548 resultados para Bennett


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Background and Purpose - Unaccustomed strenuous physical exertion can trigger myocardial infarction, but little is known about the mechanisms precipitating subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Methods - We identified all cases of first-ever SAH among the combined populations (2.8 million) of 4 urban centers in Australia and New Zealand. Information on the type, time, and intensity of exposures in the 26 hours before the onset of SAH was ascertained by structured interviews. We used the case-crossover technique to assess the risk of SAH associated with transient exposures of moderate to extreme physical exertion, heavy cigarette smoking, and binge alcohol consumption. Results - We registered 432 first-ever cases of SAH (62% women; mean age, 56.5 years). A definite time of onset of SAH was established for 393 patients (91%), and information on the levels of physical activity in the preceding 26 hours was obtained in 338 ( 78%). Of these patients, 19% engaged in moderate to extreme exertion (greater than or equal to5 metabolic equivalents) in the 2 hours before SAH, which was associated with a tripling in the risk of SAH (odds ratio [OR], 2.7; 95% CI, 1.6 to 4.6). There was no evidence of any association between heavy cigarette smoking or binge drinking and risk of SAH in the subsequent 2 hours ( OR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.4 to 3.7; and OR, 0.41; 95% CI, -infinity to 5.3). Habitual exercise did not appear to alter the risk of SAH associated with moderate to extreme exertion. Conclusions - Moderate to extreme physical exertion tripled the risk of SAH, but there was no association between transient heavy smoking or binge drinking and risk of SAH. These data suggest that heavy physical activity may trigger SAH.


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Vascular casts of 3 species of Chondrichthyes, 1 of Dipnoi, 1 of Chondrostei and 14 species of the Teleostei were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy in order to give a qualitative and quantitative analysis of interarterial anastomoses (iaas) that indicate the presence (or absence) of a secondary vascular system (SVS). Anastomoses were found to originate from a variety of different primary blood vessels, many of which have not been previously identified as giving rise to secondary vessels. Segmental arteries derived from the dorsal aorta and supplying body musculature were major sites of origin of the SVS, although there was considerable variation in where, in the hierarchy of arterial branching, the anastomoses occurred. The degree of investment in a SVS was species specific, with more active species having a higher degree of secondary vascularisation. This difference was quantified using an absolute count of iaas between Anguilla reinhardtii and Trachinotus baillonii. A range of general features of the SVS is also described. No evidence of iaas was found on the coeliac, mesenteric or renal circulation in any species. Evidence of iaas was lacking in the dipnoan and chondrichthyan species examined, suggesting that a SVS is restricted to Actinopterygii. The presence and distribution of a SVS does not appear to be exclusively linked to phylogenetic position, but rather to the physiological adaptation of the species.


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Background and Purpose - This study was undertaken to better clarify the risks associated with cigarette smoking and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Methods - The study included 432 incident cases of SAH frequency matched to 473 community SAH-free controls to determine dose-dependent associations of active and passive smoking ( at home) and smoking cessation with SAH. Results - Compared with never smokers not exposed to passive smoking, the adjusted odds ratio for SAH among current smokers was 5.0 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.1 to 8.1); for past smokers, 1.2 ( 95% CI, 0.8 to 2.0); and for passive smokers, 0.9 ( 95% CI, 0.6 to 1.5). Current and lifetime exposures showed a clear dose-dependent effect, and risks appeared more prominent in women and for aneurysmal SAH. Approximately 1 in 3 cases of SAH could be attributed to current smoking, but risks decline quickly after smoking cessation, even among heavy smokers. Conclusions - A strong positive association was found between cigarette smoking and SAH, especially for aneurysmal SAH and women, which is virtually eliminated within a few years of smoking cessation. Large opportunities exist for preventing SAH through smoking avoidance and cessation programs.


