499 resultados para Beads


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The influence of polymer grafting on the phase behavior and elastic properties of two tail lipid bilayers have been investigated using dissipative particle dynamics simulations. For the range of polymer lengths studied, the L(c) to L(alpha) transition temperature is not significantly affected for grafting fractions, G(f) between 0.16 and 0.25. A decrease in the transition temperature is observed at a relatively high grafting fraction, G(f) = 0.36. At low temperatures, a small increase in the area per head group, a(h), at high G(f) leads to an increase in the chain tilt, inducing order in the bilayer and the solvent. The onset of the phase transition occurs with the nucleation of small patches of thinned membrane which grow and form continuous domains as the temperature increases. This region is the co-existence region between the L(beta)(thick) and the L(alpha)(thin) phases. The simulation results for the membrane area expansion as a function of the grafting density conform extremely well to the scalings predicted by self-consistent mean field theories. We find that the bending modulus shows a small decrease for short polymers (number of beads, N(p) = 10) and low G(f), where the influence of polymer is reduced when compared to the effect of the increased a(h). For longer polymers (N(p) > 15), the bending modulus increases monotonically with increase in grafted polymer. Using the results from mean field theory, we partition the contributions to the bending modulus from the membrane and the polymer and show that the dominant contribution to the increased bending modulus arises from the grafted polymer. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3631940]


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Purinergic signaling plays a key role in a variety of physiological functions, including regulation of immune responses. Conventional alpha beta T cells release ATP upon TCR cross-linking; ATP binds to purinergic receptors expressed by these cells and triggers T cell activation in an autocrine and paracrine manner. Here, we studied whether similar purinergic signaling pathways also operate in the ``unconventional'' gamma delta T lymphocytes. We observed that gamma delta T cells purified from peripheral human blood rapidly release ATP upon in vitro stimulation with anti-CD3/CD28-coated beads or IPP. Pretreatment of gamma delta T cells with (10)panx-1, CBX, or Bf A reversed the stimulation-induced increase in extracellular ATP concentration, indicating that panx-1, connexin hemichannels, and vesicular exocytosis contribute to the controlled release of cellular ATP. Blockade of ATP release with (10)panx-1 inhibited Ca2+ signaling in response to TCR stimulation. qPCR revealed that gamma delta T cells predominantly express purinergic receptor subtypes A2a, P2X1, P2X4, P2X7, and P2Y11. We found that pharmacological inhibition of P2X4 receptors with TNP-ATP inhibited transcriptional up-regulation of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in gamma delta T cells stimulated with anti-CD3/CD28-coated beads or IPP. Our data thus indicate that purinergic signaling via P2X4 receptors plays an important role in orchestrating the functional response of circulating human gamma delta T cells. J. Leukoc. Biol. 92: 787-794; 2012.


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The authors studied the formation of a wafer-scale network of connected colloidal beads by reactive ion etching. The dimensions of the connections have been studied as a function of etching time for colloidal beads of different sizes, and could be well controlled. The authors have found that the nano-network forms and disappears for the same time of etching independent of the diameter of the polystyrene beads. With recent interest of connected colloidal networks in various optical sensing applications, such as photonic crystals, as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates, the studies have potential uses in the development of wafer-scale nanophotonic sensors.


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A dynamical instability is observed in experimental studies on micro-channels of rectangular cross-section with smallest dimension 100 and 160 mu m in which one of the walls is made of soft gel. There is a spontaneous transition from an ordered, laminar flow to a chaotic and highly mixed flow state when the Reynolds number increases beyond a critical value. The critical Reynolds number, which decreases as the elasticity modulus of the soft wall is reduced, is as low as 200 for the softest wall used here (in contrast to 1200 for a rigid-walled channel) The instability onset is observed by the breakup of a dye-stream introduced in the centre of the micro-channel, as well as the onset of wall oscillations due to laser scattering from fluorescent beads embedded in the wall of the channel. The mixing time across a channel of width 1.5 mm, measured by dye-stream and outlet conductance experiments, is smaller by a factor of 10(5) than that for a laminar flow. The increased mixing rate comes at very little cost, because the pressure drop (energy requirement to drive the flow) increases continuously and modestly at transition. The deformed shape is reconstructed numerically, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are carried out to obtain the pressure gradient and the velocity fields for different flow rates. The pressure difference across the channel predicted by simulations is in agreement with the experiments (within experimental errors) for flow rates where the dye stream is laminar, but the experimental pressure difference is higher than the simulation prediction after dye-stream breakup. A linear stability analysis is carried out using the parallel-flow approximation, in which the wall is modelled as a neo-Hookean elastic solid, and the simulation results for the mean velocity and pressure gradient from the CFD simulations are used as inputs. The stability analysis accurately predicts the Reynolds number (based on flow rate) at which an instability is observed in the dye stream, and it also predicts that the instability first takes place at the downstream converging section of the channel, and not at the upstream diverging section. The stability analysis also indicates that the destabilization is due to the modification of the flow and the local pressure gradient due to the wall deformation; if we assume a parabolic velocity profile with the pressure gradient given by the plane Poiseuille law, the flow is always found to be stable.


