480 resultados para Bert Hellinger


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We show using detailed magnetic and thermodynamic studies and theoretical calculations that the ground state of Ba3ZnIr2O9 is a realization of a novel spin-orbital liquid state. Our results reveal that Ba3ZnIr2O9 with Ir5+ (5d(4)) ions and strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) arrives very close to the elusive J = 0 state but each Ir ion still possesses a weak moment. Ab initio density functional calculations indicate that this moment is developed due to superexchange, mediated by a strong intradimer hopping mechanism. While the Ir spins within the structural Ir2O9 dimer are expected to form a spin-orbit singlet state (SOS) with no resultant moment, substantial frustration arising from interdimer exchange interactions induce quantum fluctuations in these possible SOS states favoring a spin-orbital liquid phase down to at least 100 mK.


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The response of structural dynamical systems excited by multiple random excitations is considered. Two new procedures for evaluating global response sensitivity measures with respect to the excitation components are proposed. The first procedure is valid for stationary response of linear systems under stationary random excitations and is based on the notion of Hellinger's metric of distance between two power spectral density functions. The second procedure is more generally valid and is based on the l2 norm based distance measure between two probability density functions. Specific cases which admit exact solutions are presented, and solution procedures based on Monte Carlo simulations for more general class of problems are outlined. Illustrations include studies on a parametrically excited linear system and a nonlinear random vibration problem involving moving oscillator-beam system that considers excitations attributable to random support motions and guide-way unevenness. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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CONTENTS: I. U.S.-Japan Cooperation Open Ocean Aquaculture – A Venue for Cooperative Research Between the United States and Japan.............................................................................. 1 C. Helsley II. Growth, Nutrition and Genetic Diversity Daily Ration of Hatchery-Reared Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus as an Indicator of Release Place, Time and Fry Quality. In situ Direct Estimation and Possibility of New Methods by Stable Isotope............................ 7 O. Tominaga, T. Seikai, T. Tsusaki, Y. Hondo, N. Murakami, K. Nogami, Y. Tanaka and M. Tanaka Nucleic Acids and Protein Content as a Measure to Evaluate the Nutritional Condition of Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Larvae and Juveniles........................................................................................................ 25 W. Gwak Genetic Diversity Within and Between Hatchery Strains of Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Assessed by Means of Microsatellite and Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing Analysis...................................................................... 43 M. Sekino, M. Hara and N. Taniguchi Tracking Released Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus by Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing................................................................................ 51 T. Fujii Preliminary Aspects of Genetic Management for Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis Stock Enhancement Research in Hawaii........................................ 55 M. Tringali, D. Ziemann and K. Stuck Enhancement of Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis in Hawaii: Interactions Between Aquaculture and Fisheries............................................................. 75 D. Ziemann Aquaculture and Genetic Structure in the Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica..................... 87 M. Katoh and M. Kobayashi Comparative Diets and Growth of Two Scombrid Species, Chub Mackerel Scomber japonicus and Japanese Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius, in the Central Seto Inland Sea, Japan.................................. 93 J. Shoji, M. Tanaka and Tsutomu Maehara iii Evaluating Stock Enhancement Strategies: A Multi-disciplinary Approach................... 105 T. M. Bert, R.H. McMichael, Jr., R.P. Cody, A. B. Forstchen, W. G. Halstead, K. M. Leber, J. O’Hop, C. L. Neidig, J. M. Ransier, M. D. Tringali, B. L. Winner and F. S. Kennedy III. Physiological and Ecological Applications Predation on Juvenile Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta by Fishes and Birds in Rivers and Coastal Oceanic Waters of Japan................................... 127 K. Nagasawa and H. Kawamura Interaction Between Cleaner and Host: The Black Porgy Cleaning Behavior of Juvenile Sharpnose Tigerfish Rhyncopelates Oxyrhynchus in the Seto Inland Sea, Western Japan............................................................................. 139 T. Shigeta, H. Usuki and K. Gushima IV. Case Studies Alaska Salmon Enhancement: A Successful Program for Hatchery and Wild Stocks............................................................................................... 149 W. Heard NMFS Involvement with Stock Enhancement as a Management Tool........................... 171 T. McIlwain Stock Enhancement Research with Anadromous and Marine Fishes in South Carolina...................................................................................... 175 T. I. J. Smith, W. E. Jenkins, M. R. Denson and M. R. Collins Comparison of Some Developmental, Nutritional, Behavioral and Health Factors Relevant to Stocking of Striped Mullet, (Mugilidae), Sheepshead (Sparidae), Common Snook (Centropomidae) and Nassau Groupers (Serranidae)........................... 191 J. W. Tucker Jr. and S. B. Kennedy Participants in the Thirtieth U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture................. Inside Back Cover iv (PDF has 204 pages.)


