988 resultados para Betula sp., fruits
Estudos relacionados ao perfil do consumidor colocam-se como importante subsídio à participação competitiva dos diferentes segmentos nas cadeias agroalimentares e para a própria organização da mesma. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de identificar o perfil dos consumidores de frutas em cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída de 404 consumidores em pontos de venda previamente selecionados nas cidades de Botucatu, Avaré, Jaboticabal, Ilha Solteira e Tupã. Os resultados sobre o perfil do consumidor de frutas nas cidades pesquisadas sinalizam uma preocupação com as características do produto (saudáveis e saborosos), com o preço e com facilidades de acesso na compra. Os resultados apontam também para a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre a importância da informação relacionada aos aspectos mais valorizados (características do produto e preço) na estrutura de consumo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A produção de folhedo e a taxa de decomposição de folhedo (k) foram estimadas, no período de 2.8.85 a 10.8.86, numa área de 1 ha de mata atlântica de encosta (60º de inclinação e altitude de 140m), no município do Guarujá (Lat. S 24º16'; Long. W 46º19'), Estado de São Paulo. A queda pluviométrica anual média é de 2050 mm e não há estação seca definida. O solo é argilo-arenoso e ácido, com pH variando entre 3 e 4. A produção anual de folhedo foi de 7925 kg/ha. A fração folhas contribuiu com 5040 kg/ha seguida pelas frações ramos (1950 kg/ha), flores (491 kg/ha), frutos (222 kg/ha) e material de origem animal (222 kg/ha). A produção de folhedo e das frações componentes foi contínua durante todo o ano. Os valores mensais de produção não revelaram nenhum padrão sazonal. A taxa de decomposição (k) foi estimada para condições de equilíbrio dinâmico (0,72) e também utilizando a porcentagem de peso remanescente da fração foliar (0,83). O tempo médio para a decomposição de 50% do folhedo foi de 350 dias.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade global da dieta e a adequação do consumo de cada componente da dieta de adolescentes segundo fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, que analisou amostra representativa de 409 adolescentes, de 12 a 19 anos, utilizando o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta (IQD). Foram estimadas as prevalências de dietas classificadas no 1º quartil do IQD e as médias de escores de cada componente do IQD. Regressões múltiplas linear e de Poisson foram utilizadas nas análises. O escore médio do IQD foi de 59,7. Observou-se menor prevalência de dietas inadequadas no segmento de melhor escolaridade do chefe da família. Os estratos de menor nível socioeconômico, avaliados por renda e escolaridade, mostram um consumo inferior de verduras e legumes, frutas, leite e derivados e menor variedade da dieta e uma ingestão superior de cereais e derivados e leguminosas. Adolescentes com sobrepeso/obesidade consomem mais carnes e ovos e menos frutas comparados aos que apresentam baixo peso/eutrofia. As meninas tiveram maior ingestão de gordura total e menor ingestão de sódio. Os resultados identificam os componentes que merecem atenção nas estratégias de promoção de alimentação saudável e os segmentos mais vulneráveis à má alimentação.
