465 resultados para Bla(tem)


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Objectif : En Suisse, la réadaptation est financée en¦partie par l'assureur qui fixe préalablement à l'admission¦un nombre de jours (durée garantie) qu'il s'engage¦à rembourser. Lorsqu'une durée garantie est trop courte,¦une demande de prolongation est nécessaire, induisant¦des démarches administratives. Les objectifs de cette¦étude étaient a) d'étudier le lien entre durées garanties¦et caractéristiques du patient ; b) d'estimer les coûts¦liés aux demandes de prolongation ; c) d'évaluer¦l'impact de l'introduction d'un modèle d'attribution de¦durée garantie basé sur l'état fonctionnel du patient.¦Méthodes : Les corrélations entre état fonctionnel,¦durée effective et durée garantie ont été testées sur¦208 séjours représentatifs. Des durées garanties fictives¦ont été calculées à partir de la médiane de durée de¦séjour de 2 335 patients, groupés selon leur niveau¦fonctionnel (score des activités de base de la vie quotidienne¦(BAVQ) 0-1 vs 2-4 vs 5-6), puis comparées aux¦durées de séjour effectives et garanties.¦Résultats : L'état fonctionnel du patient n'est pas¦corrélé à la durée garantie, et 69 % des séjours nécessitent¦au moins une demande de prolongation, représentant¦2,6 équivalents temps plein en temps administratif¦projeté sur le canton. L'application du modèle proposé¦réduirait de 28 % les demandes de prolongation, et¦n'augmenterait que marginalement la proportion de¦jours garantis en surplus (11,2 % contre 6,5 % actuellement).¦Conclusion : L'utilisation systématique d'un modèle¦d'attribution de durées garanties basées sur l'état¦fonctionnel du patient permettrait de réduire sensiblement¦les coûts administratifs liés aux demandes de¦prolongation, sans entraîner de risque accru d'une augmentation¦de la durée de séjour.


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The restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent, often unrecognized disorder in the elderly. The diagnosis is essentially based on the clinical history. The RLS is characterized by (1) an urge to move the limbs, usually associated with abnormal sensations in the legs; (2) symptoms are worse at rest; (3) they are relieved by movements; (4) they mainly occur in the evening or at night. Specific diagnostic criteria have been developed for cognitively impaired elderly persons. The RLS is a chronic disorder with high impact on sleep and quality of life. Treatment is symptomatic and recommended drugs are dopaminergic agents, opioids, and gabapentine.


