344 resultados para Bivalves límnicos
Adopting the perspective of human health risk assessment, an interdisciplinary research group has been investigating since 1998 the quality of mussels and oysters cultivated in coastal zones of Santa Catarina State. Evaluation of physico-chemical parameters considered relevant in measuring the degree of eutrophication showed values compatible with the dynamics of well balanced environmental systems. Concentrations of metallic and semi-metallic elements in seawater and bivalves were found to be similar to or lower than those found in Chile, Greenland and the USA. Further investigations focusing upon sediments will provide new and useful data for the management of sustainable mariculture strategies in Brazil.
The main objective of this paper was to evaluate the level of occurrence of the organochlorine compounds in samples of sediments, bivalves and two fish species collected in the Piracicaba River basin (São Paulo, Brazil). The isomers alpha and gamma of HCH and Heptachlor were most frequently detected in samples of sediments and specimens of bivalve and fish. Therefore, although the levels of these compounds found were not critically high, they are still found in the environment. This fact suggests that they are still being used, despite the fact that the use of these compounds was outlawed more than twenty years ago.
This study investigated the contamination of the Ribeira de Iguape River - RIR by Cd, Zn, Cr and Pb, using the bivalve Anodontites tenebricosus as a biomonitor. Metal concentrations in tissue samples were measured by HR-ICPMS. Bivalve tissues exhibited mean levels of 1.00 µg/g Cd; 152.89 µg/g Zn; 14.79 µg/g Cr and 4.40 µg/g Pb. Lead concentrations were comparable to those reported for moderately contaminated sites. The results showed that Pb is bioavailable to the bivalves, exhibiting high concentrations and exceeding both natural and reference values for human consumption. The freshwater bivalve Anodontites tenebricosus is a suitable biomonitor of contamination by metals.
Rapid changes in biodiversity are occurring globally, as a consequence of anthropogenic disturbance. This has raised concerns, since biodiversity is known to significantly contribute to ecosystem functions and services. Marine benthic communities participate in numerous functions provided by soft-sedimentary ecosystems. Eutrophication-induced oxygen deficiency is a growing threat against infaunal communities, both in open sea areas and in coastal zones. There is thus a need to understand how such disturbance affects benthic communities, and what is lost in terms of ecosystem functioning if benthic communities are harmed. In this thesis, the status of benthic biodiversity was assessed for the open Baltic Sea, a system severely affected by broad-scale hypoxia. Long-term monitoring data made it possible to establish quantitative biodiversity baselines against which change could be compared. The findings show that benthic biodiversity is currently severely impaired in large areas of the open Baltic Sea, from the Bornholm Basin to the Gulf of Finland. The observed reduction in biodiversity indicates that benthic communities are structurally and functionally impoverished in several of the sub-basins due to the hypoxic stress. A more detailed examination of disturbance impacts (through field studies and -experiments) on benthic communities in coastal areas showed that changes in benthic community structure and function took place well before species were lost from the system. The degradation of benthic community structure and function was directed by the type of disturbance, and its specific temporal and spatial characteristics. The observed shifts in benthic trait composition were primarily the result of reductions in species’ abundances, or of changes in demographic characteristics, such as the loss of large, adult bivalves. Reduction in community functions was expressed as declines in the benthic bioturbation potential and in secondary biomass production. The benthic communities and their degradation accounted for a substantial proportion of the changes observed in ecosystem multifunctionality. Individual ecosystem functions (i.e. measures of sediment ecosystem metabolism, elemental cycling, biomass production, organic matter transformation and physical structuring) were observed to differ in their response to increasing hypoxic disturbance. Interestingly, the results suggested that an impairment of ecosystem functioning could be detected at an earlier stage if multiple functions were considered. Importantly, the findings indicate that even small-scale hypoxic disturbance can reduce the buffering capacity of sedimentary ecosystem, and increase the susceptibility of the system towards further stress. Although the results of the individual papers are context-dependent, their combined outcome implies that healthy benthic communities are important for sustaining overall ecosystem functioning as well as ecosystem resilience in the Baltic Sea.
