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The document illustrates the processes on the isolation of bioactive compounds from marine organisms and the production of marine drugs.
The article discusses the uses of marine organisms in folk medicine and in horticulture in the Philippines. Commonly used marine organisms are the different varieties of seaweeds, sea urchin, sea cucumber, turtle, crocodile and fishes such as grouper and rabbitfish.
The research was conducted to determine the toxicity of extracts from five Philippine species of marine sponges on tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fry. It was found out that the most potent was the methanol extract of Dysidea herbacea, it kills with the least toxin and at the shortest time.
The article presents the practices that have been developed or documented by SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department for farming seaweeds. These practices are: the cage culture of Kappaphycus, and the ‘rice planting’ method for cultivating Gracilaria. The seaweed gathering practices in coastal communities in western Visayas is also presented.
The article presents some toxins of marine origin. These are tetrodotoxin from pufferfish, saxitoxins from red microalgae that mussels and shellfish ingest, and palitoxin the most toxic marine product isolated from zoonthurian Palythoa toxica.
The article discusses Nereistoxin, a toxin isolated from marine annelids, its pharmacological and agricultural applications are discussed in the article.
The article presents several marine chemicals that are likely candidates for future drugs. There sources and applications were also discussed.
The article discusses the development of milkfish aquaculture industry in the Philippines. The impact of milkfish aquaculture to the environment, the different farming techniques and its economic aspects are also discussed.
The article presents the traditional milkfish culture practices. The different types of culture ponds are classified according to their uses. Pond preparation, stocking density, pond management and harvesting practices are also discussed.
The article presents the milkfish aquaculture techniques in the Philippines modified from the traditional method. These are modular method and silo method, methods on eliminating snails, fertilizer-water replenishment scheme, supplemental feeding and the stunting of fingerlings are also presented.
The paper illustrates the life cycle of milkfish in the wild.
The article presents the Philippines, Department of Agriculture Project Sabalo which aims to address the milkfish fry shortage of the country. The project also aims to evaluate existing hatcheries, assess broodstock conditions, and increase the number of broodstock. Fry requirement for milkfish ponds is also presented.
The status of milkfish industry in Taiwan is presented. Recent advances on fry production from hatcheries are also discussed.
The article discusses the guidelines for environmentally acceptable aquaculture to ensure that financial gain is not at the expense of the ecosystem or the rest of society. The general principles, strategies and objectives, and action plans for the implementation of environment-friendly aquaculture is also discussed.
The article presents the R & D activities of Southeast Asian Development Center, Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) for 20 years. Its accomplishments in seafarming, community-based resource management, and sea ranching of snappers and mollucs are discussed.