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Establishment of the left-right axis is a fundamental process of vertebrate embryogenesis. Failure to develop left-right asymmetry leads to incorrect positioning and morphogenesis of numerous internal organs, and is proposed to underlie the etiology of several common cardiac malformations. The transcriptional modulator Cited2 is essential for embryonic development: Cited2-null embryos die during gestation with profound developmental abnormalities, including cardiac malformations, exencephaly and adrenal agenesis. Cited2 is also required for normal establishment of the left-right axis; we demonstrate that abnormal heart looping and right atrial and pulmonary isomerism are consistent features of the left-right-patterning defect. We show by gene expression analysis that Cited2 acts upstream of Nodal, Lefty2 and Pitx2 in the lateral mesoderm, and of Lefty1 in the presumptive floor plate. Although abnormal left-right patterning has a major impact on the cardiac phenotype in Cited2-null embryos, laterality defects are only observed in a proportion of these embryos. We have therefore used a combination of high-resolution imaging and three-dimensional (3D) modeling to systematically document the full spectrum of Cited2-associated cardiac defects. Previous studies have focused on the role of Cited2 in cardiac neural crest cell development, as Cited2 can bind the transcription factor Tfap2, and thus affect the expression of Erbb3 in neural crest cells. However, we have identified Cited2-associated cardiac defects that cannot be explained by laterality or neural crest abnormalities. In particular, muscular ventricular septal defects and reduced cell density in the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions are evident in Cited2-null embryos. As we found that Cited2 expression tightly correlated with these sites, we believe that Cited2 plays a direct role in development of the AV canal and cardiac septa. We therefore propose that, in addition to the previously described reduction of cardiac neural crest cells, two other distinct mechanisms contribute to the spectrum of complex cardiac defects in Cited2-null mice; disruption of normal left-right patterning and direct loss of Cited2 expression in cardiac tissues.


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Variation in larval quality has been shown to strongly affect the post-metamorphic performance of a wide range of marine invertebrate species. Extending the larval period of non-feeding larvae strongly affects post-metamorphic survival and growth in a range of species. These 'carry-over' effects are assumed to be due to changes in larval energetic reserves but direct tests are surprisingly rare. Here, we examine the energetic costs ( relative to the costs of metamorphosis) of extending the larval period of the colonial ascidian Diplosoma listerianum. We also manipulated larval activity levels and compared the energy consumption rates of swimming larvae and inactive larvae. Larval swimming was, energetically, very costly relative to either metamorphosis or merely extending the larval period. At least 25% of the larval energetic reserves are available for larval swimming but metamorphosis was relatively inexpensive in this species and larval reserves can be used for post-metamorphic growth. The carry-over effects previously observed in this species appear to be nutritionally mediated and even short (< 3 h) periods of larval swimming can significantly deplete larval energy reserves.


