946 resultados para Beta cell


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Nutrient ingestion triggers a complex hormonal response aimed at stimulating glucose utilization in liver, muscle and adipose tissue to minimize the raise in blood glucose levels. Insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells plays a major role in this response. Although the beta cell secretory response is mainly controlled by blood glucose levels, gut hormones secreted in response to food intake have an important role in potentiating glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. These gluco-incretin hormones are GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) and GIP (gluco-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide). Their action on pancreatic beta cells depends on binding to specific G-coupled receptors linked to activation of the adenylyl cyclase pathway. In addition to their effect on insulin secretion both hormones also stimulate insulin production at the transcriptional and translational level and positively regulate beta cell mass. Because the glucose-dependent insulinotropic action of GLP-1 is preserved in type 2 diabetic patients, this peptide is now developed as a novel therapeutic drug for this disease.


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The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and of the metabolic syndrome is rising worldwide and reaching epidemic proportions. These pathologies are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, in particular with an excess of cardiovascular deaths. Type 2 diabetes mellitus and the cluster of pathologies including insulin resistance, central obesity, high blood pressure, and hypertriglyceridemia that constitute the metabolic syndrome are associated with low levels of HDL cholesterol and the presence of dysfunctional HDLs. We here review the epidemiological evidence and the potential underlying mechanisms of this association. We first discuss the well-established association of type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance with alterations of lipid metabolism and how these alterations may lead to low levels of HDL cholesterol and the occurrence of dysfunctional HDLs. We then present and discuss the evidence showing that HDL modulates insulin sensitivity, insulin-independent glucose uptake, insulin secretion, and beta cell survival. A dysfunction in these actions could play a direct role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.


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Chronic intake of saturated free fatty acids is associated with diabetes and may contribute to the impairment of functional beta cell mass. Mitogen activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1 also called islet brain 1 (IB1) is a candidate gene for diabetes that is required for beta cell survival and glucose-induced insulin secretion (GSIS). In this study we investigated whether IB1 expression is required for preserving beta cell survival and function in response to palmitate. Chronic exposure of MIN6 and isolated rat islets cells to palmitate led to reduction of the IB1 mRNA and protein content. Diminution of IB1 mRNA and protein level relied on the inducible cAMP early repressor activity and proteasome-mediated degradation, respectively. Suppression of IB1 level mimicked the harmful effects of palmitate on the beta cell survival and GSIS. Conversely, ectopic expression of IB1 counteracted the deleterious effects of palmitate on the beta cell survival and insulin secretion. These findings highlight the importance in preserving the IB1 content for protecting beta cell against lipotoxicity in diabetes.


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Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) apparaît lorsque la sécrétion d’insuline par les cellules β des îlots du pancréas ne parvient plus à compenser la résistance à l’insuline des organes cibles. Parmi les médicaments disponibles pour traiter le DT2, deux classes agissent en améliorant la sensibilité à l’insuline : les biguanides (metformine) et les thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone et rosiglitazone). Des études suggèrent que ces médicaments protègent également la fonction des cellules β. Dans le but d’identifier des mécanismes par lesquels les médicaments insulinosensibilisateurs protègent les cellules β, nous avons étudié les effets aigus de la metformine et de la pioglitazone sur le métabolisme et la fonction des cellules INS 832/13, sécrétrices d’insuline et des îlots pancréatiques isolés de rats. Nous avons aussi validé in vivo avec des rats Wistar les principales observations obtenues en présence de pioglitazone grâce à des clamps glucidiques et par calorimétrie indirecte. Le traitement aigu des cellules β avec de la pioglitazone ou de la metformine inhibe la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose en diminuant la sensibilité des cellules au glucose (inhibition en présence de concentrations intermédiaires de glucose seulement). Dans les mêmes conditions, les traitements inhibent aussi plusieurs paramètres du métabolisme mitochondrial des nutriments et, pour la pioglitazone, du métabolisme des lipides. Les composés affectent le métabolisme en suivant un patron d’inhibition similaire à celui observé pour la sécrétion d’insuline, que nous avons nommé « décélération métabolique ». La capacité de la pioglitazone à inhiber la sécrétion d’insuline et à ralentir le métabolisme mitochondrial de façon aigüe se confirme in vivo. En conclusion, nous avons identifié la décélération métabolique de la cellule β comme nouveau mode d’action pour les médicaments insulinosensibilisateurs. La décélération métabolique causée par les agents insulinosensibilisateurs les plus utilisés semble provenir d’une inhibition du métabolisme mitochondrial et pourrait être impliquée dans les bienfaits de ceux-ci dans un contexte de stress métabolique. Le fait que les deux agents insulinosensibilisateurs étudiés agissent à la fois sur la sensibilité à l’insuline et sur la sécrétion d’insuline, les deux composantes majeures du DT2, pourrait expliquer pourquoi ils sont parmi les agents antidiabétiques les plus efficaces. La décélération métabolique est une approche thérapeutique à considérer pour le traitement du DT2 et d’autres maladies métaboliques.


