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Eight different sites from 2300 to 4420 m water depth in the Arabian Sea were sampled for a biochemical quantification of phospholipid concentrations in the sediments. This method serves as a measure of microbial biomass in marine sediments comprising all small-sized organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and metazoa. Phospholipid concentrations can be converted to carbon units as an estimate of total microbial biomass in the sediments. The average phospholipid concentrations in the surface sediments (0-1 cm) of the 4 abyssal sites ranged from 7 nmol cm?3 at the southern site (SAST, 10°N 65°E, 4425 m) to 29 nmol/cm**3 at the western site (WAST, 16°N 60°E, 4045 m). The high values detected at the abyssal station WAST exceeded those in the literature for other abyssal sites and were comparable to values from the upper continental slope of the NE-Atlantic and the Arctic. At the four continental slope sites in the Arabian Sea, average phospholipid concentrations ranged from 9 to 53 nmol/cm**3 with the maximum values at stations A (2314 m) and D (3142 m) close to the Omani coast. Records of particulate organic carbon flux to the deep sea are available for four of the investigated locations, allowing a test of the hypothesis that the standing stock of benthic microorganisms in the deep sea is controlled by substrate availability, i.e. particle sedimentation. Total microbial biomass in the surface sediments of the Arabian Sea was positively correlated with sedimentation rates, consistent with previous studies of other oceans. The use of the measurement of phospholipid concentrations as a proxy for input of particulate organic matter is discussed.


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A pronounced deficit of nitrogen (N) in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the Arabian Sea suggests the occurrence of heavy N-loss that is commonly attributed to pelagic processes. However, the OMZ water is in direct contact with sediments on three sides of the basin. Contribution from benthic N-loss to the total N-loss in the Arabian Sea remains largely unassessed. In October 2007, we sampled the water column and surface sediments along a transect cross-cutting the Arabian Sea OMZ at the Pakistan continental margin, covering a range of station depths from 360 to 1430 m. Benthic denitrification and anammox rates were determined by using 15N-stable isotope pairing experiments. Intact core incubations showed declining rates of total benthic N-loss with water depth from 0.55 to 0.18 mmol N m**-2 day**-1. While denitrification rates measured in slurry incubations decreased from 2.73 to 1.46 mmol N m**-2 day**-1 with water depth, anammox rates increased from 0.21 to 0.89 mmol N m**-2 day**-1. Hence, the contribution from anammox to total benthic N-loss increased from 7% at 360 m to 40% at 1430 m. This trend is further supported by the quantification of cd1-containing nitrite reductase (nirS), the biomarker functional gene encoding for cytochrome cd1-Nir of microorganisms involved in both N-loss processes. Anammox-like nirS genes within the sediments increased in proportion to total nirS gene copies with water depth. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of NirS revealed different communities of both denitrifying and anammox bacteria between shallow and deep stations. Together, rate measurement and nirS analyses showed that anammox, determined for the first time in the Arabian Sea sediments, is an important benthic N-loss process at the continental margin off Pakistan, especially in the sediments at deeper water depths. Extrapolation from the measured benthic N-loss to all shelf sediments within the basin suggests that benthic N-loss may be responsible for about half of the overall N-loss in the Arabian Sea.


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Large organic food falls to the deep sea - such as whale carcasses and wood logs - support the development of reduced, sulfidic niches in an otherwise oxygenated, oligotrophic deep-sea environment. These transient hot spot ecosystems may serve the dispersal of highly adapted chemosynthetic organisms such as thiotrophic bivalves and siboglinid worms. Here we investigated the biogeochemical and microbiological processes leading to the development of sulfidic niches. Wood colonization experiments were carried out for the duration of one year in the vicinity of a cold seep area in the Nile deep-sea fan (Eastern Mediterranean) at depths of 1690 m. Wood logs were deployed in 2006 during the BIONIL cruise (RV Meteor M70/2 with ROV Quest, Marum, Germany) and sampled in 2007 during the Medeco-2 cruise (RV Pourquoi Pas? with ROV Victor 6000, Ifremer, France). Wood-boring bivalves played a key role in the initial degradation of the wood, the dispersal of wood chips and fecal matter around the wood log, and the provision of colonization surfaces to other organisms. Total oxygen uptake measured with a ROV-operated benthic chamber module was higher at the wood (0.5 m away) in contrast to 10 m away at a reference site (25 mmol m-2 d-1 and 1 mmol m-2 d-1, respectively), indicating an increased activity of sedimentary communities around the wood falls. Bacterial cell numbers associated with wood increased substantially from freshly submerged wood to the wood chip/fecal matter layer next to the wood experiments, as determined with Acridine Orange Direct Counts (AODC) and DAPI-stained counts. Microsensor measurements of sulfide, oxygen and pH were conducted ex situ. Sulfide fluxes were higher at the wood experiments when compared to reference measurements (19 and 32 mmol m-2 d-1 vs. 0 and 16 mmol -2 d-1, respectively). Sulfate reduction (SR) rates at the wood experiments were determined in ex situ incubations (1.3 and 2.0 mmol m-2 d-1) and fell into the lower range of SR rates previously observed from other chemosynthetic habitats at cold seeps. There was no influence of wood deposition on phosphate, silicate and nitrate concentrations, but ammonium concentrations were elevated at the wood chip-sediment boundary layer. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon were much higher at the wood experiments (wood chip-sediment boundary layer) in comparison to measurements at the reference sites, which may indicate that cellulose degradation was highest under anoxic conditions and hence enabled by anaerobic benthic bacteria, e.g. fermenters and sulfate reducers. Our observations demonstrate that, after one year, the presence of wood at the seafloor had led to the creation of sulfidic niches, comparable to what has been observed at whale falls, albeit at lower rates.


