937 resultados para Biological chemistry


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Heat shock protein 90 participates in diverse biological processes ranging from protein folding, cell cycle, signal transduction and development to evolution in all eukaryotes. It is also critically involved in regulating growth of protozoa such as Dictyostelium discoideum, Leishmania donovani, Plasmodium falciparum, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Trypanosoma evansi. Selective inhibition of Hsp90 has also been explored as an intervention strategy against important human diseases such as cancer, malaria, or trypanosomiasis. Giardia lamblia, a simple protozoan parasite of humans and animals, is an important cause of diarrheal disease with significant morbidity and some mortality in tropical countries. Here we show that the G. lamblia cytosolic hsp90 ( glhsp90) is split in two similar sized fragments located 777 kb apart on the same scaffold. Intrigued by this unique arrangement, which appears to be specific for the Giardiinae, we have investigated the biosynthesis of GlHsp90. We used genome sequencing to confirm the split nature of the giardial hsp90. However, a specific antibody raised against the peptide detected a product with a mass of about 80 kDa, suggesting a post-transcriptional rescue of the genomic defect. We show evidence for the joining of the two independent Hsp90 transcripts in-trans to one long mature mRNA presumably by RNA splicing. The splicing junction carries hallmarks of classical cis-spliced introns, suggesting that the regular cis-splicing machinery may be sufficient for repair of the open reading frame. A complementary 26-nt sequence in the ``intron'' regions adjacent to the splice sites may assist in positioning the two pre-mRNAs for processing. This is the first example of post-transcriptional rescue of a split gene by trans-splicing.


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An analysis of the base pair doublet geometries in available crystal structures indicates that the often reported intrinsic curvature of DNA containing oligo-(d(A).d(T)) tracts may also depend on the nature of the flanking sequences. The presence of CA/TG doublet in particular at the 5' end of these tracts is expected to enhance their intrinsic bending property. To test this proposition, three oligonucleotides, d(GAAAAACCCCCC), d(CCCCCCAAAAAG), d(GAAAAATTTTTC), and their complementary sequences were synthesized to study the effect of various flanking sequences, at the 5' and 3' ends of the A-tracts, on the curvature of DNA in solution. An analysis of the polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic mobilities of these sequences under different conditions of salts and temperatures (below their melting points) clearly showed that the oligomer with CA/TG sequence in the center was always more retarded than the oligomer with AC/GT sequence, as well as the oligomer with AT/AT sequence. Hydroxyl radical probing of the sequences with AC/GT and CA/TG doublet junctions gives a similar cutting pattern in the A-tracts, which is quite different from that in the C-tracts, indicating that the oligo(A)-tracts have similar structures in the two oligomers. KMnO4 probing shows that the oligomer with a CA/TG doublet junction forms a kink that is responsible for its inherent curvature and unusual electrophoretic mobility. UV melting shows a reduced thermal stability of the duplex with CA/TG doublet junction, and circular dichroism (CD) studies indicate that a premelting transition occurs in the oligomer with CA/TG doublet step before global melting but not in the oligomer with AC/GT doublet step, which may correspond to thermally induced unbending of the oligomer. These observations indicate that the CA/TG doublet junction at the 5' end of the oligo(A)-tract has a crucial role in modulating the overall curvature in DNA.


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The activity of many proteins orchestrating different biological processes is regulated by allostery, where ligand binding at one site alters the function of another site. Allosteric changes can be brought about by either a change in the dynamics of a protein, or alteration in its mean structure. We have investigated the mechanisms of allostery induced by chemically distinct ligands in the cGMP-binding, cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase, PDE5. PDE5 is the target for catalytic site inhibitors, such as sildenafil, that are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. PDE5 is a multidomain protein and contains two N-terminal cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase, bacterial adenylyl cyclase, FhLA transcriptional regulator (GAF) domains, and a C-terminal catalytic domain. Cyclic GMP binding to the GAFa domain and sildenafil binding to the catalytic domain result in conformational changes, which to date have been studied either with individual domains or with purified enzyme. Employing intramolecular bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, which can monitor conformational changes both in vitro and in intact cells, we show that binding of cGMP and sildenafil to PDE5 results in distinct conformations of the protein. Metal ions bound to the catalytic site also allosterically modulated cGMP- and sildenafil-induced conformational changes. The sildenafil-induced conformational change was temperature-sensitive, whereas cGMP-induced conformational change was independent of temperature. This indicates that different allosteric ligands can regulate the conformation of a multidomain protein by distinct mechanisms. Importantly, this novel PDE5 sensor has general physiological and clinical relevance because it allows the identification of regulators that can modulate PDE5 conformation in vivo.