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Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) se caractérise par une production insuffisante d'insuline par le pancréas ainsi qu'une résistance des tissus périphériques à l'action de l'insuline. Dans les cellules bêta pancréatiques, le glucose stimule la production de l'insuline en induisant la transcription de son gène et la traduction ainsi que la sécrétion de sa protéine. Paradoxalement, une exposition prolongée et simultanée de ces cellules à de hautes concentrations de glucose en présence d'acides gras conduit à la détérioration de la fonction bêta pancréatique et au développement du DT2. Toutefois, les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de ces effets du glucose ne sont que partiellement connus. L'objectif du travail décrit dans cette thèse est d'identifier les mécanismes responsables de la régulation de la transcription du gène de l'insuline. PDX-1 (de l’anglais pour pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1) est un facteur de transcription majeur et essentiel tant pour le développement du pancréas que pour le maintien de sa fonction à l'état adulte. En réponse au glucose, PDX-1 se lie au promoteur du gène de l'insuline et induit sa transcription. Ceci est inhibé par l'acide gras palmitate. Dans la première partie des travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons identifié deux mécanismes de régulation de la transcription du gène de l'insuline: le premier via ERK1/2 (de l'anglais pour extracellular-signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2) et le second par l’enzyme PASK (pour per-arnt-sim kinase). Nous avons également mis en évidence l'existence d'un troisième mécanisme impliquant l'inhibition de l'expression du facteur de transcription MafA par le palmitate. Nos travaux indiquent que la contribution de la signalisation via PASK est majeure. L'expression de PASK est augmentée par le glucose et inhibée par le palmitate. Sa surexpression dans les cellules MIN6 et les îlots isolés de rats, mime les effets du glucose sur l'expression du gène de l'insuline ainsi que sur l'expression de PDX-1 et prévient les effets délétères du palmitate. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons identifié un nouveau mécanisme par lequel PASK augmente la stabilité protéique de PDX-1, soit via la phosphorylation et l'inactivation de la protéine kinase GSK3 bêta (de l'anglais pour glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta). Le glucose induit la translocation de PDX-1 du cytoplasme vers le noyau, ce qui est essentiel à sa liaison au promoteur de ses gènes cibles. L'exclusion nucléaire de PDX-1 a été observée dans plusieurs modèles ex vivo et in vivo de dysfonction de la cellule bêta pancréatique. Dans le dernier volet de cette thèse, nous avons démontré l'importance de l'utilisation de cellules primaires (îlots isolés et dispersés) pour étudier la translocation nucléaire de PDX-1 endogène étant donné que ce mode de régulation est absent dans les lignées insulino-sécrétrices MIN6 et HIT-T15. Ces études nous ont permis d'identifier et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes régulant la transcription du gène de l'insuline via le facteur de transcription PDX-1. Les cibles moléculaires ainsi identifiées pourraient contribuer au développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour le traitement du diabète de type 2. Mots-clés : Diabète, îlots de Langerhans, cellule bêta pancréatique, gène de l'insuline, PDX-1, PASK, GSK3 bêta, ERK1/2, PKB, glucose, palmitate.