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As part of the large-scale, interdisciplinary deep-sea study "BIGSET", the relationship between the monsoon-induced regional and temporal variability of POC deposition and the small-sized benthic community was investigated at several sites 2316-4420 m deep in the Arabian Sea during four cruises between 1995 and 1998. Vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of chloroplastic pigments (a measure of phytodetritus deposition), readily soluble protein and activity, and biomass parameters of the small-sized benthic community (Electron Transport System Activity (ETSA); bacterial ectoenzymatic activity (FDA turnover) and DNA concentrations) were measured concurrently with the vertical fluxes of POC and chloroplastic pigments. Sediment chlorophyll a (chl. a) profiles were used to calculate chl. a flux rates and to estimate POC flux across the sediment water interface using two different transport reaction models. These estimates were compared with corresponding flux rates determined in sediment traps. Regional variability of primary productivity and POC deposition at the deep-sea floor creates a trophic gradient in the Arabian Basin from the NW to the SE, which is primarily related to the activity of monsoon winds and processes associated with the topography of the Arabian Basin and the vicinity of land masses. Inventories of sediment chloroplastic pigments closely corresponded to this trophic gradient. For ETSA, FDA and DNA, however, no clear coupling was found, although stations WAST (western Arabian Sea) and NAST (northern Arabian Sea) were characterised by high concentrations and activities. These parameters exhibited high spatial and temporal variability, making it impossible to recognise clear mechanisms controlling temporal and spatial community patterns of the small-sized benthic biota. Nevertheless, the entire Arabian Basin was recognised as being affected by monsoonal activity. Comparison of two different transport reaction models indicates that labile chl. a buried in deeper sediment layers may escape rapid degradation in Arabian deep-sea sediments.


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In order to evaluate bioturbation in abyssal Arabian-Sea sediments of the Indus fan profiles of 210Pb (half-life: 22.3 yr) and 234Th (half-life: 24.1 d) were measured in cores collected during September and October 1995 and April 1997, respectively. The density and composition of epibenthic megafauna and lebensspuren were determined in vertical seafloor photographs during April 1997. Mean eddy-diffusive mixing coefficients according to the distribution of excess 210Pb ( 210Pb-DB) were 0.072±0.028, 0.068±0.055, 0.373±0.119, 0.037±0.009 and 0.079±0.119 cm**2 yr**-1 in the northern, western, central, eastern and southern abyssal Arabian sea, respectively. Mean eddy-diffusive mixing coefficients according to the distribution of excess 234Th (234Th-DB) were 0.53, 1.64 and 0.47 cm**2 yr**-1 in the northern, western and central abyssal Arabian Sea, respectively. Mobile epibenthic megafauna at the western, northern, central and southern study sites were dominated by ophiuroids, holothurians, ophiuroids and natant decapods (the respective densities were 100, 82, 29 and 6 individuals 1000 m**-2). The northern study site was characterized by a high abundance of spoke traces and fecal casts. The central site showed spoke traces and many tracks. The southern site displayed the highest abundance of spoke traces, whereas at the western site hardly any lebensspuren were observed. There is evidence for at least two functional endmember communities in the Arabian Sea. In the northwestern Arabian Sea (WAST) vertical particle displacement seems to be dominated by macrofauna and primarily eddy-diffusive. In the southern Arabian Sea (SAST) non-local and 'incidental' mixing due to spoke-trace producers might become more important and superimpose reduced eddy-diffusive mixing. With respect to biological data CAST is an intermediate location. Given the biological data, average 210Pb-DB is higher and decimeter-scale variability of 210Pb-DB smaller at CAST than expected. These findings indicate that in a mixture of both endmember communities the organisms may interact in way that increases values of biodiffusivity, as reflected by 210Pb-DB, and reduces decimeter-scale 210Pb-DB heterogeneity in comparison to the simple sum of the isolated effects of the endmembers. For time scales <100 years there was no evidence for a relationship between food supply (POC flux) and bioturbation intensity, as reflected by 210Pb-DB and 234Th-DB. Bioturbation intensity should be controlled primarily by the composition of the benthic fauna, its specific adaptation to the environmental setting, and the abundance of each species of the benthic community. Food supply can have only an indirect influence on bioturbation intensity. In certain parts of the ocean the a priori overall positive relationship between POC flux and biodiffusivity might include restricted intervals displaying no or even negative relations.