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Telomeric DNA of a variety of vertebrates including humans contains the tandem repeat d(TTAGGG)(n). We have investigated the structural properties of the human telomeric repeat oligonucleotide models d(T(2)AG(3))(4), d(G(3)T(2)A)(3)G(3), and d(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) using CD, gel electrophoresis, and chemical probing techniques. The sequences d(G(3)T(2)A)(3)G(3) and d(T(2)AG(3))(4) assume an antiparallel G quartet structure by intramolecular folding, while the sequence d(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) also adopts an antiparallel G quartet structure but by dimerization of hairpins. In all the above cases, adenines are in the loop. The TTA loops are oriented at the same end of the G tetrad stem in the case of hairpin dimer. Further, the oligonucleotide D(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) forms a higher order structure by the association of two hairpin dimers via stacking of G tetrad planes. Here we show that N-7 of adenine in the hairpin dimer is Hoogsteen hydrogen-bonded. The partial reactivity of loop adenines with DEPC in d(T(2)AG(3))(4) suggests that the intramolecular G quartet structure is highly polymorphic and structures with different loop orientations and topologies are formed in solution. Intra- and interloop hydrogen bonding schemes for the TTA loops are proposed to account for the observed diethyl pyrocarbonate reactivities of adenines. Sodium-induced G quartet structures differ from their potassium-induced counterparts not only in stability but also in loop conformation and interactions. Thus, the overall structure and stability of telomeric sequences are modulated by the cation present, loop sequence, and the number of G tracts, which might be important for the telomere function.


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The complete amino acid sequence of two non identical subunits of the glucose/mannose-specific lectin from Dolichos lab lab (field bean) has been determined by sequential Edman analyses of the intact subunits and peptides derived by enzymatic and chemical cleavage. Peptides were purified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography and ion pair chromatography. The D. lab lab lectin is a glycoprotein having two polypeptide chains of 132 and 105 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the D. Lab lab lectin is compared with the various lectins of the family Leguminosae. The D. lab lab lectin is the only species of the tribe Phaseoleae that contains two nonidentical subunits of almost equal size and that shows a specificity to glucose/ mannose. The lectin shows a greater homology to the glucose/mannose specific lectins, especially concanavalin A. The unique subunit architecture of the D. lab lab lectin indicates the presence of new post translational cleavage sites.


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In attempts to convert an elongator tRNA to an initiator tRNA, we previously generated a mutant elongator methionine tRNA carrying an anticodon sequence change from CAU to CUA along with the two features important for activity of Escherichia coli initiator tRNA in initiation. This mutant tRNA (Mi:2 tRNA) was active in initiation in vivo but only when aminoacylated with methionine by overproduction of methionyl-tRNA synthetase. Here we show that the Mi:2 tRNA is normally aminoacylated in vivo with lysine and that the tRNA aminoacylated with lysine is a very poor substrate for formylation compared with the same tRNA aminoacylated with methionine. By introducing further changes at base pairs 4:69 and 5:68 in the acceptor stem of the Mi:2 tRNA to those found in the E. coli initiator tRNA, we show that change of the U4:A69 base pair to G4:C69 and overproduction of lysyl-tRNA synthetase and methionyl-tRNA transformylase results in partial formylation of the mutant tRNA and activity of the formyllysyl-tRNAs in initiation of protein synthesis. Thus, the G4:C69 base pair contributes toward formylation of the tRNA and protein synthesis in E. coli can be initiated with formyllysine. We also discuss the implications of these and other results on recognition of tRNAs by E. coli lysyl-tRNA synthetase and on competition in cells among aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.