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Imaging thick specimen at a large penetration depth is a challenge in biophysics and material science. Refractive index mismatch results in spherical aberration that is responsible for streaking artifacts, while Poissonian nature of photon emission and scattering introduces noise in the acquired three-dimensional image. To overcome these unwanted artifacts, we introduced a two-fold approach: first, point-spread function modeling with correction for spherical aberration and second, employing maximum-likelihood reconstruction technique to eliminate noise. Experimental results on fluorescent nano-beads and fluorescently coated yeast cells (encaged in Agarose gel) shows substantial minimization of artifacts. The noise is substantially suppressed, whereas the side-lobes (generated by streaking effect) drops by 48.6% as compared to raw data at a depth of 150 mu m. Proposed imaging technique can be integrated to sophisticated fluorescence imaging techniques for rendering high resolution beyond 150 mu m mark. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Long range, continuous flow of liquid metals occurs upon application of an electric current. Here, we report experimental results elucidating the mechanism of current-induced liquid metal flow, and its dependence on substrate surface condition. It is shown that the observed flow is diffusion-controlled, with the flow-rate depending linearly on applied current density, indicating that it is driven by electromigration. The effective charge number for liquid electromigration, Z*, of several pure metals, such as Al, Bi, Ga, Sn, and Pb, were deduced from the experimental results and were found to be close to the elemental valency. With the exception of liquid Pb, Z* for all liquid metals tested in this study were positive, indicating that: (i) electron wind contributes much less to Z* in liquid metals than in solids, and (ii) with a few exceptions, liquid metals generally flow in the direction of the electric current. On smooth substrates which are wetted well by the liquid metal, flow occurs in a thin, continuous stream. On rough surfaces which are poorly wetted, on the other hand, discrete beads of liquid form, with mass transport between adjacent beads occurring by surface diffusion on the substrate. A rationale for the role of substrate roughness in fostering this observed transition in flow mechanism is presented. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The self-organized motion of vast numbers of creatures in a single direction is a spectacular example of emergent order. Here, we recreate this phenomenon using actuated nonliving components. We report here that millimetre-sized tapered rods, rendered motile by contact with an underlying vibrated surface and interacting through a medium of spherical beads, undergo a phase transition to a state of spontaneous alignment of velocities and orientations above a threshold bead area fraction. Guided by a detailed simulation model, we construct an analytical theory of this flocking transition, with two ingredients: a moving rod drags beads; neighbouring rods reorient in the resulting flow like a weathercock in the wind. Theory and experiment agree on the structure of our phase diagram in the plane of rod and bead concentrations and power-law spatial correlations near the phase boundary. Our discovery suggests possible new mechanisms for the collective transport of particulate or cellular matter.


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Although ultrathin Au nanowires (similar to 2 nm diameter) are expected to demonstrate several interesting properties, their extreme fragility has hampered their use in potential applications. One way to improve the stability is to grow them on substrates; however, there is no general method to grow these wires over large areas. The existing methods suffer from poor coverage and associated formation of larger nanoparticles on the substrate. Herein, we demonstrate a room temperature method for growth of these nanowires with high coverage over large areas by in situ functionalization of the substrate. Using control experiments, we demonstrate that an in situ functionalization of the substrate is the key step in controlling the areal density of the wires on the substrate. We show that this strategy works for a variety of substrates ranging like graphene, borosil glass, Kapton, and oxide supports. We present initial results on catalysis using the wires grown on alumina and silica beads and also extend the method to lithography-free device fabrication. This method is general and may be extended to grow ultrathin Au nanowires on a variety of substrates for other applications.