A presença de Vibrio parahaemolyticus foi avaliada em 50 amostras de moluscos bivalves marinhos compostas por 40 amostras de ostras coletadas em 15 restaurantes do Rio de Janeiro e 10 amostras de mexilhões capturados de banco natural em Ponta de Itaipú - Niterói. Foram empregadas a técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) para a enumeração de V. parahaemolyticus utilizando Caldo Glicosado Salgado com Teepol (GSTB) e Água Peptonada Alcalina (APA) com 3% de cloreto de sódio (NaCl). Paralelamente foi realizada técnica de enriquecimento em APA com 1 e 3% de NaCl. Decorrido o período de incubação de ambas as técnicas, foi realizado plaqueamento em ágar TCBS (Tiossulfato Citrato Bile Sacarose). Todas as cepas de V. parahaemolyticus isoladas através das duas técnicas foram testadas para o fenômeno de Kanagawa e, quanto à produção de urease. Do total de 141 cepas de V. parahaemolyticus isoladas, 62% revelaram-se urease positivas e, dentre estas, os sorotipos predominantes foram O10:K?, O11:K? e O3:K57 dentre o total de 24 sorotipos urease positivos identificados. Embora todas as cepas de V. parahaemolyticus tenham sido Kanagawa negativas, os resultados apontam elevada incidência desta espécie em ostras comercializadas em restaurantes.
Foram avaliadas 44 cepas de Escherichia coli isoladas de amostras cárneas de mexilhões capturados no município de Niterói, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, quanto a sua sensibilidade a antimicrobianos. Vinte e quatro antimicrobianos foram testados e padrões variáveis de comportamento frente aos mesmos foram observados. Todas as cepas avaliadas apresentaram sensibilidade total a apenas 41,66% dos antimicrobianos (R, Ac, C, To, Fx, Cz, Ct, Nt, Cp, Ge) e resistência total a 4,16% dos antimicrobianos (Ca). A cepa número 18 apresentou sensibilidade a 95,83% dos antimicrobianos, enquanto que a cepa número 30 aduziu resistência a 41,66% dos antimicrobianos. Frente aos resultados obtidos é importante ponderarmos sobre o risco à Saúde Pública associado ao hábito de ingerir pescado cru ou insuficientemente cozido, especialmente bivalves filtradores contaminados por bactérias com comprovada resistência a diferentes antimicrobianos, alimentos potencialmente envolvidos em processos de reinfecção do homem, no qual desencadeiam quadros de gastroenterite.
In light of the heavy reliance of the people of the Niagara Peninsula on the T\\'elve Mile Creek (TMC) watershed for recreational activities and for municipal and industrial uses ( e.g., drinking water, shipping and discharge of effluents), it was deemed prudent to assess the envirol1tnental health of the system by analysing the sediments total and exchangeable metal, and TPH contents. The MOEE has set guidelines with limits for the protection and management of aquatic sediments, and the sediments from the headwaters of the TMC have total metal and TPH (subset of O&G) contents well below the lower provincial limits. Areas of environmental concern where total metal contents in sediments, either individually or collectively, exceed the guideline, are the south side of Lake Gibson, the Old WeIland Canal, a segment of TMC just south of the QEW and Martindale Pond. The total metal content of sediments does not in all instances identify areas of biological concern. Instead, it has been found that the exchangeable metal fraction of sediments is a better indicator of metal availability and thus potential accumulation in organisms. In some instances, the exchangeable metal fraction agrees with the total metal fraction defining areas of environmental concern, but it does vary from site to site reflecting the natural variability of the ambient environment. Overall, the exchangeable metal fraction of sediments appears to be a better indicator of anthropogenic pollution and ecosystem impact. A histochemical study of Anodon.ta sp., Elliptio sp. and zebra mussels (Dreissena polyn'101pha) was done in conjunction with passive biomonitoring of zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) from the Twelve Mile Creek watershed and Lake 51. Clair (Jeanette's Creek, Chatham, Ontario). The highest concentrations of divalent metals such as Cu, Ni, Cd, and Zn, and trivalent Al appear to accumulate in gill and kidney tissues. Metal contents of organ tissues in Anodonta sp. vary with size class. Organ metal content varies among size classes, thus requiring consideration of size in biomonitoring studies. Shucked zebra and quagga mussel tissues, exhibited similar size class to Al content trends. In addition they reflected the Al content trends of top (approximately 10 cm) most sediments in the Twelve Mile Creek watershed. Quagga mussels appear to have higher Al concentrations than zebra mussels, thus suggesting that quagga mussels may be better passive biomonitors of AI. Cd content in zebra mussel tissues, seemed to increase with size class trends. This was not demonstrated in the quagga mussel tissues. This suggests that Cd may be regulated by quagga mussels and not by zebra mussels, and that zebra mussels may be better passivebiomonitors of Cd than are quagga mussels. Zebra mussel, quagga mussel, Anodonta sp., and Elliptio sp. were used in a two part, active (translocated) biomonitoring study of the Twelve Mile Creek watershed. There was no statistical difference in death rates between zebra and quagga mussels after 65 days of biomonitoring. However there does appear to be a difference of death rates between sites. Unfortunately the data base did not permit us to differentiate between sites. Relative to Port Colborne Harbour (Port Colborne, Ontario), the Twelve Mile Creek watershed appears to be elevated in bioavailable AI. An area near the terminus of the Twelve Mile Creek appears to be an area of environmental concern since mussels seemed to have accumulated relatively large concentrations of Cd, Zn, and Pb. In addition to possible metal loading from a nearby outfalls, or possible upstream outfalls, road salt runoff from storm sewers may have contributed to metal accumulation through cation exchanges processes. Similar trends in cumulative quagga mussel metal concentrations during the two time periods (65 and 159 days), suggest that quagga mussels may reach equilibrium within 65 days of translocation. Differences in bioaccumulated metal concentrations of the two dreissenid species demonstrate that active biomonitoring studies must use a variety of organisms to adequately assess the environmental situation of specific waterways and/or bodies.
