995 resultados para Beckford, William, 1760-1844
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Robert Williams on behalf of his nephew William Bradford (Harvard AB 1760), signed by Thomas Foxcroft, Charles Chauncey, Thomas Waite, Jonathan Williams, and Daniel Marsh.
Notebook with a handwritten copy of the 1734 College laws and additional laws approved by the Corporation between 1756 and 1760 in English prepared by Harvard undergraduate Benjamin Dolbeare and signed by President Edward Holyoke, Tutors Belcher Hancock and Thomas Marsh, and William Kneeland and Josephus Jackson on January 12, 1760.
Twenty-five line handwritten epitaph in Latin written by Professor Edward Wigglesworth for Henry Flynt. Begins, "Huic Tumulo mandantur Exuvia / Vin admodum venerabilis Henrici Flynt Armigeri."
Two folio-sized leaves containing a two-and-a-half-page handwritten letter from Winthrop to Bentley discussing "the disturbances & murders at the Southward," the disciplinary case of Charles Ferguson of Charleston, Carolina who entered with the Class of 1786, and criticism of a new, unidentified Harvard Corporation member, likely John Lowell (1743-1802; Harvard AB 1760) who was elected to the Corporation in April 1784.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
"Publications, addresses, etc.": Appendix II, p. 401-404.
In anticipation of the coronation of King George III.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliography: v.1, p. [ix]-xii.
Mode of access: Internet.
v.2. Midsummer-night's dream. Love's labor's lost. Merchant of Venice. As y@u like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew.--v.3. Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John. King Richard the second. King Henry the fourth, pt. 1st.--v.4. King Henry the fourth, pt. 2d. King Henry the fifth. King Henry the sixth, pt. 1st - 3d.--v.5. King Richard the third. King Henry the eighth. Troilus and Cressida. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus.--v.7. King Lear. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet, prince of Denmark. Othello, the Moor of Venice.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Privately printed."