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Magnetic manipulation finds diverse applications in actuation, characterization, and manipulation of micro-and nano-scale samples. This paper presents the design and development of a novel magnetic micro-manipulator for application of three-dimensional forces on a magnetic micro-bead. A simple analytical model is proposed to obtain the forces of interaction between the magnetic micromanipulator and a magnetic micro-bead. Subsequently, guidelines are proposed to perform systematic design and analysis of the micro-manipulator. The designed micro-manipulator is fabricated and evaluated. The manipulator is experimentally demonstrated to possess an electrical bandwidth of about 1 MHz. The ability of the micro-manipulator to apply both in-plane and out-of-plane forces is demonstrated by actuating permanent-magnet micro-beads attached to micro-cantilever beams. The deformations of the micro-cantilevers are also employed to calibrate the dependence of in-plane and out-of-plane forces on the position of the micro-bead relative to the micro-manipulator. The experimentally obtained dependences are found to agree well with theory. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The isometric fluctuation relation (IFR) P. I. Hurtado et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 7704 (2011)] relates the relative probability of current fluctuations of fixed magnitude in different spatial directions. We test its validity in an experiment on a tapered rod, rendered motile by vertical vibration and immersed in a sea of spherical beads. We analyze the statistics of the velocity vector of the rod and show that they depart significantly from the IFR of Hurtado et al. Aided by a Langevin-equation model we show that our measurements are largely described by an anisotropic generalization of the IFR R. Villavicencio et al., Europhys. Lett. 105, 30009 (2014)], with no fitting parameters, but with a discrepancy in the prefactor whose origin may lie in the detailed statistics of the microscopic noise. The experimentally determined large-deviation function of the velocity vector has a kink on a curve in the plane.


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Microfluidic/optofluidic microscopy is a versatile modality for imaging and analyzing properties of cells/particles while they are in flow. In this paper, we demonstrate the integration of fused silica microfluidics fabricated using femtosecond laser machining into optofluidic imaging systems. By using glass for the sample stage of our microscope, we have exploited its superior optical quality for imaging and bio-compatibility. By integrating these glass microfluidic devices into a custom-built bright field microscope, we have been able to image red blood cells in flow with high-throughputs and good fidelity. In addition, we also demonstrate imaging as well as detection of fluorescent beads with these microfluidic devices.


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Electromigration, mostly known for its damaging effects in microelectronic devices, is basically a material transport phenomenon driven by the electric field and kinetically controlled by diffusion. In this work, we show how controlled electromigration can be used to create scientifically interesting and technologically useful micro-/nano-scale patterns, which are otherwise extremely difficult to fabricate using conventional cleanroom practices, and present a few examples of such patterns. In a solid thin-film structure, electromigration is used to generate pores at preset locations for enhancing the sensitivity of a MEMS sensor. In addition to electromigration in solids, the flow instability associated with the electromigration-induced long-range flow of liquid metals is shown to form numerous structures with high surface area to volume ratio. In very thin solid films on non-conductive substrates, solidification of flow-affected region results in the formation of several features, such as nano-/micro-sized discrete metallic beads, 3D structures consisting of nano-stepped stairs, etc.


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We propose clean localization microscopy (a variant of fPALM) using a molecule filtering technique. Localization imaging involves acquiring a large number of images containing single molecule signatures followed by one-to-one mapping to render a super-resolution image. In principle, this process can be repeated for other z-planes to construct a 3D image. But, single molecules observed from off-focal planes result in false representation of their presence in the focal plane, resulting in incorrect quantification and analysis. We overcome this with a single molecule filtering technique that imposes constraints on the diffraction limited spot size of single molecules in the image plane. Calibration with sub-diffraction size beads puts a natural cutoff on the actual diffraction-limited size of single molecules in the focal plane. This helps in distinguishing beads present in the focal plane from those in the off-focal planes thereby providing an estimate of the single molecules in the focal plane. We study the distribution of actin (labeled with a photoactivatable CAGE 552 dye) in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells. (C) 2016 Author(s).


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In this paper, discussions are focused on the growth of a nucleated void in a viscoelastic material. The in situ tensile tests of specimens made of high-density polyethylene, filled with spherical glass beads (HDPE/GB) are carried out under SEM. The experimental result indicates that the microvoid nucleation is induced by the partially interfacial debonding of particles. By means of the Laplace transform and the Eshelby's equivalent inclusion method, a new analytical expression of the void strain at different nucleation times is derived. It can be seen that the strain of the nucleated void depends not only on the remote strain history, but also on the nucleation time. This expression is also illustrated by numerical examples, and is found to be of great usefulness in the study of damage evolution in viscoelastic materials.


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Resumen: Los movimientos del héroe hacia su gloria implican una serie de acontecimientos, en los cuales la magia y la maravilla se unen para prodigar este derrotero de auxilios y obstáculos que fortifican el carácter del caballero y ayudan a este a alcanzar su ethos caballeresco. Batallas, encuentros fabulosos y apariciones extrañas se engarzan como cuentas en un collar para conducirlo a su plena realización. De forma similar, las aventuras no cumplidas indican al héroe que la hora del reposo ha llegado, que su andar, si bien en algunas oportunidades continúa, será menos intenso, y que debe dejar el lugar para su heredero. El universo mágico interviene igualmente en esta especie de ocaso del protagonismo para señalarle que la aventura no puede ser llevada a cabo por él, sino por su hijo. En este trabajo se pretende examinar cómo el elemento mágico interviene en este “estado de reposo” del caballero andante, que implica frecuentemente su entronización como gobernante de un reino o imperio, y el nacimiento del nuevo futuro caballero.