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Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) résulte d’une résistance à l’insuline par les tissus périphériques et par un défaut de sécrétion de l’insuline par les cellules β-pancréatiques. Au fil du temps, la compensation des îlots de cellules β pour la résistance à l’insuline échoue et entraine par conséquent une baisse progressive de la fonction des cellules β. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent contribuer à la compensation de la cellule β. Toutefois, la compréhension des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires sous-jacents à la compensation de la masse de la cellule β reste à ce jour inconnue. Le but de ce mémoire était d’identifier précisément quel mécanisme pouvait amener à la compensation de la cellule β en réponse à un excès de nutriments et plus précisément à l’augmentation de sa prolifération et de sa masse. Ainsi, avec l’augmentation de la résistance à l’insuline et des facteurs circulants chez les rats de six mois perfusés avec du glucose et de l’intralipide, l’hypothèse a été émise et confirmée lors de notre étude que le facteur de croissance HB-EGF active le récepteur de l’EGF et des voies de signalisations subséquentes telles que mTOR et FoxM1 impliquées dans la prolifération de la cellule β-pancréatique. Collectivement, ces résultats nous permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la compensation de la masse de la cellule β dans un état de résistance à l’insuline et peuvent servir de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour prévenir ou ralentir le développement du DT2.


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In the present study, the initial phase was directed to confirm the effects of curcumin and vitamin D3 in preventing or delaying diabetes onset by studying the blood glucose and insulin levels in the pre-treated and diabetic groups. Behavioural studies were conducted to evaluate the cognitive and motor function in experimental rats. The major focus of the study was to understand the cellular and neuronal mechanisms that ensure the prophylactic capability of curcumin and vitamin D3. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in conferring the antidiabetogenesis effect, we examined the DNA and protein profiles using radioactive incorporation studies for DNA synthesis, DNA methylation and protein synthesis. Furthermore the gene expression studies of Akt-1, Pax, Pdx-1, Neuro D1, insulin like growth factor-1 and NF-κB were done to monitor pancreatic beta cell proliferation and differentiation. The antioxidant and antiapoptotic actions of curcumin and vitamin D3 were examined by studying the expression of antioxidant enzymes - SOD and GPx, and apoptotic mediators like Bax, caspase 3, caspase 8 and TNF-α. In order to understand the signalling pathways involved in curcumin and vitamin D3 action, the second messengers, cAMP, cGMP and IP3 were studied along with the expression of vitamin D receptor in the pancreas. The neuronal regulation of pancreatic beta cell maintenance, proliferation and insulin release was studied by assessing the adrenergic and muscarinic receptor functional regulation in the pancreas, brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus. The receptor number and binding affinity of total muscarinic, muscarinic M1, muscarinic M3, total adrenergic, α adrenergic and β adrenergic receptor subtypes were studied in pancreas, brain stem and hippocampus of experimental rats. The mRNA expression of muscarinic and adrenergic receptor subtypes were determined using Real Time PCR. Immunohistochemistry studies using confocal microscope were carried out to confirm receptor density and gene expression results. Cell signalling alterations in the pancreas and brain regions associated with diabetogenesis and antidiabetogenesis were assessed by examining the gene expression profiles of vitamin D receptor, CREB, phospholipase C, insulin receptor and GLUT. This study will establish the anti-diabetogenesis activity of curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment and will attempt to understand the cellular, molecular and neuronal control mechanism in the onset of diabetes.Administration of MLD-STZ to curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats induced only an incidental prediabetic condition. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pretreated groups injected with MLD-STZ exhibited improved circulating insulin levels and behavioural responses when compared to MLD-STZ induced diabetic group. Activation of beta cell compensatory response induces an increase in pancreatic insulin output and beta cell mass expansion in the pre-treated group. Cell signalling proteins that regulate pancreatic beta cell survival, insulin release, proliferation and differentiation showed a significant increase in curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats. Marked decline in α2 adrenergic receptor function in pancreas helps to relent sympathetic inhibition of insulin release. Neuronal stimulation of hyperglycemia induced beta cell compensatory response is mediated by escalated signalling through β adrenergic, muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors. Pre-treatment mediated functional regulation of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors, key cell signalling proteins and second messengers improves pancreatic glucose sensing, insulin gene expression, insulin secretion, cell survival and beta cell mass expansion in pancreas. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment induced modulation of adrenergic and cholinergic signalling in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus promotes insulin secretion, beta cell compensatory response, insulin sensitivity and energy balance to resist diabetogenesis. Pre-treatment improved second messenger levels and the gene expression of intracellular signalling molecules in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus, to retain a functional neuronal response to hyperglycemia. Curcumin and vitamin D3 protect pancreas and brain regions from oxidative stress by their indigenous antioxidant properties and by their ability to stimulate cellular free radical defence system. The present study demonstrates the role of adrenergic and muscarinic receptor subtypes functional regulation in curcumin and vitamin D3 mediated anti-diabetogenesis. This will have immense clinical significance in developing effective strategies to delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.