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第一章 弹性力学和变分原理
1.1 弹性力学的基本方程和边界条件
1.2 弹性力学的变分原理
1.2.1 应变能和应变余能
1.2.2 虚位移原理和最小势能原理
1.2.3 虚应力原理和最小余能原理
1.2.4 Hellinger-Reissner变分原理
1.2.5 胡海昌-鹫津久一郎变分原理
1.2.6 参数变分原理
1.3 变分原理的应用实例
1.4 里茨法和伽辽金法
第二章 有限元法
2.1 协调模型——位移元
2.2 平衡模型Ⅰ
2.3 平衡模型Ⅱ
2.4 杂交应力模型
2.5 杂交位移模型
2.6 混合模型
第三章 常用的有限元单元
3.1 三角形单元族
3.2 等参数单元
3.3 奇异性单元
3.4 板壳单元
3.4.1 三角形薄板单元和薄壳单元
3.4.2 厚板单元和厚壳单元
第四章 材料非线性有限元法
4.1 弹塑性有限元分析
4.1.1 材料的屈服准则
4.1.2 强化理论
4.1.3 塑性本构关系
4.1.4 塑性流动理论的变分原理
4.1.5 弹塑性问题的有限元解法
4.2 蠕变的有限元分析
4.3 弹黏塑性的有限元分析
第五章 几何非线性有限元分析
5.1 有限应变与应力
5.2 变形率和本构关系
5.3 几何非线性有限元方程的建立
5.3.1 全拉格朗日列式法
5.3.2 更新的拉格朗日列式法
5.3.3 任意拉格朗日-欧拉描述法
第六章 热传导和热应力的有限元分析
6.1 热传导问题的有限元分析
6.1.1 导热的基本方程
6.1.2 稳态温度场的有限元解
6.1.3 瞬态温度场的有限元解
6.2 热弹性应力问题的有限元分析
第七章 弹性动力学问题的有限元法
第八章 加权余量法
第九章 边界元法
第十章 无网格法
第十一章 代数方程组的解法


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Since 1974 we have been collecting statistics on the main fishing gears in the ivorian lagoons. In order to get good estimation of the catches, it is often more convenient to measure the fishes and to convert this data into weights through a length-weight relationship. In this work we computed this relation for 43 species found in the Aby and Ebrié lagoons.


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A first treatment of the statistical data of 1978 and 1979 on the collective fishing showed a decrease of total catches in the Ebrié Lagoon. The same diminution was found in the amount of smoked-fish collected in two different places of the lagoon. This fall is due to a smaller effort in the lagoon of the purse-seines in the Abidjan area and a decrease of the catches per unit of effort.


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From 2001 to 2006, 71 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on five species of pelagic shark (blue shark [Prionace glauca]; shortfin mako [Isurus oxyrinchus]; silky shark [Carcharhinus falciformis]; oceanic whitetip shark [C. longimanus]; and bigeye thresher [Alopias superciliosus]) in the central Pacific Ocean to determine species-specific movement patterns and survival rates after release from longline fishing gear. Only a single postrelease mortality could be unequivocally documented: a male blue shark which succumbed seven days after release. Meta-analysis of published reports and the current study (n=78 reporting PSATs) indicated that the summary effect of postrelease mortality for blue sharks was 15% (95% CI, 8.5–25.1%) and suggested that catch-and-release in longline fisheries can be a viable management tool to protect parental biomass in shark populations. Pelagic sharks displayed species-specific depth and temperature ranges, although with significant individual temporal and spatial variability in vertical movement patterns, which were also punctuated by stochastic events (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation). Pelagic species can be separated into three broad groups based on daytime temperature preferences by using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging clustering on a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Dmax distance matrix: 1) epipelagic species (silky and oceanic whitetip sharks), which spent >95% of their time at temperatures within 2°C of sea surface temperature; 2) mesopelagic-I species (blue sharks and shortfin makos, which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 9.7° to 26.9°C and from 9.4° to 25.0°C, respectively; and 3) mesopelagic-II species (bigeye threshers), which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 6.7° to 21.2°C. Distinct thermal niche partitioning based on body size and latitude was also evident within epipelagic species.