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p-Hydroxyphenylacetate-3-hydroxylase, an inducible enzyme isolated from the soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida, catalyzes the conversion of p-hydroxyphenylacetate to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate. The enzyme requires two protein components: a flavoprotein and a colorless protein referred to as the coupling protein. The flavoprotein alone in the presence of p-hydroxyphenylacetate and substrate analogs catalyzes the wasteful oxidation of NADH with the stoichiometric generation of H2O2. A 1:1 complex of the flavoprotein and coupling protein is required for stoichiometric product formation. Such complex formation also eliminates the nonproductive NADH oxidase activity of the flavoprotein. A new assay measuring the product formation activity of the enzyme was developed using homoprotocatechuate-2,3-dioxygenase, as monitoring the oxidation of NADH was not sufficient to demonstrate enzyme activity. The coupling protein does not seem to have any redox center in it. Thus, this 2-component flavin hydroxylase resembles the other aromatic hydroxylases in that the only redox chromophore present is FAD.


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The SUMO ligase activity of Mms21/Nse2, a conserved member of the Smc5/6 complex, is required for resisting extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. We report that the Mms21 SUMO ligase activity is also required during the unchallenged mitotic cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SUMO ligase-defective cells were slow growing and spontaneously incurred DNA damage. These cells required caffeine-sensitive Mec1 kinase-dependent checkpoint signaling for survival even in the absence of extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. SUMO ligase-defective cells were sensitive to replication stress and displayed synthetic growth defects with DNA damage checkpoint-defective mutants such as mec1, rad9, and rad24. MMS21 SUMO ligase and mediator of replication checkpoint 1 gene (MRC1) were epistatic with respect to hydroxyurea-induced replication stress or methyl methanesulfonate-induced DNA damage sensitivity. Subjecting Mms21 SUMO ligase-deficient cells to transient replication stress resulted in enhancement of cell cycle progression defects such as mitotic delay and accumulation of hyperploid cells. Consistent with the spontaneous activation of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway observed in the Mms21-mediated sumoylation-deficient cells, enhanced frequency of chromosome breakage and loss was detected in these mutant cells. A mutation in the conserved cysteine 221 that is engaged in coordination of the zinc ion in Loop 2 of the Mms21 SPL-RING E3 ligase catalytic domain resulted in strong replication stress sensitivity and also conferred slow growth and Mec1 dependence to unchallenged mitotically dividing cells. Our findings establish Mms21-mediated sumoylation as a determinant of cell cycle progression and maintenance of chromosome integrity during the unperturbed mitotic cell division cycle in budding yeast.


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The evolutionary diversity of the HSP70 gene family at the genetic level has generated complex structural variations leading to altered functional specificity and mode of regulation in different cellular compartments. By utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for better understanding the global functional cooperativity between Hsp70 paralogs, we have dissected the differences in functional properties at the biochemical level between mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70) Ssc1 and an uncharacterized Ssc3 paralog. Based on the evolutionary origin of Ssc3 and a high degree of sequence homology with Ssc1, it has been proposed that both have a close functional overlap in the mitochondrial matrix. Surprisingly, our results demonstrate that there is no functional cross-talk between Ssc1 and Ssc3 paralogs. The lack of in vivo functional overlap is due to altered conformation and significant lower stability associated with Ssc3. The substrate-binding domain of Ssc3 showed poor affinity toward mitochondrial client proteins and Tim44 due to the open conformation in ADP-bound state. In addition to that, the nucleotide-binding domain of Ssc3 showed an altered regulation by the Mge1 co-chaperone due to a high degree of conformational plasticity, which strongly promotes aggregation. Besides, Ssc3 possesses a dysfunctional inter-domain interface thus rendering it unable to perform functions similar to generic Hsp70s. Moreover, we have identified the critical amino acid sequence of Ssc1 and Ssc3 that can ``make or break'' mtHsp70 chaperone function. Together, our analysis provides the first evidence to show that the nucleotide-binding domain of mtHsp70s plays a critical role in determining the functional specificity among paralogs and orthologs across kingdoms.


