999 resultados para Bernd Becher


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A great number of offshore wind energy generators are planned to be erected in the Baltic Sea in the near future. The question arises which impact these constructions may have on the living environment, of which fish are the most prominent candidates. Before these questions are tackled, however, tests need to be done to find out which bottom trawl is the most appropriate one to investigate possible effects. For this purpose four different trawls have been compared. As a result a number of key parameters for the design of an appropriate bottom otter trawl are given.


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Im Institut für Ostseefischerei (IOR) werden zur Untersuchung der Überlebensfähigkeit von Discards und zur Zwischenhälterung von Laichdorschen mobile Fischhaltungsräume benötigt. In Pontonrahmen eingehängte Netzkäfige sind dafür erfahrungsgemäß eine einfache Lösung. Diese Hälterungseinrichtungen haben den Vorteil, daß sie bedarfsweise in ausgewählten Wasserreservoirs eingesetzt werden können. Sie sind als schwimmende Einheiten von Pegelschwankungen unabhängig und bei Aufrechterhaltung der Hälterungsfunktion flexibel im Standort. Aufgrund des häufigen Einsatzwechsels ergab sich im IOR die Notwendigkeit, eine leicht montierbare und transportable Netzkäfigeinheit zu konstruieren.


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Bottom otter trawls with cut back upper panels were tested in the fischeries on Baltic Sea flounder and North Sea plaice to reduce cod by-catch. In a first series of experiments on board the fishing research cutter “Clupea” the cod-bycatch was reduced by 63 %. The catch of flounder was by 92 % higher in the cut back trawl. The same trawl with the same experimental set-up achieved aboard the fisching research vessel “Solea” on the other hand a reduction in cod-bycatch by 69 %. The catch of flounder was 23,3 % lesser in the topless trawl, which was in contrast to the “Clupea” trials. In the second series of experiments with the same cut back trawl the splits were shortened to reduce the net opening height from 0,9 m to 0,6 m previously. The cod-bycatch was reduced by 86 % and the catch of flounder was 81 % higher in comparison to the complete trawl. A prototype made of stronger net material but based on the cutting and rigging design of the tested cut back trawl with the shortened splits was tested with commercial twin trawlers. The cod-bycatch was reduced by 82,2 %, the catch of plaice by 43,3 % and the catch of dab by 44,6 % in the comparison to the commercial used trawl TV280. The flounder catch was in the topless trawl 10 % higher. In the North Sea in the comparison to a bottom trawl TV300 the cod by-catch was reduced by 89,8 %, but the catch of plaice and dab were 54 % and 58,7 % lesser. In the next step was a prototype of a normally in the North Sea plaice fisheries used trawl tested with a cut back of 2 m only. The cod catch was reduced by 16,9 % but the plaice catch, however , by 22,3 %. Kurzfassung Schleppnetze mit verkürzten Oberblättern wurden in der Fischerei auf Ostseeflunder und Nordseescholle zur Verringerung des Dorschbeifanges erprobt. In einer ersten Versuchsserie mit dem Forschungskutter „Clupea“ wurde der Dorschbeifang um 63 % reduziert. Die Fänge der Zielart Flunder waren im reduzierten Schleppnetz dagegen um 92 % höher. Das gleiche Schleppnetz mit gleichem Versuchsaufbau erzielte auf dem Fischereiforschungsschiff „Solea“ dagegen eine Reduktion des Dorschbeifanges um 69 %, wobei im Gegensatz zu den „Clupea“-Versuchen der Flunderfang um 23,3 % im reduzierten Netz geringer war. In der zweiten Versuchsserie wurden die Netzstander am reduzierten Schleppnetz verkürzt, um die Netzöffnungshöhe zu verringern. Dadurch wurde der Dorschbeifang in Versuchen mit dem Forschungskutter „Clupea“ um 86 % verringert und die Flunderfänge waren im reduzierten Schleppnetz 81 % höher. Basierend auf dem Zuschnitt des erprobten Schleppnetzes, jedoch aus stärkerem Netzmaterial gefertigt, wurde ein Prototyp auf kommerziellen Doppelnetz-Kuttern erprobt. In der Ostsee wurde in diesen Versuchen der Dorschbeifang um 82,2 %, der Schollenfang um 43,3 % und der Klieschenfang um 44,6 % mit dem im Oberblatt verkürztem Schleppnetz im Vergleich zum Kutterschleppnetz TV280 reduziert. Der Flunderfang war im reduzierten Schleppnetz 10 % höher. Auf der Nordsee wurde mit diesem Versuchsnetz im Vergleich zu einem TV 300 der Kabeljaubeifang um 89,8 % verringert, die Schollenfänge waren jedoch 54 % geringer und die Klieschenfänge 58,7 % geringer als im Vergleichsnetz. In einer weiteren Variante wurde ein in der Nordseeschollenfischerei verwendetes Grundschleppnetz mit 2 m geringfügig im Oberblatt zurückgeschnitten und mit dem Prototyp auf einem Doppelnetz-Heckschlepper verglichen. Der Kabeljaubeifang wurde dadurch um 16,9 % der Schollenfang aber um 22,3 % verringert


