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Males of Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) show considerable variation in the number of femoral scales on the prothoracic legs. Such intraspecific variation in adult morphology could indicate the presence of undetected sibling species, or it may be related to larval diet. Helicoverpa putactigera is polyphagous, and different host plant species are likely to represent diets of different quality. Femoral lengths and the numbers of femoral scales on the prothoracic legs were therefore determined from: (i) individuals that had been collected as larvae from various host species in the field; and (ii) individuals that had been laboratory-reared, in split-family tests, on different diets, namely cotton, lucerne, sowthistle and artificial diet. Host plant species (and therefore presumably diet quality) influenced femoral length of H. punctigera males and, perhaps in conjunction with this, the number of femoral scales on the fore leg. The rearing experiment indicated, in addition, that the effect of host plant quality varies with larval stage, and that the pattern of this variation across the immature stages is dependent on host plant species. The recorded variation in the morphology of field-collected H. punctigera males is therefore most readily explained as a consequence of different individuals developing (at least for most of their larval life) on different host plant species, with diet quality varying significantly with species. The relevance of these results for insect developmental studies and evolutionary interpretations of host relationships is outlined.
The mechanism of generation of memory cytotoxic T cells (CTL) following immunization remains controversial. Using tumor protection and IFN-gamma ELISPOT assays in mice to detect functional CTL, we show that the initial effector CTL burst size after immunization is not directly related to the amount of functional memory CTL formed, suggesting that memory CTL are unlikely to arise stochastically from effector CTL. Induction of MHC class II-restricted T helper cells at the time of immunization by inclusion of a T helper peptide or protein in the immunogen, is necessary to generate memory CTL, although no T helper cell induction is required to generate effector CTL to a strong MHC class I-binding peptide. Host protective T cell memory correlates with the number of CTL epitope responsive IFN-gamma-secreting memory T cells as measured in an ELISPOT assay at the time of tumor challenge. We conclude that a different antigen presenting environment is required to induce long-lasting functional memory CTL, and non-cognate stimulation of the immune system is essential to allow generation of a long-lasting host protective memory CTL response.
We introduce a model for the dynamics of a patchy population in a stochastic environment and derive a criterion for its persistence. This criterion is based on the geometric mean (GM) through time of the spatial-arithmetic mean of growth rates. For the population to persist, the GM has to be greater than or equal to1. The GM increases with the number of patches (because the sampling error is reduced) and decreases with both the variance and the spatial covariance of growth rates. We derive analytical expressions for the minimum number of patches (and the maximum harvesting rate) required for the persistence of the population. As the magnitude of environmental fluctuations increases, the number of patches required for persistence increases, and the fraction of individuals that can be harvested decreases. The novelty of our approach is that we focus on Malthusian local population dynamics with high dispersal and strong environmental variability from year to year. Unlike previous models of patchy populations that assume an infinite number of patches, we focus specifically on the effect that the number of patches has on population persistence. Our work is therefore directly relevant to patchily distributed organisms that are restricted to a small number of habitat patches.
Form factors are derived for a model describing the coherent Josephson tunneling between two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. This is achieved by studying the exact solution of the model within the framework of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. In this approach the form factors are expressed through determinant representations which are functions of the roots of the Bethe ansatz equations.