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PURPOSE: Many guidelines advocate measurement of total or low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides (TG) to determine treatment recommendations for preventing coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). This analysis is a comparison of lipid variables as predictors of cardiovascular disease. METHODS: Hazard ratios for coronary and cardiovascular deaths by fourths of total cholesterol (TC), LDL, HDL, TG, non-HDL, TC/HDL, and TG/HDL values, and for a one standard deviation change in these variables, were derived in an individual participant data meta-analysis of 32 cohort studies conducted in the Asia-Pacific region. The predictive value of each lipid variable was assessed using the likelihood ratio statistic. RESULTS: Adjusting for confounders and regression dilution, each lipid variable had a positive (negative for HDL) log-linear association with fatal CHD and CVD. Individuals in the highest fourth of each lipid variable had approximately twice the risk of CHD compared with those with lowest levels. TG and HDL were each better predictors of CHD and CVD risk compared with TC alone, with test statistics similar to TC/HDL and TG/HDL ratios. Calculated LDL was a relatively poor predictor. CONCLUSIONS: While LDL reduction remains the main target of intervention for lipid-lowering, these data support the potential use of TG or lipid ratios for CHD risk prediction. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To study the oculometric parameters of hyperopia in children with esotropic amblyopia, comparing amblyopic eyes with fellow eyes. Methods: Thirty-seven patients (5-8 years old) with bilateral hyperopia and esotropic amblyopia underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic examination, including cycloplegic refraction, keratometry and A-scan ultrasonography. Anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, vitreous chamber depth and total axial length were recorded. The refractive power of the crystalline lens was calculated using Bennett`s equations. Paired Student`s t-tests were used to compare ocular biometric measurements between amblyopic eyes and their fellow eyes. The associations of biometric parameters with refractive errors were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients and linear regression. Multivariable models including axial length, corneal power and lens power were also constructed. Results: Amblyopic eyes were found to have significantly more hyperopic refraction, less corneal power, greater lens power, shorter vitreous chamber depth and shorter axial length, despite similar anterior chamber depth and lens thickness. The strongest correlation with refractive error was observed for the axial length/corneal radius ratio (r(36) = -0.92, p < 0.001 for amblyopic and r(36) = 0.87, p < 0.001 for fellow eyes). Axial length accounted for 39.2% (R(2)) of the refractive error variance in amblyopic eyes and 35.5% in fellow eyes. Adding corneal power to the model increased R(2) to 85.7% and 79.6%, respectively. A statistically significant correlation was found between axial length and corneal power, indicating decreasing corneal power with increasing axial length, and they were similar for amblyopic eyes (r(36) = 0.53,p < 0.001) and fellow eyes (r(36) = -0.57, p < 0.001). A statistically significant correlation was also found between axial length and lens power, indicating decreasing lens power with increasing axial length (r(36) = -0.72, p < 0.001 for amblyopic eyes and r(36) = -0.69, p < 0.001 for fellow eyes). Conclusions: We observed that the correlation among the major oculometric parameters and their individual contribution to hyperopia in esotropic children were similar in amblyopic and non-amblyopic eyes. This finding suggests that the counterbalancing effect of greater corneal and lens power associated with shorter axial length is similar in both eyes of patients with esotropic amblyopia.


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Hatschekia plectropomi, an ectoparasitic copepod found on the gills, infected Plectropomus leopardus from Heron Island Reef with 100% prevalence (n = 32) and a mean +/- S.E. infection intensity of 131.9 +/- 22.1. The distribution of 4222 adult female parasites across 32 individual host fish was investigated at several organizational levels ranging from the level of holobranch pairs to that of individual filaments. Parasites demonstrated a site preference for the two central holobranchs (2 and 3). Along the lengths of hemibranchs, filaments near the dorsal and ventral ends and those in the proximity of the bend region were rarely occupied. The probability of coming into contact with a suitable attachment site and the ability to withstand ventilation forces at that site were proposed as the major factors affecting distribution. Two H. plectropomi morphotypes were identified based on the direction of body curvature. Regardless of morphotype, 99.9% of individuals were attached such that the convex side of the body was oriented towards the oncoming ventilating water currents. Further, 93.3% of individuals attached to the posterior faces of filaments, leading to a predictable pattern of attachment for this species. It is suggested that the direction of body curvature develops in response to the direction of the ventilating water currents. (c) 2006 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Few prospective data from the Asia Pacific region are available relating body mass index to the risk of diabetes. Our objective was to provide reliable age, sex and region specific estimates of the associations between body mass index and diabetes. Twenty-seven cohort studies from Asia, New Zealand and Australia, including 154,989 participants, contributed 1,244,793 person-years of follow-up. Outcome data included a combination of incidence of diabetes (based on blood glucose measurements) and fatal diabetes events. Hazard ratios were calculated from Cox models, stratified by sex and cohort, and adjusted for age at risk and smoking. During follow-up (mean = 8 years), 75 fatal diabetes events and 242 new cases of diabetes were documented. There were continuous positive associations between baseline body mass index and risk of diabetes with each 2 kg/m(2) lower body mass index associated with a 27% (23-30%) lower risk of diabetes. The associations were stronger in younger age groups, and regional comparisons demonstrated slightly stronger associations in Asian than in Australasian cohorts (P = 0.04). This overview provides evidence of a strong continuous association between body mass index and diabetes in the Asia Pacific region. The results indicate considerable potential for reduction in incidence of diabetes with population-wide lowering of body mass index in this region.