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Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia with disturbances in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Currently there are 387 million people with diabetes worldwide and is expected to affect 592 million people by 2035. Insulin resistance in peripheral tissues and pancreatic beta cell dysfunction are the major challenges in the pathophysiology of diabetes. Diabetic secondary complications (like liver cirrhosis, retinopathy, microvascular and macrovascular complications) arise from persistent hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia can be disabling or even life threatening. Current medications are effective for control and management of hyperglycemia but undesirable effects, inefficiency against secondary complications and high cost are still serious issues in the present prognosis of this disorder. Hence the search for more effective and safer therapeutic agents of natural origin has been found to be highly demanding and attract attention in the present drug discovery research. The data available from Ayurveda on various medicinal plants for treatment of diabetes can efficiently yield potential new lead as antidiabetic agents. For wider acceptability and popularity of herbal remedies available in Ayurveda scientific validation by the elucidation of mechanism of action is very much essential. Modern biological techniques are available now to elucidate the biochemical basis of the effectiveness of these medicinal plants. Keeping this idea the research programme under this thesis has been planned to evaluate the molecular mechanism responsible for the antidiabetic property of Symplocos cochinchinensis, the main ingredient of Nishakathakadi Kashayam, a wellknown Ayurvedic antidiabetic preparation. A general introduction of diabetes, its pathophysiology, secondary complications and current treatment options, innovative solutions based on phytomedicine etc has been described in Chapter 1. The effect of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SC), on various in vitro biochemical targets relevant to diabetes is depicted in Chapter 2 including the preparation of plant extract. Since diabetes is a multifactorial disease, ethanolic extract of the bark of SC (SCE) and its fractions (hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and 90 % ethanol) were evaluated by in vitro methods against multiple targets such as control of postprandial hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, pancreatic beta cell proliferation, inhibition of protein glycation, protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B) and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPxxi IV). Among the extracts, SCE exhibited comparatively better activity like alpha glucosidase inhibition, insulin dependent glucose uptake (3 fold increase) in L6 myotubes, pancreatic beta cell regeneration in RIN-m5F and reduced triglyceride accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells, protection from hyperglycemia induced generation of reactive oxygen species in HepG2 cells with moderate antiglycation and PTP-1B inhibition. Chemical characterization by HPLC revealed the superiority of SCE over other extracts due to presence of bioactives (beta-sitosterol, phloretin 2’glucoside, oleanolic acid) in addition to minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and manganese. So SCE has been subjected to oral sucrose tolerance test (OGTT) to evaluate its antihyperglycemic property in mild diabetic and diabetic animal models. SCE showed significant antihyperglycemic activity in in vivo diabetic models. Chapter 3 highlights the beneficial effects of hydroethanol extract of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SCE) against hyperglycemia associated secondary complications in streptozotocin (60 mg/kg body weight) induced diabetic rat model. Proper sanction had been obtained for all the animal experiments from CSIR-CDRI institutional animal ethics committee. The experimental groups consist of normal control (NC), N + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, diabetic control (DC), D + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, D + SCE 250 and D + SCE 500. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for 21 days and sacrificed on day 22. Oral glucose tolerance test, plasma insulin, % HbA1c, urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), albumin, total protein etc. were analysed. Aldose reductase (AR) activity in the eye lens was also checked. On day 21, DC rats showed significantly abnormal glucose response, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, decreased activity of antioxidant enzymes and GSH, elevated AR activity, hepatic and renal oxidative stress markers compared to NC. DC rats also exhibited increased level of plasma urea and creatinine. Treatment with SCE protected from the deleterious alterations of biochemical parameters in a dose dependent manner including histopathological alterations in pancreas. SCE 500 exhibited significant glucose lowering effect and decreased HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, lens AR activity, and hepatic, renal oxidative stress and function markers compared to DC group. Considerable amount of liver and muscle glycogen was replenished by SCE treatment in diabetic animals. Although metformin showed better effect, the activity of SCE was very much comparable with this drug. xxii The possible molecular mechanism behind the protective property of S. cochinchinensis against the insulin resistance in peripheral tissue as well as dyslipidemia in in vivo high fructose saturated fat diet model is described in Chapter 4. Initially animal were fed a high fructose saturated fat (HFS) diet for a period of 8 weeks to develop insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. The normal diet control (ND), ND + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, high fructose saturated fat diet control (HFS), HFS + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, HFS + SCE 250 and HFS + SCE 500 were the experimental groups. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for the next 3 weeks and sacrificed at the end of 11th week. At the end of week 11, HFS rats showed significantly abnormal glucose and insulin tolerance, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, adiponectin, lipid profile, liver glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme activities, liver and muscle triglyceride accumulation compared to ND. HFS rats also exhibited increased level of plasma inflammatory cytokines, upregulated mRNA level of gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes in liver. HFS exhibited the increased expression of GLUT-2 in liver and decreased expression of GLUT-4 in muscle and adipose. SCE treatment also preserved the architecture of pancreas, liver, and kidney tissues. Treatment with SCE reversed the alterations of biochemical parameters, improved insulin sensitivity by modifying gene expression in liver, muscle and adipose tissues. Overall results suggest that SC mediates the antidiabetic activity mainly via alpha glucosidase inhibition, improved insulin sensitivity, with antiglycation and antioxidant activities.