The family Myrtaceae is one of the most important related to fruit species. In Brazil it encloses more than 100 species of native fruit from North to South of the country (Giacometti, 1992; Donadio, 1992; Mattos, 1992). The genus Eugenia, Campomanesia, Psidium and Myrciaria are the most important, grouping most of the species of some importance. The germplasm bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista includes some of the major species. Some characteristics are typical for most of the Myrtaceae fruit species. The most relevant are the long juvenile period presented by the trees, taking long time to produce, when propagated by seed; the slow growing tree behavior; difficult to propagated by vegetative means; large variability in trees obtained by seed propagation. The cited characteristics are commented for some species as well as the fruit quality, from data obtained in trees at the same ecological conditions.The species evaluated are: 1) Eugenia stipitata Mc Vaugh; 2) Eugenia tomentosa Cambes; 3) Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.; 4) Eugenia uniflora L.; 5) Eugenia luchsnathiana Berg.; 6) Eugenia uvalha Cambess; 7) Camponesia spp; 8) Plinia edulis (Veil. Sobral); 9) Eugenia involucrata D.C.; 10) Psidium acutangulum Mart.; 11) Myrciaria dubia Mc Vaugh; 12) Engenia guabiju Berg. The main conclusions based on the data analysed are: the fruits of some species present good general characteristics, mainly for fresh consumption, as high Vitamin C, sugars, pulp and other characteristics; 'Araca-boi' presents some good fruit characteristics, but is more adapted for processing, by its high acidity; Some species present low % of edible portion and need to be improved to gain commercial acceptance. mainly the 'cabeludinha' and 'cambuca'.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fruits from twenty different species of angiosperms were collected during the period from November, 1991 to January, 1992. Two hundred and two strains of yeasts and yeast-like fungi were isolated, of which 74 % showed ascomycetic affinity. Candida was the predominant genus, followed by (in descending order of occurrence): Cryptococcus, Klœckera, Sporobolomyces, Pichia, Hanseniaspora and Bullera. Black yeasts and other strains showing basidiomycetic affinity were also isolated. The genus Candida represented the highest number of identified species and the greatest variety of associated substrates. Among the ascomycetes and their anamorphs, 38 species were identified, with Klœckera apiculata being the most frequent among the isolates and the one which occurred in the largest variety of substrates. Some of the biotypes designated as Candida sp. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and Pichia sp. did not correspond to the standard species description found in the literature, and may represent new species. The strains of yeasts isolated in this study were characterized and incorporated into the Tropical Culture Collection of the Fundação Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia André Tosello, Campinas, São Paulo.
The family Myrtaceae is one of the most important related to fruit species. In Brazil it encloses more than 100 species of native fruit from North to South of the country (Giacometti, 1992; Donadio, 1992; Mattos, 1992). The genus Eugenia, Campomanesia, Psidium and Myrciaria are the most important, grouping most of the species of some importance. The germplasm bank of the Universidade Estadual Paulista includes some of the major species. Some characteristics are typical for most of the Myrtaceae fruit species. The most relevant are the long juvenile period presented by the trees, taking long time to produce, when propagated by seed; the slow growing tree behavior; difficult to propagated by vegetative means; large variability in trees obtained by seed propagation. The cited characteristics are commented for some species as well as the fruit quality, from data obtained in trees at the same ecological conditions. The species evaluated are: 1) Eugenia stipitata Me Vaugh; 2) Eugenia tomentosa Cambes; 3) Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.; 4) Eugenia uniflora L.; 5) Eugenia luchsnathiana Berg.; 6) Eugenia uvalha Cambess; 7) Camponesia spp; 8) Plinia edulis (Veil. Sobral); 9) Eugenia involucrata D.C.; 10) Psidium acutangulum Mart.; 11) Myrciaria dubia Me Vaugh; 12) Eugenia guabiju Berg. The main conclusions based on the data analysed are: The fruits of some species present good general characteristics, mainly for fresh consumption, as high Vitamin C, sugars, pulp and other characteristics; 'Araca-boi' presents some good fruit characteristics, but is more adapted for processing, by its high acidity; Some species present low % of edible portion and need to be improved to gain commercial acceptance, mainly the 'cabeludinha' and 'cambuca'.