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The distribution, biomass, and diversity of living (Rose Bengal stained) deep-sea benthic foraminifera (>30 µm) were investigated with multicorer samples from seven stations in the Arabian Sea during the intermonsoonal periods in March and in September/October, 1995. Water depths of the stations ranged between 1916 and 4425 m. The distribution of benthic foraminifera was compared with dissolved oxygen, % organic carbon, % calcium carbonate, ammonium, % silica, chloroplastic pigment equivalents, sand content, pore water content of the sediment, and organic carbon flux to explain the foraminiferal patterns and depositional environments. A total of six species-communities comprising 178 living species were identified by principal component analysis. The seasonal comparison shows that at the western stations foraminiferal abundance and biomass were higher during the Spring Intermonsoon than during the Fall Intermonsoon. The regional comparison indicates a distinct gradient in abundance, biomass, and diversity from west to east, and for biomass from north to south. Highest values are recorded in the western part of the Arabian Sea, where the influence of coastal and offshore upwelling are responsible for high carbon fluxes. Estimated total biomass of living benthic foraminifera integrated for the upper 5 cm of the sediment ranged between 11 mg Corg m**-2 at the southern station and 420 mg Corg m**-2 at the western station. Foraminifera in the size range from 30 to 125 ?m, the so-called microforaminifera, contributed between 20 and 65% to the abundance, but only 3% to 28% to the biomass of the fauna. Highest values were found in the central and southern Arabian Sea, indicating their importance in oligotrophic deep-sea areas. The overall abundance of benthic foraminifera is positively correlated with oxygen content and pore volume, and partly with carbon content and chloroplastic pigment equivalents of the sediment. The distributional patterns of the communities seem to be controlled by sand fraction, dissolved oxygen, calcium carbonate and organic carbon content of the sediment, but the critical variables are of different significance for each community.


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Measurements of Sr/Ca of benthic foraminifera show a linear decrease with water depth which is superimposed upon significant variability identified by analyses of individual foraminifera. New data for Cd/Ca support previous work in defining a contrast between waters shallower and deeper than ~2500 m. Measured element partition coefficients in foraminiferal calcium carbonate relative to sea water (D) have been described by means of a one-box model in which elements are extracted by Rayleigh distillation from a biomineralization reservoir that serves for calcification with a constant fractionation factor (alpha), such that D = (1 - f**alpha)/(l - f), where f is the proportion of Ca remaining after precipitation. A modification to the model recognises differences in element speciation. The model is consistent with differences between D[Sr], D[Ba], and D[Cd] in benthic but not planktonic foraminifera. Depth variations in D for Sr and Ba are consistent with the model, as are differences in depth variation of D[Cd] in calcitic and aragonitic benthic foraminifera. The shallower depth variations may reflect increasing calcification rates with increasing water depth to an optimum of about 2500 m. Observations of unusually lower DCd for some deep waters, not accompanied by similar [Sr], or D[Ba] may be because of dissolution or a calcification response to a lower carbonate saturation state.


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Fishing in Sri Lanka has been carried on largely with the use of traditional methods and in recent years there has been a marked increase in the use of mechanized craft for fishing. Although some effort has been made in the sphere of deep-sea fishing both by trawlers and long line tuna boats, such efforts have not made a significant contribution towards improving the industry. The progress of deep-sea fishing in Sri Lanka has been hindered due to a number of reasons described by the author.


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Silicateins, members of the cathepsin L family, are enzymes that have been shown to be involved in the biosynthesis/condensation of biosilica in spicules from Demospongiae (phylum Porifera), e. g. Tethya aurantium and Suberites domuncula. The class Hexactinellida also forms spicules from this inorganic material. This class of sponges includes species that form the largest biogenic silica structures on earth. The giant basal spicules from the hexactinellids Monorhaphis chuni and Monorhaphis intermedia can reach lengths of up to 3 m and diameters of 10 mm. The giant spicules as well as the tauactines consist of a biosilica shell that surrounds the axial canal, which harbours the axial filament, in regular concentric, lamellar layers, suggesting an appositional growth of the spicules. The lamellae contain 27 kDa proteins, which undergo post-translational modification (phosphorylation), while total spicule extracts contain additional 70 kDa proteins. The 27 kDa proteins cross-reacted with anti-silicatein antibodies. The extracts of spicules from the hexactinellid Monorhaphis displayed proteolytic activity like the silicateins from the demosponge S. domuncula. Since the proteolytic activity in spicule extracts from both classes of sponge could be sensitively inhibited by E-64 (a specific cysteine proteinase inhibitor), we used a labelled E-64 sample as a probe to identify the protein that bound to this inhibitor on a blot. The experiments revealed that the labelled E-64 selectively recognized the 27 kDa protein. Our data strongly suggest that silicatein(-related) molecules are also present in Hexactinellida. These new results are considered to also be of impact for applied biotechnological studies.