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Glioblastoma is the most common and malignant form of primary astrocytoma. Upon investigation of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) pathway, we found the IGF2BP3/IMP3 transcript and protein to be up-regulated in GBMs but not in lower grade astrocytomas (p<0.0001). IMP3 is an RNA binding protein known to bind to the 5'-untranslated region of IGF-2 mRNA, thereby activating its translation. Overexpression-and knockdown-based studies establish a role for IMP3 in promoting proliferation, anchorage-independent growth, invasion, and chemoresistance. IMP3 overexpressing B16F10 cells also showed increased tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis, resulting in poor survival in a mouse model. Additionally, the infiltrating front, perivascular, and subpial regions in a majority of the GBMs stained positive for IMP3. Furthermore, two different murine glioma models were used to substantiate the above findings. In agreement with the translation activation functions of IMP3, we also found increased IGF-2 protein in the GBM tumor samples without a corresponding increase in its transcript levels. Also, in vitro IMP3 overexpression/knockdown modulated the IGF-2 protein levels without altering its transcript levels. Additionally, IGF-2 neutralization and supplementation studies established that the proproliferative effects of IMP3 were indeed mediated through IGF-2. Concordantly, PI3K and MAPK, the downstream effectors of IGF-2, are activated by IMP3 and are found to be essential for IMP3-induced cell proliferation. Thus, we have identified IMP3 as a GBM-specific proproliferative and proinvasive marker acting through IGF-2 resulting in the activation of oncogenic PI3K and MAPK pathways.


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Protein folding and unfolding are complex phenomena, and it is accepted that multidomain proteins generally follow multiple pathways. Maltose-binding protein (MBP) is a large (a two-domain, 370-amino acid residue) bacterial periplasmic protein involved in maltose uptake. Despite the large size, it has been shown to exhibit an apparent two-state equilibrium unfolding in bulk experiments. Single-molecule studies can uncover rare events that are masked by averaging in bulk studies. Here, we use single-molecule force spectroscopy to study the mechanical unfolding pathways of MBP and its precursor protein (preMBP) in the presence and absence of ligands. Our results show that MBP exhibits kinetic partitioning on mechanical stretching and unfolds via two parallel pathways: one of them involves a mechanically stable intermediate (path I) whereas the other is devoid of it (path II). The apoMBP unfolds via path I in 62% of the mechanical unfolding events, and the remaining 38% follow path II. In the case of maltose-bound MBP, the protein unfolds via the intermediate in 79% of the cases, the remaining 21% via path II. Similarly, on binding to maltotriose, a ligand whose binding strength with the polyprotein is similar to that of maltose, the occurrence of the intermediate is comparable (82% via path I) with that of maltose. The precursor protein preMBP also shows a similar behavior upon mechanical unfolding. The percentages of molecules unfolding via path I are 53% in the apo form and 68% and 72% upon binding to maltose and maltotriose, respectively, for preMBP. These observations demonstrate that ligand binding can modulate the mechanical unfolding pathways of proteins by a kinetic partitioning mechanism. This could be a general mechanism in the unfolding of other large two-domain ligand-binding proteins of the bacterial periplasmic space.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) as sentinels of the immune system are important for eliciting both primary and secondary immune responses to a plethora of microbial pathogens. Cooperative stimulation of a complex set of pattern-recognition receptors, including TLR2 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors on DCs, acts as a rate-limiting factor in determining the initiation and mounting of the robust immune response. It underscores the need for ``decoding'' these multiple receptor interactions. In this study, we demonstrate that TLR2 and NOD receptors cooperatively regulate functional maturation of human DCs. Intriguingly, synergistic stimulation of TLR2 and NOD receptors renders enhanced refractoriness to TGF-beta- or CTLA-4-mediated impairment of human DC maturation. Signaling perturbation data suggest that NOTCH1-PI3K signaling dynamics assume critical importance in TLR2- and NOD receptor-mediated surmounting of CTLA-4- and TGF-beta -suppressed maturation of human DCs. Interestingly, the NOTCH1-PI3K signaling axis holds the capacity to regulate DC functions by virtue of PKC delta-MAPK-dependent activation of NF-kappa B. This study provides mechanistic and functional insights into TLR2-and NOD receptor-mediated regulation of DC functions and unravels NOTCH1-PI3K as a signaling cohort for TLR2 and NOD receptors. These findings serve in building a conceptual foundation for the design of improved strategies for adjuvants and immunotherapies against infectious diseases.