Toxoplasma gondii, un protozoaire très répandu dans le monde, peut infecter de nombreuses espèces homéothermes incluant les mammifères et les oiseaux qui développent alors une toxoplasmose. L’impact de la toxoplasmose en termes de santé publique est majeur, particulièrement chez les personnes immunodéprimées et les foetus. Les niveaux d’infection humaine dans certaines régions de l’Arctique Canadien sont parmi les plus élevés au monde et ce, malgré l’absence de félidés qui sont les seuls hôtes capables d’excréter T. gondii. Plusieurs études ont suggéré la consommation de viande crue de mammifères marins et notamment de phoques comme source d’infection des Inuits. Notre travail de recherche visait à comprendre les mécanismes de dispersion de T. gondii dans les écosystèmes aquatiques menant à la contamination du milieu marin de l’Arctique par des oocystes, et à évaluer l’importance de cette voie de dispersion dans l’infection des phoques et conséquemment dans celle des Inuits. Notre hypothèse était que les oocystes de T. gondii, excrétés durant l’hiver par des félidés dans le Subarctique et transportés par les rivières pendant la fonte printanière, contaminaient les estuaires de l’Arctique Canadien. Dans un premier temps, une étude transversale de séroprévalence chez les phoques de l’Arctique Canadien a montré que ces populations étaient infectées par T. gondii et pouvaient ainsi a priori constituer une source d’infection pour les Inuit. Des variations spatio-temporelles de la séroprévalence étaient observées suggérant un lien potentiel avec des variations dans la contamination environnementale par les oocystes. Un schéma conceptuel explicitant les mécanismes de transport et de devenir des oocystes de T. gondii, du phénomène de la fonte de la neige jusqu’à l’exposition des organismes marins, a été proposé dans le chapitre suivant. Des interactions entre les différents mécanismes identifiés, qui agissent sur des échelles spatio-temporelles variées, devraient favoriser l’apparition de concentrations relativement élevées aux estuaires permettant ainsi l’exposition et potentiellement l’infection de phoques. Pour évaluer la contamination environnementale par les oocystes excrétés par la population de lynx du bassin versant de l’Arctique Canadien (les seuls félidés majoritairement distribués dans ce vaste territoire), nous avons mené une étude sérologique de type transversale dans cette population. Cette étude a permis de montrer que des lynx étaient infectés par T. gondii et a également suggéré que la dynamique des cycles de populations lynx-lièvres pouvait être un processus important dans la transmission de T. gondii. Finalement, la modélisation du transport hydrique des oocystes a indiqué que les concentrations hypothétiques d’oocystes dans l’eau de la fonte pourraient être suffisantes pour permettre l’exposition au niveau des estuaires de bivalves filtreurs, qui sont des proies pour les phoques et donc potentiellement des sources infectieuses pour ces derniers. Dans des écosystèmes nordiques en pleine mutation, la compréhension des mécanismes de transmission d’agents pathogènes d’origine hydrique comme T. gondii est plus que nécessaire, notamment dans le but de protéger les populations fragilisées de ces régions.
The present investigation is to find the hypoxic adaptations and role of carotenoids in the anaerobic catabolism of two intertidal bivalves-Sunetta scripta and Perna viridis. Physiological and cytological responses during hypoxic stress have been studied and compared to that of sublethal heavy metal (copper) exposure using two indices : total carotenoid concentration and accumulation of lipofuscin granules. A close similarity has been observed between hypoxic exposed and copper (sublethal) exposed animals regarding the total carotenoid concentration and lipofuscin accumulation. In the case of S.scripta, the total caroteniod increase at 48h of both hypoxic and heavy metal exposure was found to be nearly 40% greater than that of the control (0h). Whereas in P.viridis, the increment in the total carotenoid concentration at 48h of hypoxic exposure and 48h of heavy metal exposure were found to be nearly 87% and 95% higher than that of the control (0h) respectively.Regarding the lipofuscin accumulation, in both S.scripta and P.viridis , the characteristic features of the granule at 48h of hypoxia is very much similar to that observed at 48h of heavy metal exposure. Thus, the present study suggests that the increase in carotenoid concentration and lipofuscin accumulation expressed by bivalves under heavy metal stress can be due to the indirect effect of hypoxia.