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The NOMAD spectrometer suite on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter will map the composition and distribution of Mars atmospheric trace species in unprecedented detail, fulfilling many of the scientific objectives of the joint ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter mission. The instrument is a combination of three channels, covering a spectral range from the UV to the IR, and can perform solar occultation, nadir and limb observations. In this paper, we present the science objectives of the instrument and how these objectives have influenced the design of the channels. We also discuss the expected performance of the instrument in terms of coverage and detection sensitivity.


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Das Verbundstudium der nordrhein-westfälischen Fachhochschulen bietet über 3000 Studierenden die Möglichkeit, in einer Kombination von Präsenz- und Selbststudium neben dem Beruf zu studieren. Das Institut für Verbundstudien koordiniert und organisiert die Kooperationsprozesse der Hochschulen und engagiert sich mit seinem Bereich Hochschuldidaktik und Fernstudienentwicklung als Entwicklungs- und Kompetenzzentrum im Bereich der Neuen Medien und des E-Learnings. Zur Verbreitung und Verstetigung der digitalen Lehr- und Lernangebote sowie der Optimierung der Kooperations- und Supportstrukturen hat das Institut eine Onlinebefragung von 200 Lehrenden zur Situation und den Perspektiven des E-Learnings im Verbundstudium durchgeführt. Die Studie zeigt, dass für die Lehrenden auch zukünftig die gedruckte Lerneinheit das zentrale Element der Lehre sein wird. Sie sehen Bedarf zur Ergänzung und Anreicherung des Studiums sowie des Lernens und wünschen sich zur Unterstützung der Lehre ergänzende digitale Elemente vor allem in folgenden Bereichen: Kommunikation, Ergänzungen zu Lerneinheiten (Linklisten, Übungen, ergänzende Medien und Materialien), übergreifendes Glossar. Die Ergebnisse der Onlinebefragung sind die Grundlage des von den Gremien des Verbundstudiums beschlossenen E-Learning-Konzepts. Die von den Lehrenden gewünschten digitalen Elemente und Funktionen sind im Rahmen der Entwicklung durch den Bereich Hochschuldidaktik und Fernstudienentwicklung in der E-Learning-Umgebung VS-online umgesetzt worden. Zurzeit werden die bereitgestellten Elemente und Funktionen von den einzelnen Verbundstudiengängen mit Beiträgen und Inhalten gefüllt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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There is a growing interest in the use of geophysical methods to aid investigation and monitoring of complex biogeochemical environments, for example delineation of contaminants and microbial activity related to land contamination. We combined geophysical monitoring with chemical and microbiological analysis to create a conceptual biogeochemical model of processes around a contaminant plume within a manufactured gas plant site. Self-potential, induced polarization and electrical resistivity techniques were used to monitor the plume. We propose that an exceptionally strong (>800 mV peak to peak) dipolar SP anomaly represents a microbial fuel cell operating in the subsurface. The electromagnetic and electrical geophysical data delineated a shallow aerobic perched water body containing conductive gasworks waste which acts as the abiotic cathode of microbial fuel cell. This is separated from the plume below by a thin clay layer across the site. Microbiological evidence suggests that degradation of organic contaminants in the plume is dominated by the presence of ammonium and its subsequent degradation. We propose that the degradation of contaminants by microbial communities at the edge of the plume provides a source of electrons and acts as the anode of the fuel cell. We hypothesize that ions and electrons are transferred through the clay layer that was punctured during the trial pitting phase of the investigation. This is inferred to act as an electronic conductor connecting the biologically mediated anode to the abiotic cathode. Integrated electrical geophysical techniques appear well suited to act as rapid, low cost sustainable tools to monitor biodegradation.