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SecB is a homotetrameric cytosolic chaperone that forms part of the protein translocation machinery in E. coli. Due to SecB, nascent polypeptides are maintained in an unfolded translocation-competent state devoid of tertiary structure and thus are guided to the translocon. In vitro SecB rapidly binds to a variety of ligands in a non-native state. We have previously investigated the bound state conformation of the model substrate bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) as well as the conformation of SecB itself by using proximity relationships based on site-directed spin labeling and pyrene fluorescence methods. It was shown that SecB undergoes a conformational change during the process of substrate binding. Here, we generated SecB mutants containing but a single cysteine per subunit or an exposed highly reactive new cysteine after removal of the nearby intrinsic cysteines. Quantitative spin labeling was achieved with the methanethiosulfonate spin label (MTS) at positions C97 or E90C, respectively. Highfield (W-band) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements revealed that with BPTI present the spin labels are exposed to a more polar/hydrophilic environment. Nanoscale distance measurements with double electron-electron resonance (DEER) were in excellent agreement with distances obtained by molecular modeling. Binding of BPTI also led to a slight change in distances between labels at C97 but not at E90C. While the shorter distance in the tetramer increased, the larger diagonal distance decreased. These findings can be explained by a widening of the tetrameric structure upon substrate binding much like the opening of two pairs of scissors.


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Antibodies specific for the modified nucleoside N6-(delta 2-isopentenyl) adenosine (i6A) were employed to identify the tRNAs containing i6A from an unfractionated tRNA mixture by a nitrocellulose filter binding assay. When radioactive aminoacyl-tRNAs were incubated with i6A-specific antibodies and filtered through nitrocellulose membrane filters, the tRNAs possessing i6A (tRNAtyr and tRNAser) remained on the filters. tRNAarg and tRNAlys which do not contain i6A showed no binding. This finding will be useful as a very simple and rapid assay of such RNAs under a variety of conditions. Purification of i6A containing tRNAs from an unfractionated tRNA mixture was achieved by affinity chromatography of the tRNAs on an i6A antibody-Sepharose column. Nonspecific binding of tRNAs to the column was avoided by the use of purified antibodies.


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Innate immunity recognizes and resists various pathogens; however, the mechanisms regulating pathogen versus non-pathogen discrimination are still imprecisely understood. Here, we demonstrate that pathogen-specific activation of TLR2 upon infection with Mycobacterium bovis BCG, in comparison with other pathogenic microbes, including Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus, programs macrophages for robust up-regulation of signaling cohorts of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling. Signaling perturbations or genetic approaches suggest that infection-mediated stimulation of Wnt-beta-catenin is vital for activation of Notch1 signaling. Interestingly, inducible NOS (iNOS) activity is pivotal for TLR2-mediated activation of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling as iNOS(-/-) mice demonstrated compromised ability to trigger activation of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling as well as Notch1-mediated cellular responses. Intriguingly, TLR2-driven integration of iNOS/NO, Wnt-beta-catenin, and Notch1 signaling contributes to its capacity to regulate the battery of genes associated with T(Reg) cell lineage commitment. These findings reveal a role for differential stimulation of TLR2 in deciding the strength of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling, which together with signals from Notch1 contributes toward the modulation of a defined set of effector functions in macrophages and thus establishes a conceptual framework for the development of novel therapeutics.