Division of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
The distribution of the holothurian H. KH.) scabra indicated its availability all along coastal areas on Palk Bay from Rameswavam to Mallipattinam and along the Gulf of Hannah coast from Pamban to Ervadi and Tuticmhin,'at 4~2O m depth.The major fishing for holmthurians was done by skin diving at all the centres. The tallu valai was operated at Tuticorin and Vedalai and trawlevs were operated at Rameswaram.The fmod of H. KN.) scabra consists of ovganic matter which contains mud, sand, shell debris, bivalves and algae. Obsehvatinns indicated the species seems to be a n0n—se1ective feeder. The assimilation efficiency from sediment to faeces indicated that the faecal pellets of H. KH.) scabra are semidigested.A multiple relationship was fitted between total length, total weight, gutted weight, gonad weight and maturity stages were found significant.The fishing season for holothurians commences from October to March along Gulf of Manner coast and from March to October along Palk Bay coast.The percentage of catches recorded by skin diving, trawlere and tallu valai were 80.04%, 10.27% and 9.69% respectively. Skin diving contributes to maximum catch.The holothurians landed all along the Gulf of Manner and Palk Bay coasts constitute 25.6% and 74.4% respectively. This showed that Palk Bay coast is more productive.
In recent years, pollution in general and sea water pollution in particular, has become an important topic for national and international considerations. Because of its impact on society, marine pollution has attracted great attention from politicians, administrators, natural scientists and technologists all over the world. To save our environment from further deterioration, it is essential to have an assessment of this problem This thesis involves investigation of the lethal and sub lethal effects of four pesticides and two petroleum oil, individually and in combinations on two commercially important bivalves. Among the four pesticides used two are organophosphates and the other two are organochlorines. Synthetic Pesticides, especially organophosphates and organochlorines have become increasingly important additions to chemical wastes polluting natural aquatic Communities special attention is given in the present investigation to delineate the combined toxic effect of oil and pesticides. The results are presented under different sections to make the presentation meaningful.
Teredinids (shipworms), a group of wood boring bivalves occurring in the Cochin Harbour region have been taken up for the eco-physiological studies. On the ecological part, the occurrence, abunance and seasonal intensity of the teredinids in relation to hydrographic conditions have been studied. On the physiological part, salinity tolerance and oxygen consumption of the most commonly occurring shipworms, Nausitcra hedlgyi and Teredo furcifera have been investigated. The hydrographic factors studied are temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrite, silicate and pH. The variation in temperature is found to be comparatively narrow. But seasonal variation in salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrite and silicate has been observed, with the highest values during the monsoon period. In the case of pH, the minimum value has been obtained during the low saline period and the maximum value, during the high saline period. Of the various hydrographic factors studied, salinity has been found to be the most important fluctuating environmental parameter influencing the life of organisms in the habitat.
Enhancement and culture of bivalves presents an opportunity to maximise and even increase production of many growing areas. Clam culture is less intensive both for capital and labour, involves simple farming and management techniques and is considered an efficient means of protein production. Clams are efficient converters of primary production and growth rate is fast with maximum production in 5-6 months. with culture, production is less influenced by poor recruitment. Stable production facilitates market development. Rivalves are being increasingly used in bio-medical research. Culture practices would ensure uninterrupted supplies of experimental material. Paucity of biological data restricts the development of efficient management and culture techniques of bivalves. This study was undertaken with a view to provide information on some aspects of biology of the bivalve S_. scripta which have hitherto been uninvestigated.
The pollutants discharged into the estuaries are originate from two main sources-industrial and sewage. The former may be toxic which includes heavy metals, residues from antifouling paint particles and pesticides, while large discharges of sewage will contain pathogenic microorganisms. The contamination is enough to destroy the amenities of the waterfront, and the toxic substances may completely destroy the marine life and damage to birds, fishes and other marine organisms. Antifouling biocides are a type of chemical used in marine structure to prevent biofouling. These antifouling biocides gradually leach from the ships and other marine structures into water and finally settled in sediments. Once a saturation adsorption is reached they desorbed into overlying water and causes threat to marine organisms. Previous reports explained the imposex and shell thickening in bivalves owing to the effect of biocides. So bivalves are used as indicator organisms to understand the status of pollution. The nervous system is one of the best body part to understand the effect of toxicant. Acetylcholine esterase enzyme which is the main neurotransmitter in nervous was used to understand the effect of pollutants. Present study uses Acetylcholine esterase enzyme as pollution monitoring indicator