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The pole-and-line fishery for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, was the largest commercial fishery in Hawaii until its decline in the 1970's and 1980's. The development and decline of the fishery were strongly affected by fish availability and marketing. A sustained drop in the availability of large fish in the mid-1970's appears to have been due in part to a sustained environmental change. Availability of large fish subsequently increased, but the fishery continued its decline owing to low profitability and lack of markets. The tuna cannery in Honolulu that fostered the fishery's expansion in the 1930's closed in 1984. Unless efforts to increase the marketf or skipjack tuna become effective, landings will probably remain at current levels of about 1,000 metric tons per year. The existing pole-and-line fleet may continue to decline with age, and the local market may eventually be supplied by other fishing methods (e.g., trolling), by new vessels, or by imports.


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Two bycatch reduction devices (BRDs)—the extended mesh funnel (EMF) and the Florida fisheye (FFE)—were evaluated in otter trawls with net mouth circumferences of 14 m, 17 m, and 20 m and total net areas of 45 m2. Each test net was towed 20 times in parallel with a control net that had the same dimensions and configuration but no BRD. Both BRDs were tested at night during fall 1996 and winter 1997 in Tampa Bay, Florida. Usually, the bycatch was composed principally of finfish (44 species were captured); horseshoe crabs and blue crabs seasonally predominated in some trawls. Ten finfish species composed 92% of the total finfish catch; commercially or recreationally valuable species accounted for 7% of the catch. Mean finfish size in the BRD-equipped nets was usually slightly smaller than that in the control nets. Compared with the corresponding control nets, both biomass and number of finfish were almost always less in the BRD-equipped nets but neither shrimp number nor biomass were significantly reduced. The differences in proportions of both shrimp and finfish catch between the BRD-equipped and control nets varied between seasons and among net sizes, and differences in finfish catch were specific for each BRD type and season. In winter, shrimp catch was highest and size range of shrimp was greater than in fall. Season-specific differences in shrimp catch among the BRD types occurred only in the 14-m, EMF nets. Finfish bycatch species composition was also highly seasonal; each species was captured mainly during only one season. However, regardless of the finfish composition, the shrimp catch was relatively constant. In part as a result of this study, the State of Florida now requires the use of BRDs in state waters.


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Respiration-induced target motion is a major problem in intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Beam segments are delivered serially to form the total dose distribution. In the presence of motion, the spatial relation between dose deposition from different segments will be lost. Usually, this results in over-and underdosage. Besides such interplay effects between target motion and dynamic beam delivery as known from photon therapy, changes in internal density have an impact on delivered dose for intensity-modulated charged particle therapy. In this study, we have analysed interplay effects between raster scanned carbon ion beams and target motion. Furthermore, the potential of an online motion strategy was assessed in several simulations. An extended version of the clinical treatment planning software was used to calculate dose distributions to moving targets with and without motion compensation. For motion compensation, each individual ion pencil beam tracked the planned target position in the lateral aswell as longitudinal direction. Target translations and rotations, including changes in internal density, were simulated. Target motion simulating breathing resulted in severe degradation of delivered dose distributions. For example, for motion amplitudes of +/- 15 mm, only 47% of the target volume received 80% of the planned dose. Unpredictability of resulting dose distributions was demonstrated by varying motion parameters. On the other hand, motion compensation allowed for dose distributions for moving targets comparable to those for static targets. Even limited compensation precision (standard deviation similar to 2 mm), introduced to simulate possible limitations of real-time target tracking, resulted in less than 3% loss in dose homogeneity.