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Introduction: Falls efficacy, defined as confidence in performing activities without falling, is a measure of fear of falling associated with gait impairment, falls and functional decline in frail older people. This relationship has not been well studied in high-functioning older people. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between falls efficacy and gait performance in a cohort of high-functioning older people. Methods: Subjects (N = 864) were a subsample of communitydwelling older people aged 65 to 70 years, enrolled in the "Lc65+" cohort, who completed gait assessment at baseline. Data were collected on demographics, functional, cognitive, affective, and health status. Falls efficacy was assessed using the Falls Efficacy Scale- International (FES-I) that measures confidence in performing 16 activities of daily life (ADL) without falling (score from 16 to 64, higher score indicates lower confidence). Gait parameters were measured over a 20 m walk at preferred gait speed using Physilog, an ambulatory gait monitoring system. Results: Participants (mean age 68.0 ± 1.4 years, 55.0% women) had excellent physical (92.2% independent in basic ADL, mean gait speed 1.13 ± 0.16 m/sec) and cognitive (98.0% with MMSE 024) performance. Nevertheless, 22.1% reported depressive symptoms and 16.1% one or more fall in the previous year. Mean FES-I score was 18.8 ± 4.1. Falls efficacy was associated with gait speed (Spearman rho -0.23, P <.001) and gait variability (Spearman rho 0.10, P = .006), measured by the coefficient of variation of stride velocity. These associations remained in multivariate analysis for both gait speed (adj [beta] coeff: -0.008, 95%CI -0.005 to -0.010, P <.001) and gait variability (adj [beta] coeff 0.024, 95%CI 0.003 to 0.045, P = .023) independent of gender, falls, functional, affective, cognitive, and frailty (Fried's criteria) status. On average, compared to subjects with poor confidence in performing one ADL without falling, those with full confidence had a 0.02 m/sec (2%) faster gait speed and a 2% decrease in gait variability. Conclusion: Even in high-functioning older people, poor falls efficacy is associated with reduced gait speed and stability, independent of health, functional, and frailty status. The direction of this relationship needs to be investigated prospectively to determine causality and design interventions to improve gait performance, reduce fall risk, and prevent functional decline.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the psychometric properties of an adapted version of the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES) in older rehabilitation patients. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Postacute rehabilitation facility in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Seventy elderly persons aged 65 years and older receiving postacute, inpatient rehabilitation. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: FES questions asked about subject's confidence (range, 0 [none]-10 [full]) in performing 12 activities of daily living (ADLs) without falling. Construct validity was assessed using correlation with measures of physical (basic ADLs [BADLs]), cognitive (Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE]), affective (15-item Geriatric Depression Scale [GDS]), and mobility (Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment [POMA]) performance. Predictive validity was assessed using the length of rehabilitation stay as the outcome. To determine test-retest reliability, FES administration was repeated in a random subsample (n=20) within 72 hours. RESULTS: FES scores ranged from 10 to 120 (mean, 88.7+/-26.5). Internal consistency was optimal (Cronbach alpha=.90), and item-to-total correlations were all significant, ranging from .56 (toilet use) to .82 (reaching into closets). Test-retest reliability was high (intraclass correlation coefficient, .97; 95% confidence interval, .95-.99; P<.001). Subjects reporting a fall in the previous year had lower FES scores than nonfallers (85.0+/-25.2 vs 94.4+/-27.9, P=.054). The FES correlated with POMA (Spearman rho=.40, P<.001), MMSE (rho=.37, P=.001), BADL (rho=.43, P<.001), and GDS (rho=-.53, P<.001) scores. These relationships remained significant in multivariable analysis for BADLs and GDS, confirming FES construct validity. There was a significant inverse relationship between FES score and the length of rehabilitation stay, independent of sociodemographic, functional, cognitive, and fall status. CONCLUSIONS: This adapted FES is reliable and valid in older patients undergoing postacute rehabilitation. The independent association between poor falls efficacy and increased length of stay has not been previously described and needs further investigations.


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OBJECTIVE The risk of carrying methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is higher among nursing home (NH) residents than in the general population. However, control strategies are not clearly defined in this setting. In this study, we compared the impact of standard precautions either alone (control) or combined with screening of residents and decolonization of carriers (intervention) to control MRSA in NHs. DESIGN Cluster randomized controlled trial SETTING NHs of the state of Vaud, Switzerland PARTICIPANTS Of 157 total NHs in Vaud, 104 (67%) participated in the study. INTERVENTION Standard precautions were enforced in all participating NHs, and residents underwent MRSA screening at baseline and 12 months thereafter. All carriers identified in intervention NHs, either at study entry or among newly admitted residents, underwent topical decolonization combined with environmental disinfection, except in cases of MRSA infection, MRSA bacteriuria, or deep skin ulcers. RESULTS NHs were randomly allocated to a control group (51 NHs, 2,412 residents) or an intervention group (53 NHs, 2,338 residents). Characteristics of NHs and residents were similar in both groups. The mean screening rates were 86% (range, 27%-100%) in control NHs and 87% (20%-100%) in intervention NHs. Prevalence of MRSA carriage averaged 8.9% in both control NHs (range, 0%-43%) and intervention NHs (range, 0%-38%) at baseline, and this rate significantly declined to 6.6% in control NHs and to 5.8% in intervention NHs after 12 months. However, the decline did not differ between groups (P=.66). CONCLUSION Universal screening followed by decolonization of carriers did not significantly reduce the prevalence of the MRSA carriage rate at 1 year compared with standard precautions


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Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Ellis G, Whitehead MA, O'Neill D, Langhorne P, Robinson D. Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jul 6;(7):CD006211. PMID: 21735403.