serve as starting points for novel investigations of pathogenesis.


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The case of a 20 month-old girl that was admitted to the emergency ward because of worsening of her general condition in the setting of acute non-bloody gastroenteritis is reported. The clinical examination revealed signs of severe dehydration and a prominent tender abdomen. Laboratory evaluation showed leucocytosis, elevated C-reactive protein and severe hypochromic microcytic anemia. Abdominal X-ray revealed diffuse meteorism. The child underwent laparascopic evaluation. A perforated Meckel's diverticulum was found. Perforation and anemia due to occult bleeding are unusual presentations of Meckel's diverticulum. The differential diagnosis of children presenting with an acute abdomen with special focus on Meckel's diverticulum is discussed.


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Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (PCI) is a rare illness in adults with gas filled blebs found in the submucosa or subserosa of the bowel wall. The main localization is the terminal ileum although all parts of the intestine can be affected. Clinical symptoms can vary from aqueous-slimy, bloody diarrhea to constipation and/or vague abdominal pain. Patients can also be completely asymptomatic. In symptomatic patients the therapy of PI is based on the assumed pathogenesis, so that a combined treatment of metronidazole 1500 mg daily during a period of 6-8 weeks additionally and oxygen application (PaO2 of 200-350 mmHg) for 7 days is suggested. In addition, elemental diets are recommended. Complications are indicated in the literature with 3%. In particular mechanical ileus, invagination and perforation as well as substantial intestinal bleeding up to the volvolus lead to further diagnostic and therapeutic steps. A surgical intervention is reserved for rare cases.


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Perianal streptococcal dermatitis is a common disease. The typical clinical picture includes perianal erythema, pruritus, painful defaecation and bloody stools. The diagnosis is made by a swab taken from the affected skin with bacterial culture. Therapy consists of penicillin for 10 days. Screening for affected persons in contact with the patient is indicated because perianal streptococcal dermatitis is known to be highly contagious. Relapse is common and therefore follow-up visits are recommended. In case of relapse, a first or second generation cephalosporin may be considered.


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El presente trabajo pretende realizar un análisis comparativo del sentido mítico-semiótico del personaje de Ulises tal como aparece, de modo general, en la tradición épica así como en su tratamiento en la tradición trágica. Se presenta la construcción de Ulises como un héroe épico con ciertas características que lo diferencian del héroe homérico tradicional, pero que, al mismo tiempo, lo inscriben en dicha categoría con sus peculiaridades propias: tales características versan principalmente sobre los ejes temáticos de la astucia y la areté homérica. Asimismo, se recurre a diversas tragedias de Sófocles y Eurípides para hacer una síntesis de los principales sentidos en el tratamiento del personaje de Ulises en la tradición trágica; en este aspecto, se hace énfasis en las mismas categorías de la astucia y la areté, pero circunscritas en un nuevo contexto mítico-literario que da a Ulises una perspectiva diversa a la épica en cuanto a su desarrollo en los relatos. Aquí se enfatiza especialmente su rol como agente promotor del cumplimiento del destino, el ejecutor de decisiones cruentas para llevar a término la guerra de Troya, la astucia que se transforma en dolo entre otros aspectos. Finalmente se realiza un contraste de ambas tradiciones y se trata de poner en evidencia cómo ha evolucionado el personaje de Ulises dentro del entramado mítico-semiótico que le ha dado vida en diversos textos literarios


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El tema de la guerra civil española no puede comprenderse cabalmente sin estudiar tanto el clima social y político anterior al enfrentamiento bélico como el proceso de liquidación de este trascendente hecho histórico. El bando triunfante pretendió que el cese de las operaciones militares ponía fin a la guerra, pero ésta no terminó entonces para la mayoría de los españoles. Durante muchos años continuó el uso de la fuerza, en forma unilateral bajo la forma de una sangrienta represión en el orden interno y un largo exilio de los vencidos. Otros hechos son los sufrimientos morales y psicológicos impuestos, los perjuicios culturales ocasionados, el destierro y su repercusión sobre millones de hogares. También pesan los quebrantos económicos y sociales sobre el bienestar general Para apreciar la forma elegida por el régimen franquista para liquidar la guerra civil española resulta ilustrativo detallar algunos aspectos de la modalidad puesta en práctica, cuyo fracaso pone de manifiesto la mezquindad con que actuó el régimen dictatorial.


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En este trabajo se propone analizar las consecuencias de los Decretos del 26 de abril y del 3 de octubre de 1916, por los cuales el gobierno argentino reglamentaba el artículo 32º de la Ley de Inmigración de 1876, imponiendo condiciones más estrictas en cuanto a los requisitos que debía cumplir quien quisiera arribar al país a partir de ese momento. La resistencia de las representaciones y de las compañías navieras hace que la aplicación del mencionado Decreto quede postergada. Sin embargo, debido a los hechos sangrientos de enero de 1919 conocidos como los sucesos de la "la semana trágica", el gobierno de Yrigoyen decide ponerlo en vigencia nuevamente. La reinstalación de los Decretos de 1916 provoca otra vez la reacción de las embajadas, entre ellas la española.