Phenological aspects of flowering and fruiting at the Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria-SP-Brazil
The present work was carried out at 'Estacao Ecologica de Paulo de Faria', north of the state of Sao Paulo, southeast of Brazil (19°55'-19°58'S and 49°31'-49°32'W). The flowering and fruiting phenology of trees, shrubs, and lianas species were observed from April 1993 to December 1995. The results were compaired with those surveyed at other forests from Sao Paulo state: Santa Genebra (Campinas). Serra do Japi (Jundiai) and lianas of Mata Atlantica. The majority of species of lianas flowered from January to April and trees and shrubs between September to December. The most intense frutification period occurred during May to August. Similarly to Santa Genebra, the flowering season at 'Estacao Ecologica de Paulo de Faria' started at the beginning of the wet season while frutification during the dryest period of the year. At Serra do Japi, the flowering and frutification occurred from the end of dry and beginning of the rainy season. Considering the liana at Mata Atlantica presented two peaks of flowering, while at 'Estacao Ecologica de Paulo de Faria' occurs only one. Regarding the fruiting phenology is similar for both area, most species producing fruits during the first semestre.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the damage potential of Dasineura sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in the pepper cultivars and show its occurrence in Piracicaba, SP. This experiment was carried out from July to November 1998. The occurrence and damages pest in the fruits were determined by weekly evaluations of pepper hybrids, 'Magali R.' larvals were collected from floral buttons and adults were collected from the incubation of buttons in humidity chamber. Healthy and infested fruits were evaluated for damages caused by pest insects. The results indicated that the damages can reach 100% in some periods of evaluation and that the production losses are significantly high with no application of insecticides. The taxonomy study was performed at National Museum of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). The insect species classification will be the object of study since there is a possibility of observing a specie not described yet.
Isolated trees in pastures are now often, due to increasing devastation of forested areas, important feeding places for migratory or generalist birds. These trees serve both as food sources and as deposition sites for seeds from fruits consumed in neighboring areas. The objective of this study was to identify the avian consumers of the fruits of Cytharexyllum myrianthum trees in open pastures and describe their feeding behavior and how it influences seed dispersion. Forty two hours of observations included 198 feeding bouts of nine bird species. Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) was the main consumer (28% of fruit consumption), swallowing the entire fruit. Next, was Tyrannus melancholicus (Tyrannidae, 23%), which may be the most efficient seed disperser of C. myrianthum because it regurgitates the seeds on sites far from the parent tree.
Coffee is considered the primary host of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). The infestation of C. capitata in the State of São Paulo has reached economic importance in coffee plantations. Although little information about changes caused by the fly on the coffee beverage, it is known that the fruit fly infestation causes rapid change from cherry to raisin stage, causing qualitative damage on the parchment coffee production. The objective of this work was to study the population dynamics and diversity of Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae in coffee cultivars of Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, Vermelho IAC 99, Novo Mundo 388-17-1, Obatã IAC 1669-20, Icatu Amarelo IAC 2944, grafted on Apoatã (IAC 2258) (Coffea canephora) and Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045 ungrafted and Apoatã (IAC 2258)-grafted with approximately 3 years. The experiment was conducted in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State, Brazil, from June 2006 to July 2008. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications in a factorial design (3 years X 6 cultivars). From each plot of 100 plants we randomly collected 250 mature fruits. The samples were taken at 15 day intervals. The population dynamics were evaluated by using one plastic McPhail trap per cultivar. After 26 months a total of 36,932 specimens of C. capitata were trapped in all cultivars, corresponding to 49.27% males and 50.73% females. Approximately 83.3% of the specimens were collected from January to December 2007. The population fluctuation showed population peaks in May, June and July, relative to fruit ripening period. We trapped 21 specimens of A. montei Lima and A. fraterculus (Wied.). The coffee fruits of Presidente Prudente, SP, are infested by the following species of Lonchaeidae: Neosilba pendula (Bezzi), N. zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal, N. inesperata Strikis & Prado and Neosilba pradoi Strikis & Lerena. Neosilba pendula occurred in all evaluated cultivars and N. inesperata was recoverd only from Icatu Amarelo IAC 2944 and IAC Icatu Vermelho 4045/un-grafted. No Anastrepha specimen was recovered from the fruits. Cultivars did not differ due to tephritid and lonchaeid infestations, but in 2008 the highest infestation by C. capitata occurred in the field.