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Genome-wide association studies have identified SNPs reproducibly associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D). We examined the effect of genetic predisposition to T2D on insulin sensitivity and secretion using detailed phenotyping in overweight individuals with no diagnosis of T2D. Furthermore, we investigated whether this genetic predisposition modifies the responses in beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity to a 24-week dietary intervention. We genotyped 25 T2D-associated SNPs in 377 white participants from the RISCK study. Participants underwent an IVGTT prior to and following a dietary intervention that aimed to lower saturated fat intake by replacement with monounsaturated fat or carbohydrate. We composed a genetic predisposition score (T2D-GPS) by summing the T2D risk-increasing alleles of the 25 SNPs and tested for association with insulin secretion and sensitivity at baseline, and with the change in response to the dietary intervention. At baseline, a higher T2D-GPS was associated with lower acute insulin secretion (AIRg 4% lower/risk allele, P = 0.006) and lower insulin secretion for a given level of insulin sensitivity, assessed by the disposition index (DI 5% lower/risk allele, P = 0.002), but not with insulin sensitivity (Si). T2D-GPS did not modify changes in insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity or the disposition index in response to the dietary interventions to lower saturated fat. Participants genetically predisposed to T2D have an impaired ability to compensate for peripheral insulin resistance with insulin secretion at baseline, but this does not modify the response to a reduction in dietary saturated fat through iso-energetic replacement with carbohydrate or monounsaturated fat.


