902 resultados para Behavioural investment research


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When kept in barren and restrictive cages, animals frequently develop stereotypic behaviour patterns that are characterized by high repetition rates, conspicuous invariance and an apparent lack of function. Although millions of animals are affected, the underlying causes and mechanisms are still unclear. Growing evidence suggests that cage-induced stereotypies may reflect pathological dysfunction within basal ganglia circuitry expressed by perseverative behaviour. In order to assess whether variation in stereotypy performance and variation in perseverative behaviour may have a common cause in ICR CD-1 mice, we assessed the effects of environmental enrichment on both phenomena. We raised 48 female ICR CD-1 mice in standard or enriched cages from three weeks to either 6 or 11 months of age and measured stereotypy level in the home cage and perseveration on an extinction task. We further examined whether enriched rearing conditions (early enrichment) protect mice from the developing stereotypies later in life and whether stereotypies developed in barren cages would persist in an enriched environment (late enrichment) by transferring standard mice to enriched cages and vice versa for 14 weeks after completion of the extinction task. We found no evidence for a causal relation between stereotypy and perseveration in mice. However, transfer to enriched cages reduced stereotypy levels significantly both at 6 and 11 months of age indicating that stereotypies had not become established yet. Finally, we found that removing enrichments at both ages did not induce higher stereotypy levels, thereby confirming earlier reports of a neuroprotective effect of early enrichment.


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ight standard inbred mouse strains were evaluated for ethanol effects on a refined battery of behavioral tests in a study that was originally designed to assess the influence of rat odors in the colony on mouse behaviors. As part of the design of the study, two experimenters conducted the tests, and the study was carefully balanced so that equal numbers of mice in all groups and times of day were tested by each experimenter. A defect in airflow in the facility compromised the odor manipulation, and in fact the different odor exposure groups did not differ in their behaviors. The two experimenters, however, obtained markedly different results for three of the tests. Certain of the experimenter effects arose from the way they judged behaviors that were not automated and had to be rated by the experimenter, such as slips on the balance beam. Others were not evident prior to ethanol injection but had a major influence after the injection. For several measures, the experimenter effects were notably different for different inbred strains. Methods to evaluate and reduce the impact of experimenter effects in future research are discussed.


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Spatial generalization skills in school children aged 8-16 were studied with regard to unfamiliar objects that had been previously learned in a cross-modal priming and learning paradigm. We observed a developmental dissociation with younger children recognizing objects only from previously learnt perspectives whereas older children generalized acquired object knowledge to new viewpoints as well. Haptic and - to a lesser extent - visual priming improved spatial generalization in all but the youngest children. The data supports the idea of dissociable, view-dependent and view-invariant object representations with different developmental trajectories that are subject to modulatory effects of priming. Late-developing areas in the parietal or the prefrontal cortex may account for the retarded onset of view-invariant object recognition. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Auditory processing disorder (APD) is diagnosed when a patient presents with listening difficulties which can not be explained by a peripheral hearing impairment or higher-order cognitive or language problems. This review explores the association between auditory processing disorder (APD) and other specific developmental disorders such as dyslexia and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The diagnosis and aetiology of APD are similar to those of other developmental disorders and it is well established that APD often co-occurs with impairments of language, literacy, and attention. The genetic and neurological causes of APD are poorly understood, but developmental and behavioural genetic research with other disorders suggests that clinicians should expect APD to co-occur with other symptoms frequently. The clinical implications of co-occurring symptoms of other developmental disorders are considered and the review concludes that a multi-professional approach to the diagnosis and management of APD, involving speech and language therapy and psychology as well as audiology, is essential to ensure that children have access to the most appropriate range of support and interventions.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used widely in research investigating corticospinal (CS) excitability during action observation. Generally, this work has shown that observation of an action performed by others, in the absence of overt movement, modulates the excitability of the CS pathway in humans. Despite the extent of the literature exploring action observation effects, however, there has been little research to date that has compared observation with the combination of observation and execution directly. Here, we report a single-pulse TMS study that investigated whether CS excitability during action observation was modulated by actions performed by the observers prior to viewing a ball pinching action. The results showed that CS excitability during action observation increased when compared to observation of a static hand, but that there was no additional motor facilitation when participants performed the same action prior to observing it. Our findings highlight the importance of action observation and its consequences on the CS system, whilst also illustrating the limited effect of prior action execution on the CS pathway for a simple action task.