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The heterodimeric cytokine IL-23 plays a non-redundant function in the development of cell-mediated, organspecific autoimmune diseases such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). To further characterize the mechanisms of action of IL-23 in autoimmune inflammation, we administered IL-23 systemically at different time points during both relapsing and chronic EAE. Surprisingly, we found suppression of disease in all treatment protocols. We observed a reduction in the number of activated macrophages and microglia in the CNS, while T cell infiltration was not significantly affected. Disease suppression correlated with reduced expansion of myelin-reactive T cells, loss of T-bet expression, loss of lymphoid structures, and increased production of IL-6 and IL-4. Here we describe an unexpected function of exogenous IL-23 in limiting the scope and extent of organ-specific autoimmunity.


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Strategies available to evaluate the performance of in situ permeable reactive barriers are currently not well developed and often rely on fluid and media sampling directly from the permeable reactive barrier (PRB). Here, we investigate the utility of the self-potential (SP) method as a technique to monitor in situ PRB performance. Our field study was conducted at in situ biological PRB in Portadown, Northern Ireland, UK, which was emplaced to assist in the remediation of groundwater contamination (e.g., hydrocarbons, ammonia) that resulted from the operations and waste disposal practices of a former gasworks. Borehole SP measurements were collected during the injection of contaminant groundwater slugs in an attempt to monitor/detect the response of the microbial activity associated with the breakdown of the added contaminants into the PRB. In addition, an uncontaminated groundwater slug was injected into a different portion of the PRB as a ‘control’ and SP measurements were collected for comparison to the SP response of the contaminant slugs. The results of the SP signals due to the contaminant injections show that the magnitude of the response was relatively small (<10 mV) yet showed a consistent decrease during both contaminant injections. The net decrease in SP recorded during the contaminant injections slowly rebounded to near background values through ~44 hours post-injection. The SP response during the uncontaminated injection showed a slight, albeit negligible (within the margin of error), 1 mV increase in the measured SP signals, in contrast to the contaminant injections. The results of the SP signals recorded from the uncontaminated groundwater injection also persisted through a period of ~47 hours after injection but show a net increase in SP relative to pre-injection values. Based on the difference in SP response between the contaminated and uncontaminated injections, we suggest that the responses are likely to be the result of differences in the chemistry of the injection types (contaminated versus uncontaminated) and in situ groundwater. We argue that the SP signals associated with the contaminated injections are dominated by diffusion (electrochemical) potential, possibly enhanced by a microbial effect. While the results of our investigation show a consistent SP response associated with the contaminant injections that is dominated by diffusional effects, further studies are required in order to better understand the effect of microbial activity on SP signals and the potential utility for the SP method to detect/monitor changes that may be indicative of biological PRB performance.


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Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a rapid geophysical technique that we have used to assess four illegally buried waste locations in Northern Ireland. GPR allowed informed positioning of the less-rapid, if more accurate use of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI). In conductive waste, GPR signal loss can be used to map the areal extent of waste, allowing ERI survey lines to be positioned. In less conductive waste the geometry of the burial can be ascertained from GPR alone, allowing rapid assessment. In both circumstances, the conjunctive use of GPR and ERI is considered best practice for cross-validation of results and enhancing data interpretation.