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The db/db mice serve as a good model for type 2 diabetes characterized by hyperinsulinaemia and progressive hyperglycaemia. There are limited and conflicting data on the cardiovascular changes in this model. The aim of the present study was to characterize the cardiovascular and autonomic phenotype of male db/db mice and evaluate the role of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors. Radiotelemetry was used to monitor 24 h blood pressure (BP) in mice for 8 weeks. Parameters measured were mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and their variabilities. In 8-week-old db/db mice, the MAP and BP circadian rhythms were not different from age-matched control mice, while HR and locomotor activity were decreased. With ageing, MAP gradually increased in db/db mice, and the 12 h light values did not dip significantly from the 12 h dark periods. In 14-week-old mice, MAP was increased during light (101 +/- 1 versus 117 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.01; control versus db/db mice) and dark phases (110 +/- 1.7 versus 121 +/- 3.1 mmHg, P < 0.01; control versus db/db mice). This increase in MAP was associated with a significant increase in plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and angiotensin II levels. Chronic treatment with losartan (10 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) blocked the increase in MAP in db/db mice, with no effect in control animals. Spectral analysis was used to monitor autonomic cardiovascular function. The circadian rhythm observed in systolic arterial pressure variance and its low-frequency component in control mice was absent in db/db mice. There were no changes in HR variability and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity between control and db/db mice. The results document an age-related increase in MAP in db/db mice, which can be reduced by antagonism of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors, and alterations in autonomic balance and components of the renin-angiotensin system.


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Objectives: The effect of glucose and palmitate on the phosphorylation of proteins associated with cell growth and survival (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 [ERK1/2] and stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase [SAPK/JNK]) and on the expression of immediate early genes was investigated. Methods: Groups of freshly isolated rat pancreatic islets were incubated in 10-mmol/L glucose with palmitate, LY294002, or fumonisin B1 for the measurement of the phosphorylation and the content of ERK1/2, JNK/SAPK, and v-akt murine thymoma viral oncongene (AKT) (serine 473) by immunoblotting. The expressions of the immediate early genes, c-fos and c-jun, were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Results: Glucose at 10 mmol/L induced ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylations and decreased SAPK/JNK phosphorylation. Palmitate (0.1 mmol/L) abolished the glucose effect on ERK1/2, AKT, and SAPK/JNK phosphorylations. LY294002 caused a similar effect. The inhibitory effect of palmitate on glucose-induced ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylation changes was not observed in the presence of fumonisin B1. Glucose increased c-fos and decreased c-jun expressions. Palmitate and LY294002 abolished these latter glucose effects. The presence of fumonisin B1 abolished the effect induced by palmitate on c-jun expression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that short-term changes of mitogen-activated protein kinase and AKT signaling pathways and c-fos and c-jun expressions caused by glucose are abolished by palmitate through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibition via ceramide synthesis.