We determine the number of F-q-rational points of a class of Artin-Schreier curves by using recent results concerning evaluations of some exponential sums. In particular, we determine infinitely many new examples of maximal and minimal plane curves in the context of the Hasse-Weil bound. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Rival claims have been made concerning the importance of rime sensitivity as a predictor of early word reading skill. Hulme et al. (2002) suggested that phoneme sensitivity is more strongly predictive of word reading ability than is onset-rime sensitivity. An examination of two independent data sets suggests that, although onset-rime sensitivity typically predicts school entrants' later word reading skill, phoneme sensitivity does predict more variation. However, multiple regression analyses do not reveal the level of phonological sensitivity that children need in order to understand alphabetic reading instruction. This issue is crucial to the detection of children at risk for reading failure and for the design of intervention programs for these children. A different analytic strategy is described for addressing this issue. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
We collected data on plasma levels of testosterone+5a-dihydrotestosterone (T+DHT) and corticosterone (CORT) from adult female green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from southern Queensland during distinct stages of their reproductive cycle. Those females capable of breeding in a given year had elevated plasma steroid levels (T+DHT 0.91 +/- 0.08; CORT 1.05 +/- 0.29 ng/ml), associated with follicular development, until courtship began in October. At the beginning of the nesting season in November plasma levels of 2 CORT were related to when the female first nested (r(2) = 0.06; F = 10.45; P = 0.01). However, they were not correlated with the number of clutches a female laid in that season (F = 3.65; P = 0.08). We repeatedly sampled 23 turtles over the nesting season and profiled changes in steroids immediately following oviposition of each clutch. Levels of T+DHT (range 0.41-0.58 ng/ml) and CORT (range 2.13-2.81 ng/ml) were similar through the early stages of the nesting season and inter-nesting period, and declined to near basal levels (T+DHT 0.37 +/- 0.03 and CORT 1.85 +/- ng/ml) following the last clutch for the season. Steroid hormone levels were also low (T+DHT 0.38 +/- 0.16; CORT 0.46 +/- 0.21 ng/ml) in four independent post-breeding (atretic) females; samples for these females were taken at a time when body condition was presumably at the lowest for the season. Subtle changes in the nesting environment, such as variation in nesting habitat or the time of night that nesting occurred, were associated with a small and slow CORT increase. We suggest CORT is increased in nesting females to assist in lipid transfer to prepare the ovarian follicles and/or the reproductive organs for ovulation.
Members of the community contribute to survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by contacting emergency medical services and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) prior to the arrival of an ambulance. In Australia there is a paucity of information of the extent that community members know the emergency telephone number and are trained in CPR. A survey of Queensland adults (n = 4490) was conducted to ascertain current knowledge and training levels and to target CPR training. Although most respondents (88.3%) could state the Australian emergency telephone number correctly, significant age differences were apparent (P < 0.001). One in five respondents aged 60 years and older could not state the emergency number correctly. While just over half the respondents (53.9%) had completed some form of CPR training, only 12.1% had recent training. Older people were more likely to have never had CPR training than young adults. Additional demographic and socio-economic differences were found between those never trained in CPR and those who were. The results emphasise the need to increase CPR training in those aged 40 and over, particularly females, and to increase the awareness of the emergency telephone number amongst older people. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Libraries of cyclic peptides are being synthesized using combinatorial chemistry for high throughput screening in the drug discovery process. This paper describes the min_syn_steps.cpp program (available at http://www.imb.uq.edu.au/groups/smythe/tran), which after inputting a list of cyclic peptides to be synthesized, removes cyclic redundant sequences and calculates synthetic strategies which minimize the synthetic steps as well as the reagent requirements. The synthetic steps and reagent requirements could be minimized by finding common subsets within the sequences for block synthesis. Since a brute-force approach to search for optimum synthetic strategies is impractically large, a subset-orientated approach is utilized here to limit the size of the search. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of number of samples and selection of data for analysis on the calculation of surface motor unit potential (SMUP) size in the statistical method of motor unit number estimates (MUNE) was determined in 10 normal subjects and 10 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We recorded 500 sequential compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) at three different stable stimulus intensities (10–50% of maximal CMAP). Estimated mean SMUP sizes were calculated using Poisson statistical assumptions from the variance of 500 sequential CMAP obtained at each stimulus intensity. The results with the 500 data points were compared with smaller subsets from the same data set. The results using a range of 50–80% of the 500 data points were compared with the full 500. The effect of restricting analysis to data between 5–20% of the CMAP and to standard deviation limits was also assessed. No differences in mean SMUP size were found with stimulus intensity or use of different ranges of data. Consistency was improved with a greater sample number. Data within 5% of CMAP size gave both increased consistency and reduced mean SMUP size in many subjects, but excluded valid responses present at that stimulus intensity. These changes were more prominent in ALS patients in whom the presence of isolated SMUP responses was a striking difference from normal subjects. Noise, spurious data, and large SMUP limited the Poisson assumptions. When these factors are considered, consistent statistical MUNE can be calculated from a continuous sequence of data points. A 2 to 2.5 SD or 10% window are reasonable methods of limiting data for analysis. Muscle Nerve 27: 320–331, 2003
In the rodent central nervous system (CNS) during the five days prior to birth, both growth hormone (GH) and its receptor (GHR) undergo transient increases in expression to levels considerably higher than those found postnatally. This increase in expression coincides with the period of neuronal programmed cell death (PCD) in the developing CNS. To evaluate the involvement of growth hormone in the process of PCD, we have quantified the number of motoneurons in the spinal cord and brain stem of wild type and littermate GHR-deficient mice at the beginning and end of the neuronal PCD period. We found no change in motoneuron survival in either the brachial or lumbar lateral motor columns of the spinal cord or in the trochlear, trigeminal, facial or hypoglossal nuclei in the brain stem. We also found no significant differences in spinal cord volume, muscle fiber diameter, or body weight of GHR-deficient fetal mice when compared to their littermate controls. Therefore, despite considerable in vitro evidence for GH action on neurons and glia, genetic disruption of GHR signalling has no effect on prenatal motoneuron number in the mouse, under normal physiological conditions. This may be a result of compensation by the signalling of other neurotrophic cytokines.
The design of randomized controlled trials entails decisions that have economic as well as statistical implications. In particular, the choice of an individual or cluster randomization design may affect the cost of achieving the desired level of power, other things being equal. Furthermore, if cluster randomization is chosen, the researcher must decide how to balance the number of clusters, or sites, and the size of each site. This article investigates these interrelated statistical and economic issues. Its principal purpose is to elucidate the statistical and economic trade-offs to assist researchers to employ randomized controlled trials that have desired economic, as well as statistical, properties. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O crédito consignado é uma modalidade de empréstimo cujo valor da parcela incide sobre o salário do devedor. Com alto índice de adesão nos últimos anos, é o meio de acesso ao crédito mais comum entre os servidores públicos, pelas baixas taxas de juros, entre outros atrativos, o que contribui para expor a risco seus vencimentos com dívidas. Buscando atender ao objetivo principal de identificar se características do perfil demográfico dos servidores ativos da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) estão relacionadas ao comprometimento de seus rendimentos com empréstimos consignados, foi realizada uma pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa, utilizando dados cadastrais e financeiros do ano de 2013 destes servidores, obtidos no banco de dados institucional e através da aplicação de questionários, dos quais totalizaram 210 tidos como válidos. Todas as informações foram tratadas por meio de recursos estatísticos, como análise descritiva dos dados, tabelas de contingências com interpretação do valor do qui-quadrado e regressão logística. Os resultados indicam que as variáveis escolaridade, renda, número de dependentes e gênero estão associadas ao comprometimento da renda com empréstimos consignados e que os homens, apesar de aparecerem em maior número entre os que aderem a esse tipo de empréstimo, comprometem menos seus rendimentos com ele, quando comparados às mulheres. Indivíduos do gênero feminino, com menor nível de escolaridade e renda mais baixa foram os mais propensos a adquirirem empréstimos descontados em folha. Por fim, apesar das análises apontarem que apenas a ausência de educação financeira não explica o alto comprometimento da renda com consignado, muitos dos entrevistados afirmaram não dominar o tema e se sentirem despreparados para administrarem suas finanças pessoais. Nesse sentido, o plano de intervenção proposto no objetivo e descrito ao final da pesquisa, sugere que a instituição invista na educação financeira dos servidores; preste apoio psicológico aos sobreendividados e proíba o estímulo ao consumo no ambiente de trabalho.