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There is evidence for the late development in humans of configural face and animal recognition. We show that the recognition of artificial three-dimensional (3D) objects from part configurations develops similarly late. We also demonstrate that the cross-modal integration of object information reinforces the development of configural recognition more than the intra-modal integration does. Multimodal object representations in the brain may therefore play a role in configural object recognition. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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MBDB, MDEA y PMA son tres drogas de diseño, estructuralmente similares al MDMA (“éxtasis”), que se han identificado en la composición de pastillas distribuidas como “éxtasis” en entornos recreativos durante los últimos treinta años. Estas feniletilaminas sintéticas presentan un perfil psicotrópico de tipo entactógeno (con capacidad para facilitar la proximidad, el contacto y la comunicación empática), similar al del MDMA en el modelo de discriminación de drogas. El MDMA ha sido objeto de un creciente interés científico y es, hasta la fecha, la única sustancia con un perfil entactógeno de la que se han investigado sus efectos conductuales en modelos animales de agresión y ansiedad, si bien sus resultados no siempre coinciden. Aunque existen algunas evidencias de que el MDMA puede tener efectos ansiolíticos en animales de laboratorio (Lin, Burden, Christie, & Johnston, 1999; Morley & McGregor, 2000; Ho, Pawlak, Guo, & Schwarting, 2004), en otros estudios se han observado alteraciones conductuales y correlatos neuroquímicos que sugieren un efecto ansiogénico (Bhattacharya, Bhattacharya & Ghosal, 1998; Gurtman, Morley, Li, Hunt, & McGregor, 2002; Maldonado & Navarro, 2000;; Navarro & Maldonado, 2002). Asimismo, en otros trabajos se ha señalado que el MDMA induce efectos antiagresivos (reducción de las conductas de amenaza y ataque), que se acompañan de un marcado aumento de las conductas de evitación/huida y defensa/sumisión, así como de una reducción de las conductas de investigación social, sugiriendo también la existencia de un perfil ansiogénico en los encuentros agonísticos entre ratones machos (Maldonado & Navarro, 2001; Navarro & Maldonado, 1999). En contraste, hasta la fecha la información experimental de las drogas MBDB, MDEA y PMA se limita a la evaluación de sus efectos conductuales sobre la conducta motora, así como algunos estudios sobre su metabolismo y posible mecanismo de acción. El objetivo general de este trabajo de investigación ha sido estudiar el perfil conductual de MBDB, MDEA y PMA en modelos animales de agresión y ansiedad. Para ello, se han examinado los efectos del MBDB (2, 4 y 8 mg/kg), MDEA (5, 10 y 20 mg/kg) y PMA (2, 4, 8 y 12 mg/kg) utilizando el modelo de agresión inducida por aislamiento y el modelo de ansiedad del laberinto elevado en cruz en ratones machos. Los resultados indican que estas sustancias en general comparten un perfil antiagresivo inespecífico. Esta falta de especificidad se debe en unos casos al aumento de las conductas de inmovilidad (4-12 mg/kg PMA), pero también a la presencia de propiedades ansiogénicas durante la interacción social, en especial con dosis elevadas, mientras que solo las dosis más bajas parecen aumentar la proximidad social, en especial la dosis menor de MBDB. Además, estas drogas parecen alterar el patrón conductual agonístico ofensivo (MBDB y MDEA) y defensivo (MBDB, MDEA y PMA), produciendo cambios diádicos que resultan coherentes con un aumento del nivel de conflicto y de ansiedad. En consonancia, los resultados del modelo del laberinto elevado en cruz indican que el MBDB produce un aumento de la ansiedad de menor intensidad que el producido por el MDMA. Sin embargo, MDEA y PMA parecen generar un estado de hipoexploración, y solo en dosis determinadas (20 mg/kg de MDEA y 4 mg/kg de PMA) muestran alteraciones discretas que sugieren un efecto ansiogénico débil, un perfil que en conjunto podría sugerir cierta similitud con alteraciones conductuales propias de los compuestos alucinógenos. Debido a la diferencia del perfil conductual del MDEA y PMA hallados en ambos modelos, sería necesario evaluar la ansiedad y su posible relación con la dosis y/o con la presencia de un oponente en la prueba en otros modelos experimentales. Lin, H. Q., Burden, P. M., Christie, M. J., & Johnston, G. A. R. (1999). The anxiogenic-like and anxiolytic-like effects of MDMA on mice in the elevated plus-maze: A comparison with amphetamine. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 62(3), 403-408. Morley, K. C., & McGregor, I. S. (2000). (±)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') increases social interaction in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 408(1), 41-49. Bhattacharya, S. K., Bhattacharya, A., & Ghosal, S. (1998). Anxiogenic activity of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy): An experimental study. Biogenic Amines, 14(3), 217-237. Gurtman, C. G., Morley, K. C., Li, K. M., Hunt, G. E., & McGregor, I. S. (2002). Increased anxiety in rats after 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: Association with serotonin depletion. European Journal of Pharmacology, 446(1-3), 89-96. Ho, Y., Pawlak, C. R., Guo, L., & Schwarting, R. K. W. (2004). Acute and long-term consequences of single MDMA administration in relation to individual anxiety levels in the rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 149(2), 135-144. Maldonado, E., & Navarro, J. F. (2000). Effects of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) on anxiety in mice tested in the light/dark box. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 24(3), 463-472. Maldonado, E., & Navarro, J. F. (2001b). MDMA ('ecstasy') exhibits an anxiogenic-like activity in social encounters between male mice. Pharmacological Research, 44(1), 27-31. Navarro, J. F., & Maldonado, E. (1999). Behavioral profile of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) in agonistic encounters between male mice. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 23(2), 327-334. Navarro, J. F., & Maldonado, E. (2002). Acute and subchronic effects of MDMA ("ecstasy") on anxiety in male mice tested in the elevated plus-maze. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 26(6), 1151-1154.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of the stimulation and inhibition of the ventral part of the medial prefrontal cortex (infralimbic cortex) on basal and stress-induced plasma levels of corticosterone and on the acquisition of aversive memory in animals maintained in control and environmental enrichment (EE) conditions. Intracortical microinjections of the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin and agonist muscimol were performed in male Wistar rats to stimulate and inhibit, respectively, the activity of the infralimbic cortex. Injections were performed 60 min before foot shock stress and training in the inhibitory avoidance task. Picrotoxin injections into the infralimbic cortex increased basal plasma levels of corticosterone. These increases were higher in EE rats which suggest that EE enhances the control exerted by infralimbic cortex over the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and corticosterone release. Muscimol injections into the infralimbic cortex reduced the stress-induced plasma levels of corticosterone and the retention latency 24 h after training in the inhibitory avoidance performance in control and EE animals, respectively. These results further suggest that the infralimbic cortex is required for the activation of the HPA axis during stress and for the acquisition of contextual aversive memories.


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Much attention in recent years has turned to the potential of behavioural insights to improve the performance of government policy. One behavioural concept of interest is the effect of a cash transfer label on how the transfer is spent. The Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) is a labelled cash transfer to offset the costs of keeping older households warm in the winter. Previous research has shown that households spend a higher proportion of the WFP on energy expenditures due to its label (Beatty et al., 2011). If households interpret the WFP as money for their energy bills, it may reduce their willingness to undertake investments which help achieving the same goal, such as the adoption of renewable energy technologies. In this paper we show that the WFP has distortionary effects on the renewable technology market. Using the sharp eligibility criteria of the WFP in a Regression Discontinuity Design, this analysis finds a reduction in the propensity to install renewable energy technologies of around 2.7 percentage points due to the WFP. This is a considerable number. It implies that 62% of households (whose oldest member turns 60) would have invested in renewable energy but refrain to do so after receiving the WFP. This analysis suggests that the labelling effect spreads to products related to the labelled good. In this case, households use too much energy from sources which generate pollution and too little from relatively cleaner technologies.