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Angiotensin II (Ang II) controls blood pressure, electrolyte balance, cell growth and vascular remodeling. Ang II activates NAD(P)H oxidase in several tissues with important function in the control of insulin secretion. Considering the concomitant occurrence of hypertension, insulin resistance and pancreatic B cell secretion impairment in the development of type II diabetes the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of ANG II on NAD(P)H oxidase activation in isolated pancreatic islets. We found that ANGII-induced superoxide generation via NAD(P)H oxidase activation and increased protein and mRNA levels of NAD(P)H oxidase subunits (p47(PHOX) and gp91(PHOX)). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a high-fat diet (HFD) on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase activity in rat pancreatic islets. We investigated if changes in NADPH oxidase are connected to beta cell dysfunction reported in obese animals. Methods: Male Wistar rats were fed a HFD or control diet for 3 months. DNA fragmentation, insulin secretion, and [U-(14)C] glucose oxidation were examined in isolated pancreatic islets. The oxidative stress markers nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal were assessed by immunohistochemistry. The protein content of gp91(phox) and p47(phox) was evaluated by Western blotting. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was determined by a fluorescence assay using hydroethidine. Results: Occurrence of DNA fragmentation was reduced in pancreatic islets from HFD rats. There were no differences in oxidative stress markers between the groups. Glucose oxidation and insulin secretion were elevated due to high glucose in pancreatic islets from HFD rats. Protein concentrations of p47(phox) and gp91(phox) subunits were reduced and ROS production was diminished in pancreatic islets from HFD rats. Conclusions: The diminished content of NADPH oxidase subunits and ROS concentrations may be associated with increased glucose oxidation and insulin secretion in an attempt to compensate for the peripheral insulin resistance elicited by the HFD.


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Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate [NAD(P)H] oxidase complex has been shown to be involved in the process of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). In this study, we examined the effect of palmitic acid on superoxide production and insulin secretion by rat pancreatic islets and the mechanism involved. Rat pancreatic islets were incubated during 1 h with 1 mM palmitate, 1% fatty acid free-albumin, 5.6 or 10 mM glucose and in the presence of inhibitors of NAD(P)H oxidase (DPI-diphenyleneiodonium), PKC (calphostin C) and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-I (CPT-I) (etomoxir). Superoxide content was determined by hydroethidine assays. Palmitate increased superoxide production in the presence of 5.6 and 10 mM glucose. This effect was dependent on activation of PKC and NAD(P)H oxidase. Palmitic acid oxidation was demonstrated to contribute for the fatty acid induction of superoxide production in the presence of 5.6 mM glucose. In fact, palmitate caused p47(PHOX) translocation to plasma membrane, as shown by immunohistochemistry. Exposure to palmitate for 1 h up-regulated the protein content of p47(PHOX) and the mRNA levels of p22(PHOX), gp91(PHOX), p47(PHOX), proinsulin and the G protein-coupled receptor 40 (GPR40). Fatty acid stimulation of insulin secretion in the presence of high glucose concentration was reduced by inhibition of NAD(P)H oxidase activity. In conclusion, NAD(P)H oxidase is an important source of superoxide in pancreatic islets and the activity of NAD(P)H oxidase is involved in the control of insulin secretion by palmitate. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 1110-1117, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Positive acute effects of fatty acids (FA) on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation have been reported. However, those studies mainly focused on palmitic acid actions, and reports on oleic acid (OA) are scarce. In this study, the effect of physiological OA levels on beta-cell function and the mechanisms involved were investigated. Analyses of insulin secretion, FA and glucose oxidation, and ROS formation showed that, at high glucose concentration, OA treatment increases GSIS in parallel with increased ROS content. At high glucose, OA oxidation was increased, accompanied by a suppression of glucose oxidation. Using approaches for protein knockdown of FA receptor G protein-coupled receptor 40 (GPR40) and of p47(PHOX), a reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate [NAD(P) H] oxidase component, we observed that GPR40 does not mediate OA effects on ROS formation and GSIS. However, in p47(PHOX) knockdown islets, OA-induced ROS formation and the inhibitory effect of OA on glucose metabolism was abolished. Similar results were obtained by pharmacological inhibition of protein kinase C, a known activator of NAD(P) H oxidase. Thus, ROS derived from OA metabolism via NAD(P) H oxidase are an inhibitor of glucose oxidation. Put together, these results indicate that OA acts as a modulator of glucose oxidation via ROS derived from its own metabolism in beta-cells. (Endocrinology 152: 3614-3621, 2011)