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Understanding the role of multiple colour signals during sexual signalling is a central theme in animal communication. We quantified the role of multiple colour signals (including ultraviolet, UV), measures of body size and testosterone levels in settling disputes between male rivals in an elaborately ornamented, African lizard, played out in a large 'tournament' in the wild. The hue and brightness (total reflectance) of the UV throat in Augrabies flat lizards, Platysaurus broadleyi, as well as body size, were consistent and strong predictors of 'fighting ability'. Males with high fighting ability were larger and displayed a UV throat with low total reflectance. In contrast, males with low fighting ability were smaller and had violet throats with broader spectral reflectance curves (higher total reflectance). As fighting ability is associated with alternative reproductive tactics in this system (territorial versus floater), we also examined the role of colour signals in predicting male reproductive tactic. Territorial males had UV throats with higher chroma but had poorer body condition than floater males, probably because of the energetic costs of maintaining a territory. Although testosterone was not a significant predictor of fighting ability or reproductive tactic, it was correlated with the hue of the UV throat, suggesting that testosterone may impose some constraint on signal expression. Lastly, we show that within the context of the natural signalling environment, UV-reflective throats constitute a conspicuous, effective signal that male Augrabies flat lizards use to advertise their status honestly to rivals. (c) 2006 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cypridinid ostracod, Sheina orri, was found on the gills of healthy epaulette sharks, Hemiscyllium, ocellatum, collected from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Seventeen of the 28 fish examined had ostracods attached to their gills. Detailed investigation of the gills and ostracods using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy revealed that ostracods anchor themselves to the gill tissues using their mandibular and maxillular claws. These claws appear to be adapted for this purpose and the process of attachment causes some damage to the host tissues. The observation that ostracods were often located in distinct pockets, formed by local distortion of shark respiratory lamellae, strongly suggests that they had been attached to the gills for considerable time. (C) 1997 Australian Society for Parasitology.


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Various members of the bZip and bHLH-Zip families of eukaryotic transcription factors, including Jun, Fos, and Myc, have been identified as oncoproteins; mutation or deregulated expression of these proteins leads to certain types of cancer. These proteins can only bind to their cognate DNA enhancer sites following homodimerization, or heterodimerization with another family member, via their leucine zipper domain. Thus, a novel anticancer strategy would be to inhibit dimerization of these proteins, thereby blocking their DNA binding and transactivation functions. In this paper we show that it is possible to rationally design leucine zipper peptides that bind with high affinity to the leucine zipper dimerization domains of c-Jun and c-Fos, thus preventing the formation of functional c-Jun homodimers and c-Jun:c-Fos heterodimers; we refer to such peptides as superzippers (SZs). In vivo, c-Jun:SZ and c-Fos:SZ heterodimers should be nonfunctional as they lack one of the two basic domains that are essential for DNA binding. While the transport of a peptidic agent into cells often poses a severe obstacle to its therapeutic use, we show that a 46-residue leucine zipper peptide can be transported into HeLa cells by coupling it to a 17-residue carrier peptide from the Antennapedia homeodomain, thus paving the way for detailed studies of the therapeutic potential of superzipper peptides.


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Samples of dermal and epidermal tissues of epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were examined histologically to assess damage caused by tagging. Tissues from around tag sites were removed at time intervals ranging from 100 min to 284 days post-tagging. These samples showed acute and chronic responses to tagging. Acute responses consisted of localized tissue breakdown and haemorrhaging, and occurred within the first few hours after tag insertion. At 10 h post-tagging, an intermediate response was apparent. This phase was characterized by further haemorrhaging and red and white blood cell movement into the wound area. The chronic response observed in the 10-284-day post-tagging samples was characterized by fibrous tissue formation to sequester the tag. This tissue presumably protects the adjacent musculature from further trauma produced by movement of the tag and provides a continuous barrier between the internal and external milieu. Tissue repair appeared to progress consistently in all specimens and no secondary infections at the tag site were seen. Tagging produced only localized tissue disruption and did not appear to be detrimental to the long term health of individual sharks. Our findings show that spaghetti style dart tagging is an acceptable method for marking individuals (40-75+ cm total length) of this species. (C) 1997 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.